Rep. Henry Waxman - 30th District of California


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Committee Holds Hearing on Manufacturers of FEMA’s Toxic Trailers
As part of its continuing investigation into FEMA’s toxic trailers, the Committee held a hearing on July 9, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building. The hearing will examine the role of four manufacturers who provided trailers with dangerous levels of formaldehyde to victims of the Gulf Cost hurricanes in 2005.

July 8, 2008
New GAO Report Reveals Agencies are Not Complying with Requirements to Preserve E-mails
Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay, and Rep. Paul W. Hodes released a new GAO report that finds that senior federal officials are failing to comply with requirements to preserve e-mail records.

July 2, 2008

New Information about Administration Knowledge of Hunt Oil’s Kurdish Contract
Documents provided to the Oversight Committee show that Administration officials knew about Hunt Oil’s interest in the Kurdish region months in advance, contradicting claims that Administration officials were caught off-guard and opposed Hunt Oil’s actions.

June 27, 2008

Committee Chairs Introduce Bill to Strengthen GAO
Chairman Henry A. Waxman and 18 other committee chairs introduced legislation to strengthen the Government Accountability Office (GAO) and restore GAO’s authority to pursue litigation if documents are improperly withheld from the agency.

June 26, 2008

Committee to Hold Hearing on Air Force Refueling Tanker Contract
Chairman Waxman announced that the Oversight Committee would hold a hearing July 15 to examine the actions of the Air Force in awarding the contract to manufacture aerial refueling tanker aircraft.

June 26, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on Governance and Financial Accountability of Rural Cooperatives: The Pedernales Experience
The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Governance and Financial Accountability of Rural Cooperatives: The Pedernales Experience” on Thursday, June 26, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

June 24, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at K-Town: One Year Later

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at K-Town: One Year Later” on Wednesday, June 25, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

June 24, 2008
Committee Holds Hearing on AEY Contracts with the U.S. Government

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Examination of AEY Contracts with the U.S. Government” on Tuesday, June 24, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

June 20, 2008
White House Asserts Executive Privilege over Environment Documents

President Bush has asserted executive privilege over thousands of pages of documents that would show whether the President and his staff complied with the Clean Air Act in overruling EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson on important environmental decisions.


June 19, 2008
Committee Holds Hearing on Grantmaking Practices at the Department of Justice

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Examining Grantmaking Practices at the Department of Justice” on Thursday, June 19, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

June 16, 2008
Agencies Submit 5-year Action Plan for Uranium Contamination in the Navajo Nation
In response to a request by Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis, five federal agencies jointly submitted to the Committee a five-year action plan to begin cleaning up the widespread uranium contamination in the Navajo Nation.

June 11, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on 2010 Census

The Full Committee and the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census and National Archives held a joint hearing on “2010 Census: Assessing the Census Bureau’s Progress,” at 10:00 a.m. on June 11, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

June 9, 2008

Committee Releases Proposed Abramoff Report

Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis issued a proposed Committee report on White House contacts with Jack Abramoff that concludes that Mr. Abramoff had personal contact with President Bush, that high-level White House officials held Mr. Abramoff and his associates in high regard and solicited recommendations from them on policy matters, that Mr. Abramoff and his associates influenced some White House actions, and that Mr. Abramoff and his associates offered White House officials expensive tickets and meals.

June 4, 2008

Chairman Waxman Announces Second Hearing on FEMA’s Toxic Trailers

As a follow up to last year’s hearing on FEMA’s toxic trailers, Chairman Waxman announced that the Committee will hold a hearing Wednesday, July 9, regarding the elevated levels of formaldehyde in the travel trailers FEMA provided to victims of the Gulf Coast hurricanes of 2005. Chairman Waxman requested information from four manufacturers of the travel trailers with significantly higher levels of formaldehyde and has invited them to testify at the hearing.

June 3, 2008

New Questions about Vice President Cheney’s Role in CIA Leak

Chairman Waxman urged Attorney General Mukasey to turn over the FBI interviews of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, citing new information from the FBI interview of I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby and the recent disclosures by Scott McClellan.

May 29, 2008
Rep. Waxman's Statement Commemorating the Armenian Genocide

May 22, 2008

House Passes Waxman Clean Contract Amendment

The House of Representatives voted to include in the Defense Authorization bill the Waxman Clean Contracting amendment, which is a response to pervasive waste, fraud, and abuse uncovered by congressional, GAO and Inspector General investigations. The Clean Contracting amendment would (1) require agencies to enhance competition in contracting, (2) limit the use of abuse-prone contracts, (3) rebuild the federal acquisition workforce, (4) strengthen anti-fraud measures, and (5) increase transparency in federal contracting.
Committee Holds Hearing on Accountability Lapses in Multiple Funds for Iraq

Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing titled, “Accountability Lapses in Multiple Funds for Iraq” in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

May 19, 2008

White House Involved in California Waiver Denial

New documents and testimony obtained by the Committee show that EPA career staff unanimously supported granting California’s request for a waiver to enforce its greenhouse gas emissions standards for cars and trucks. EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson also supported granting the petition, at least in part, until he communicated with the White House.

May 15, 2008
Committee Holds Hearing on Defense Base Act Insurance

Chairman Waxman and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Defense Base Act Insurance: Are Taxpayers Paying Too Much?” on Thursday, May 15, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

May 13, 2008
Committee Holds Hearing on Whether FDA Regulation Should Bar Liability Claims

Chairman Waxman and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Should FDA Drug and Medical Device Regulation Bar State Liability Claims?” on Wednesday, May 14, 2008, in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

April 29, 2008
Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Defense Department Acquisitions

Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee, along with the National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee, held a joint hearing titled, “Oversight of Defense Department Acquisitions”.

April 23, 2008
Oversight Committee Holds Hearing Assessing the Evidence of Domestic Abstinence-Only Programs
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing titled “Domestic Abstinence-Only Programs: Assessing the Evidence”.

April 22, 2008

Chairman Waxman, Chairman Markey, and Rep. Inslee Release Principles for Global Warming Legislation

Today on Earth Day, three Congressional leaders on climate and energy issues laid out principles for any effective legislative solution to the challenge of global warming. Chairman Henry A. Waxman, Chairman Ed Markey and Rep. Jay Inslee released “Principles for Global Warming Legislation,” which are designed to provide a framework for Congress as it produces legislation to establish an economy-wide mandatory program to cut global warming emissions.

April 17, 2008
Oversight Committee Passes Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act

On Wednesday, April 16, the Committee passed H.R. 5781, the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act of 2008, which would provide four weeks of paid parental leave for all federal employees. Employees will also for the first time be allowed to use their accrued sick leave for an additional eight weeks of paid leave. By combining the four weeks of paid parental leave with earned sick leave, many federal employees will now be able to get paid for the full 12 weeks of parental leave that is their right under the existing Family and Medical Leave Act.


April 16, 2008
Legislation Introduced to Improve Federal Electronic Recordkeeping

Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Rep. Wm. Lacy Clay, and Rep. Paul W. Hodes introduced legislation to modernize the requirements of the Presidential Records Act and the Federal Records Act and ensure that crucial records are preserved for historians.

April 16, 2008
Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Preventable Epidemic

The Committee held a hearing titled, “Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Preventable Epidemic”.

April 14, 2008
House Passes Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2007

On April 14, 2008, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4881, the Contracting and Tax Accountability Act of 2007, which prohibits companies with seriously delinquent federal tax debts from receiving new contracts. April 11, 2008
Joint Statement of Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis

Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Ranking Minority Member Tom Davis released a joint statement in response to an announcement by Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association that they have agreed on an enhanced drug policy.

April 9, 2008
Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on the 2010 Census, Progress on the Development of the Field Data Collection Automation (FDCA) Program, and the Decennial Response Integration System (DRIS)

The Committee held a joint hearing with the Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives to examine the Field Data Collection Automation Program and the Decennial Response Integration System.

April 2, 2008

Rep. Waxman's Statement on H.R. 5501, the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Reauthorization Act of 2008

March 31, 2008

Chairman Waxman's Statement on EPA’s Final Rule on Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting

Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a statement in response to EPA’s issuance of a final rule on lead renovation, repair, and painting.

March 27, 2008
Chairman Waxman's Statement on EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Decision

Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a statement in response to a letter from EPA Administrator Johnson.

March 14, 2008

Oversight Committee Releases GAO Report on CDC Budget

Chairman Waxman released a new GAO report, which examines how spending at CDC changed between 2003 and 2006, following the 2005 administrative restructuring of the agency. Among the report’s findings is that spending at the division level, where most funds go to pay for public health projects, declined faster than at the leadership and management levels.

March 13, 2008
GAO Report Finds EPA Library Closures Flawed

A new report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) efforts to close regional and research libraries around the country have been plagued by managerial problems.

March 12, 2008
EPA Efforts to Regulate Carbon Dioxide Stymied

Senior EPA officials have told the Committee that after the agency concluded in December that CO2 emissions were a danger to the United States and proposed significant cuts in motor vehicle emissions, the agency’s regulatory efforts were halted.

March 12, 2008

Oversight Committee Releases Report “FDA and Fresh Spinach Safety”
The Committee released a report that found significant lapses in the FDA’s current inspection regime for packaged fresh spinach, which is the agency’s primary means of ensuring the safety of such products.

March 11, 2008
Chairman Waxman Introduces H.R. 5575, the "Moratorium on Uncontrolled Power Plants Act"
Today Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Chairman Edward J. Markey introduced H.R. 5575, the “Moratorium on Uncontrolled Power Plants Act of 2008.” The legislation addresses the largest new source of global warming pollution — new coal-fired power plants that are being built without any controls on their global warming emissions.

March 7, 2008

Committee Holds Hearing on CEO Pay and the Mortgage Crisis

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing titled, “Executive Compensation II: CEO Pay and the Mortgage Crisis.”

March 3, 2008
The Administration's Medicaid Regulations: State-By-State Impacts

Today Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a new report: The Administration’s Medicaid Regulations: State-by-State Impacts. The report details the state-by-state impacts of seven regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) that would make major, wide-ranging changes in Medicaid, the nation’s largest low-income health care program.

February 29, 2008
New Inspection Reports Reveal Deficiencies in the Construction of the U.S. Embassy in Iraq

New documents released by Chairman Waxman identify “critical” and “major” deficiencies in the construction of the new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, raising questions about the decision of the State Department to certify in December that the Embassy compound was “substantially complete.”

February 26, 2008
Committee Holds Hearing on Electronic Records Preservation at the White House
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing entitled “Electronic Records Preservation at the White House.”

February 13, 2008
Chairman Waxman Holds Second Day of Hearings on the Mitchell Report and Steroids in Baseball
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing entitled “The Mitchell Report: The Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball, Day 2.” This hearing examined allegations of steroid use by Roger Clemens and several other major league players that appeared in Senator George Mitchell’s Report to the Commissioner of Baseball of an Independent Investigation into the Illegal Use of Steroids and Other Performance Enhancing Substances by Players in Major League Baseball.

February 12, 2008
Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Myths and Facts about Human Growth Hormone, B12, and Other Substances
The Oversight Committee held a hearing examining the myths and facts about performance-enhancing substances such as human growth hormone, B12 and other substances.

January 29, 2008
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on CDC Program Providing Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing that examined the National Breast and Cervical Cancer program, which is administered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and provides mammograms, pap smears, and other screening exams for breast and cervical cancer to low-income women without another source of coverage.

January 15, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on Steroids in Major League Baseball and the Mitchell Report

Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing entitled “The Mitchell Report: The Illegal Use of Steroids in Major League Baseball.” This hearing examined Senator George Mitchell’s investigation into the illegal use of steroids in Major League Baseball.

December 19, 2007
Chairman Waxman’s Statement on EPA Denial of California Waiver Request
Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a statement in response to EPA’s denial of California’s waiver request.

December 13, 2007
Chairman Waxman and Rep. Davis Issue Joint Statement on Mitchell Report
Chairman Henry A. Waxman and Ranking Minority Member Tom Davis released a statement following the release of the Mitchell Report. Chairman Waxman has scheduled a hearing on January 15, 2008 to further examine steroid use and the Mitchell report.

December 13, 2007
Oversight Committee Hearing Assesses Veterans' Charities
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine whether all the charitable groups raising money for the purpose of helping our nation’s veterans are genuinely serving that need. Concerns have been raised that some charities are conducting high volume mail and telemarketing campaigns that enrich the organizations and fundraisers but fail to provide meaningful assistance to veterans.

December 12, 2007
Committee Report: White House Engaged in Systematic Effort to Manipulate Climate Change Science
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee approved a report that concludes that the Bush Administration has censored climate change scientists, edited climate change reports, and misled policymakers and the public about the dangers of global warming.

December 6, 2007
Speech: “Intellectual Property and Access to Medicines: The importance of reaching a balance between innovation and access”

December 5, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining Executive Pay and Compensation Consultants
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine the role played by compensation consultants in determining the pay packages of senior executives at the largest publicly traded corporations.

November 15, 2007
One Year Later: Have TSA Airport Security Checkpoints Improved?
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee examined whether TSA’s airport security checkpoints have improved over the last year. The hearing reviewed the findings of an investigation conducted by GAO into the effectiveness of airport security checkpoints. A GAO report detailed an undercover investigation that found significant vulnerabilities in airport security.

November 14, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Assessing the State Department Inspector General
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to assess the performance of State Department Inspector General Howard J. Krongard following a series of allegations that the Inspector General halted investigations, censored reports, and refused to cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

November 8, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining Implications of EPA's Failure to Address Global Warming Pollutants
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing that examined the implications of the Environmental Protection Agency’s refusal to consider the global warming effects of a coal-fired power plant’s greenhouse gas emissions in a recent permitting decision.

November 7, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining the Public Health Consequences of Drug-Resistant Infections
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine the public health consequences of infections of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) outside of hospitals and other healthcare settings.

November 7, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement in Support of the Employee Non-Discrimination Act

November 7, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement in Support of the U.S. - Peru Free Trade Agreement

November 6, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement Regarding H.R. 333, a Motion Recommending the Impeachment of Vice President Dick Cheney

November 6, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement in Opposition to Abstinence-Only Funding in the Labor-Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill

November 1, 2007

Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining Regulatory Actions on Medicaid
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine a range of regulatory changes regarding the Medicaid program that have recently been made by the Department of Health and Human Services.

October 31, 2007

Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining Oil and Gas Exemptions from Federal Environmental Protections
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing examining the applicability of federal environmental and health requirements to onshore oil and gas development.

