Gordon Smith
United States Senator, Oregon
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Sen. Smith Joins Bono in Push for Education for All
May 2nd, 2007 - Washington, DC - This week, U.S. Senator Gordon H. Smith (R-OR) joined U2 lead singer, Bono, co-founder of DATA (Debt, Aids, Trade, Africa) to launch the Education for All Act of 2007. The bill would provide $10 billion over the next five years to help developing countries meet the goal of universal basic education by 2015. 

Today, at least 77 million children of primary school age, a majority of which are girls, are not in school.  Worldwide, half of school-age children who start primary school drop out.  Hundreds of millions more are denied a secondary school education. According to the 9/11 Commission, increasing educational access directly impacts U.S. national security because it contributes to global stability and prosperity. At the World Economic Forum in 2000, the U.S. joined the international community in setting the goal of achieving universal education by 2015.

“Access to an education for impoverished youngsters helps them gain success and stability,” Senator Smith said.  “Closing the school house door leaves them on the path to poverty and depravity.  Americans want to help those in need, whether they are here at home or abroad.  Better coordinating our efforts will improve our effectiveness.”

Funding authorized in the bill, also cosponsored by Congresswoman Nita Lowey (D-NY), Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL) and U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), would support activities to train teachers, build schools, develop effective curricula, increase access to school lunch and school health programs, and increase parent and community involvement in schools. 

“This legislation is the launching pad of what could be the next American moon-shot: universal primary education for the 77 million children around the world who aren’t in school because they are too poor. This is a huge, brazen and incredibly smart idea at a time when many are questioning our values in the West, or whether we have any values at all,” said Bono, co-founder of DATA.  “Representatives Lowey and Bachus and Senators Clinton and Smith deserve thanks for the vision and leadership they have shown with this legislation. We'll do whatever we can to support their efforts to ensure this bill becomes law and will continue to push governments around the world on this issue."

The Education for All Act, is endorsed By: The ONE Campaign, The Basic Education Coalition, The Academy for Educational Development, Save the Children, DATA, The International Rescue Committee, World Learning, The Global AIDS Alliance, The U.S. Global Campaign for Education, RESULTS, Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC), The Center for Universal Education at the Council on Foreign Relations, and DevTech Systems, Inc.


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