Visiting Washington, D.C.


Monuments & Memorials

African American Civil War Memorial
1200 U Street, NW, use the U Street/Cardoza Metro

Arlington National Cemetery (703) 607-8052
Open daily October through March from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM and April through September from 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM. View the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier every hour on the hour and every half hour during the summer months. See the Amphitheater, the Custis- Lee Mansion, and the graves of Presidents John F. Kennedy and William Howard Taft.
Location: Memorial Drive and Hwy 110
Metro: Arlington Cemetery

Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial
This memorial is a tribute to both President Roosevelt and the time in which he lived. There is a sequence of four outdoor rooms, each representing one of FDR's four terms in office. Park ranger talks and tours daily.
Location: Between the Potomac River and the Cherry Tree Walk of the Tidal Basin
Metro: Smithsonian

Jefferson Memorial (202) 426-6822
This monument is in honor of Thomas Jefferson, third president, author of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. You may rent paddleboats at the Swan Boathouse and cruise the Basin. Open 8:00 AM to Midnight every day but Christmas.
Location: South end of the Tidal Basin at 14th St
Metro: Smithsonian

Korean War Veterans Memorial
On the National Mall, use the Foggy Bottom Metro

Lincoln Memorial (202) 426-6895
This monument is in honor of Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president, overlooking the Reflecting Pool toward the Washington Monument and the US Capitol. Open 24 hours daily
Location: West Potomac Park at the foot of 23rd Street
Metro: Foggy Bottom

U.S. Marine Corps Memorial to Iwo Jima
Arlington Boulevard and Meade Street in Arlington, Virginia, use the Rosslyn Metro

U.S. Navy Memorial and Heritage Center
701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, use the Archives/Navy Memorial Metro

Vietnam Veterans Memorial (202) 634-1568
Constructed of black granite to honor all Americans who served in the Vietnam War. In chronological order are over 58,000 names inscribed in the wall. Open 24 hours daily.
Location: Constitution Gardens on Henry Bacon Drive and Constitution Ave NW, on the Mall
Metro: Foggy Bottom

The Washington Monument (202) 426-6840
The Washington Monument is the city's tallest structure, standing at 555' 5", a tribute to our nation's first president. There are 897 steps the public may walk down, however, to reach the top, elevators must be used. The lines tend to be long, but they generally move quickly. Your wait will be rewarded by a panoramic view of the nation's capitol from the top of the Monument. Open daily the day after Easter to Labor Day from 8:00AM to Midnight and from Labor Day through March from 9:00AM to 5:00 PM. Reserved tickets may be purchased online through the National Park Service.
Location: On the Mall at 15th Street NW
Metro: Smithsonian

World War II Memorial
The memorial is now open to the public. Located on the National Mall, use the Smithsonian Metro.


Government & Public Buildings

The U.S. Capitol (202) 225-6827
Daily timed tickets for constituent access to the Capitol building are distributed Monday through Saturday at 9:00AM - 4:00 PM at the Capitol Guide Service kiosk in front of the West Entrance of the Capitol. Tickets are distributed first-come first-served and are given free of charge (one ticket issued per person). For more information call (202) 225-6827. The line forms early along the curving sidewalk southwest of the Capitol, near the intersection of First Street, SW and Independence Avenue. Entry to the building is via tour groups of 25 to 40 each. Ticket holders will be directed to the South Visitor Receiving Facility. From there they will proceed to the Capitol to begin their tour. Until further notice, self-guided tours are prohibited. This is a guided tour, lasting approximately 45 minutes. The Capitol is closed Christmas, New Year's and Thanksgiving. Information about tours for the disabled is available from the Congressional Special Services Office at 202-224-4048 (voice) or 202-224-4049 (TDD). Tour Bus Route between the Capitol and Lot B at Union Station. Take a Virtual tourof the Capitol.
Location: East corner of the National Mall
Metro: Capitol South or Union Station

Eisenhower Old Executive Office Building
Pennsylvania Ave and 17th St, NW, use the Farragut North or Farragut West Metros.

