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Saturday, October 22, 2005 Speeches
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Edwards Speech to Celebrate Bryan ISD 125th Anniversary

A community’s commitment to education says a lot about its values. It speaks volumes about the character of its citizens. That is why I am honored to join with you today as we celebrate the citizens of Bryan’s 125 years of commitment to public education. On October 29, 1877, when private schools were still the norm, Bryan citizens showed extraordinary vision when, by a margin of 92 votes, they approved a public school here, which opened three years later. I have to wonder if those voters and the seven community leaders who purchased land on 30th Street for Bryan’s first public school could have ever imagined the 125 years after opening, there would be 14,000 students in the Bryan School District? There is something very special about a school. It is so much more than brick and mortar. It is so much more than just another building. A school is a place where our children begin to learn about themselves and the world in which they live. A school is a place of friendships and lasting memories. It is a building block of the life-long values of hard work, tenacity and personal responsibility. It is a place where teachers, administrators and staff are bound together by the high calling of helping our children lead a better life. In our democracy, it is in a school where we strive to fulfill the great principle enunciated in our Declaration of Independence – that all men are created equal. We all understand that every child is unique and that some come into the world with different advantages and disadvantages in life. We all understand that no one can guarantee equality of success in life, but it is in our public schools that we work to make real the American dream of opportunity for all. That is why a school is such a special place. To the teachers among us, I salute you, above all, for dedicating your lives to helping every child have a real chance to reach his or her highest God-given potential. Yours is a noble calling in life. Several years ago, I attended the Horatio Alger Awards in Washington, D.C. where 11 Americans were being honored for their rags to riches success stories. All the recipients had five minutes to reflect on their achievements in life. Of the 11, 10 mentioned a teacher by name for having made a profound difference in his or her life. The 11th probably intended to do so, but just got nervous and forgot. And, one other thing, not one of them mentioned a Congressman by name. On a personal note, I will never forget Mrs. Barbara Moorman, my third grade teacher 43 years ago, who taught me a love of learning. To put things in perspective, for all the money in the world, I could not tell you who my Congressman was 43 years ago. A school is a reflection of our values, and Bryan is a better community because of its 125 year commitment to public education. I salute each of you for continuing this century-long legacy of commitment to our children and youth. The city of Bryan, and the world, will be better place because you understand that for us to continue building our land of opportunity, the school house must always be its foundation. God bless you and our great nation.

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