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Sam Johnson wants Agents Ramos and Compean freed
Nov 15, 2007  - rd Dist.-Texas) called for the release of two border agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean. Johnson wants the border agents released from the unfair lengthy prison sentences since news broke that the illegal immigrant who testified against them has been indicted on federal drug-smuggling charges.“F... More

Sam Johnson calls on Johnny Sutton to testify before Congress under oath on protecting a Mexican drug smuggler over U.S. border agents
Jul 25, 2007  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) demanded that Johnny Sutton go before a House panel and testify under oath why he protected an illegal-immigrant drug smuggler over United States border agents, despite knowing full well that the smuggler had been caught running drugs agai... More

Enforcing the law and protecting those who protect us
Feb 8, 2007  - Recent news of yet another border security agent getting thrown in jail for doing his job has me wondering, “Why are American border agents doing time for the crimes of illegal immigrants?”    Next month, Edwards County Deputy Sheriff Guillermo “Gilmer” F. Hernandez will be s... More

Johnson urges Bush to pardon border agents; Calls for resignation of Inspector General
Feb 7, 2007  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) called on President George W. Bush to immediately pardon Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, two border security agents in jail “for doing their jobs.”  Johnson also called for the resignation of the Department of Hom... More

Sam Johnson criticizes White House policy on illegal immigration
Jan 24, 2007  - At a news conference on Capitol Hill, U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) criticized the White House policy on illegal immigration.  In particular, Johnson dismissed the State of the Union address as “blanket amnesty” and called, once again, for the pardon of the two border agents “s... More

Sam Johnson reaction to State of the Union
Jan 23, 2007  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) released the following statements in response to the State of the Union address President George W. Bush gave on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.  Johnson represents portions of Dallas and Collin Counties. Health Care“President... More

Sam Johnson backs border security agents
Jan 11, 2007  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) released the following statement in support of the two border agents unfairly prosecuted for doing their jobs, urging the local U.S. Attorney to allow the men to remain free on bond.   Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose... More

Sam Johnson: Texans want, need and deserve real illegal immigration reform
Sep 20, 2006  - Today U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) delivered the following statement on immigration reform on the floor of the House.  Tomorrow the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on strict border security measures.  “You know….if you’re here legally, you ... More

Sam Johnson to Third District constituents: How do you feel about immigration reform?
Aug 2, 2006  - On the heels of a successful hearing on immigration reform in Plano, today Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) announced that Third District residents will have the opportunity to make their voices heard on this important issue.  On August 3rd, 4th, and 5th during the day, voters in the T... More

Congressional Panel Hears Federal Immigration Official Detail Flaws in 1986 Immigration Law, Employers Embrace Added Responsibility in Fight against Illegal Immigration
Jul 31, 2006  - Testifying today before the U.S. House Employer-Employee Relations Subcommittee, a Dallas-based federal immigration enforcement official shed light on flaws in employer-related provisions in an often-criticized 1986 immigration law, while employers told the panel of their willingness to acce... More

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Do you think that the United States should grant blanket amnesty to illegal immigrants?