
News Item

Congressman Latham Unveils New Website


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Washington, Jun 6 -

Iowa Congressman Tom Latham is unveiling a new website today. Latham’s congressional website has been completely designed with the sole purpose of making it easier for Iowans to get access to government information and request assistance from the Congressman. The new site can be seen at: tomlatham.house.gov.

"I'm very excited about the new website and the increased access to their government and government services it provides to Iowans. The new site makes finding information very simple and makes it even easier for people to contact me with their concerns and get help from my office. I invite everyone to visit the new website at tomlatham.house.gov."

Visitors to the website will immediately be greeted with a window into Iowa life and landscapes with a number of photographs taken by Joe Murphy, renowned Iowa photographer.

The site makes it easier to contact the congressman for his assistance with a problem with a new online web form and online answers and links to common government red-tape problems. Iowans can also keep track of events taking place in and near their community, such as Congressman Latham's Traveling Help Desk schedule, through the Constituent Services page.

The site features an interactive 4th Congressional District map, a multi-media section with the Congressman's "Congressional Report" television show viewable over the Internet, streaming audio of the congressman's weekly Latham Reports, and an extensive photo gallery with numerous images of Iowa faces and Iowa places.

Visitors can also keep up-to-date on important news updates through the site’s front-and-center news section or via the "News" link at the top of the page.

Latham noted that the new website will grow and contain fresh content on a regular basis.

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