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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
September 2008  
19th -  DeMint to Introduce Legislation to Boost Falling Asset Prices (Press Release)
18th -  Democrats Ram Through Secret Earmarks, Block Vote to Support Troop Surge in Iraq (Press Release)
17th -  DeMint Statement on AIG (Press Release)
12th -  DeMint, Coburn Bill Protecting Gun Rights in National Parks Passes Energy Committee (Press Release)
8th -  Let's Declare 'Energy Freedom' on Oct. 1 (Op-Ed)
8th -  DeMint: Earmarks and Energy Bans Caused Highway Trust Fund Shortfalls (Press Release)
7th -  DeMint Statement on Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac (Press Release)
August 2008  
29th -  DeMint Statement on McCain-Palin Ticket (Press Release)
13th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Greenville Visit (Press Release)
12th -  36 Senators Sign Letter to Protect American Energy Freedom Day (Press Release)
11th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Lowcountry Visit (Press Release)
11th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Upstate and Charleston Visits (Press Release)
8th -  4th Annual “SC on the Move” Tour (Press Release)
4th -  DeMint Statement on Bob Novak (Press Release)
July 2008  
31st -  Hensarling/DeMint Announce Effort to Protect American Energy Freedom Day (Press Release)
26th -  Bailout Crosses the Line Between Freedom and Socialism (Press Release)
23rd -  CRS Report: 94% of Senate Bills Passed in Secret (Press Release)
21st -  Nuclear Power Must Be Revisited (Op-Ed)
16th -  DeMint: End Fannie & Freddie Lobbying (Press Release)
15th -  Senate Will Vote on Prohibiting Funds for Coercive Abortions in China (Press Release)