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Ala Moana Hotel, Garden Lanai

April 8, 1998

Aloha. It is a pleasure for me to welcome you today in fellowship to offer praise and glory to our Lord. As we observe Holy Week, remembering the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and anticipating his glorious resurrection, The Resurrection that spells the final defeat of fear of the future, make us aware of the strength and comfort through God's wisdom and guidance and recognize the reconciling power of prayer.

I had the privilege and responsibility of serving as chairman of the 46th annual 1998 National Prayer Breakfast which was held this February in Washington, D.C., hosted by Members of the Senate and House of Representatives. We welcomed over 3,600 guests from all 50 states and U.S. territories and over 160 nations. It was televised nationally on C-SPAN.

President and Mrs. Clinton were our honored guests, and the Vice President and Mrs. Gore, leaders from all branches of government, the diplomatic corps, and national and international leaders also participated. As a special touch of Hawaii, Randy and Gay Hongo and their Andrew travelled to Washington to offer a Hawaiian musical reflection of their arrangement of "Ua mau ke `ea `o ka `aina `i ka pono." The family's rendition was marvelous, wonderful and inspirational.

The beginnings of the breakfast and our Senate prayer group go back to 1942. As America went to war in Europe and the Pacific, two Senators and a Supreme Court Justice and a member of the Administration began to meet informally to talk and pray together. A House group followed soon after. The gatherings were private and off-the-record. Members met then, and continue to meet today, the Senate group on Wednesday and the House group on Thursday, in the spirit of Jesus of Nazareth and the spirit of peace. All are welcome, regardless of religious or party affiliation. Nothing spoken in the meetings is used for political gain. I served as chairman of the Senate Prayer Breakfast group and attend the weekly Bible Study, lead by the Senate Chaplain.

Today, small discussion and prayer groups meet in every state and over 100 countries. As a result of the Senate prayer group outreach, the desire to gather for prayer and fellowship is growing among the men and women entrusted with leading our great country. Friendships, bonding and mutual concern develop among those who meet in the spirit of peace and brotherhood, following the example of Christ, despite all other differences. These relationships, and the strength they offer, are the blessings from these gatherings.

I trust your participation in Christians in Real Estate (CIRE, pronounced sire) is encouraging, productive, and rewarding in your daily lives, and you will leave today's event refreshed and inspired. I would like to read a few words from Dr. Billy Graham, whose benediction at the last National Prayer Breakfast brought all who listened wisdom, comfort, and hope.

"Our Father and our God, we pause to give You thanks for the opportunity we have had to come apart from our daily tasks and turn our minds and our hearts to You. Give us a holy dissatisfaction with anything less than your perfect will.

"As we leave this place, help us to find in You the strength we need to live as we should. Give us motives that are pure, lips that are honest, lives that are blameless, and hearts that are filled with compassion and love.

"Renew our vision. Restore our faith. Rekindle our desire to love and serve You and serve each other. As we leave this place, may we commit ourselves afresh to Him who alone is the way, the truth and the life."

Aloha friends; may you enjoy a Blessed and Happy Easter. God bless each of you.

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April 1998

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