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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint

This guestbook section is for general comments to me that do not require a written response. If you would like to leave your name and e-mail address to let me know you visited my website, please feel free. Messages are reviewed by me and my staff: specific messages will be posted in this section for other visitors to review or, occasionally, may be made publicly available through press releases or other means. If you do not want your comment posted, please put "do not post" in the message section of the form below. Information that is posted will included date, name and comment. Your e-mail address will not be shared. Thank you for your comments and I appreciate you visiting my website. 

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08/13/08 - Energy bill petition re Nancy Pelosi
08/09/08 - Ethics
08/07/08 - Offshore drilling and your guestbook post
08/05/08 - gi bILL
08/04/08 - oil/energy
08/04/08 - Thank you for being the true voice of America
07/30/08 - Thanks for Voting Nay on Housing Theft Bill
07/29/08 - Drilling and your work
07/29/08 - Thank you
07/28/08 - HOUSING