Congressman Ruppersberger Representing Marylands Second District

Common Sense Automobile Efficiency Act of 2005 - H.R. 1744

Sponsored by Congressman Ruppersberger Introduced April 21, 2005

HR 1744


Section by Section

Bill Text

Bill Status


General Summary

The purpose of this bill is to provide incentives for alternative-technology vehicles and fuels with the objective of limiting fuel consumption, reducing our dependence on foreign oil, and protecting our air quality. The existing tax credits to encourage Americans to buy cleaner, more fuel efficient, alternative fuel vehicles are about to expire. This bill repeals the phase-out of this tax credit so that 100% of the credit can be claimed through 2006.

Alternative-fuels and advanced-technology vehicles help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and cut fuel consumption because they have significant fuel economy and low tailpipe emissions. For example, driving a hybrid vehicle limits fuel consumption by at least 50% because it combines an electric motor with a conventional, but cleaner, gasoline powered engine to deliver above-average gas mileage.

This bill is a "common sense" approach to today's skyrocketing gas prices and poor air quality. It would make the cleanest vehicles available more affordable by providing a credit for the purchaser of new qualified fuel cell, hybrid, or other alternative- fuel motor vehicle, as well as a new credit for qualified biodiesel fuel mixtures. Essentially, our bill will protect our air quality and cut fuel consumption by encouraging Americans to drive environmentally friendly motor vehicles.


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