Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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June 15, 2007

UN plans to divert more U.S. tax dollars to illicit North Korean programs

A leaked United Nations Political Affairs strategy paper outlines the UN proposal to ramp up and expand UN programs in North Korea.  The paper was written in April of this year--two months after the UN was notified that UN programs were illicitly funneling cash and military-grade technology directly to the state sponsor of terror, North Korea.

Highlights from the report include: 

(1) Plans to resume the status quo with UN programs in North Korea
- “The UN should concentrate on the following. . .promote, on the basis of a resumed UNDP country programme, meaningful economic reforms in the DPRK. . .”

(2) Admittance that the UN rarely if ever monitored North Korea programs – “Access to vulnerable populations and the ability to monitor programme implementation in the DPRK has always been problematic.”

(3) Plans to interject the UN into the 6-party talks even though we now know the UN sent the North Korean negotiators anti-US reading materials that equip North Korea to undermine the negotiations – “This approach [more UN involvement] should provide stability to the fragile six-party talks. . ."

(4) Plans for the Secretary General to intrude into the middle of the 6-party talks and be the personal fundraiser for programs funneling cash to the regime – Despite the UN charter mandating the Secretary General is nothing more than the “chief administrative officer” for the UN, the plan is to have the Secretary General “joining the six-party talks process. . .putting forward the Secretary General's own ideas and proposals to move the process forward.. . .personally engaging the donor community with advocacy. . .”

Key Facts:
  • The U.S. taxpayer is by far the largest donor to the United Nations by contributing over $5.3 billion annually.
  • Reports indicate the United Nations provides cash and resources directly to state sponsors of terror like North Korea and Syria and other human rights abusers like Burma, Cuba, and Zimbabwe.
  • The United Nations opposes the most basic of transparency measures including the public release of audits and program reviews. Global taxpayers have no tool to measure the effectiveness of their contributions.

Related Resources:

Further Readings:



Senator Tom Coburn's activity on the Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security

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