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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
DeMint Statement on McCain-Palin Ticket
August 29, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - Today, U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) made the following statement after Republican Presidential candidate U.S. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) chose Governor Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) as his running mate.

"Sarah Palin is an exciting choice by Senator McCain. She completes a strong ticket that will bring a real record of change and reform to Washington,” said Senator DeMint. "Governor Palin is a strong conservative with executive experience who has cut wasteful spending, opposed earmarks and shown courage in taking on corruption in her own party. She is a strong defender of traditional family values, with an unquestioned commitment to protect life. Governor Palin knows we must aggressively pursue American energy sources like offshore drilling to reduce our dependence on foreign oil.”

“Sarah Palin will make an excellent Vice President. The McCain-Palin ticket has the right solutions to secure America's future. Senator McCain and Governor Palin will help us win the war on terror, lower taxes, increase American energy, stop wasteful Washington spending, secure our borders, and give Americans more choice and freedom with their healthcare and retirement."

"Both McCain and Palin are known for their achievements. Obama and Biden are known for their smooth talk. Americans know that talk is cheap. McCain-Palin is a winning ticket for Republicans," said Senator DeMint.

Senator DeMint is chairman of the Senate Steering Committee, a caucus of conservative senators that includes the majority of the Republican Conference.



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August 2008  
29th -  current Press Release
13th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Greenville Visit (Press Release)
12th -  36 Senators Sign Letter to Protect American Energy Freedom Day (Press Release)
11th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Lowcountry Visit (Press Release)
11th -  DeMint to Promote American Energy Freedom During Upstate and Charleston Visits (Press Release)
8th -  4th Annual “SC on the Move” Tour (Press Release)
4th -  DeMint Statement on Bob Novak (Press Release)