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Democrats Block Drilling By Offering No Revenue to States

Sep, 16 2008  - Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry criticized the leadership of the Democrat-run Congress for proposing an energy bill that effectively blocks offshore drilling by not offering coastal states, like North Carolina, any of the revenue from offshore leases. According to the U.S. Department of Interior... More

McHenry: Protect Workers’ Rights

Aug, 19 2008  - Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry joined local employers at a rally and seminar in opposition to the so-called Employee Free Choice Act, otherwise known as “card-check” legislation.  The event was hosted by the Catawba County Chamber of Commerce. Card-check eliminates the right to secret ball... More

Congressman addresses nation's energy policy

Aug, 17 2008  - Energy policy was the focus of 10th District U. S. Rep. Patrick McHenry's town hall meeting Friday evening. The congressman, who is touring his district this month while Congress is in recess, spoke to a crowd of about 20 people at Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy.   McHenry told the audien... More

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