The Library of Congress (202) 707-5458
The world's largest and most open research library, millions of scholars, readers and tourists visit the Library of Congress annually. Our country's national library contains over 75 million volumes. Public tours are offered Monday through Friday at 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM, and 3:30 PM.
Guided tours for groups of 10 or fewer of the Thomas Jefferson building available 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM, 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM (Sat. 10:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM and 2:30 PM only). Groups of 10 or more require reservations. Open Mon-Sat 10 AM - 5:30 PM, admittance is free.

American Treasures of the Library of Congress
Location: Jefferson Building, 1st St and Independence Ave, SE
Metro: Capitol South or Union Station

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
901 G Street, NW, use the Metro Center Metro

The National Archives (202) 501-5000
The National Archives building is being renovated, however the building remains open to the public during renovation and tours are available. The Rotunda is where the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are on display.
Location: 700 Pennsylvania Ave, NW
Metro: Archives/Navy Memorial

U.S. Naval Observatory (202) 653-1543
Evening hours are available Monday at 8:30 PM, weather permitting, exception Federal holidays.
Location: 34th and Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Metro: Friendship Heights

Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, use the Federal Triangle Metro

U.S. Supreme Court (202) 479-3030
This impressive building of white marble houses the highest court in the land. Public tours are offered Monday through Friday every hour on the half hour from 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM, except Federal holidays. No tours are given during August. The Supreme Court is in session beginning the first Monday in October and continues for two weeks per month through April. Courtroom seats are available to visitors on a first-come, first-served basis when the Court is in session. Visitors are also welcome to attend one of the 20-minute public lectures scheduled each day that the Court is not hearing oral arguments. Lectures are held every hour from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM. No reservations are required.
Location: 1st and East Capitol Streets, NE
Metro: Capitol South or Union Station

The White House Visitor Center   (202) 208-1631
Located inside the north end of the Department of Commerce Building between 14th & 15th Streets on Pennsylvania Avenue, open daily 7:30AM – 4:00PM. It offers an array of information on the architecture, furnishings, first families and social events, a 30 minute video and a gift shop. The National Park Service at the White House Visitor Center is also available to provide your group with a variety of alternative experiences related to the White House, including guided walks, talks, films and lectures. There are several memorials, monuments and statues located in the White House Ellipse, as well as the Visitors Pavilion (8:00AM – 3:00PM) information, concessions and gifts. There is no parking available, but there are several parking garages nearby.
Location: 1450 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Metro: Metro Center or Federal Triangle


Federal Departments

Bureau of Engraving & Printing (202) 283-2646
See how United States currency is printed. Open Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. closed weekends, federal holidays and December 24 through January 3rd. Public tours are available from 10:00 AM to 1:45 PM and are 30-45 minutes in length. Tickets are required and are available at 8:00 AM each day for that day's tours only. The ticket booth is located on Raoul Wallenberg Place (formerly 15th Street). Evening tours from May 6th through August 30th are offered every 5 minutes from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The ticket booth reopens at 3:30 PM to disburse free tickets. Closed weekends and federal holidays.
Location: 14th and C Streets, SW
Metro: Smithsonian

Department of the Treasury (202) 637-7000
All tours of the Main Treasury Building have been suspended until further notice.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (F.B.I.)
Closed to tours. No public or Congressional tours are available at this time.


Museums and Galleries

Corcoran Gallery of Art ( 202) 639-1700
500 17th Street NW, use the Farragut Square or Foggy Bottom Metros

Ford's Theater and Lincoln Museum (202) 426-6924
The building is open every day between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM with the exception of Christmas. The Petersen's Boarding House, where President Lincoln died, is across the street and free tours are available.
Location: 10th Street between E and F Streets
Metro: Metro Center, Gallery Place/ Chinatown, or Archives/Navy Memorial

Hillwood Museum and Gardens (202) 686-5807
4155 Linnean Avenue, NW

Holocaust Memorial Museum (202) 488-0400
The Holocaust Museum serves as a national repository for Holocaust related artifacts and materials. Permanent exhibition is recommended for those over the age of 11. Open 7 days a week except on Christmas and Yom Kippur. Admission is free and a limited number of tickets are passed out each day. During peak tourist season, tickets are usually completely dispensed before noon. To ensure a specific day for the museum, you can reserve your tickets through at (800) 400-9373 for a fee of $2.75 a ticket.
Location: South of Independence Ave SW between 14th St and Raoul Wallenborg Place
Metro: Smithsonian

International Spy Museum (202) 393-7798
Gain access to the world's largest collection of international espionage artifacts ever placed on public display. Over 600 pieces are on exhibit, including our collection of G-Man toys from the 1930s and 1940s when interest in G-Men ("G" stands for "Government," in this case FBI agents) was at a high and children searched for worthy role models. Same-Day Tickets are those purchased in person at the International Spy Museum for use on the same day as purchased, either for immediate access or for a time later the same day. All Tickets are date and time specific and are subject to availability. You may purchase advance tickets by phone at 800.551.7328 (800.551.SEAT); online
Location: 800 F Street NW
Metro: Gallery Place/Chinatown or Archives/Navy Memorial

National Building Museum (202) 272-2448
Open to the public Monday - Saturday, 10AM to 5 PM, and Sunday, 11AM to 5 PM. The Museum is closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. On rare occasions, the Museum may close for a special event. Admission is free. A donation of $5 per person is suggested.
Location: 401 F Street NW, between 4th and 5th Streets
Metro: Judiciary Square

National Children's Museum (202) 675-4120
955 L'Enfant Plaza North, SW, Suite 5100, use the L'Enfant Plaza Metro

National Gallery of Art (202) 737-4215
Open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. To make your self-guided visit to the National Gallery of Art more enjoyable, please call (202) 789-4623 two weeks prior to your visit to register your group. Leave your name, the name of your school, your school address, and the date and time you will be coming to the Gallery. Self-guided groups must be accompanied by one adult chaperone for every ten students. Please indicate whether you would like to receive information describing resources at the Gallery. Self-guided groups must register their groups either in advance by phone or at the Art Information Desk upon arrival.
Location: National Mall between 3rd and 7th Streets at Constitution Avenue, NW
Metro: Judiciary Square, Archives/Navy Memorial, or Smithsonian

National Geographic Society (202) 857-7588
The Society's museum, Explorers Hall Admission is free. Open Monday through Saturday and holidays from 9AM to 5PM Sundays from 10AM to 5PM. Closed December 25.
Location: 17thand M Streets N.W.
Metro: Farragut North or Farragut West

U.S. Navy Museum and Navy Yard (202) 433-4882
On the banks of the Anacostia River. The original buildings date back to the 1800's & contain the Navy Memorial Museum and Marine Corps Museum. The Navy Museum is free and opened from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM weekdays. Docked near the Navy Museum is a real Vietnam-era destroyer, the USS Barry. The USS Barry is open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Location: 9th and M Streets, SE

The Smithsonian Institution (202) 357-2700
As the world's largest museum complex, it holds over 139 million artifacts of American history; including the Air and Space Museum, Arts and Industries, Museum of Natural History, and Museum of American History. Open year round from 10:00AM to 5:30 PM.
Location: National Mall
Metro: Smithsonian

Air and Space Museum
American History Museum

Hirshhorn Museum - Modern and contemporary art
Museum of African Art
Museum of Natural History
Museum of African American History

National Museum of the American Indian
National Portrait Gallery - Portraits of distinguished Americans
National Postal Museum
Renwick Gallery (closed for renovations) - American art, 18th century to present
Sackler and Freer Galleries - Asian and American art
The Smithsonian Institute, The Castle Building - Smithsonian Information Center

Textile Museum (202) 667-0441
2320 S Street, NW


Historical Buildings of Interest

Decatur House and Museum
748 Jackson Pace, NW, use the Dupont Circle Metro

Frederick Douglas Memorial Home
1411 W Street, SE, use the Anacostia Metro

Mount Vernon (202) 426-6895
Visit the estate of President George Washington. General tours are offered 7 days a week, admission is as follows: $11 adults; $10.50 seniors; $5 children age 6-11; children 5 and under are free.



    House Republicans are continuing to fight on the House Floor for increased production of American Energy. So far not a single Democrat has cared enough to come back to Washington to deal with this crisis. Congressman Porter calls on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Congress, to bring us back into session so that Congress can vote on proposals that will increase American-made energy.

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