Tips for Touring Captiol Hill

House and Senate Galleries

Passes to the House and Senate galleries to observe debate on the floor of Congress can be obtained from my Washington office in 1011 Longworth House Office Building . Children must be at least six years of age to be admitted to the Senate gallery. In the House, children under 10 are allowed in the gallery if accompanied by an adult. Both galleries are open between 9:00 AM and 4:30 PM, but may open earlier, depending on when the House and Senate are in session.


Cafeterias are located in the Dirksen Senate Building directly north of the Capitol, the Rayburn and Longworth House Office Building directly south of the Capitol, and the James Madison Memorial Annex to the Library of Congress. The Madison Cafeteria is open to the public during all hours of business, while the other cafeterias are open to the public from 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM and from 1:15 to 2:30 PM


For those unfamiliar with the city, driving can be confusing and parking very difficult to find. However, public transportation is easily accessible to those visiting the D.C. area. Taxis, buses, and the Metrorail subway are available every day for transportation to and from Capitol Hill. Visitors are encouraged to use the Metro system. The closest Metro stops for Capitol Hill are Capitol South (Orange line) and Union Station (Red line).

The Metro: All of Washington’s major sightseeing attractions are easily accessible by the Metro. Trains operate every five minutes during rush hours (between 6 - 9 am and 3 - 6:30 pm) and every ten minutes during off peak hours. They begin running at 5:30 am during the week and stop running at midnight. Call for weekend schedules. For route, schedule and fare information call 202-637-7000. For suggestions and inquiries call 202-637-1328. For additional information, please contact Metro information at 202-637-7000.

Taxis: Taxicabs are usually easy to find, even during non-rush hour periods. Most fares are based on established zones, not on metered mileage. For example, the large downtown area between the Capitol and the White House is one zone, and a bargain.

Baltimore/Washington International: Maryland Telephone: 301-261-1000 for general information, 301-261-1091 for ground transportation, 301-674-1167 for Amtrak BWI Station.

Washington Ronald Reagan National Airport: 703-685-8000 for general information, 703-685-8034 for lost and found, 703-684-3472 for travelers aid and paging.

Dulles International Airport: 703-471-7838 for general information, 703-471-4114 for lost and found, 703-528-4440 for taxi service and 703-661-8636 for travelers aid.

If you need any additional information or assistance, my office is located in Room 1211 of the Longworth House Office Building. Please visit my office when you are in Washington, D.C.


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