October 25, 2007
Representative Waxman's Floor Speech on H.Res. 759, Recognizing the 40th Anniversary of the Mass Movement for Soviet Jewish Freedom and the 20th Anniversary of the Freedom Sunday Rally for Soviet Jewry on the Mall in Washington, D.C.

October 25, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on the State Department and the Iraq War
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice testified at an Oversight Committee hearing focusing on the State Department’s performance on several significant issues relating to the Iraq war, including the impact of the activities of Blackwater USA and corruption within the Iraqi ministries on the prospects of political reconciliation in Iraq.

October 18, 2007

Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Examining Black Carbon and Global Warming

Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine the role of black carbon as a factor in climate change and receive testimony from experts regarding its global and regional impacts, its sources, and the risks it raises for public health.

October 16, 2007
House Passes Resolution on Iraq Corruption
Today the House with a vote of 395-21 passed the Iraq Corruption Resolution, introduced on Friday, October 12, 2007, by Chairmen Waxman and Tierney. In his statement on the House floor, Chairman Waxman called the State Department abuses of the classification system “outrageous” and demanded answers to questions about corruption in Iraq.

October 10, 2007
Fictitious American Spectator Story Creates Confusion
On October 8, 2007, the American Spectator printed a fictitious story alleging that Congressman Waxman and the House Oversight Committee were investigating conservative and Republican talk show radio programs. The American Spectator report is completely false and was written without any documentation or attribution. There is not now nor has there ever been any investigation of this subject. But even though there is no truth to the story, the hoax has been repeated on Fox News (transcript) and several blogs (Family Research Council, Instapundit, RenewAmerica).

The American Spectator should immediately retract its report and apologize for the confusion its fictitious report has caused. Moreover, anyone concerned about the false reporting should contact the American Spectator at (703)807-2011 to register your views.

October 4, 2007

Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on the State of Iraqi Corruption
Chairman Waxman held a hearing to evaluate the status of corruption in the Iraqi government and to assess whether U.S. government efforts to address this continuing problem have been adequate.

October 2, 2007

Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on Private Security Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan

Chairman Waxman held a hearing to examine the mission and performance of private military contractor Blackwater USA in Iraq and Afghanistan. Erik Prince, the CEO of Blackwater USA, testified as well as three State Department officials.

September 19, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Floor Statement on the FDA Reauthorization Bill of 2007

September 17, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Blackwater USA Controversy
Chairman Henry A. Waxman released a statement following press reports that Iraq revoked the license of U.S. contractor Blackwater.

September 10th, 2007
Speech: Professional Services Council

September 6th, 2007
Speech: Generic Pharmaceutical Association's 2007 Annual Policy Conference

August 28, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement Regarding Santa Monica Airport
Rep. Waxman's statement for the August 28, 2007 meeting of the Santa Monica City Council to consider the FAA's presentation on runway safety enhancements at Santa Monica Airport.

August 1, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Regarding the Tillman Fratricide
Chairman Waxman and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing to examine what senior Defense Department officials knew about U.S. Army Corporal Patrick Tillman’s death by fratricide.

July 26, 2007
Chairman Waxman Examines Allegations of Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at the New U.S. Embassy in Iraq
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine the performance of the State Department and its contractors in the construction of the new $600 million U.S. embassy in Baghdad.

July 24, 2007

Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Inadvertent File Sharing over Peer-to-Peer Networks
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing to examine recent developments regarding inadvertent file sharing over peer-to-peer (P2P) networks, the impact of such sharing on consumers, corporations and government entities, and whether such sharing creates privacy or security risks for users.

July 19, 2007
Chairman Waxman Probes FEMA's Response to Reports of Toxic Trailers
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing investigating formaldehyde levels in FEMA trailers provided for victims of the Gulf Coast hurricanes and FEMA’s response to these reports. The Committee heard from current residents occupying FEMA trailers, experts who are familiar with the health impact of formaldehyde, and FEMA Administrator Paulison.

July 12, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement Expressing Support for the Freeing of Israeli Soldiers
Rep. Waxman's statement marking the 1-year anniversary of the killing of three Israeli soldiers and the kidnapping of two others, Eldad Regev and Udi Goldwasser.

July 11, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement Condemning Decision
Rep. Waxman's statement condemning the decision by the University and College Union of the United Kingdom to support a boycott of Israeli academia.

July 11, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement Expressing Support for H.R. 2900
Rep. Waxman's statement regarding H.R. 2900, the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act of 2007.

July 10, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing on Surgeon General's Vital Mission
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing focusing on the importance of the Surgeon General’s Office, the need to preserve the Surgeon General’s independence, and recent limitations on the Surgeon General’s ability to carry out his public health education mission.

June 28, 2007
Chairman Waxman Holds Hearing Investigating DoD Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at Ramstein AFB
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing entitled “Waste, Fraud, and Abuse at K-Town: How Mismanagement Has Derailed DOD’s Largest Single Facility Construction Project.” The hearing reviewed the preliminary findings of a Government Accountability Office investigation into the construction of the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center, a hotel and retail facility being built on the grounds of the Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

June 22, 2007

Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Nation's Emergency Room Crisis

Chairman Waxman and the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held a hearing on the response of the Department of Health and Human Services to the nation’s emergency room crisis.

June 14, 2007

Rep. Waxman Delivers Speech Discussing Congressional Medicaid Agenda
Rep. Waxman spoke to the Second Annual Medicaid Congress about the Congressional Medicaid agenda for 2007.

May 21, 2007
Rep. Waxman Meets with Thailand's Health Minister to Discuss Making HIV/AIDS Drugs More Affordable
In conjunction with his meeting with Thailand’s Health Minister Mr. Mongkol Na Songkhla, Congressman Henry A. Waxman reiterated that the U.S. should respect the decision of the Thai government to issue compulsory licenses on essential medicines.

May 21, 2007
Chairman Waxman Announces Hearing on FDA’s Role in Evaluating Safety of Diabetes Drug
Chairman Waxman announced a hearing for June 6, 2007, on FDA’s role in the safety evaluation of Avandia, a diabetes drug, following an article reporting that the drug may be associated with an increase in heart attacks and death.

May 14, 2007
Rep. Waxman Delivers a Speech on Federal Contracting

Rep. Waxman highlighted the government’s increasing reliance on private contractors and the need for more oversight and accountability to protect against waste, fraud, and abuse of taxpayer money in a speech to the Center for American Progress.

May 2, 2007
Committee Examines Oversight Adequacy of the Pediatric Dental Program for Medicaid Eligible Children
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing examining the adequacy of CMS oversight mechanisms used to evaluate the ability of Medicaid programs to ensure children’s access to dental health.

May 1, 2007

Oversight Committee Examines FDA's Vital Mission and Challenges for the Future
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing that examined several key facets of FDA’s responsibilities as well as major concerns and challenges facing FDA’s ability to fulfill its important role and restore public confidence.

April 25, 2007
Oversight Committee Issues Three Subpoenas To Further Investigations
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee approved the issuance of three subpoenas related to ongoing investigations.

April 24, 2007
Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Tillman, Lynch Incidents
Chairman Waxman and the Oversight Committee held a hearing on Tuesday, April 24, 2007 focusing on misleading information following the death of Army Ranger Specialist Patrick Tillman in Afghanistan and the capture and rescue of Army Private Jessica Lynch in Iraq.

April 24, 2007

Rep. Waxman's Statement Commemorating the 92nd Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Rep. Waxman's statement delivered on the floor of the House of Representatives commemorating the 92nd anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

April 19, 2007
Joint Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Rep. Gary L. Ackerman
Reps. Waxman and Ackerman respond to Nathan Guttman's article in the Forward.

March 23, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill
Representative Waxman's statement on H.R. 1591, the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Health and Iraq Accountability Act.

March 22, 2007
Statement of Rep. Waxman on FDA Efforts to Ensure a Safe Drug Supply
Rep. Waxman's statement at the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations hearing regarding the adequacy of FDA efforts to ensure a safe drug supply.

March 16, 2007

Hearing Examines Exposure of Covert CIA Agent Valerie Plame Wilson's Identity
Oversight Committee Chairman Waxman held a hearing on whether White House officials followed appropriate procedures for safeguarding the identity of CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson. At the hearing, the Committee received testimony from Ms. Wilson and other experts regarding the disclosure and internal White House security procedures for protecting her identity from disclosure and responding to the leak after it occurred.

March 14, 2007
Chairman Waxman Applauds Passage of Four Good Government Bills
The House of Representatives passed four good government bills. H.R. 985 enhances protections offered to federal whistleblowers; H.R. 1255 strengthens the Freedom of Information Act; H.R. 1255 makes clear that presidential records belong to the public; and H.R. 1254 requires organizations that raise money for presidential libraries to disclose information about their donors.

February 16, 2007
Rep. Waxman's Statement on Iraq Troop Increase
Rep. Waxman spoke in support of H.Con.Res. 63, The Iraq War Policy Resolution.

January 30, 2007
Committee Holds Hearing on Political Influence on Government Climate Change Scientists
The Oversight Committee held a hearing on January 30 regarding political interference in the work of government climate change scientists. In preparation for the hearing, Chairman Waxman and Ranking Member Davis requested documents from the Council on Environmental Quality related to allegations that officials edited scientific reports and took other actions to minimize the significance of climate change.

January 23, 2007
Statement of Rep. Waxman on the State of the Union Address
Chairman Waxman's response to the State of the Union address.

January 18, 2007
Oversight Committee Adopts Rules and Determines Subcommittee Jurisdictions
The Oversight and Government Reform Committee held an organizational meeting adopting the rules of the committee for the 110th Congress, as well as establishing subcommittee jurisdictions and approving member assignments.

January 12, 2007
Rep. Waxman Announces Democratic Membership of Oversight Committee
Rep. Waxman, Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, announced the appointment of the Democratic members of the committee for the 110th Congress.

December 19, 2006
GAO Analysis Refutes Industry Myths About Drug Development
Rep. Waxman, along with Sens. Durbin and Kennedy, today released a new GAO analysis revealing a decline in new drug development by the pharmaceutical industry. The report contradicts the myth that higher research expenditures have resulted in more treatment options for patients.

December 11, 2006
Dangerous Lead Levels in Capitol Gift Shop Products
Rep. Waxman and Sen. Obama today released a report finding that products from the Capitol gift shop contain dangerous amounts of lead. Jewelry and other inexpensive children's gifts sold in the four Capitol gift shops contain enough lead to cause permanent medical harm and may be fatal to small children if ingested. Rep. Waxman and Sen. Obama call on the Bush Administration to ban lead in children's products.

December 9, 2006
House, Senate Pass Historic Postal Reform Legislation
In the final hours of the 109th Congress, key legislators from the House and Senate brokered a compromise that allows the Postal Service to modernize its operations to remain viable in the 21st Century. Rep. Waxman called the passage of the bill a "historic accomplishment."

December 7, 2006
Rep. Waxman Speaks Out Against Former President Carter’s New Book

December 6, 2006
Rep. Waxman Opposed the “Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2006”
Rep. Waxman opposed the “Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act of 2006” because there is no scientific information to support the statement that a fetus experiences pain. Rep. Waxman believes strongly that medical information provided by a doctor to a patient should be accurate and scientifically sound. This bill failed in the House of Representatives by a roll call vote on December 6, 2006.

December 4, 2006
Senior Democrats Urge USDA to Protect Americans from Contaminated Chicken
Reps. Waxman and DeLauro today called on the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set a federal standard for detecting campylobacter, a bacteria found in raw chicken that causes foodborne disease. Although USDA currently has a standard to protect against the salmonella bacteria in raw chicken, there is no such standard for campylobacter. A recent report found that 8 out of 10 chickens in supermarkets are contaminated with campylobacter.

October 13, 2006
US Trade Policies Threaten Access to Medicines
Rep. Waxman and Sen. Kennedy have requested that GAO investigate the impact of US trade policy on access to medicines in the developing world. The request stemmed from a concern that despite the US obligation to respect public health in its trade negotiations, the Administration has prioritized intellectual property rights above access to medicines.

October 6, 2006
Rep. Waxman Statement on Resignation of Susan Ralston

Rep. Waxman responds to the White House announcement that Susan Ralston, aide to Karl Rove, has resigned because of findings in the Committee's report on lobbyist Jack Abramoff's ties to the White House.

September 29, 2006
Abramoff Ties to White House More Extensive Than Previously Known
Following Mr. Abramoff's guilty plea in January, President Bush and other top White House officials issued repeated statements that Mr. Abramoff was a virtual stranger to the White House. The documents reviewed by the Committee tell a different story. They show that between January 2001 and March 2004, there were 485 lobbying contacts between Mr. Abramoff and his associates and White House officials.

September 28, 2006
Rep. Waxman Statement on Iraq Reconstruction Efforts
At a hearing today, Rep. Waxman highlighted a new report from the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction regarding the dilapidated facilities at the Baghdad Police College, which the Army and the Parsons Company spent $75 million to build, as well as a new report by the Government Accountability Office identifying a record $3.5 billion in questioned and unsupported contractor charges in Iraq. Rep. Waxman called for a fundamentally new direction in Iraq.

September 28, 2006
Rep. Waxman Reluctantly Opposes the Ryan White Reauthorization Act to Protect Funding Vital to California
On the House floor, Rep. Waxman reluctantly opposes H.R. 6143, “Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act of 2006” which jeopardizes funding for critical HIV/AIDS care and treatment programs in California.

September 28, 2006
Speech: Institute for International Research 7th Annual Generic Drugs Summit

September 21, 2006
Rep. Waxman's Remarks on Climate Change
At a hearing today, Rep. Waxman spoke about the Bush Administration's poor record on climate change and the need for a new direction in overcoming the challenges presented by global warming.

September 20, 2006
House Passes Bill to Allow Subway Tunneling Along Wilshire Boulevard
The House of Representatives passed Rep. Waxman’s legislation (H.R. 4653) that would allow subway tunneling along Wilshire Boulevard. A tunneling prohibition was enacted after a 1985 methane gas explosion demolished a Ross Dress for Less store. Last year, Congressman Waxman worked with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to appoint a panel of scientific experts to conduct an independent safety review of the methane gas area. These experts made a unanimous determination in a November 2005 report that tunneling in this area can be done safely if proper procedures and appropriate technologies are used. The legislation passed the House of Representatives without objection.

September 19, 2006
Speech: Generic Pharmaceutical Associations Annual Policy Conference 2006

September 19, 2006
Drug Company Profits Soar Under Medicare Drug Plan
Today the Democratic Truth Squad released a new analysis that reveals pharmaceutical industry profits increased by over $8 billion in the first six months after the Medicare drug plan went into effect.

