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Economic Development

Bringing Economic Development and Jobs to the Reservations:
I've always recognized the importance of bringing good, high paying jobs to Montana's Indian reservations. That's why I've fought to include important tax incentives for investors interested in the future of Montana's reservations.

On July 23, 2007, I reintroduced the Tribal Government Tax Exempt Bond Parity Act of 2007.  This bill is important for Tribal infrastructure.  Currently, Indian Nations, as sovereign entities, can issue tax-exempt bonds for bridges and roads and other infrastructure just as states and municipalities can.  However, the Internal Revenue Service has been auditing Tribal bonds at a greater frequency than non-Tribal entities. 

This bill will put Indian Nations on an equal footing with states and municipalities to encourage sorely needed infrastructure.  Non-Tribal entities have used tax-exempt bonds for commercial activities including bonds for tourism, hotels, golf courses, and convention centers.  These are vital areas that Indian Country can take advantage of, and they deserve to be able to issue tax-exempt bonds without fear of IRS audit. 

Other tax incentives I’m working towards include:

Tribal New Market Tax Credits: I pushed for a proposal that would create New Market Tax Credits, to help fund economic development on the reservations. The provisions would allow community development groups to distribute tax credits to businesses that re-locate to Indian reservations in Montana with high poverty rates.

Tribal School Bonds: First-rate schools are the first step to good jobs. I’m working towards a proposal that will grant tax-credit bonds for constructing and rehabilitating tribal schools. Every child deserves a good education, and these bonds will help ensure their schools are in a position to provide clean, modern, and comfortable places to learn.

I am working to extend the Indian Employment Credit to give a tax credit to employers who hire individuals on the reservation. It's an important tool to ensure job creation continues on Montana's reservations.  Accelerated depreciation encourages businesses to invest in the economic future of Indian reservations in Montana and across the country.

Many tribes in Montana are entering a new phase in their tribal economic development.  Many are considering coal production, oil and gas, solar, wind, and geothermal energy to name a few.  I stand ready to assist in their endeavors.  Many of the tax incentives mentioned above will help finance these projects.  We are entering into an exciting period of economic development in Indian Country.

My Work

The Indian Health Care Improvement Act

On February 26, 2008, the Senate passed the Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments of 2008.  We are now in the process of meeting with House members and working to obtain a bill that the President will sign.  I’m fighting like the dickens to make sure a bill similar to the Senate version is passed into law, because it has so many provisions that are help Native communities. 

Because of the deplorable health care conditions in Indian Country, Congress provided the Indian Health Service and tribes the authority to bill for and receive Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements for services provided to Indian recipients. 

These reimbursements serve as a source of supplemental funding to support the care provided by the Indian Health Service (IHS) and tribal health clinics.  The Indian Health Care Improvement Act Amendments improve the ability of the IHS and tribal health clinics to receive reimbursements and remove barriers to Indian access to Medicare and Medicaid program benefits.

Funding Urban Indian Health Programs

In the President’s FY 2007-09 budget proposals, the Administration called for the de-funding and elimination of Urban Indian Health Programs.  With more than 60 percent of Native Americans living in urban areas I find that this is too important facet of Indian Health Care not to be re-authorized and fully funded.  I have co-signed letters and co-sponsored an amendment on the Senate floor to fund this important and lifesaving program.  There are five Urban Indian Health Organizations in Montana and the closing of these facilities will put added burden on local emergency rooms, county health departments, and local community health centers that already are operating at near capacity.

Putting the Brakes on Diabetes                

I have included reauthorization for the Special Diabetes Program for Indians in the Public Health Service Act.  This amendment reauthorizes the special diabetes program appropriations for FY 2009-2013.  This program has enabled the Indian Health Service, Tribes, and urban Indian programs to develop new diabetes prevention and treatment grant programs.  I attended a diabetes roundtable in Fort Peck recently and learned first hand how these programs are making in-roads to this terrible disease.  Places like Fort Peck and others have used this funding to make diabetes practices more common in Indian health care facilities.  This funding has also allowed other communities to establish programs like the one at Fort Peck to decrease blood sugar levels and decrease the number of Native Americans who go onto dialysis for end-stage renal dialysis.  This has been a success and I will continue to seek funding for this great program.