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Economic Development

Bringing Good Paying Jobs to Montana

Montana is poised to be competitive in the uncertain economic future of the next few years.  Growth in emerging markets has increased demand for Montana’s natural resources and agricultural products.  Our state has some of the lowest unemployment numbers in the country and was recently ranked as one of the top environments to do business by Facilities magazine.  Agriculture, engineering, and technology companies are also flexing their competitive muscle.  While things seem to be improving for Montana businesses, we still have much to do.  We need to stabilize the nation’s economy, improve the competitiveness of Montana businesses, and increase the wages and benefits for every Montanan.

That is why I amended the economic stimulus package to include 20,000,000 seniors and 250,000 veterans.  This package will put $600 checks into the pockets of nearly every Montanan, including most seniors, veterans, and folks who need it.  With the soaring gas prices and other expenses, this money will be much needed to offset the sharp increase in expenses and will hopefully be enough to keep our nation’s economy from turning in the wrong direction.