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United States Senator          Serving the Citizens of Idaho

Larry Craig

News Release

Craig: (202) 224-8078
Dorgan: (202) 224-2551

For Immediate Release:
March 14, 2007

Dorgan, Craig Introduce Energy Bill

Tackles conservation, security, renewable fuels, technology, and production

WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Senators Byron Dorgan, D-N.D., and Larry Craig, R-Idaho, introduced the Security and Fuel Efficiency (SAFE) Energy Act of 2007 today. The legislation follows closely many of the policy recommendations of the Energy Security Leadership Council, which released its "Recommendation to the Nation on Reducing U.S. Oil Dependence" report in December 2006. A number of Council members joined Dorgan and Craig at the press conference announcing the legislation.

Dorgan said, "This bill is a major bi-partisan initiative that bridges the gap between those who argue increased oil production is the only way to increase our nation's energy security, and those who say increased conservation is the only answer. We've found a sensible, workable, way to do both, as well as to make sure new, alternative, renewable sources of energy are brought into our mix in a very important way."

Craig said, "We need to balance conservation, new technologies, and production rather than support one solution over another. What you see before you is a comprehensive approach that includes something for everyone to support, as well as provisions that some have not supported individually in the past. For example, I haven't supported increasing automobile efficiency standards alone, but I can when it is coupled with expanded production and innovative alternative fuels like cellulosic ethanol. This is not an end-all-be-all, but SAFE represents a truly bi-partisan compromise that goes much farther than any partisan provision could."

The legislation includes four titles focusing on: increasing fuel efficiency of the transportation sector; growing use of alternative fuels and infrastructure; expanding access to certain Outer Continental Shelf Resources; and managing international energy security risks. Specific details are available in the attached summary of the legislation.

Participants attending the press conference to lend their support to the legislation included: General P.X. Kelley, USMC (Ret.), 28th Commandant, U.S. Marine Corps (ESLC co-Chair); John F. Lehman, former Secretary of the U.S. Navy and member of the 9-11 Commission; Andrew N. Liveris, Chairman and CEO, The Dow Chemical Company; David P. Steiner, CEO, Waste Management, Inc; General Charles. F. Wald USAF (Ret.), former Deputy Commander of the United States European Command (EUCOM).

For more information, you can read the bill (PDF), a summary (PDF), or a section-by-section (PDF).

In addition, charts are available: The No Zone (Hi-Res (604 KB) and Lo-Res (234 KB)) and Gulf of Mexico Energy Production (Hi-Res (509 KB) and Lo-Res (198 KB)).
