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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig

News Release

Susan Irby (202)224-8078
Will Hart (208)342-7985

For Immediate Release:
January 17, 2007

Delegation Gets Divine Strake Meeting in Idaho

Defense Threat Reduction Agency responds to request for information on Nevada test

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Idahoans will have the opportunity to hear firsthand about the Divine Strake experiment proposed for later this year at the Nevada Test Site. The Idaho Congressional Delegation has won a commitment from the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and the National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office to hold an informational meeting in Boise concerning the experiment. Some believe that the activity will resuspend radioactive contamination from atmospheric nuclear tests conducted during the 1950s and 1960s at the Nevada Test Site and potentially affect residents outside the experiment site.

The agencies will hold a public information session on Sunday, January 28, 2007, in Boise. Time and location for the meeting are still being worked out and will be announced as soon as arrangements have been completed. Similar sessions have already been held in Nevada and Utah. A court reporter will be on hand to document comments at the Idaho meeting.

"Clearly, Idahoans need more answers concerning the Divine Strake experiment, in large part because past tests at the Nevada Test Site have led to the downwinder effects of radiation. While there is no definitive proof that this non-nuclear test will result in the scattering of radioactive material, I cannot support the Divine Strake test until I see evidence that it will not bring harm to Idahoans," said Senator Mike Crapo.

"I am very pleased that Idaho will have the same opportunity as Nevada and Utah to learn more and to voice our concerns in ways that should have occurred much earlier in the process, and in ways that should have occurred several decades ago when tests in Nevada did impact Idaho's citizens," said Senator Larry Craig.

"I'm grateful our state's citizens will finally have access to the same information as their neighbors in Utah and Nevada and pleased the DTRA and the other agencies have agreed to our request for this meeting," said Congressman Mike Simpson.

"I am very pleased the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency has committed to hearing from Idahoans regarding Divine Strake testing. Concerned Idahoans, like citizens of Utah and Nevada, should be heard on this matter and continue to be part of the comment process on testing in Nevada," said Congressman Bill Sali.