September 18, 2006
Rep. Waxman's Remarks at Congressional Oversight Symposium
Rep. Waxman's remarks focus on the need for effective congressional oversight to rein in the excesses of the executive branch.

September 13, 2006
Rep. Waxman's Statement on Iraq Reconstruction Efforts
In a statement at a subcommittee hearing on Iraq reconstruction, Rep. Waxman says that the U.S.'s effort has been largely a failure and asks the Bush Administration and Congress to have an honest discussion on how to move forward.

September 13, 2006
Democratic Truth Squad Introduces "Clean Contracting Act"
Today the House Democratic Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Truth Squad introduced the "Clean Contracting Act of 2006." The bill would end the abusive contracting practices that have been rampant under the Bush Administration and promote greater transparency and accountability in federal contracting.

September 13, 2006
Rep. Waxman Supports the Creation of a Searchable Database of Federal Grants and Contracts
Rep. Waxman supports S.2590, which requires the Office of Management and Budget to create a searchable database of federal grants and contracts accessible to the public via the internet. The bill is more exhaustive than the bill passed by the House in June because the database created under this new legislation will include all federal grants and contracts. If this bill is implemented properly, any citizen with web access will be able to examine a comprehensive set of records for information about federal spending.

July 27, 2006
Rep. Waxman Welcomes Testimony of Global Warming Experts
The House Energy & Commerce Committee held a second day of hearings on the science of global warming. Rep. Waxman expresses concern that despite a scientific consensus that human activities are warming the planet, the Committee is using its resources to attack an eight year old study which has withstood scrutiny from the National Academy of Sciences and doesn’t even form the primary evidence supporting global warming.

July 27, 2006
Homeland Security Contracts Waste Hundreds of Millions of Taxpayer Dollars
Ranking Member Waxman and Chairman Davis release a comprehensive report on homeland security contracting that finds pervasive mismanagement and waste. According to the report, noncompetitive contracts have soared over 700% in just three years, and the total value of the Department’s wasteful contracts exceeds $34 billion.

July 26, 2006
GAO finds EPA Failing to Protect Public Health from Toxic Air Pollution
In a new report, GAO finds that sixteen years after Congress passed the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, EPA has failed to carry out many of the Act’s requirements to protect Americans from cancer-causing toxic air pollution.

July 25, 2006
Rep. Waxmans Statement Opposing the Marriage Protection Amendment
Rep. Waxman speaks out against the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” a bill that would have amended our Constitution to permanently deny same-sex couples the right to marry. He exposes the reality of the bill as a partisan, political ploy, accusing Republicans of exploiting the lives of gays and lesbians for their own political gain.

July 20, 2006
Rep. Waxman Urges Committee to Address the Threat of Global Warming
The House Government Reform Committee held its first hearing on global warming since 1999. Rep. Waxman described the urgency of addressing global warming and explained how the Bush Administration has failed to lead on the important issue.

July 20, 2006
Rep. Waxman Supports Israel’s Right to Defend Itself
The House overwhelmingly passed H.Res. 921, which condemns the recent attacks against Israel, holds terrorists and their state-sponsors responsible for the attacks and supports Israel’s right to defend itself.
Read the text of the resolution

July 19, 2006

Rep. Waxman Urges Committee to Show Leadership on Global Warming
The House Energy & Commerce Committee held only its second hearing on global warming in twelve years. Rep. Waxman believes the Committee’s time would have been better spent focusing on the scientific consensus about global warming and practical solutions to this enormous threat, instead of attacking a well-respected climate researcher and two studies he conducted eight years ago.

July 19, 2006
Rep. Waxman Condemns Bills that May Eliminate Important Federal Agencies
At a hearing before the House Government Reform Committee, Rep. Waxman opposes two Republican bills that would abolish federal agencies in an attempt to streamline government and reduce waste. With no specifications offered, on the chopping block could be the EPA, the Social Security Administration, and the Departments of Veterans Affairs and Education. These legislative proposals are backdoor assaults on the laws that protect the health, safety, and security of American families.

July 18, 2006
Rep. Waxman Condemns Bills that May Eliminate Important Federal Agencies
At a House Government Reform Committee hearing on the Bush Administration’s global war on terror, Rep. Waxman states that the waste, fraud, and abuse in Iraq contracting must stop now. The cost of the war is spiraling out of control with inadequate accountability, and the Administration’s actions have actually incited terrorism.

July 11, 2006
Rep. Waxman Statement on Administration's Strategy in Iraq
At a hearing today, GAO issued a new report that challenges key assumptions of US strategy in Iraq. In Rep. Waxman's statement at the hearing, he called for "specific, substantive, and straightforward" answers from the Administration on how the Administration plans to lead Iraq and the United States out of war.

July 10, 2006
GAO Finds Medicare Drug Plans Fail to Accurately Answer Consumer Questions
A new GAO report released today by Reps. Waxman, Dingell, Rangel, Stark, and Brown finds that the call centers run by private Medicare drug plans provide inaccurate and incomplete information most of the time. According to GAO, the private plans that are responsible for running the new Medicare drug benefit “did not consistently provide callers with accurate and complete information.”

July 4, 2006
Committee Agrees to Waxman Request for Subpoena of Rumsfeld
Since last fall, Rep. Waxman has been investigating specific allegations of detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib prison made by military whistleblower, Sgt. Samuel Provance. After the Pentagon refused to respond to multiple written requests, the Committee agreed on Friday to Rep Waxman's request to subpoena Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, compelling him to provide documents about the abuse allegations and reports of retaliation against Sgt. Provance.

June 28, 2006
Speech: International Strategy & Investment and Cowen 8th Annual Health Care Policy Conference

June 26, 2006
Prescription for Harm: The Decline in FDA Enforcement Activity
A new report by Rep. Waxman examines how the Bush Administration has carried out FDA's historic enforcement responsibilities. The report is the result of a 15-month investigation that included a review of thousands of pages of internal agency enforcement records. It finds that there has been a precipitous drop in FDA enforcement actions over the last five years.

June 21, 2006
New Documents Reveal Problems with Alaska Native Contracts
Rep. Waxman today released new federal agency documents that highlight significant problems with no-bid contracts with Alaska Native companies, including political interference with the contracting process and serious performance deficiencies.

June 15, 2006
Waste, Fraud and Abuse Mar Iraq Reconstruction
Rep. Waxman today addressed the floor of the House of Representatives to highlight waste, fraud and abuse in the reconstruction of Iraq. Despite $50 billion in expenditures, oil and electricity production remains well below pre-war levels. The Bush Administration's gross mismanagement of the war has wasted taxpayer dollars and produced lackluster results.

June 8, 2006

Recent Data Theft from VA Represents Ongoing Lack of Data Security at Federal Agencies
At a hearing of the House Government Reform Committee regarding the security of personal information at federal agencies, Rep. Waxman expresses deep concern over the recent theft of sensitive data on 26.5 million veterans from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This breach represents a violation of trust of a remarkable magnitude. Rep. Waxman urges the Administration to provide a thorough accounting of this incident and to swiftly prepare plans to prevent these lapses in security from happening in the future at the VA and across all government agencies.

May 24, 2006
Lessons from Hurricane Katrina Require Attention as 2006 Hurricane Season Arrives
At a hearing before the House Government Reform Committee entitled, “Getting Ready for the '06 Hurricane Season," Rep. Waxman warns that this week's forecast of another active hurricane season underscores the importance of addressing the problems exposed by the failed response to Hurricane Katrina. The government's plans, organizational structure, and personnel were inadequate to provide the rapid and massive response that was needed for Katrina. Additionally, weak leadership from top officials at the White House and the Department of Homeland Security spelled disaster for our vulnerable residents at a critical time.

May 23, 2006
Jewish American Heritage Month

May 22, 2006
H.R. 4861: The Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act

May 11, 2006
Pandemic Flu Plan Must Be Streamlined and Implemented Quickly
At a hearing before the House Government Reform Committee entitled, “Working Through an Outbreak: Pandemic Flu Planning and Continuity of Operations,” Rep. Waxman states that pandemic preparedness requires a clear and coherent leadership structure that is capable of responding in an emergency. Unfortunately, the President’s Implementation Plan, which was released last week, creates divided authority. It would establish the same type of structure that led to tragic confusion and delay in the response to Hurricane Katrina.
May 9, 2006
Speech: Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health

May 4, 2006
Katrina Contracts Rife with Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
At a hearing before the House Government Reform Committee entitled, "Sifting Through Katrina's Legal Debris: Contracting in the Eye of the Storm," Rep. Waxman states that the Katrina contracts have been a lose-lose-lose proposition. Private contractors exploited the system to make a bundle, taxpayers were gouged and the residents devastated by the hurricane in Louisiana and Mississippi did not get the help they deserved.

May 4, 2006
Committee Refuses to Investigate White House's Knowledge of Deficit Reduction Act's Infirmities
Despite Democrats' efforts, the Committee votes down a resolution to investigate whether the President knew in advance that the version he signed of S.1932, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, had not passed both

May 4, 2006
2006 USTR Special 301 Report

May 3, 2006
New GAO Report Finds Widespread Problems with Information Provided by Bush Administration about New Medicare Drug Benefit
Rep. Waxman, along with Reps. Dingell, Rangel, Stark, and Sherrod Brown, release a GAO report that finds that the information provided by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services about the complicated new drug benefit is rife with problems. According to GAO, the federal handbooks, website, and 1-800 Medicare hotline failed to provide information that was "consistently clear, complete, accurate, and usable."

May 2, 2006
Bush Administration Increases Number of Political Appointees; Minority and Female Appointees Plunge
Rep. Waxman, along with Committee Democrats Danny K. Davis, Major R. Owens, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Elijah E. Cummings, and Chris Van Hollen, releases a report finding that in the Bush Administration's first five years, the number of political appointees on the federal payroll has soared while the number of minority and female political appointees has declined dramatically.

April 27, 2006
Rep. Waxman Urges Resolution to Military Pay Problems Plaguing Our Soldiers
At a hearing before the House Government Reform Committee regarding military pay problems. Rep. Waxman expresses his concern that newly discovered accounting errors have incorrectly assigned millions of dollars in debt to hundreds of Guard and Reserve soldiers. The errors have caused hardships that are both burdensome and stigmatizing. Whether it is struggling to pay household bills, car payments, mortgages, or being hounded by debt collectors for bad credit, our veterans continue to suffer after they return from the battlefield.

April 27, 2006
Reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act is Crucial for Vulnerable Citizens
At a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health, Rep. Waxman urges reauthorization of the Ryan White CARE Act. The programs funded by this Act have literally been lifesavers for people who live with the HIV virus. It has provided critical support to cities that have been the center of the epidemic and to States funding critical drug programs to treat the disease.

April 27, 2006

Holocaust Remembrance Day 2006

April 26, 2006
Commemorating the 91st Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

April 26, 2006
Gas Prices Have Doubled Since 2005
Rep. Waxman releases a chart that shows that gasoline prices have doubled since 2000, despite the Administration's aggressive implementation of it energy plan. He explains that Washington is mired in scandal and in order to address the Administration's failed energy policy, Congress must clean up corrupt lobbying practices.

April 26, 2006
H.R. 282, The Iran Freedom Support Act

April 26, 2006
Rep. Waxman's Statement on Reclassification Audit
Rep. Waxman describes the results of an audit conducted by the Information Security Oversight Office at the National Archives, which shows retroactive classification of documents at the Archives has been more extensive than first believed.

April 25, 2006
Government Reform Committee Hearing Examines Iraq Reconstruction, Governance and Security
At a hearing of the House Government Reform Committee Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations, Rep. Waxman states that the Administration's management of the Iraq reconstruction has been fundamentally incompetent. Billion-dollar contracts have been awarded with little or no competition to favored contractors, and competition for discrete projects was suppressed by dividing the country into a handful of fiefdoms.

April 6, 2006
Bureaucracy and Mismanagement of Donated Funds Frustrate Efforts to Rebuild Gulf Coast
At a hearing of the House Government Reform Committee entitled, "Looking a Gift Horse in the Mouth: a Post-Katrina Review of International Disaster Assistance," Rep. Waxman shares his hope that reform will come following the release of a new GAO report revealing serious waste and mismanagement of international donations.

April 6, 2006
Committee Approves Bill to End Secret Contracts between Lobbyists and Executive Branch Officials
The best and worst of Congress were on display today in the Government Reform Committee, as the Committee unanimously approved a bipartisan bill containing landmark reforms of the executive branch on the same day that it also approved legislation containing sham reforms of Congress written by the Republican leadership.

April 5, 2006
H.R. 3127, Darfur Peace and Accountability Act

April 5, 2006
H.Con.Res. 370, Expressing the sense of the Congress that Saudi Arabia should fully live up to its World Trade Organization commitments and end all aspects of any boycott on Israel

April 4, 2006
Current Government Policy on Visas May Threaten Culture, Economy and Innovation
At a hearing of the House Government Reform Committee entitled, "A Symphony in F Minor: the Impact of Visa Processing Delays on the Arts, Education, and American innovation," Rep. Waxman suggests that the government must strike the right balance between security and openness to culture and innovation in their policy on issuing visas to visitors wishing to enter the United States. Visa processing delays have created a six-month backlog in India between the time that an application is first submitted and an interview occurs at a U.S. consulate office.

March 30, 2006
In the Wake of Hurricane Katrina, Rep. Waxman Renews Call for Disaster Preparedness and Response
Rep. Waxman delivered a statement at a House Government Reform Committee hearing entitled, “The Need to Know: Information Sharing for Disaster Response”. Last year’s hurricanes showed that communication channels across all levels of government must be reliable in order to report accurate real-time information.

March 30, 2006
Rep. Waxman Announces Resolution Seeking Investigation of Signing of the Reconciliation Act

Rep. Waxman and other committee members announce they will introduce a Resolution of Inquiry directing the President to submit to Congress all documents relating to the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which the President signed on February 8. The version that the President signed was different in substance from the version the House passed on February 1, 2006.

March 29, 2006
Waxman Criticizes Bush Administration's New Fuel Standards
Rep. Waxman makes a statement about the Bush Administration's new fuel standards for SUVs and light trucks. These new fuel standards favor the oil and auto industries over the security and safety of our nation.

March 20, 2006
Speech: Annual Meeting of the National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems

March 16, 2006
Electronic Medical Records Must Protect Privacy
In his opening statement at a hearing in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, Rep. Waxman cautions that while advances in health information transfer systems may improve efficiency, safeguarding patients’ privacy and preventing discrimination must be primary concerns.

March 15, 2006
Transparent Drug Pricing Must be Part of Real Healthcare Reform
At a hearing in the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health, Rep. Waxman urges his colleagues to remember that while transparent pricing is a positive step for consumers, it does not solve the major affordability and coverage problems facing our healthcare system. 

March 14, 2006
Waxman Dingell Amendment Would Protect Iraq Reconstruction Contracts from Companies Who Overcharge
Reps. Waxman and Dingell offer an amendment to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill prohibiting the Administration from using funds to award new contracts to any company that has overcharged the government by $100 million or more in Iraq. The war has cost hundreds of billions of dollars and resulted in rampant waste, fraud, and abuse in the awarding of federal contracts under the Bush Administration.

March 14, 2006
Rep. Waxman Condemns Secrecy in the Bush Administration
Rep. Waxman discusses policies on handling of classified and sensitive information at a hearing of the Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats, and International Relations. He urges House oversight over the Bush Administration’s abuse of designations such as “sensitive but unclassified” to block the public release of government information and the Administration's legendary penchant for secrecy.

March 9, 2006
Rep. Waxman Promotes Consumer Safeguards for Dietary Supplements
Rep. Waxman made a statement at the Government Reform Committee hearing on “The Regulation of Dietary Supplements: A Review of Consumer Safeguards.” Most supplements are safe, but there are some on the market that pose risks. Rep. Waxman discusses ways to protect the public against potentially dangerous dietary supplements.

March 8, 2006
Statement on H.R. 1053, Extending Normal Trade Relations Treatment to Ukraine
Rep. Waxman made a statement concerning H.R. 1053, legislation to extend permanent normal trade relations and graduate Ukraine from the conditions of the Jackson-Vanik amendment.  The statement recognizes the strides Ukraine has taken on human rights issues and expresses concern about the need for stronger action against rampant anti-Semitic activities at a private university known in Ukraine as MAUP.

March 7, 2006
Speech: America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) 2006 National Policy Forum

March 7, 2006
Rep. Waxman Supports Stem Cell Research
Rep. Waxman delivered a statement at a hearing of the House Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources entitled, “Human Cloning and Embryonic Stem Cell Research after Seoul: Examining Exploitation, Fraud and Ethical Problems in Research.” Many opponents of stem cell research would like use to use the South Korea experience as a basis for banning embryonic stem cell research, but this research may help cure diseases that cause untold suffering to millions of Americans and hundreds of millions more around the world.

March 2, 2006
Rep. Waxman Fights Bill that Would Preempt Strong State Food Safety Laws
As H.R. 4167, "The National Uniformity for Food Act of 2005", comes to the floor, Rep. Waxman leads opposition to the bill, which would hamper California's - and all states' - ability to implement laws regulating food safety. Rep. Waxman spoke on the House floor in opposition to the bill.

March 1, 2006
Medicare Part D: Implementation of the New Drug Benefit
Rep. Waxman made a statement at the hearing of the Subcommittee on Health, concerning his disappointment with the Medicare prescription drug program. January 1 should have been the day when America’s seniors and persons with disabilities finally got simple and dependable coverage of their prescription drugs as a regular part of Medicare instead of the confusion and disruption they experienced.

February 23, 2006
Rep. Waxman Commends Groups For Suing To Stop Administration's Promotion of Unethical Human Pesticide Experiments
Rep. Waxman releases a statement in reaction to the announcement that several public interest environmental and labor groups were suing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency over the new rule to promote the testing of pesticides on humans.

February 21, 2006
New Reports Show Medicare Drug Prices Are High and Rising Rapidly
Rep. Waxman releases three new reports that show (1) Medicare drug plans have raised prices for popular brand-name drugs by more than 4% since January 1; (2) Medicare drug plans now charge 14% more for these drugs than the discredited Medicare drug cards previously charged; and (3) Medicare drug card providers negotiated negligible discounts of at most 3% to 5% from drug manufacturers. One of the three reports was prepared by GAO; it also finds that the Administration had advance warning that its systems would not be able to reconcile enrollment and eligibility data satisfactorily.

February 17, 2006
Speech: Generic Pharmaceutical Association’s Annual Meeting - Challenges and Opportunities for Generic Drugs in an Ever-Changing Healthcare System

February 15, 2006
S.Con.Res. 79
Calling for no direct United States assistance to be provided to the Palestinian Authority if any political party holding a majority of parliamentary seats maintains a position calling for the destruction of Israel.

February 13, 2006
GAO Finds Federal Departments Spent More than $1.6 Billion in Media Contracts
Rep. Waxman and other senior Democratic leaders release a new Government Accountability Office study that identifies more than $1.6 billion in public relations and media spending by the Bush Administration over the last two and a half years.

February 2, 2006
New GAO Report Raises Questions About President's Health Proposals
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Stark release a new GAO study of enrollees in Health Savings Accounts, a centerpiece of his domestic agenda. The report validates a number of concerns about the President's proposals.

January 30, 2006
Democrats Announce Bill to Get Needed Medicines for Seniors
Leader Pelosi and Reps. Waxman, Dingell, Stark, Sherrod Brown, and Marion Berry unveiled their legislation to provide emergency relief to senior citizens and people with disabilities who are having trouble navigating the new Medicare prescription drug program.

January 28, 2006
Rep. Waxman Gives Radio Address on Medicare Drug Plan Flaws
Rep. Waxman delivers the Saturday Democratic Radio Address, discussing the crisis surrounding the Medicare Prescription Drug benefit that went into effect January 1 and how the crisis could have been prevented through honest, open government.

January 23, 2006
Rep. Waxman, Sen. Boxer, and Rep. Solis Denounce Leaked Bush Administration Plan to Promote Human Pesticide Experiments
The Democrats criticize a Bush Administration plan to promote pesticide experimentation upon humans. The plan, contained in a final draft rule, was leaked to the legislators by a concerned Administration official who requested that the original copy of the plan not be duplicated in its entirety and widely distributed out of concern for anonymity. According to the EPA’s communications plan, the Administration will officially announce the pesticide experimentation plan later this week as a final regulation.

January 20, 2006
Rep. Waxman Holds Briefing on Medicare Drug Benefit
Rep. Waxman hosted a briefing to examine how the new Medicare drug benefit is working. Medicare beneficiaries, doctors, and pharmacists, as well as state health officials, testified about their experiences with the benefit's implementation.

December 7, 2005
Rep. Waxman Statement on the President's Speech on Iraq Reconstruction
Rep. Waxman explains that the President's description of "quiet, steady progress" in Iraq’s reconstruction is misleading and ignores the facts. Independent auditors confirm that billions of dollars have been squandered without increasing Iraq’s oil or electricity production. Yet the Administration has done nothing to halt rampant waste, fraud, and abuse in Iraq.

November 18, 2005
Rep. Waxman Speaks Out Against Duncan Hunter Resolution
On the House floor, Rep. Waxman speaks against the Republican resolution and calls for answers to long-standing questions about the Administration's use of forged evidence as the cornerstone of the case for war in Iraq. These concerns were raised by Rep. Waxman before the war started in a letter to President Bush on March 17, 2003.

November 17, 2005
Speech: Center for Business Intelligence 5th Annual Forum

November 16, 2005
FDA’s “Unusual” Review of Plan B's Application for Over-the-Counter Sales

In its review of whether emergency contraception should be approved for over-the-counter sales, FDA diverged sharply from usual agency procedures and overrode the recommendations of agency scientists.

November 16, 2005
Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Investigation into Rafael Palmeiro’s March 17, 2005 Testimony
Rep. Waxman makes a statement as the report on its investigation of Rafael Palmeiro’s March 17, 2005 testimony is submitted to the Committee.

November 10, 2005
Rep. Waxman Introduces H.R. 4308, "The Kids Safe Chemicals Act of 2005"
Rep. Waxman introduced H.R. 4308, “The Kid Safe Chemicals Act” to respond to the growing body of scientific literature which identifies chemical exposures as a factor in the rise of disorders and diseases such as birth defects, asthma, neurological and developmental disorders, infertility and certain types of cancer. H.R. 4308 will reform the nation’s failed approach to chemical regulation and protect kids by recognizing their special vulnerabilities and requiring manufacturers to provide health and safety information prior to distributing a chemical in consumer products. 

November 4, 2005

Problems Remain With Administration Flu Plan
At a Committee hearing on flu preparedness, Rep. Waxman identifies significant problems in the Administration's flu preparedness plan, including FEMA's protection role, liability shields for manufacturers, and inadequate funding.

November 3, 2005
Former CPB Chair Resigns in Face of Inspector General’s Report
CPB Chair Ken Tomlinson resigns six months after Democrats ask for an investigation into whether the Corporation for Public Broadcasting had violated a law prohibiting interference by Federal officials into content or distribution of programming. In recent days, the CPB board has met to consider the Inspector General's initial investigative findings.

November 3, 2005
GAO Finds Illegal Steroids Easily Purchased, Difficult to Police
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Davis release a new GAO report that finds that illegal steroids are easily obtained over the Internet and that law enforcement authorities face significant challenges in efforts to investigate, prosecute, and deter steroid trafficking.

November 3, 2005

Rep. Waxman Decries Dangerous Secrecy
Rep. Waxman speaks on the House floor about how Congress is failing to meet its constitutional responsibility to act as a check on executive branch misconduct.

October 26, 2005

Contact Lens Safety Bill Passes
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Boozman's bill to apply the highest safety standards and consumer protections to all contact lenses passes both the House and Senate. The legislation will stop needless eye injuries caused by unsafe lenses.

October 21, 2005
GAO: Continued Federal Efforts Needed to Improve Electronic Voting
A new GAO report released by Rep. Waxman, Chairman Davis, and eleven other members of Congress finds security and reliability flaws in the electronic voting process.

October 18, 2005
Iraq Reconstruction Efforts Are Failing
A new report released by Rep. Waxman assesses the progress of reconstruction in Iraq. The report finds that despite the expenditure of billions of dollars, Administration objectives set two years ago have not been met and measurable improvements in the critical oil, electricity, and water sectors are small or nonexistent.

October 7, 2005
Rep. Waxman Supports Stupak Substitute for H.R. 3893
In a House floor speech, Rep. Waxman supports the Stupak amendment for H.R. 3893, which would address the problem of gas price gouging.

October 7, 2005
Republican Energy Bill (H.R. 3893) is 'Crass Opportunism'
Rep. Waxman speaks on the House floor about the Republican bill H.R. 3893, which benefits oil companies and relaxes necessary environmental regulations but does nothing to alleviate gas price spikes.

September 29, 2005
Committee Democrats Push to Strengthen Whistleblower Protections
In a Committee markup of H.R. 1317, The Federal Employee Protection of Disclosures Act, Committee Democrats offered amendments that would strengthen protections for federal employees who come forward to report waste, fraud, abuse, and national security violations. Two of these important amendments were offered by Democrats, but were defeated on party line votes.

September 28, 2005

"Gasoline for America's Security Act of 2005" is the Legislative Equivalent of Price Gouging
During a markup in the Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Waxman stated that, "This Committee is trying to use this tragedy and misery to undermine our environmental laws and pass more special-interest giveaways to the oil industry. It wants to exploit Katrina for a special interest bonanza."

September 20, 2005
Speech: Generic Pharmaceutical Association's First Annual Policy Conference

September 20, 2005
Rep. Waxman and Democratic Leader Pelosi Introduce Legislation to Oversee Gulf Coast Contracting
Democratic Leader Pelosi and Rep. Waxman announce their Hurricane Katrina Accountability and Clean Contracting Bill, H.R. 3838, which would ensure accountability in reconstruction of the Gulf Coast and establish an independent anti-fraud commission to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in relief and recovery contracts.

September 15, 2005
Rep. Waxman Decries Partisan Approach to Hurricane Katrina Oversight
On the floor of the House, Rep. Waxman assails legislation creating a Republican-dominated commission to examine the response to the hurricane disaster, arguing instead for an independent commission.

September 15, 2005
Committee Holds Hearing on Katrina-Related Issues
The Committee holds a hearing called by Chairman Davis to compare and contrast emergency plans in Washington DC, Miami, and Los Angeles. Rep. Waxman had earlier requested a hearing to examine the failed federal response to Hurricane Katrina

September 7, 2005

Rep. Waxman's Statement on Human Papillomavirus
In a subcommittee hearing on women's gynecologic cancers, Rep. Waxman discusses the dangers of HPV.

August 16, 2005
Waxman-Davis Statement on Palmeiro Documents
Reps. Waxman and Davis release a statement on the ongoing review of documents related to Rafael Palmeiro's positive drug test and suspension from Major League Baseball.

August 3, 2005
Waxman-Davis Statement on Palmeiro Document Request
Chairman Davis and Ranking Member Waxman request documents from Major League Baseball related to Rafael Palmeiro's positive drug test and suspension.

August 1, 2005
Rep. Waxman's Statement on the Suspension of Rafael Palmeiro
Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Ranking Member, Committee on Government Reform, on the Suspension of Rafael Palmeiro from Major League Baseball.

July 28, 2005
Vaccines for Adults” Legislation Would Provide Access to Life-Saving Vaccines
Rep. Henry A. Waxman, Rep. Sherrod Brown, and Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard introduce legislation establishing a program to provide access to recommended vaccines for uninsured and underinsured adults.

July 22, 2005
Former Intelligence Officials Testify About Damage Caused by Outing of Covert CIA Agent
At a hearing co-chaired by Rep. Waxman and Senator Byron Dorgan, several former intelligence officials testify about the damage to national security caused by the White House outing of covert CIA official Valerie Plame Wilson.

July 21, 2005
House and Senate Democratic Panels to Hold Oversight Hearing on Consequences of Disclosing Covert Intelligence Identities
Rep. Waxman and Sens. Dorgan and Lautenberg request that Defense Secretary Rumsfeld investigate Halliburton’s efforts to prevent an American contractor from delivering fuel from Kuwait to Iraq just two weeks after the contractor testified before Congress about Halliburton’s excessive fuel charges and lack of infrastructure work.

July 14, 2005
Reps. Waxman, Holt, and Inslee Move to Force Administration to Provide Information about Plame Outing
Reps. Waxman, Holt, and Inslee introduce a resolution of inquiry to require the Bush Administration to provide information about who revealed the identity of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson.

