Gordon Smith
United States Senator, Oregon
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Tour Request
How Can We Help?
Visiting Washington, D.C.

A message from Senator Smith:

"One of the privileges of serving as your United States Senator is the opportunity to assist Oregonians who are visiting Washington, D.C.

Our nation's capital and the surrounding area offer an unlimited amount of memorable sites and activities. Along with the majestic and historic United States Capitol Building, my personal favorites include the view from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the fabulous collections of the Smithsonian Museums, and the quiet dignity of Arlington National Cemetery.

And during your stay, I hope you will come to see me at my weekly constituent gathering I like to call, " Welcome Oregonians to Washington." Every Wednesday that the Senate is in session, all Oregonians are invited to come by, say hello, and have your picture taken with me, if you wish."

Please use the following form to request a tour.

Fields marked with an * are required to request a tour.

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City: *
State: *  
Zip Code: *
Home Phone: *   
Work Phone:   
Cell/DC Local number: *   
E-mail: *
Preferred Contact: Email Postal Phone
Number in Party: *
Special Needs:
Requested Dates: * Between:
Month: Day: Year:
Month: Day: Year:
Please take into consideration your flights and/or drive time in and out of Washington, D.C.
Tours of Interest : Yes  No    White House
Yes  No    U.S. Capitol
Yes  No    Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Yes  No    State Department
Yes  No    Supreme Court
Yes  No    National Archives
Yes  No    Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Yes  No    National Cathedral
Yes  No    Library of Congress
Additional Comments :