Elizabeth Dole
U.S. Senator for North Carolina
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Press Office - Floor Statements

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February 3rd, 2005 - Madame President, we must do everything possible to show our military men and women and their families how much we appreciate and honor their service. Last week I was proud to cosponsor legislation introduced by Senators Allen, Sessions and Lieberman reaffirming the commitment of this Congress to our military men and women and their families. This effort has received my strongest support, and thanks to the endorsement of the Leadership and the work over the past years by many of my other colleagues, an increase in financial support to the families of men and women killed in combat could soon be a reality.

When a soldier pays the ultimate sacrifice, no amount of money can ease the grief of his or her family, but a significant increase in the benefits paid to our military families sends a strong message of our gratitude and support.

Currently, when a service member is killed in combat, the family receives only $12,420. This is simply unacceptable. We are a strong, prosperous nation, a nation that honors and respects our sons and daughters in the Armed Services. We can and must do better to provide for the families of those who’ve lost their lives. The current proposal to increase what is called the “death gratuity” to $100,000 is most certainly a step in the right direction.

This increase, retroactive to October 2001, is critically important not only to the families who lose loved ones, but to soldiers currently serving or those who are considering enlisting. It sends the message that we value their service, and should something happen to them, their families will be generously cared for.

Maxine Crockett of Fayetteville, North Carolina lost her husband, Staff Sergeant Ricky L. Crockett, to a bomb blast in Baghdad in January of last year. She and her 15 year-old daughter were left not only grief-stricken but worried about surviving financially with the loss of a provider. Maxine told the Raleigh News & Observer, “When it comes down to just one income, this [increase] would really help by giving you the time to get back on your feet.”

When a family does receive the heartbreaking notification that a loved one was killed in action, they are understandably overcome with grief. In the midst of their devastation, they are required to make many decisions. Casualty Assistance Officers play a critical role in helping them through this process. I had the privilege of meeting many of these dedicated, impressive men and women personally at Fort Bragg last year. These officers are there with the families following notification, through funeral preparations, burial and the process of determining benefits and compensation. They assist when any problems arise and literally go above and beyond their job description. And long after, these families know these officers can be contacted as concerns arise. This is the kind of service and compassion these families deserve.

We also have a responsibility to assist those servicemen and women who are seriously injured and their families. With the improvements in body armor and heroic efforts of our military medical teams both in theater and at home, so many more of our soldiers are surviving, but often with debilitating wounds. We must ensure they are taken care of, physically, emotionally and financially.

I am so pleased that the Department of Defense today launched a new operations center for these deserving heroes and their families to provide them with the necessary support as they transition back to active duty or into civilian life. This center will integrate the programs currently sponsored by various military and government services, making it easier for these individuals to access the medical, counseling, educational, and financial services they need and deserve.

Our injured and fallen heroes and their families must be a top priority. They deserve no less.

Thank you, Madame President. I yield the floor.
Elizabeth Dole
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FEBRUARY 2005 FLOOR STATEMENTS  « January   March »     « 2004   2006 » 
  23rd - Dole Calls for Comprehensive Energy Strategy
  9th - Dole Pays Tribute to Senator Helms

  4th - Dole remarks on America's Climate Security Act [ Television Clip ]

  16th - Dole Applauds Provisions of Farm Bill That Help Fight Hunger
  1st - Dole Urges Senate Approval of Her Bill to Support Members of the National Guard and Reserves

  18th - Dole Remarks on her Amendment to Support National Cord Blood Center

  10th - Statement on William Osteen, Jr. and Martin K. Reidinger Nominations

  30th - Statement urging rejection of a tobacco tax hike that would harm North Carolina’s economy

  6th - Statement Pushing for Measure That Would Prevent Illegals Convicted of DWI From Receiving Legal Status
  5th - Remarks on National Hunger Awareness Day

  5th - Statement on On the Retirement of Senators Bill Frist, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Chafee, Mike DeWine, Rick Santorum and Jim Talent

  7th - Statement on National Hunger Awareness Day

  26th - Senator Dole Urges Confirmation of Judge Alito [ Radio Clip ] [ Television Clip ]

  29th - Statement by Senator Dole on the Confirmation of John Roberts as Chief Justice of the United States

  7th - Remarks on National Hunger Awareness Day [ Radio Clip ]

  28th - Floor Statement by Senator Dole on Judicial Nominees
  27th - Floor Statement on Judicial Nominees

  8th - Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of Iwo Jima [ Television Clip ]

  3rd - current Floor Statement

  11th - Floor Statement on Tobacco Quota Buyout

  22nd - Floor Statement on the Damage from Hurricane Ivan [ Radio Clip ] [ Television Clip ]

  15th - Floor Statement on Tobacco Buyout [ Radio Clip ] [ Television Clip ]

  7th - Remembering President Ronald Reagan [ Radio Clip ] [ Television Clip ]

  28th - Dole Urges Colleagues to Allow a Final Vote on Job-creating Legislation [ Radio Clip ] [ Television Clip ]

  25th - Floor Statement on the Healthy Mothers and Healthy Babies Access to Care Act
  23rd - Floor Statement to Mark Black History Month
  11th - Floor Statement On the Highway Transportation Bill

  13th - Senator Dole Calls for "Up or Down" Vote on Judicial Nominations

  30th - On the Nomination of Brent McKnight

  26th - Applauding the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on Internet Filters

  13th - Intelligence Services Tribute

  15th - Global HIV/AIDS Bill

  18th - Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

  30th - Introduction of Tobacco Quota Buyout

  5th - Confronting Hunger in North Carolina and The United States [ Radio Clip ]