July 11, 2005
Rep. Waxman Calls for Hearing on Rove's Role in Plame Outing

In light of mounting evidence that Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove may have been involved in the outing of a covert CIA agent, Rep. Waxman once again called for Chairman Davis to hold a hearing to investigate whether White House officials breached national security law by disclosing the agent's identity. In on a one-minute speech on the House floor, Rep. Waxman cited former-President Bush's statement that those who expose the identity of such agents are "the most insidious of traitors."

July 7, 2005

CAFTA Hinders Developing Nations' Access to Needed Medicines
Rep. Waxman releases a report detailing how CAFTA and other Bush Administration trade agreements are impeding the rights of developing nations to acquire essential medicines at affordable prices.

June 30, 2005
Legislation Makes Clear Federal Employees Are Protected From Anti-Gay Discrimination
Rep. Waxman, with nine other lead cosponsors, introduces legislation to reaffirm that federal employees are protected from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and to repudiate any assertion to the contrary.

June 29, 2005
Jeffords, Sarbanes, Norton and Waxman Introduce Lead-Free Drinking Water Act
Sens. Jim Jeffords and Paul Sarbanes and Reps. Eleanor Holmes Norton and Henry A. Waxman introduce legislation to overhaul and strengthen the federal rules governing lead testing and standards in the nation's public water systems.

June 28, 2005
Statement Concerning the Brazilian Government's Decision to Issue a Compulsory License for a Key HIV/AIDS Medication

June 28, 2005
New EPA Proposal Encourages Human Pesticide Experiments
Reps. Waxman and Solis, along with Sen. Boxer, release an analysis of the new draft EPA rule, slated for proposal next month, would allow the systematic testing of pesticides on humans. The proposed rule fails to adopt key recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences and EPA's own advisory committee, and it includes loopholes that invite abuse.

June 27, 2005
Halliburton's Questioned and Unsupported Costs in Iraq Exceed $1.4 Billion
Rep. Waxman and Sen. Dorgan release a new report, prepared jointly by the minority staff of the House Government Reform Committee and the staff of the Senate Democratic Policy Committee, that is the first comprehensive assessment of the magnitude of Halliburton's unreasonable billings in Iraq.

June 24, 2005
Rep. Waxman's Statement on the United States' Second Confirmed Case of Mad Cow Disease
Rep. Waxman comments on the second case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the United States.

June 22, 2005

Rep. Waxman's Opening Statement before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Energy and Commerce Committee
At a hearing on Medicaid prescription drugs and options for payment reform, Rep. Waxman urges appropriate drug payment policy reforms and asks that the savings achieved in this area be reinvested in Medicaid to help make necessary changes in the program to better serve beneficiaries.

June 21, 2005
Bill Would Establish Independent Commission to Investigate Detainee Abuses
Rep. Waxman, Democratic Leader Pelosi, and other senior Democrats announced they will introduce legislation to establish an independent Commission to investigate abuses of detainees in connection with Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, or any operation within the Global War on Terrorism.

June 21, 2005
U.S. Mismanaged Iraqi Funds
At the first congressional hearing on the Development Fund for Iraq, Rep. Waxman releases a report on the U.S. mismanagement of Iraqi funds. The report details the billions in cash transferred from the Federal Reserve Bank to U.S. officials in Iraq, the lack of financial controls in Iraq, and the evidence of substantial waste, fraud, and abuse in the spending of these funds.

June 16, 2005
Waxman and Boxer Release Report on Human Pesticide Experiments
Rep. Waxman and Sen. Boxer release a detailed analysis of 22 human pesticide experiments that the Bush Administration is currently reviewing or plans to review in the future.

June 15, 2005
Committee Holds Hearing on Steroid Use Among Women
Today the Government Reform Committee holds a hearing examining steroid use among young women for athletic training and body image.

June 9, 2005
Rep. Waxman Calls for End to Secrecy, Waste in Department of Homeland Security
In a Committee hearing on the Department of Homeland Security's mission effectiveness, Rep. Waxman asks DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff to put an end to the department's excessive secrecy and wasteful spending and instead promote openness and accountability in government.

June 7, 2005
GAO: Pentagon Squandering Billions on Excess Property
The Government Reform Committee National Security Subcommittee holds a hearing to examine a new GAO study on waste and inefficiency in the Defense Department. The report finds that the Department has improperly disposed of valuable equipment at a cost to taxpayers of more than $3.5 billion.

May 27, 2005
Democrats to Introduce Legislation to Create Select Committee to Investigate Prisoner Abuse
Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman, along with Democratic Leader Pelosi, Armed Services Ranking Member Skelton, and other senior congressional leaders, announced plans to introduce legislation to create a House select committee to investigate the abuses of detainees held in U.S. custody in connection with the war in Iraq and the global war on terrorism.

May 26, 2005
Committee Approves Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565)
Today the Committee unanimously approved the Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565), a bill to strengthen the testing procedures and toughen the penalties for the use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional American sports.

May 24, 2005
Speech: National Coalition to Support Sexuality Education

May 24, 2005
Waxman, Davis, and McCain Introduce Clean Sports Act of 2005 (H.R. 2565)
Today Rep. Waxman, Chairman Davis, and Sen. McCain introduced a bill to address the problem of performance enhancing drugs in sports.

May 23, 2005
IAMB Audits Raise More Questions About the Administration's Management of the Development Fund for Iraq
On May 23, 2005, the International Advisory and Monitoring Board (IAMB) released several audits of the Oil for Food Program's successor, the Development Fund for Iraq (DFI). These audits suggest serious U.S. mismanagement of DFI funds, and have led Rep. Waxman to call for hearings looking into the matter.

May 22, 2005
West Hills Post Office Dedication in Honor of Sergeant Evan Ashcraft
Fallen Soldier Sergeant Evan Ashcraft was remembered at a post office dedication in his community. As the sponsor of legislation to rename the post office, Rep. Waxman commended Sergeant Ashcraft's leadership in Iraq and extended his sincere appreciation for ongoing service of our troops around the world. Sergeant Ashcraft's family and local officials attended the dedication, and a plaque was placed at the post office to honor his life commitment to his country.

May 19, 2005
Committee Holds Hearing on Steroids in the NBA
Today the Government Reform Committee holds a hearing on the National Basketball Association's steroid testing policy and its effectiveness in eliminating the use of performance enhancing drugs.

May 16, 2005
No Congressional Hearings to Date on DFI Abuses
At today's 13th congressional hearing into allegations regarding the U.N. Oil for Food program, Rep. Waxman noted that there have been no hearings on abuses in the Development Fund for Iraq, the successor to the Oil for Food program run by the Bush Administration, despite numerous critical reports by U.S. and other independent auditors and investigators.

May 12, 2005
Rep. Waxman Introduces Legislation to Restore Transparency and Open Government Laws
Today Rep. Waxman introduced legislation to reverse the Bush Administration’s assault on open government by restoring laws promoting transparency.

May 6, 2005
The Real Costs of the Republican Energy Policy
Rep. Waxman decries that the Republican Energy Policy is an anti-environment, anti-consumer, anti-taxpayer bill and will not help meet the nation’s energy needs.

May 5, 2005
Merck Documents Show Aggressive Marketing of Vioxx After Studies Indicated Risk
Rep. Waxman releases an analysis of over 20,000 pages of documents that suggests that Merck sent more than 3,000 highly trained representatives into doctor's offices and hospitals armed with misleading information about Vioxx's risks.

April 28, 2005
Speech: American Occupational Health Conference

April 28, 2005
Speech: Institute for International Research

April 27, 2005
Committee Holds Hearing on NFL and Steroids
The Government Reform Committee holds a hearing examining the National Football League's steroids policy and its effectiveness in reducing the use of prohibited performance-enhancing drugs.

April 27, 2005
Lead-Contaminated Candy Still for Sale in District of Columbia
Rep. Waxman, Congresswoman Norton, and Rep. Schakowsky write to the DC Department of Health about a brand of candy known to contain unsafe lead levels available for purchase in the District.

April 27, 2005
Rep. Waxman's Opening Statement before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Energy and Commerce Committee
At a hearing on long-term care and Medicaid, Rep. Waxman states that there should be a role for both private and public approaches to helping people with their long-term care needs. But reducing our fiscal commitment to Medicaid, or finding ways to deny its help to needy seniors and persons with disabilities, is not the right answer.

April 26, 2005
Commemorating the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide

April 20, 2005
Waxman Amendment Would Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil
During debate on the energy bill, Rep. Waxman urged House colleagues to support an amendment that would require that the Administration reduce oil demand in the U.S. by 1,000,000 barrels per day by 2013. The amendment failed 166-262.

April 5, 2005
Opening Statement: Energy Policy Markup
The Energy and Commerce Committee begins marking up the Energy Policy Act of 2005.  Rep. Waxman urges Members of the Committee to oppose the “fundamentally flawed legislation,” because it fails to reduce the nation’s dependence on foreign oil, protect the environment, or safeguard consumers.

March 18, 2005
Committee’s Issuance of Subpoena for Terri Schiavo

Rep. Waxman: "These subpoenas are a flagrant abuse of power. Congress is turning the Schiavo family's personal tragedy into a national political farce. The committee has no business inserting itself in the middle of an excruciating private family matter."

March 17, 2005
Steroids in Baseball
On March 17, the House Government Reform Committee held a hearing on allegations of steroid use in Major League Baseball and the adequacy of the league's response.

March 16, 2005
H.R. 1268, Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief

March 10, 2005
Davis and Waxman Respond to MLB's Objections to Steroid Investigation
Chairman Davis and Rep. Waxman detail the basis for the Committee's investigation into steroid use and reject the premise that Major League Baseball and its players are above responsible scrutiny.

March 9, 2005
Speech: Brookings Institute Speech on Public Health Policy

March 7, 2005
Lax Oversight of Medicaid Drug Pricing Costs Millions
Rep. Waxman releases a new GAO study that shows that the federal agency responsible for Medicaid has failed to ensure that the program get the "best possible" prices from prescription drug manufacturers, as required under law.

February 25, 2005
Speech: Generic Pharmaceutical Corporation

February 16, 2005
Bill Would Restore Scientific Integrity to Research and Policymaking
Reps. Waxman and Gordon introduce H.R. 839, legislation to protect federal science from political interference. The bill includes bars on manipulating science, suppressing research, and using political litmus tests to appoint members of scientific advisory committees.

February 14, 2005
Whistleblowers: Iraq 'Wild West' Under CPA
At a Senate Democratic Policy Committee hearing, a former Coalition Provisional Authority official and other whistleblowers testify on the waste, fraud, and abuse of Iraqi funds under the stewardship of the Bush Administration.

February 10, 2005
H.R. 418, The "Real ID" Act
Rep. Waxman raised serious concerns that the bill imposes costly new state requirements that simply cannot be achieved in the three years allowed. With unreasonable deadlines and inadequate funding, it will serve to create confusion and frustrate the public.

February 9, 2005

Press Statement: Energy bill
Rep. Waxman joins Members of the Energy and Commerce Committee in denouncing Republican plans to pass an energy bill that will allow the nation’s dependence on foreign oil to continue to increase and to hand out giveaways to the energy companies.

February 3, 2005
Bill Would Ban Lead in Products for Young Children
Citing the failure of the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect children from hazardous levels of lead in consumer products, Rep. Waxman announces plans to introduce legislation to ban lead from toys, toy jewelry, and other items for children under age six.

January 24, 2005
CA Youth With Mental Illness Incarcerated When Community Services Unavailable
Rep. Waxman releases a report finding that over half of California’s juvenile detention facilities inappropriately incarcerate youth waiting for mental health treatment.

January 13, 2005
Recalls Show Need to Protect Children from Dangerous Levels of Lead in Toy Jewelry and Other Products
In a letter to the Consumer Products Safety Commission, Rep. Waxman calls for strengthened standards to protect children from dangerous levels of lead in toy jewelry and other children's products.

December 1, 2004
Federally Funded Abstinence-Only Programs Teach False And Misleading Information
A report released by Rep. Waxman shows that many federally funded abstinence-only education programs use curricula that distort information about the effectiveness of contraceptives, misrepresent the risks of abortion, blur religion and science, treat stereotypes about girls and boys as scientific fact, and contain basic scientific errors.

December 1, 2004
Speech: Food and Drug Law Institute regarding Hatch-Waxman

November 17, 2004
Speech: Center for Business Intelligence regarding Hatch-Waxman

November 17, 2004
FDA Failed to Oversee Vaccine Plant
New FDA documents raise serious questions about the agency’s oversight of the Chiron facility that was scheduled to deliver half of the nation’s flu shot supply this year.

October 7, 2004
H.R. 10, The 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act
Rep. Waxman made statements on the House floor expressing opposition to the Republican leadership's intelligence reform proposal and expressing support for the Democratic leadership's alternative bill to fully adopt the 9/11 Commission's recommendations.

H.R. 10, The 9/11 Recommendations Implementation Act
Menendez Substitute Amendment

October 19, 2004
Call for GAO Investigation into Overseas Voting Problems
Reps. Waxman and Maloney ask GAO to investigate whether the Defense Department is fulfilling its obligation to ensure that Americans living abroad, both military and civilian, can vote.

October 14, 2004
DOJ Unprepared to Handle Allegations of Voting Irregularities
A new GAO report released by Reps. Waxman and Conyers finds that the Justice Department is not prepared to respond to reports of voter intimidation and disenfranchisement in next month’s elections.

October 12, 2004
Southern California Veterans Wait Months For Disability Benefits
A new report released by Rep. Waxman finds that thousands of disabled veterans in Southern California wait months before receiving veteran’s disability benefits.

October 6, 2004
H.R. 10 Fails to Address 9/11 Commission Recommendations
Rep. Turner, Ranking Member on the Select Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Waxman release a new analysis that compares the 41 recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission to H.R. 10, the legislation developed by House Republican leadership being considered tomorrow on the House floor. The analysis finds that the Republican bill fully implements only 11 of the Commission's recommendations and contains over 50 extraneous provisions.

October 5, 2004
House Subpoenas Documents on Administration Mismanagement of Iraqi Funds
New FDA documents raise serious questions about the agency’s oversight of the Chiron facility that was scheduled to deliver half of the nation’s flu shot supply this year.

September 30, 2004

H.J.Res. 106, the Federal Marriage Amendment
Rep. Waxman spoke in opposition to the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would deny basic rights under the Constitution to gays and lesbians. This resolution was a cynical ploy to foster division and diversion for the election campaign.

