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Sep 10, 2008  - Text of H.R. 5515 Congressman Johnson’s Floor Speech Summary Comparison with E-Verify System Section by Section Breakdown Questions... More

McKinney North HS Senior wins Congressional Art Competition
Mar 28, 2008  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) announced that McKinney North High School senior Nakita Vojnovich captured first place in the annual Congressional Art Competition, An Artistic Discovery.  Congressman Johnson will congratulate the top winners at a reception for all of the partici... More

Feb 8, 2008  - Amber Peña remembers her mother's stories about her unpleasant childhood experiences in foster homes. She wanted to make a difference in the lives of today's children needing a home. So she and her husband, Robert, decided to become foster parents. "The first time we took a child into our home... More

Base fitness center dedicated to bona fide American hero
Feb 8, 2008  - U.S. Rep. Sam Johnson was showered with proclamations and adoration as the guest of honor during a Servicemembers, elected officials and prominent members of the community filled the audience in front of the Sam Johnson Fitness Center for a tribute to the highly decorated Air Force fighter pilot w... More

Calls Upon SSA to Hold Administrative Law Judges Accountable
Feb 8, 2008  - Yesterday the Office of Inspector General of the Social Security Administration (SSA) released a report which evaluated the caseload performance of Administrative Law Judges (ALJs).  The report found that SSA’s efforts to reduce the growing backlog will be negatively impacted by the under-performanc... More

Congressman relives POW experience in Vietnam
Jan 27, 2006  - For Rep. Sam Johnson, seven years in the "Hanoi Hilton" were more than enough. He vowed never to return to Vietnam, and for 33 years, he never did. But Thursday, home from a congressional trip, he recounted an hourlong visit to the infamous prison. It all came back, he said - the shackles, the cramp... More

Johnson says NO to double tax on profits
Nov 3, 2005  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) released the following statement on a Senate proposal that would tax oil firms when oil's market price exceeds $40 a barrel. Called the windfall-profit tax, this tax is levied in addition to the tax that already goes to the U.S. treasury. Implem... More

Johnson Announces Service Academy Appointees
Jun 6, 2005  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) announced the names of ten outstanding young men and women in the Third Congressional District who have accepted appointments from the U.S. Air Force, Naval, Military and Merchant Marine Academies. Later this month, Johnson will congratulate them... More

Sam Johnson: Put a face on Social Security debate
Mar 9, 2005  - If you support strengthening Social Security with personal retirement accounts, then I want you to send me pictures of your kids and grandkids. We need to put a face on this debate. We need to show the naysayers and those who advocate that we do nothing that there are real people who want real r... More

How do you fix SS in under 250 words?
Mar 4, 2005  - I often meet with citizens and hear about the 12.4 percent of their salary they send to Social Security. When I ask them, "Is it your money? Or is it the government's money?" everyone says, "It's my money." Well, the 12.4 percent of payroll tax you pay to Social Security in every paycheck is not... More

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Do you think that the United States should grant blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants?