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Kuhl: Stop playing politics and work with us to pass a bipartisan energy solution

Washington, Sep 17 -

WASHINGTON, DC, September 17, 2008 - U.S. Representative John R. "Randy" Kuhl, Jr. (R-Hammondsport) today issued the following statement.

"Last night, House Democrats had the opportunity to vote on a bipartisan piece of energy legislation that increases domestic production of energy and invests billions of dollars into renewable and alternative fuels while providing incentives for the American people to conserve and use energy more wisely. The National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act, H.R. 6709, which was brought up for a vote, was shot down by Democrats who chose politics over progress. Instead, the Democratic leadership disregarded the energy needs of this country and put forth a sham “no-energy” bill that permanently prevents exploration of 88 percent of the Outer Continental Shelf for American energy, blocks drilling in ANWR and the Inter-Mountain West and includes a job killing $19 billion energy tax hikes on American consumers, manufacturers and small businesses.”

“Introduced in July, the National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act is a bipartisan measure co-authored by Reps. John Peterson (R-PA) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and drafted by the bipartisan Energy Working Group. This legislation expands American energy production, encourages cleaner energy production, and dedicates new funding – without tax hikes – for conservation and energy research programs. Unlike the bill presented by the majority last night, this legislation does not block real exploration of the Outer Continental Shelf, Alaska’s North Slope, and the Inter-Mountain West.”

“Around this nation, millions of Americans have voiced their support for a comprehensive, ‘all of the above’ energy plan, not the hoax No-Energy Bill secretly crafted together behind closed doors on Monday night by Democratic leaders and their special interest allies. Their plan fell short and won't pass. At a time when the American economy needs help, Speaker Pelosi and the Democratic majority in the House had a chance to send a message that they were serious about reducing the price of gas and oil and they let us down. In light of today's serious economic news, I urge Speaker Pelosi and my Democratic colleagues to reconsider. Stop playing politics and work with us to pass a bipartisan solution to really increase drilling, improve conservation and efficiency, and promote renewable and alternative energy technologies."

NOTE: Prior to final passage of the Democrats’ “no energy” bill, the Majority rejected a Republican proposal to pass the bipartisan National Conservation, Environment, and Energy Independence Act (H.R. 6709), a bill authored by Reps. John Peterson (R-PA) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) and co-sponsored by 39 Democrats. 



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