September 29, 2004
House Bill Fails to Implement 9-11 Commission Recommendations
Rep. Waxman urges a bipartisan effort to pass legislation that would fully implement the recommendations made by the 9-11 Commission, rather than the deeply flawed House bill, drafted by the Republican leadership, that fully implements just 11 of the 41 recommendations in the Commission's report.

September 27, 2004
H.R. 3193, the Assault Weapons in DC Act
On Sept. 29, the House will consider H.R. 3193 -- legislation that would make it legal to carry fully loaded assault weapons and possess armor-piercing ammunition in the nation’s capital city. Members of Congress, the D.C. City Council, and others have spoken out against the measure.

September 22, 2004
DOD Blocking Access to Overseas Voting Assistance Website
Reps. Waxman, Maloney, and Clay write DOD regarding recent reports that the Department is blocking access to the Federal Voting Assistance Program website for many Americans overseas.

September 14, 2004
Report: Secrecy in the Bush Administration
Rep. Waxman has released a comprehensive examination of the unprecedented assault on the principle of open government under the Bush Administration.

August 3, 2004
Reviewing 9-11 Commission’s Recommendations
At a Government Reform Committee hearing, Rep. Waxman expressed concerns about the fate of the 9-11 Commission’s recommendations.

July 21, 2004
Two New Reports Criticize Halliburton’s Iraq Contracts
Reps. Waxman and Dingell release two reports on Halliburton’s work in Iraq. The first report, prepared by GAO, finds systematic problems in the planning, implementation, and oversight of Halliburton’s contract to provide troop support services. The second report, by the minority staff, finds extensive overcharges in Halliburton’s gasoline prices.

July 19, 2004
Speech: Center for Business Intelligence Regarding biogenerics

July 7, 2004
Youth with Mental Illness Incarcerated Unnecessarily
At a Senate Governmental Affairs Committee hearing, Rep. Waxman and Senator Collins release a Special Investigations Division report revealing that nearly 2,000 youth are incarcerated each day because community mental health services are unavailable. In 33 states, youth are locked up in detention facilities to wait for treatment even though no charges have been filed against them.

June 23, 2004
Bipartisan House Group Calls on EPA to Issue Stronger Mercury Rule
Reps. Waxman, Cooper, Allen, Grijalva, E.B. Johnson, McCollum, Schakowsky, Solis, and 172 other members of Congress urge EPA to issue a rule on mercury emissions that meets the requirements of federal law and acts decisively to address the urgent threat that mercury poses to the nation’s public health.

June 23, 2004
H.Res. 690, Creating a Select Committee on Prison Abuses
Rep. Waxman, alongside Democratic Leader Pelosi, Armed Services Ranking Member Skelton, and nine other congressional leaders, introduces legislation to create a select committee in the House to investigate the abuses of detainees held in U.S. custody in Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere.
Bill Text

June 8, 2004
Mourning the Passing of President Ronald Reagan

May 27, 2004
Noncompetitive Contracts Soar under Bush Administration
A new report released by Rep. Waxman shows that the Bush Administration awarded $107 billion in sole-source and other noncompetitive contracts in fiscal year 2003, an increase of 60% compared to the last year of the Clinton Administration.

May 18, 2004
Conflicts of Interest Leave Iraq Reconstruction Vulnerable to Waste, Fraud, and Abuse
A joint report released by Rep. Waxman, Sen. Dorgan, Rep. Dingell, and Sen. Wyden reveals that the private contractors hired to oversee the reconstruction of Iraq have ongoing business relationships with the construction firms they are supposed to supervise.

May 17, 2004
Members File Suit To Force Administration To Release Medicare Cost Estimates
All 19 members of the Government Reform Committee minority file suit against the Secretary of Health and Human Services to compel the Administration to release cost estimates prepared by the HHS Actuary during congressional consideration of Medicare reform legislation.

April 29, 2004
Current Mercury Rulemaking Plan Compromised in Process and Substance
Reps. Waxman, Allen, and Schakowsky and Sen. Leahy urge the EPA to rescue the rulemaking process on power plant emissions by analyzing legally viable options and issuing a new or supplemental proposal.

April 27, 2004

Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide

April 24, 2004
Taekwondo Rule Change Raises Safety Concerns for Young Athletes
Rep. Waxman, Rep. Jackson, and Sen. Jeffords write the U.S. Olympic Committee to express concerns about a taekwondo rule change that encourages young black belts to disable opponents with kicks to the head – a rule change that medical experts say puts children at risk of serious injury.

April 12, 2004
Government Reform Committee Approves Legislation to Transform Postal Service
The Committee has approved bipartisan legislation that will allow the Postal Service to continue to fulfill its universal service mission at a reasonable cost by establishing a modern system for regulating rates, giving needed flexibility to the Postal Service, and ensuring a level playing field for the Postal Service and its competitors.

March 31, 2004
Failure to Pass Extension Results in Loss of Unemployment Benefits for 83,000 LA Area Workers

A new report prepared for Rep. Waxman and 12 other Los Angeles-Long Beach area members details the local impact of Congress's failure to pass a temporary federal extension of unemployment benefits.

March 18, 2004
California Members Support Waiver of Ethanol/MTBE Requirements
Fifty-two members of the California House delegation write EPA to express support for a waiver that would allow the state to sell cleaner blends of gasoline without the oxygenates mandated by the Clean Air Act.

March 18, 2004
Rep. Waxman's Opening Statement before the Subcommittee on Health of the House Energy and Commerce Committee
At a hearing on intergovernmental transfers, Rep. Waxman urges a very cautious approach to interfering with a long-established and fragile system of fiscal support for this program at this time of critical need, with safety net institutions tottering on the brink and the number of uninsured rising every day.

March 11, 2004
Rep. Waxman Details Halliburton Audit, Other New Information on Iraq Contracting
At a Committee hearing and in a briefing memo to colleagues, Rep. Waxman details new information from the Defense Contract Audit Agency, GAO, and the Defense Energy Support on Halliburton’s work in Iraq.

February 12, 2004

EPA Questioned on Lobbyist Role in Mercury Rulemaking
Reps. Waxman and Allen ask for information on reports that portions of the latest air pollution control proposal may have been copied directly from industry lobbyist memos.

February 5, 2004
Budget Asks for Fraction of Needed AIDS Funding Increase
Eight members call on the Administration to ensure that a new CDC initiative will not leave thousands of Americans with an HIV diagnosis but without access to life saving drugs.

January 26, 2004
GAO Asked to Investigate White House Leak
House Democratic Leader Pelosi, Senate Democratic Leader Daschle, and Ranking Members Waxman, Lieberman, Rockefeller, and Conyers today request a GAO investigation into whether the White House complied with internal security procedures for protecting covert CIA operative Valerie Plame's identity from disclosure and responding to the leak after it occurred.

January 15, 2004
Members Demand Information on Energy Department Contacts with Industry Groups
More than a dozen members demand the release of information regarding reports that the Department of Energy worked with industry groups to plan a "lobbying blitz" in support of the energy bill.

January 15, 2004
Members Demand Information on Health and Energy Policies
More than a dozen members demand the release of information on the political interference with science at HHS and on reports that the Department of Energy worked with industry groups to plan a "lobbying blitz" in support of the energy bill.

January 6, 2004

Rep. Waxman's Opening Statement before the Senate Democratic Policy Committee
At a hearing on the problem of the uninsured, Rep. Waxman urges action on an indefensible problem in this country: 43.6 million people without health insurance. He demands a commitment of our nation's resources to provide the services that our citizens need and deserve.

November 29, 2003
Speech: Center for Business Intelligence

October 29, 2003
Halliburton Paid Exorbitant Price Per Gallon
Reps. Waxman and Dingell reveal that Halliburton was paid $2.65 per gallon to import gasoline from Kuwait into Iraq -- much more than previously estimated. The Administration's role in approving these exorbitant prices is questioned.

October 28, 2003
Protecting Against Unsafe Dietary Supplements
Reps. Waxman, S. Davis, and Dingell introduce H.R. 3377, the Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act, to increase FDA's authority to protect consumers from those dietary supplements that pose health risks and preserve access to safe dietary supplements.

October 16, 2003
Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Act
Reps. Waxman and Dingell introduce an amendment to the Supplemental Appropriations Act to reduce by $250 million the amount paid to Halliburton to purchase gasoline.

October 15, 2003
Industry Experts Call Halliburton Gasoline Prices "Highway Robbery"
Reps . Waxman and Dingell reveal the prices that Halliburton has charged to import gasoline into Iraq. Oil industry experts say Halliburton's prices are "outrageously high," "a huge ripoff," and "highway robbery."

October 2, 2003

Speech: Washington Science Policy Alliance Regarding Politics and Science

October 2, 2003
USDA IG Releases Report on Agency Handling of ConAgra Beef Recall
The USDA Inspector General releases the results of its audit of the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service's oversight of 2002 ConAgra beef recall.

September 25, 2003
Government Network Security Act
The Government Network Security Act of 2003 (H.R. 3159), introduced by Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis, requires that federal agencies protect their computers and networks from the security risks posed by peer-to-peer file sharing.

September 16, 2003
Government Reform Committee Hearing on "Holocaust Era Insurance Restitution after AIA v. Garamendi: Where Do We Go From Here?"
The Committee on Government Reform held a hearing to examine the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision in American Insurance Association v. Garamendi, which overturned a California state law proposing sanctions against insurance companies that fail to publish information about Holocaust-era policies.

September 8, 2003
GAO Study Shows Prescription Drug Cards Fail to Provide Meaningful Savings to Seniors
Reps. Waxman, Stark, Brown and Ross release a GAO study showing prescription drug discount cards produce only minimal savings at best.

August 25, 2003
GAO Releases Final Report on Cheney Energy Task Force
Reps. Waxman and Dingell and Sens. Lieberman, Hollings, Levin, and Dorgan release GAO's final energy task force report which details the refusal of the White House to provide even basic information on the task force's operations.

July 23, 2003
Head Start at Risk; Program Serves 33,000 Children in LA Area
A new report prepared for Reps. Waxman, Becerra, Sanchez, and other members from Los Angeles examines the proposed overhaul of Head Start and its impact in Los Angeles. Head Start provides early education, health care and other services to over 33,000 children in Los Angeles. Proposals by the Bush Administration and Republican leaders in the House could turn the program into a state block grant and place these services at risk.

July 8, 2003
Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality hearing on the Administration's "Clear Skies" bill

June 26, 2003
Members Call for Independent Commission on Iraq
Over twenty members of Congress who supported the resolution to use force in Iraq introduced legislation today to establish an independent commission - modeled after the September 11 Commission - to examine the intelligence about Iraq and the representations made by executive branch officials about this intelligence.

June 23, 2003
Supreme Court Strikes Down Law Compelling Release of Policy Information
The Supreme Court struck down a California law that would have required insurance companies to release information on Holocaust-era insurance policies.

June 12, 2003
New Questions on President's Use of Forged Nuclear Evidence
The Administration's new account of why the President cited forged evidence about Iraq's nuclear capabilities in his State of the Union conflicts with known facts and is clearly incomplete.

June 3, 2003
Risks of New “Reduced Risk” Tobacco Products
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Schakowsky release a new report which finds striking parallels between the marketing of new “reduced risk” tobacco products and the deceptive marketing 30 years ago of “light” and “low tar” cigarettes.

May 23, 2003

Bipartisan Bill to Protect Consumers from Unsafe Contact Lenses
Rep. John Boozman and Rep. Waxman have introduced legislation that would reverse an April 2003 FDA decision to classify noncorrective lenses as cosmetics, a move which weakened safety standards. Manufactured improperly or used without medical supervision, colored contact lenses can cause serious eye infections and loss of vision.

May 15, 2003
Privacy and Security Risks of P2P File-Sharing
At a Committee on Government Reform hearing, Rep. Waxman and Chairman Davis released a report on the privacy and security risks posed by the use of popular peer-to-peer file-sharing programs like Kazaa.

May 7, 2003
Services Acquisition Reform Act
The Government Reform Committee has approved a bill which would make major changes in how the federal government buys goods and services worth billions of dollars. While the aim of the bill is to "streamline" the federal purchasing process, in key areas its effect will be to diminish the government's ability to protect taxpayer dollars against waste, fraud, and abuse.

April 9, 2003
Commemoration of the 88th Anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Rep. Waxman made a statement in remembrance of the annual commemoration of the Armenian Genocide.

April 9, 2003
H.R. 1036, The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Rep. Waxman made a statement in strong opposition to H.R. 1036, which would provide immunity from liability to gun manufacturers and gun dealers, when the bill was considered on the House floor. Rep. Waxman voted against this legislation and is disappointed that it passed the House by a vote of 285 - 140.

April 8, 2003
Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act
The House has passed S. 380, the Postal Civil Service Retirement System Funding Reform Act, which will credit the Postal Service for the real value of past retirement contributions and will change how future contributions are calculated.

April 1, 2003
Speech: Rep. Waxman Delivered a Speech to the Food and Drug Law Institute

March 26, 2003

Fifty-Two Members Support California in Garamendi Case
Rep. Waxman, joined by 51 Members of Congress, filed an amicus brief supporting the State of California in American Insurance Association et. al. v. Garamendi.

March 13, 2003
Internet File-Sharing Hearing
The Committee on Government Reform held a hearing on children's access and exposure to pornography through Internet file-sharing programs. At the hearing, a GAO report and a staff report on the issue were released, as well as helpful recommendations for parents.

March 5, 2003
Rep. Waxman Calls for Hearings and Investigation of Energy Sector Abuses
Rep. Waxman made a statement in opposition to the Energy and Commerce Committee energy bill which fails to reflect the most dramatic events that have happened in the energy sector since consideration of the last energy bill in August 2001 and calls for hearings and investigations before legislation can be passed.

February 27, 2003
Speech: American Jewish Committee Speech on American Oil Dependence

February 13, 2003
Rep. Waxman Introduces Smallpox Vaccination and Compensation Act
Rep. Waxman today introduced legislation to provide compensation for health care workers and others injured by the smallpox vaccine. The legislation also includes provisions to assist state efforts against smallpox and to protect health care workers and their employers during the vaccination campaign.
Legislation Summary
More on Smallpox Vaccine Compensation

February 12, 2003
Cheney Energy Task Force
Rep. Waxman gave remarks about the serious implications of GAO's decision to abandon its efforts to obtain Cheney task force records.

January 28, 2003
Speech: Rep. Waxman delivered a speech to the Generic Pharmaceutical Association

January 10, 2003
Concern Over Justice Department Takeover of Insurance Company
Rep. Waxman and other members have expressed concern about the Justice Department's failure to prosecute the French bank Credit Lyonnais for its fraudulent takeover of Executive Life Insurance Company in 1991.

