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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig

News Release

Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985

For Immediate Release:
June 23, 2005

Senate Supports Salmon, Small Business, and Second Amendment

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Idaho salmon, small businesses, downwinders, and the Second Amendment all received support today from the Senate Appropriations Committee upon its approval of the Fiscal Year 2006 Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations bill.

Idaho Senator Larry Craig, a member of the Committee that wrote the bill, secured support for several projects important to Idaho. After Committee approval, he stated, "Serving on the Appropriations Committee provides a unique opportunity to direct federal spending and the priorities of federal agencies. Today's mark-up highlights each of these roles. This bill provides support for a number of priority projects for Idaho, and also directs federal agencies in the enforcement of federal firearm laws."

Projects include:

Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund ($4.5 million for Idaho) - Salmon recovery projects in Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, and Idaho. This is the second year that Idaho has been included in the program.

The Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund (PCSRF) was created in 1999 for the purpose of meeting obligations of the Pacific Salmon Treaty and recovering threatened and endangered salmon stocks in the Pacific Northwest. In fiscal year 2004, Idaho was finally included in the fund through the appropriations process. Authorization for the program has expired and a reauthorizing bill has been introduced and is awaiting Senate consideration. A similar bill has already passed the House several times in recent years.

In December 2000, the National Marine Fisheries Service issued a Biological Opinion (BiOp) regarding operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System and a Basinwide Salmon Recovery Strategy. States were specifically obligated to assist in meeting the off-site mitigation activities required by the BiOp. However, downstream mitigation will be compromised without complimentary upstream efforts. Although Idaho's Snake River Basin is eligible to receive funds under the Treaty's "Southern Fund," Idaho was not expressly authorized in the PCSRF.

Idaho State University Boise Center Aerospace Laboratory ($500,000) - Geospatial research for water resource organizations in Idaho to utilize remote sensing and geospatial technologies for more efficient use of water.

The objective of this program is the establishment of a "Geospatial Extension Specialist" (GES) program, which will: a) incorporate geospatial research and technology in land and natural resource management and other fields that utilize remote sensing and geospatial technologies, and b) promote information sharing and provide a link between university researchers and users of geospatial tools. The main goal of this task is to help all levels of water resource organizations (federal, state, and local) use a common pool of spatial data and standards to increase the efficiency of water administration and delivery in Idaho. More efficient delivery of water will result in benefits to all Idaho water users. This efficiency will increase the water available to the Idaho Water Bank, which will make the water available to augment both consumptive and non-consumptive uses.

Education and outreach to personnel in the local water delivery organizations is critical to the success of the project. Idaho State University, as an educational center, is ideally suited to provide the education and training outreach necessary for local water delivery organization personnel to be successful in implementing and making operational the new technologies.

Radiation Exposure Compensation Act reform - Language directing the Department of Justice to report to Congress on what reforms are needed, what it can do administratively, and what needs to be enacted by Congress, in response to the recent, detailed study by the National Academy of Sciences. More information on what Senator Craig is doing on RECA reform is available on his website.

The language reads, "The Committee is cognizant of the recent National Academy of Sciences (NAS) report on the coverage of affected populations by the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. The Committee directs the DOJ to report to the Committee on what administrative actions the Department can and should take in responding appropriately to the NAS report, and to submit any appropriate legislative recommendations to the Committee and to the appropriate authorizing committees by October 1, 2005."

College of Southern Idaho Pro-Tech Program - Training for employees of companies that are new to the area. It is an ongoing program, and the bill urges the Small Business Administration to continue its support.

The College of Southern Idaho takes an active role in Economic Development in Idaho's Magic Valley by providing training to companies that are new to the area. The College partners with other agencies to identify training needs and to identify potential candidates for employment. The most recent of these ventures are the training programs that were established for Dell Computers. Funds will ensure that instructional facilities are equipped with necessary cutting edge technology.

Lewis-Clark State College Virtual Incubator - Small business incubator that focuses on helping those interested in e-commerce. It is also an ongoing program, and the bill urges the Small Business Administration to continue its support.

High unemployment and low educational achievement in high-tech areas characterize much of the workforce in rural America. Infrastructure challenges make business investment too risky for those looking for places to build or move their companies, particularly in the more isolated areas. Many young people leave their home communities to look for work elsewhere, leaving behind disproportionate numbers of poor and elderly. The out-migration of youth and young families represents a challenge for those concerned with successful rural revitalization strategies.

The Idaho Virtual Incubator (IVI) project was established in 1999 to provide e-commerce applications to Idaho rural small businesses by using university students to help provide business assistance. The cornerstone services for the IVI include Website development, e-marketing assistance, and database development. Recent improvements include establishment of a fulfillment center, information network for small business access, and expansion to two additional rural regions in Idaho. Partnering with the Idaho Small Business Development Center, the IVI offers no-cost consultation and low-cost training programs for small businesses.

Several legislative provisions were retained from the fiscal year 2005 bill that address concerns over Second Amendment rights. They include language to prevent a national gun owner registry; preserve the definition of rare and historical firearms; retain the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms as the primary enforcement agency for federal firearm laws; prevent the release of data sensitive to criminal investigations; halt excessive paperwork requirements for federal firearm dealers; maintain licenses for low-volume firearm dealers; and protect consumers from fees and taxes associated with background checks.

The Committee also approved the Fiscal Year 2005 Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations bill. Please reference Senator Craig's release from Tuesday, June 21, 2005, Ag Research Sees Increased Support for a complete list of projects included in that bill.

The bills approved today by the Appropriations Committee will now go to the full Senate for consideration.

For more information on the Appropriations Process, please read Senator Craig's Appropriations Process Issue Brief.
