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Wednesday, March 15, 2006 Speeches
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Congressman Chet Edwards Introduces H.R. 4949, The Military Retirees’ Health Care Protection Act

We are here today to announce the introduction of the Military Retirees’ Health Care Protection Act. I would like to thank Congressman Walter Jones for his leadership on this important issue. Congressman Jones, the co-author of this bill, and I are honored to be here with military retirees and veterans who have served their nation in uniform. These great Americans are here today representing millions of military retirees and veterans who have risked their lives in combat to defend our nation. I thank each of you for your service to country and for standing up today for those who have served. Our common bond is a deep and abiding respect for those who have committed their lives to military service. Our common goal is to ensure that those who serve our nation in uniform are treated fairly. We believe that keeping our promise of quality, affordable health care for military retirees is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do. It is right because our nation has a moral obligation to keep our promises to those who have kept their promise to defend our nation. It is the smart thing to do because we cannot attract the best and brightest to fight our war on terrorism in the years ahead if they see us breaking faith with those who served in years past. The Administration’s proposed health care tax on military retirees asks too much from those who have already given so much. In doing so it violates the American principle of shared sacrifice during time of war. Why should 220 military retirees have to pay $1000 more a year to pay for a $220,000 tax cut for someone making one million dollars a year in dividend income? Where’s the fairness in that? This legislation will do two things. First, it will stop the Administration’s proposed military retiree tax for the reasons I have mentioned. Second, it will require congressional approval for any future increases in military retiree health care costs. The Constitution purposely gave the Congress the power to declare war and to pass appropriations bills, so we think it is reasonable that Congress has a say in approving appropriations for health care programs for those fight our wars. Specifically, this bill would require congressional action in four areas: enrollment fees for retired members and survivors in TRICARE Prime; pharmacy co-payments; enrollment fees for the new TRICARE Reserve Select program for our Guard and Reserve families; and co-payments for inpatient care. To win the war on terrorism, we must keep faith with our warriors. That is what this legislation is all about.

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