December 11, 2002
Midnight Trade Deal Ends Tariffs on U.S. Cigarettes Sold in Chile
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Doggett call for a full investigation into a midnight trade deal by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick that will phase out tariffs on U.S. cigarettes sold in Chile, an abandonment of the Administration’s previously stated position that cigarettes would not be included in the trade negotiations.

December 9, 2002
Cheney Energy Task Force
Rep. Waxman made a statement regarding access to the Cheney Energy Task Force records.
Flaws in the District Court Decision »

November 13, 2002
The Homeland Security Act of 2002
Rep. Waxman made a statement regarding the Homeland Security Act of 2002.
More on Homeland Security

November 2, 2002
Speech: Energy / Environmental Issues
Rep. Waxman gave a speech regarding energy and environmental issues to the Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP).

October 28, 2002
Speech: Generic Drugs and Drug Pricing
Rep. Waxman gave a speech on generic drugs and drug pricing to the American Academy of Pharmaceutical Physicians.

October 17, 2002
Prosperity Index Is Falling Under Bush
A new report released by Reps. Richard Gephardt, Henry Waxman, and John Spratt uses the 'Prosperity Index' to assess the health of the nation's economy. The report shows that since President Bush took office, the Prosperity Index has experienced its sharpest decline in 20 years.
The Prosperity Index: Measuring the State of the Nation's Economy
Prosperity Index Chart

October 16, 2002
Medical Privacy
Rep. Waxman made a statement regarding H.R. 5646, The Stop Taking our Health Privacy Act of 2002.

October 10, 2002
Regarding War with Iraq
Despite his misgivings about the President’s approach, Rep. Waxman believes it’s essential that Congress send the strongest bipartisan signal of unity possible so the UN will act. The resolution was supported by 77 of 100 Senators and 296 of 435 Representatives, including Rep. Waxman.
PDF Version

October 9, 2002
Competition in the Pharmaceutical Marketplace
Rep. Waxman made a statement during a hearing before the Subcommittee on Health
titled 'Examining Issues Related to Competition in the Pharmaceutical Marketplace:
A Review of the FTC Report "Generic Drug Entry Prior to Patent Expiration"'

October 3, 2002
United States Relations with Saudi Arabia
Rep. Waxman made a statement before the Committee on Government Reform regarding relations between the United States and Saudi Arabia. He cited that there are fundamental differences between democratic governments like ours and Saudi Arabia.

October 2, 2002
Mark-up of Medical Device Legislation
Rep. Waxman opposes new medical device legislation that authorizes the payment of user fees by device manufacturers for FDA reviews because the bill includes a program to partially privatize inspections of medical device plants.

October 1, 2002
H.R. 2357, The "Houses of Worship Political Speech Protection Act"
Rep. Waxman made a statement in strong opposition to H.R. 2357, which would change the tax code to allow religious nonprofit organizations to engage in political activity, use tax-exempt contributions for political purposes, and enable religious leaders to endorse candidates from their pulpit.

September 25, 2002
Markup of The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
Rep. Waxman made a statement opposing H.R. 2037, which would grant extensive immunity to gun dealers and manufacturers, even if they engage in reckless or negligent behavior.
April 18 - Rep. Waxman's speech during a hearing on the bill

September 24, 2002
Amendment to the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act
Rep. Waxman made a statement before the Rules Committee asking for an amendment to be made to H.R. 4691, the "Abortion Nondiscrimination Act".

September 24, 2002
Disclosure of Holocaust-Era Insurance Policy Information
The Subcommittee on Government Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations held a hearing on H.R. 2693, the 'Holocaust Victims Insurance Relief Act of 2001', which would require insurance companies operating in the United States to disclose information about their Holocaust-era policies issued in Europe during the Nazi era.

September 18, 2002
Markup of the HEALTH Act of 2002
Rep. Waxman made a statement at the Energy and Commerce Committee markup regarding the "Help Efficient, Accessible, Low Cost, Timely Health Care (HEALTH) Act of 2002".

September 18, 2002

Drug Pricing Loopholes
Rep. Waxman's statement in support of discharge petition for a bill that would lower drug prices by eliminating loopholes that drug companies use to delay competition.

September 17, 2002
Tobacco Companies Still Deny Harm of Cigarettes
As criticism of the tobacco industry has accelerated in recent years and calls for product regulation have grown, tobacco companies have defended themselves by saying they are now "responsible" corporations that aim to communicate honestly about their products. A new report released by Rep. Waxman examines recently submitted filings by the five largest cigarette manufacturers in the civil suit brought by the United States Department of Justice to evaluate the truthfulness of company statements.

July 17, 2002
Hearing on Harming Patient Access to Care: The Impact of Excessive Litigation

July 16, 2002
Hearing on EPA Cabinet Elevation
The Government Reform Committee's Energy Policy, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee held a hearing entitled "EPA Cabinet Elevation: Agency and Stakeholder Views".

July 9, 2002
Anti-Semitism in Europe
Rep. Waxman voted for H.Res. 393, a resolution calling for the governments of Europe to protect the safety and well-being of their Jewish communities, condemn anti-Semitic attacks, and prosecute perpetrators of anti-Semitic violence. The resolution passed the House unanimously.
Text of the Bill

June 27, 2002
Rep. Waxman Releases Analysis of House Energy Bill
The conference between the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate on energy legislation began today. Rep. Waxman released a detailed section-by-section analysis of H.R. 4, the House energy bill, which shows that H.R. 4 is not a coherent national energy policy but is instead a collection of special interest giveaways to large energy industry campaign contributors.

June 20, 2002

Hearing on The Department of Homeland Security: An Overview of the President's Proposal
White House Office of Homeland Security Director Ridge testifies at a Committee hearing on "The Department of Homeland Security: An Overview of the President's Proposal."

June 19, 2002
Hearing on Vaccine Safety
In his opening statement at a hearing on vaccine safety, Rep. Waxman states that, with this series of hearings, Chairman Burton has repeatedly provided a forum for unsubstantiated allegations about vaccine safety that have alarmed and confused parents. Rep. Waxman also urges Chairman Burton drop his threats to subpoena patient information from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) project, a national database for monitoring vaccine safety, and instead accept the CDC's solution of working with the HMOs to create a process for allowing independent researchers access to the data.

June 6, 2002
Statement on the Permanent Estate Tax Repeal
The effort to make permanent the repeal of the estate tax would enrich a small group of wealthy Americans, while worsening the existing federal budget deficit.

May 22, 2002
Statement on the Rangel Substitute to the Customs Border Security Act

May 14, 2002
Statement on the Nursing Home Improvement Act of 2002

May 8, 2002
Hearing on Affordable Pharmaceuticals
The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee held a hearing on "Closing the Gaps in the Hatch-Waxman Act: Assuring Greater Access to Affordable Pharmaceuticals".

May 6, 2002
Speech: Postal Issues

Rep. Waxman gave a speech on postal issues to American Business Media.

May 01, 2002
Rep. Waxman Introduces Nursing Home Staffing Improvement Act of 2002
Rep. Waxman and other members introduced the Nursing Home Staffing Improvement Act (H.R. 4715) to establish minimum staffing levels for nursing homes. This bill implements staffing levels identified by the Department of Health and Human Services and would require that all nursing home residents receive at least four hours of nursing care each day.

April 24, 2002
Rep. Waxman Gives Statement on H.R. 4187, The Presidential Records Act
In a hearing on The Presidential Records Act, Rep. Waxman stated, "The Bush executive order, which changes the management of the Presidential Records Act, is seriously flawed. The order takes a law that was designed to make documents readily available to the public and establishes procedures that are designed to block access."

April 23, 2002
Hearing on Energy Policy

The Government Reform Committee´s Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs held a hearing on fuel standards and the environment.
The Enron Investigation

April 23, 2002
Hearing on Welfare Reform

The Energy and Commerce Committee´s Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on Welfare Reform Programs.

April 18, 2002
Statement on the Future of Yucca Mountain, Nevada
The Energy and Commerce Committee´s Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a markup of the President's Recommendation to Develop a Nuclear Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.

April 18, 2002
Hearing on the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act
The Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade and Consumer Protection held a hearing on legislation to provide immunity from liability to gun manufacturers and gun dealers

April 16, 2002

HHS Posts Complete Information on Nursing Home Violations
A report released in February by Rep. Waxman and Sen. Charles E. Grassley found that the federal website 'Nursing Home Compare' was incomplete because it did not include tens of thousands of recent violations of federal health standards. Rep. Waxman and Sen. Grassley wrote to HHS Administrator Tom Scully to urge that the information be added to the site, and asked the minority staff to create a temporary searchable database of these complaint violations. In May 2002, HHS began posting the information on their website 'Nursing Home Compare'.

April 11, 2002
Historians on the Importance of Access to Presidential Records
In a full Committee oversight hearing on the Presidential Records Act, four prominent historians criticized efforts by the Bush Administration to restrict access to presidential records. According to Dr. Stanley Kutler, "If his action stands, Bush will substantially shut down historical research of recent presidents."

April 10, 2002
Nicotine Lollipops Illegally Sold
One week after Rep. Waxman called on the Department of Health and Human Services to halt the sale of nicotine lollipops, the FDA announced its finding that these products are illegal and directed sellers to move to discontinue sales within 15 days.

March 26, 2002

Letter from PaineWebber on Financial Advice to Enron Employees
In response to a letter sent by Rep. Waxman, UBS PaineWebber provides information on the financial advice it gave to Enron employees.

March 14, 2002
Minority Members Submit Views on Clinton Pardon Report
Minority members of the Government Reform Committee respond to the majority's report, "Justice Undone: Clemency Decisions in the Clinton White House." The minority's response concludes that the pardons were the result of a clemency process in disarray and poor judgment. The majority's report, however, does not recite facts and draw reasonable conclusions. Rather, it mixes facts with suppositions, unfairly questions the motives and integrity of the individuals involved, and makes numerous unsupported allegations of wrongdoing.

March 6, 2002
Hearing on Reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act
The Energy and Commerce Committee's Subcommittee on Health held a hearing regarding the rapid speed in which new drugs are reviewed in the United States.

February 28, 2002
Understanding Congressional Operations Address to Public Health Prevention Specialists & Preventive Health Residents
Rep. Waxman´s statement at the Brookings Institution

February 27, 2002
Antibiotic Resistance Caused by Overuse of Antibiotics in Healthy Farm Animals

Rep. Waxman's statement upon introduction of a bill to address the problem of antibiotic resistance caused by overuse of antibiotics in healthy farm animals. Antibiotic resistance can render drugs to treat life-threatening illnesses ineffective, and the bill would ensure that antibiotics that have important uses in humans are not routinely given to healthy animals unless there is good evidence it will not endanger human health.

February 26, 2002
House Energy Bill Includes Huge Taxpayer Subsidies to Energy Industries
A new report prepared for Rep. Waxman analyzes the House energy bill in detail. The report shows that the Administration's energy policy contained in H.R. 4 is mainly an assemblage of tax breaks and subsidies to energy companies.

February 22, 2002
GAO Files Suit for Information on Contacts with Outside Parties
GAO filed suit in the U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., to obtain access to information about the task force's contacts with outside parties. This is the first time that GAO has filed suit against a federal official in order to obtain access to records. In a statement released the same day, GAO said that it took this step "reluctantly" but added that "given GAO's responsibility to Congress and the American people, we have no other choice."

February 22, 2002
Rep. Waxman Testifies on Fifty Caliber Weapons
Rep. Waxman testified before the California Assembly Select Committee on Gun Violence, calling fifty caliber weapons "among the most dangerous and powerful weapons available today."

February 13, 2002
Hearing on Enron and Energy Markets
At a hearing held by the Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee, Rep. Waxman explained how deregulation of electric utilities has led to a string of failures and broken promises.
'The Broken Promise of Deregulation' Charts

February 6, 2002

Hearing on Developments Relating to Enron Corporation
The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on the Enron collapse. Rep. Waxman stated his desire for a comprehensive investigation.

January 28, 2002
Speech: Rep. Waxman delivered a speech to the Center for Business Intelligence

January 10, 2002
Rep. Waxman Releases Enron Statement
Rep. Waxman issues a statement in response to news reports that the Bush Administration had prior knowledge of the Enron collapse.

December 12, 2001
Markup of H.R. 3406, the "Electric Supply and Transmission Act of 2001"
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality convened a markup on sweeping and controversial policy changes to the nation's electricity laws. Although opening statements were made at the markup, the Subcommittee never actually acted upon H.R. 3406. The Subcommittee did not consider amendments, debate, vote on or report the legislation. Rep. Waxman stated his strong opposition to the legislation.

December 6, 2001
Criticism of DOJ Gun Records Policy

Rep. Waxman participated in a press conference in which he criticized Attorney General John Ashcroft for refusing the FBI's requests to investigate the gun records of suspected terrorists.

December 3, 2001
Bush Refuses to Turn Over Records
Rep. Waxman criticized the Bush Administration for invoking executive privilege and withholding important documents from Congress.

November 28, 2001
Bill to Open Secret Social Security Commission Meetings
Reps. Waxman and Matsui introduce legislation that will require the President's Commission on Social Security to keep their meetings open to the public.

November 15, 2001
The Biological Weapons Convention: Rethinking Our Priorities After September 11
Rep. Waxman held a Special Investigations Briefing to discuss the value of mandatory inspections under the Biological Weapons Convention, particularly in the context of the September 11 terrorist attacks and the recent anthrax attacks.

November 8, 2001
Hearing on 'The Status of Insurance Restitution for Holocaust Victims and Their Heirs'
At the request of Rep. Waxman, the Committee on Government Reform held a hearing on Holocaust-era insurance restitution and the work of the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims (ICHEIC).

November 06, 2001
Criticism of DOJ Gun Records Policy
Rep. Waxman participated in a press conference in which he criticized Attorney General John Ashcroft for refusing the FBI's requests to investigate the gun records of suspected terrorists.

November 06, 2001
Administration Limits Release of Presidential Records

Reps. Waxman and Schakowsky send a letter to President Bush calling on him to rescind his Executive Order that greatly restricts public access to Presidential records.

October 30, 2001
Committee Investigates Mail Safety
The Committee held a hearing regarding the safety of U.S. postal employees and the mail.

October 16, 2001
Ambulance Diversions Are Warning Sign
Rep. Waxman released a report detailing the national problem of ambulance diversions and its implications for how well emergency rooms are prepared for possible terrorist attacks. By analyzing state and local articles published since January 2000, the report identified 22 states where hospital officials have declared they cannot safely accept emergency vehicles causing delays in patient care. These access problems have occurred under present conditions, demonstrating that additional attention to the emergency care system is needed to prepare fully for future challenges.

