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 Statements and Speeches  


Pearl City High School Auditorium

December 22, 1998

Aloha and good afternoon. Youth Challenge graduates, parents, friends, National Guard officials, and distinguished guests, it is a pleasure to join you during this joyous holiday season. I wish all of you Mele Kalikimaka, a very Merry Christmas, and Hauoli Makahiki Hou, Happy New Year.

Thank you Jeff [MAJOR JEFF NISHIKAWA] for that gracious introduction. I commend you, General Rick Richardson, and the members of the Hawaii National Guard who participate in this outstanding program. You share in the success and accomplishments of our Youth Challenge graduates and your service to our community is appreciated. Mahalo for a job well-done!

Congratulations to all our graduates. You have worked hard, overcome adversity, and blossomed as responsible young men and women. I am proud of you.

I am certain that 22 weeks ago, when you first accepted this challenge, some of you may have questioned if you would survive the first day. But you buckled down and accepted the task at hand; your achievement deserves the respect and applause showered on you by your family, friends, instructors, counselors, and mentors.

Your graduation on this joyful afternoon is a launching pad for new opportunities. Whether you enter the workforce, choose military service, return to school, or enroll in college or vocational college, you must embrace the assignment at hand with the same motivation, discipline, and confidence that saw you through the Youth Challenge experience. I encourage each and every one of you to continue your commitment to excellence. Your efforts and your success are important to the vitality of our communities and the future of our state.

Don't be afraid to take risks. I know many of you--despite your youth--have had your share of disappointment, distraction, and discouragement. Through your hard work, with the love and support of your family and guidance from the Youth Challenge program, you are developing the ability to identify opportunities and employ your talents to their fullest potential. Over the course of your life you may encounter setbacks, stumble, or even fail. During those trying times, rely upon the discipline and lessons learned in Youth Challenge, don't give up, continue to work hard and do the right thing, success is over the horizon.

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to visit Barking Sands on Kauai to dedicate a world record flight by an unmanned, solar-powered aircraft named Pathfinder to the memory of America's hero and Hawaii's first astronaut, Colonel Ellison Onizuka. A five hundred pound vehicle soared 71,500 feet--over 12 miles--above Hawaii. NASA based the project in Hawaii to take advantage of our state's resources. Our geography and climate favor solar energy research. The other resource tapped by NASA is the brain power and imagination of our young people. Students at Kauai Community College and staff at the Bishop Museum played an important role in Pathfinder's success.

This is just one example of the opportunities available to you if you use your imagination and work hard. I encourage you to imua, move forward, and kulia i ka nu'u, reach for the best.

Over 17 years ago, before some of you were even born, Colonel Onizuka penned a message to future generations that I want you to take to heart. He wrote "your education and imagination will carry you to places which we won't believe possible. Make your life count--and the world will be a better place because you tried."

You are stronger and wiser for your participation in the Hawaii National Guard Youth Challenge Program, and our community is better for it. Congratulations! Hold your heads high and keep up the good work.

`Aloha and Happy Holidays.

Year: 2008 , 2007 , 2006 , 2005 , 2004 , 2003 , 2002 , 2001 , 2000 , 1999 , [1998] , 1997 , 1996

December 1998

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