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What is the most important issue facing the United States today?

The most important issue facing the United States today is keeping Americans safe and secure. It is past time to begin withdrawing our troops from Iraq in a responsible manner. Our presence in Iraq is improving the safety of neither Americans nor Iraqis. In fact, it is hindering our ability to accomplish other goals around the world, particularly in the Middle East. We must remain on offense against Al Qaeda and ensure that our methods of collecting and analyzing intelligence are helping us to defeat terrorism.

At home, we must implement the policies that will help prevent disasters – both natural and manmade – and develop the capacity to respond effectively should one occur. Giving our first responders the tools they need to protect our communities remains a top priority.

In addition to these security needs, we have much work to do domestically to improve the quality of life of Americans. We must ensure that all Americans have access to affordable and high-quality healthcare and an education system that equips students with the skills they need to succeed. Investing in alternative energy research and development is essential for our security and for our economy, and it will help protect our environment for future generations.