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Thursday, June 15, 2006 Speeches
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Edwards Speech Celebrating the U.S. Army's 231st Birthday

Secretary Harvey, General Schoomaker, Sgt Major Preston, Soldiers and Friends of the U.S. Army:

In the National Archives, just a few blocks from our majestic Capitol, the foundation of our democracy is carefully preserved in three cherished documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Today, we celebrate the American soldier, whose selfless service and sacrifice has protected the God-given freedoms enunciated in those magnificent documents.

Here, beneath Lady Freedom who stands over the Capitol dome as a symbolic protector of our liberty, we salute the soldiers and families of the U.S. Army, past and present, who remind us that we are the land of the free, because we are still the home of the brave.

With heartfelt gratitude we ask God’s blessings on the American soldier. May Lady Liberty continue to stand on the shoulders of your sacrifices for generations to come.

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