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Testimony on Challenges Facing Hawaii's Airlines

April 10, 2008

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-Hawaii) submitted testimony at a Senate hearing today on the challenges facing Hawaii's air service market.  Senator Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii) chaired the hearing in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.  Please contact the Chairman's office or the committee for more information on the hearing. 

Akaka's statement appears below:

Thank you, Mr. Chairman.  I appreciate your conducting this hearing today.  The termination of Aloha Airlines' passenger service and the subsequent layoffs of employees deeply saddens me.  Aloha Airlines provided essential transportation services and employment opportunities in Hawaii for more than 61 years.  We must all work together to assist employees who have lost their jobs and to try to preserve vital passenger services.

As you know, Mr. Chairman, the people of Hawaii are dependent on interisland air travel, which provides residents and visitors with access to commercial opportunities, medical care, and allows them to see their families.  Tourism remains a vital component of Hawaii's economy and interisland flights continue to be important in helping visitors enjoy the unique experiences found on each of the islands.

The loss of 88,000 seats per week for interisland flights presents a great difficulty for island residents.  Although the other airlines will add approximately 56,000 seats a week, there will still be reduced capacity for interisland travel.  For our residents, this could present additional barriers to health care, educational opportunities, and economic activity.

For Aloha pilots and other pilots whose pensions have been terminated, my bill, S. 1270, the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) Pilots Equitable Treatment Act, could help provide some financial relief.  Mr. Chairman, I have greatly appreciated your tremendous support of this legislation.  S. 1270 will lower the age requirement to receive the maximum pension benefits allowed by the PBGC to age 60 for pilots, who were mandated by the Federal Aviation Administration to retire before age 65.  Retired pilots whose pensions are administered by the PBGC do not receive the maximum pension guaranty because they were forced to retire at age 60.  My legislation ensures that pilots are able to obtain the maximum PBGC benefit without being unfairly penalized for having retired at 60, before the age limit was raised to age 65.   I will continue to work with you, the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, and other members to bring about enactment of this important legislation.

Thank you again for conducting this hearing, Mr. Chairman.  I look forward to continuing to work with you on this vital issue.  Mahalo again for your tremendous leadership on this issue and for all of your efforts to improve the lives of people in Hawaii.


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April 2008

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