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Reichert: New Local Trade Data Shows Surging Exports; Imperative for Congress to Act on Trade Agreements Now
Jul 14, 2008  - Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) today hailed new data showing that the Bellevue-Seattle-Tacoma Metropolitan Area is the fourth largest export market in the nation. Through just the first half of 2007, sales of Seattle products in the global marketplace totaled $25.1 billion, nearly matching t... More

Reichert Letter to the Editor: Talk Trade
Jul 10, 2008  - I commend Joel Connelly for emphasizing the importance of a national discussion of America's openness to trade in his Monday column ("Time for Candidates to Talk Trade"). In fact, I'd like to expand Connelly's call to Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain to publicly debate trade policy, and encourage ... More

Indianapolis Star: How to mend Latin American relations
Jun 26, 2008  - BY: LEE HAMILTON EDITORIAL Over the last several years, we have witnessed an erosion of U.S. influence in Latin America, one consequence of our heavy focus on counter-terrorism and events in the Middle East. It is time to start repairing our relationship with Latin America. While it is unlikely ... More

Still hoping for trade agreements
May 22, 2008  - As we head into a district work period, I’m disappointed that nothing has been done on advancing free trade agreements in Congress. Unfortunately, the current majority has chosen to ‘wait’ for now on moving the Colombia free trade agreement, which means that we also have to wait on Korea, an impor... More

Editorial, Washington Post: Mr. Uribe's Send-Off
May 15, 2008  - WHEN COLOMBIA'S democratically elected Congress approved a plan by President Álvaro Uribe in 2005 to demobilize right-wing paramilitary groups and bring their top leaders to justice, human rights groups and some congressional Democrats in the United States declared themselves outraged. Though the pa... More

Wall Street Journal Op-ed: Keep America Open to Trade
May 12, 2008  - Keep America Open to Trade By CARLOS M. GUTIERREZ and ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER May 12, 2008; Page A15 As immigrants, we're proud of America and the strength it derives from being uniquely open to trade, to investment, and to ideas and people. Recently, prominent voices in punditry and politics have ... More

Wall Street Journal: WSJ: Chávez Aided Colombia Rebels, Captured Computer Files Show
May 9, 2008  - WSJ: Chávez Aided Colombia Rebels, Captured Computer Files Show By JOSÉ DE CÓRDOBA and JAY SOLOMON May 9, 2008; Page A1 BOGOTÁ, Colombia -- A cache of controversial computer files closely tying Venezuela's President Hugo Chávez to communist rebels seeking to topple Colombia's government appear to... More

Reichert Gives House GOP Weekly Radio Address on the Economy -- Audio File Linked
Apr 11, 2008  - “As suburban families continue to confront the challenges of rising costs of living – not to mention the dreaded prospect of paying $4 a gallon at the pump -- Republicans are committed to growing our economy, fighting wasteful government spending, giving middle-class families more of their hard-earn... More

Reichert Statement on the House’s Denial of Free-Trade Debate
Apr 10, 2008  - Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) expressed his profound disappointment today at a House vote that will deny debate on the Colombian Free Trade Agreement: “Yesterday, I was shocked, but today, I’m outraged and saddened. As a representative from the most trade-dependent state in the nation, I urged... More

Reichert: Colombia free-trade pact should be approved
Apr 10, 2008  - Thursday, April 10, 2008 Colombia free-trade pact should be approved By Dave Reichert Special to The Times   After eighte... More

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