October 11, 2001
Violence Policy Center Report on Fifty Caliber Sniper Weapons

The Violence Policy Center issued a new report, Voting From the Rooftops: How the Gun Industry Armed Osama bin Laden, Other Foreign and Domestic Terrorists, and Common Criminals with 50 Caliber Sniper Rifles. The report demonstrates the extraordinary dangers posed by long-range, fifty caliber sniper weapons.

October 11, 2001
Markup of H.R. 2983, the Price-Anderson Reauthorization Act of 2001
The House Energy and Commerce Committee marked up and reported legislation to reauthorize the Price Anderson Act. In light of the terrorist attacks of September 11, Rep. Waxman urges Congress to carefully examine federal policies regarding nuclear facilities before paving the way for the construction of many new nuclear reactors.

October 3, 2001
Markup of Anti-terrorism Legislation
The House Energy and Commerce Committee marked up legislation to address nuclear facilities.  Rep. Waxman notes that the legislation is two years old and fails to reflect the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, or recent press reports on inadequate security at commercial nuclear facilities.  Rep. Waxman states that “these facilities are often unable to defend against an attack by even the smallest group of attackers.  That means we should be particularly concerned about an attack at the level of competency and commitment displayed in the September 11 attacks.” 

October 2, 2001
Airline Industry Relief
On September 21, 2001, Rep. Waxman voted against H.R. 2926, legislation providing billions of dollars of financial relief to the airline industry from the September 11 terrorist attack. Read Rep. Waxman´s statement on the House floor when H.R. 2926 was considered and additional comments he submitted in the Congressional Record on October 2, 2001.

October 1, 2001
GAO Report: 2000 Presidential Election Undercount
At the request of Rep. Waxman, the General Accounting Office investigated the impact of voting equipment and the demographic characteristics of voters on the undercount in the 2000 presidential election. The report found that voters using punch-card machines had the highest percentage of uncounted ballots and that switching from punch-card machines to optical scan machines that allow voters to correct errors could prevent hundreds of thousands of uncounted ballots.

September 20, 2001
Hearing on National Electricity Policy
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on national electricity policy and heard from various federal officials

September 12, 2001

Statement Regarding the Terrorist Attacks
On September 12, 2001, the House of Representatives voted unanimously to condemn the September 11 terrorist attacks against the United States and to support punishing the perpetrators and their state sponsors.
Congressional Resolution

September 6, 2001
Hearing on Price Anderson
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on reauthorization of the Price-Anderson Act – legislation that provides for the U.S. taxpayer to pay for the consequences of a catastrophic nuclear event.  Rep. Waxman questions the need for new subsidies for established energy industries, instead of adequately encouraging the development of clean, renewable energy sources.

August 13, 2001
Medicaid Managed Care Protections
Rep. Waxman, along with Reps. John Dingell and Sherrod Brown, sent a letter to President Bush regarding the Administration´s attempts to undermine key measures to protect against managed care abuses. On August 2, President Bush publicly endorsed H.R. 2563, a patient rights bill that calls for the same patient protections for patients covered by Medicaid as for those with privately insurance. However, just two weeks later, on August 16, the Administration moved to delay and weaken patient rights in the Medicaid program. Rep. Waxman, along with Reps. John Dingell and Sherrod Brown, exposed this glaring contradiction in a letter to President Bush. Reps. Waxman, Dingell, and Brown prepared a comparison between H.R. 2563 and pending Medicaid patient protections.

August 06, 2001
Inclusion of Women in New Drug Testing
At the request of Rep. Waxman and Senators Tom Harkin, Jim Jeffords, Barbara Mikulski, and Olympia Snowe, the General Accounting Office (GAO) investigated FDA’s progress in addressing the inclusion of women in clinical drug trials.

July 30, 2001
Report on Abuse of Nursing Home Residents
A nationwide report by the Special Investigations Division for Rep. Waxman has found that nearly one-third of nursing homes were cited for a violation involving abuse between January 1999 and January 2001, that many of these abuse violations caused actual harm to residents, and that the number of abuse violations is increasing.

July 27, 2001
Children's Access to Pornography Through Internet File-Sharing Programs
At the request of Rep. Waxman and Rep. Steve Largent, the Special Investigations Division examined a new and growing problem for parents throughout the United States: Internet file-sharing programs that provide children easy and free access to thousands of explicit pornographic videos and other pornographic materials.

July 17, 2001

Markup of the "Energy Advancement and Conservation Act of 2001"
The House Energy and Commerce Committee convened a markup on comprehensive energy legislation. Rep. Waxman explained why the legislation failed to meaningfully address the nation's pressing energy needs.

May 5, 2001
Hearing on H.R. 1647, “The Electricity Emergency Act of 2001”
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on legislation to assist California with the exorbitant prices and blackouts that it has experienced.  Rep. Waxman states that despite the intent to help California, the legislation is fundamentally flawed, and will do far more harm than good.

May 1, 2001
Flaws of the “Electricity Emergency Relief Act”
The "Electricity Emergency Relief Act" being drafted by Rep. Joe Barton is intended to help California address the current electricity crisis. Unfortunately, the legislation, if enacted, would exacerbate California's problems by increasing energy costs, undermining state efforts to respond to the electricity crisis, and weakening important environmental protections.

April 5, 2001
Investigation Finds Detroit Election Reforms Worked
At the request of Rep. Waxman, the Special Investigations Division conducted a case study of efforts to reduce uncounted ballots in Detroit, the nation's poorest city. The investigation found that Detroit's reforms worked. By replacing punch-card machines and conducting voter education, Detroit reduced the percent of uncounted votes for president by two-thirds between 1996 and 2000. The report was released during a “Special Investigations Briefing” on April 5, 2001.

March 21, 2001
Investigation Finds Loopholes in Gun Background Checks
At the request of Rep. Waxman, the Special Investigations Division and GAO examined the effectiveness of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS). As part of this investigation, GAO agents used off-the-shelf software to make counterfeit drivers licenses and then used these false IDs to buy guns in five states: Virginia, West Virginia, Montana, New Mexico, and Arizona. The agents were successful in all five states. As part of the investigation, GAO issued its own report concluding that the instant background check system cannot ensure that prospective purchasers are not felons or others ineligible to buy guns.

March 20, 2001
Hearing on Electricity Markets: California
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on the nation's electricity markets. Rep. Waxman called for decisive action from the President to help California and the other western states from skyrocketing electricity prices.

February 28, 2001
Hearing on Natural Gas Energy Policy
The House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on the nation's natural gas energy policy. Rep. Waxman focused on the issue from a California perspective.

October 11, 2000
Loopholes in the Drug Reimportation Bill

Congress enacted legislation as part of the Agriculture Appropriations bill (Pub. L. No. 106-387) that purports to address prescription drug price discrimination by allowing the importation of lower priced foreign drugs. In reality, however, the drug reimportation provisions contain numerous loopholes that will prevent the law from reducing drug prices for seniors and other U.S. customers. One of the loopholes in the reimportation provisions creates a labeling “Catch 22” under which drugs cannot be imported into the United States unless the drug manufacturer consents to the importation by authorizing the importer to use the FDA-approved label. Because of the loopholes in the legislation, former HHS Secretary Donna Shalala determined that the law could not be successfully implemented.

September 26, 2000
Committee Hearings on White House E-Mails
The Committee held five days of hearings in 2000 on the topic of White House e-mails. Rep. Waxman’s opening statements have attempted to put some of the issues explored at these hearings into their proper context, while rebutting many of the unsubstantiated allegations that have been made by the majority and others during the investigation.

July 20, 2000
Statements on the Campaign Finance Investigation
Rep. Waxman’s opening statements provide a window into many mistakes and unsubstantiated allegations that characterize the majority’s campaign finance investigation.

June 19, 2000

Appropriations Riders Would Block DOJ´s Suit Against Tobacco Industry
Hidden riders in VA-HUD and Commerce-State-Justice Appropriations bills would effectively give the tobacco industry immunity from federal liability -- despite the tobacco companies´ decades of deceit about the dangers of smoking.

April 17, 2000
Committee Hearings Highlight Allegations on Vaccine Safety
The Committee held four hearings on childhood immunizations in the 106th Congress. These hearings highlighted allegations regarding the safety of some vaccines and conflicts of interest in the vaccine approval process. In one hearing in April 2000, witnesses alleged that autism may be caused by the Measles Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccine, a theory that has been contradicted by several epidemiological studies. At the request of Mr. Waxman and Chairman Burton, HHS contracted with the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine to analyze all the available science on this theory. The IOM issued its report which found no evidence of a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Concerned that parents may be needlessly frightened about vaccine safety and as a result may stop vaccinating their children, Rep. Waxman wrote an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times explaining that this remains an unproven hypothesis. Other allegations about vaccines made during the course of these hearings have never been proved as well. Rep. Waxman’s hearing statements explain the need for sound research into these questions while emphasizing that parents should not be unnecessarily scared from giving their children safe and effective vaccines against known, debilitating, and deadly diseases.

November 9, 1999
Nationwide Drug Pricing Report Released
For too long our nation´s seniors have faced discrimination in drug pricing. The sad reality is that those in greatest need of lifesaving medicines often have the least ability to pay for them—yet drug companies are charging those seniors the highest prices possible. This nationwide report shows that seniors from California to Maine are paying over 130% more for essential prescriptions than the drug companies´ most favored customers—such as the HMO´s and the federal government.

October 19, 1999
Committee Hearings on Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Chairman Burton has held a number of hearings on complementary and alternative medicines. He has used these hearings as an opportunity to criticize the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health for what he says is a lack of commitment to making complementary and alternative medicines widely available. Rep. Waxman’s hearing statements explain that while these treatments should be available, all medicine, including complementary and alternative medicine, needs to be safe and effective. According to Rep. Waxman, the standards for judging safety and efficacy need to be the same, whatever the treatment.

May 27, 1999
Committee Hearings on Dietary Supplements
Chairman Burton held several hearings on FDA’s regulation of dietary supplements. He used the hearings in part as an opportunity to criticize FDA for what he claimed was over-regulation of dietary supplement products. Rep. Waxman’s opening statements explained that while there are supplements such as certain minerals and vitamins that play an important role in promoting health, there are legitimate concerns about the efficacy as well as the safety of some of these products that need to be addressed.

May 25, 1999
Protecting Medical Privacy
Under current federal law, we have little control over our medical records. To protect the privacy of our medical records, Rep. Waxman co-introduced the Health Information Privacy Act of 1999. Please review his Dear Colleague letter and statement on the issue as well as a summary of the bill and the bill itself.

May 3, 1999
Long-Range 50 Caliber Weapons
These weapons, powerful enough to penetrate an armored limousine or helicopter, are readily available at gun stores and on the Internet.

April 20, 1999
Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage
Rep. Waxman has joined a number of colleagues in introducing the Access to Rx Medications in Medicare (ARMM) Act of 1999 to provide comprehensive Medicare drug coverage to older Americans.

April 14, 1999
Government Reform Committee Hearing on Taxes
Under the Clinton Administration, America´s economy performed so well that governors could afford to lower state tax rates. Rep. Waxman discusses who deserves the credit for these tax cuts.

April 12, 1999
Restoring Dignity to the Olympics
Rep. Waxman and Rep. Lazio have introduced "The International Olympic Committee Reform Act of 1999."

March 18, 1999
Work Incentives Improvement Act
When disabled beneficiaries of Medicare and Medicaid begin to work, they lose their medical benefits. As a result, many disabled people who would like to work do not seek jobs because they can not function without these benefits. Rep. Waxman´s statement explains how to solve this problem by allowing disabled people to retain Medicare or Medicaid while employed.

March 17, 1999
Fighting For An Accurate Census
The Government Reform Committee met to mark-up several bills designed to prevent the Census Bureau from conducting an accurate census in 2000.

February 10, 1999
Defense of the Environment Amendment to H.R. 350
A statement Rep. Waxman made on this amendment, which contained the same key provisions of the Defense of the Environment Act he proposed. Although the amendment failed, its vote showed that over 200 members of the House want to have an open debate on anti-environmental riders.

October 23, 1998
Campaign Finance Investigation Abuses
The House Government Reform and Oversight Committee´s campaign investigation has been the most partisan, inept, and abusive, since the McCarthy hearings in 1954. It has also been the costliest congressional investigation in our history.

October 14, 1998
White House Christmas Caper
Are President Clinton and the First Lady guilty of theft of government property? Some Republicans have made that ludicrous allegation about the First Family´s Christmas list.

October 13, 1998
Blocking Special Interest Pork: Drug Patent Extensions
A group of pharmaceutical companies lobbied Congress to adopt a proposal in the 1998 omnibus appropriations bill that would permit patent extensions for several blockbuster drugs, including Claritin. If implemented, the proposal would have cost American consumers over $6 billion. Along with several other members of Congress, Rep. Waxman helped block this giveaway to pharmaceutical manufacturers.

October 7, 1998
The Price Tag of the Campaign Finance Investigation
A General Accounting Office (GAO) study showed that the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee´s campaign investigation has cost more than any congressional investigation in history.

April 29, 1998
Proposed Bill Would Prohibit Federal Spending on Needle Exchange Programs

Opposing the bill because these programs reduce HIV transmission and without leading to increased drug addiction.

November 10, 1997
Speech to the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care

Conference on Healthcare Resource Allocation
Containing a synopsis of national priorities in preventing and treating HIV/AIDS.

September 11, 1997
An amendment to the proposed Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 1998

Opposing an amendment that would have prohibited the use of federal funds for implementing or studying needle exchange programs.

June 12, 1997
Tobacco Accountability Act
Summary of the Tobacco Accountability Act
Secret Attorney-Client Documents Are Evidence of Potential Crimes or Fraud by the Tobacco Industry Including many excerpts from these documents

May 22, 1995
The History and Future of Federal Action on the AIDS Epidemic

September 30, 1994

The Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act
Highlighting the successes of the bill and urging Congress to reauthorize it for six more years.

August 3, 1990
The Conference Report on S. 2240, Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act of 1990
Explaining what the act will accomplish

June 13, 1990
Explaining why Congress should pass the proposed Ryan White CARE Act

February 22, 1990
Regarding the costs of the AIDS epidemic, and a proposal to have the Medicaid program shoulder some of its financial cost. The Ryan White CARE Act supplanted this attempt.