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S.J. Res. 12, the Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment

June 27, 2006

Mr. AKAKA—Mr. President, I rise today in opposition to S.J. Res. 12, the Flag Desecration Constitutional Amendment. 


I believe our flag is a living symbol that represents this great country and its rich history. As a World War II veteran, I feel a deep connection to our flag, and it offends me when I see the flag burned or treated poorly. Our flag deserves our reverence and respect.


As a United States Senator, I have sworn to protect the Constitution and the freedoms for which it stands. I believe it would be wrong to amend the Constitution to infringe upon our First Amendment freedoms. Although I find it personally detestable that someone would desecrate the flag, it is my duty to protect the right to free speech and expression. To me, this amendment would protect our nation’s preeminent symbol at the cost of sacrificing the very freedoms that it is supposed to represent.

 This amendment is all the more troublesome because it is wholly unnecessary. Americans are not lacking in patriotism nor is there an epidemic of flag burning. To the contrary, in these five years since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, Americans have vigorously rallied around our flag and the liberties it represents. 

For these reasons, Mr. President, I will be opposing S.J. Res. 12, and I urge my colleagues to do the same.

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June 2006

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