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Audio and video clips

The mulitmedia clips that are not sorted into any of my special clip collections are presented here for download.

All audio clips on my website use the mp3 file format and all video files are streamed using a RealMedia file format. Each clip title is followed by the duration in minutes and seconds, the filesize in megabytes, and the date the clip was recorded.

At the bottom of this page, there are links to several other multimedia sources that may be of interest to Idahoans.

Featured clip

Clip Collections

Senate Floor Statements
Watch, listen to, or read transcripts from my recent speeches on the Senate Floor.

My Podchat Programs
Submit your questions online or on my Podchat Hotline, then hear my answers on my next Podchat.

Washington Report
My biweekly video digest opens a window on Washington with an insider look at Senate activity.

Idaho Newsreel
Clips from events I have hosted or attended in Idaho, including my Town Meetings.

Audio Clips

Video Clips

Other multimedia sources

Access these links for more multimedia:

Forests in Crisis

Watch this documentary, produced by The Pulaski Project and commissioned by Shoshone County, to learn more about forest fires.

Forests in Crisis Documentary, RealMedia 27:28

White House Radio

Listen to the President's weekly radio address or explore the extensive audio archive at the White House, featuring interviews of President Bush and his key staff members.


A public service of cable television, C-SPAN's three primary channels are available as live feeds online. In addition to complete coverage of Congressional proceedings, C-SPAN maintains an extensive video library of their weekly series, of happenings throughout the US Government, and of key events from around the world.

Idaho Public Television

Idaho Public Television offers a streaming archive of their weekly programs and links to national public television multimedia resources. In addition to various special programs, IDPTV features Lewis & Clark's Moments In Time," which includes thirty-five one-minute video segments highlighting the journey of the Corps of Discovery.

Veterans History Project

When the Library of Congress began the Veterans History Project, my staff and I compiled biographies and videotaped interviews of forty-four Idaho veterans--one from each county in the Gem State. This short documentary describes the project and features highlights from several of the interviews. (Quicktime, 6.9MB)

US Capitol Virtual Tour

This fully interactive tour through our nation's Capitol lets you play cameraman to pan or zoom as you please with the very user-friendly interface. The high-resolution panoramic images of the building's incredible interiors are accompanied by descriptions and historical info.