Who Is Eligible? - Eligibility for the Page program during the academic year is limited to high school juniors with a 3.0 GPA or higher in the core academic subjects. Applicants for the summer program may include rising juniors or rising seniors. All applicants must be at least sixteen years old on the date they begin their Page term. Students related to a sitting Member of Congress may not serve as a Page.

How Are Pages Chosen? - The Page Program is administered through the Office of the Clerk, but Pages are selected through the majority and minority leadership. Because of the limited number of Page positions, not all Members can sponsor Pages at the same time. Therefore, if the Member you have chosen is ineligible to sponsor you, you may ask another Member within your state to sponsor you. All communication regarding the Page program must be made through the sponsoring Member.

What Is the Page Board? - In 1982 the Speaker’s Commission on Pages recommended that “responsibility for the administration of the Page program be centralized in a Page Board, established by statute. . .” The statute reads, “until otherwise provided by law, there is hereby established a board to be known as the House of Representatives Page Board to ensure that the Page program is conducted in a manner that is consistent with the efficient functioning of the House and welfare for the Pages.” The statute was adopted by the 97th Congress. The first members of the House Page Board were appointed in November 1982. The Board consists of two members of the majority party selected by the Speaker, two members from the minority party selected by the Minority Leader, the Clerk of the House, the House Sergeant at Arms, one parent of a former Page, and one former Page.

What Is the First Step to Becoming a Page? - Since all Pages must be sponsored by a Member of Congress, the first step is to ask a Member of Congress for sponsorship. That Member will then contact the proper hiring authority to start the application process. The application process may differ according to individual Member requirements and Member party procedures. You should identify your sponsoring Member’s party and contact your sponsor to learn about that party’s application procedures. All communication regarding the Page program must be made through the sponsoring Member.
Member Telephone Directory

What Should Applicants Provide to Their Sponsoring Member? - Application procedures may vary according to Member and to party, but the following are frequently requested:

  • Social Security number
  • Parental consent form
  • Official transcript of high school grades (academic year applicants only)
  • Written essay
  • Resume of extracurricular activities
  • Letters of recommendation

Whom Should Applicants Contact About Becoming a Page?
Questions regarding the Page Program should be addressed to the applicant’s sponsoring Member.
Member Telephone Directory

  • Pages must be at least 16 years old and submit verification of their GPA, excluding electives
  • Pages must be sponsored by a Member of Congress
  • Pages are selected by the Majority and Minority leadership
  • The Page Program is administered through the Office of the Clerk
Page Program Fact Sheet

For photo credit information, contact the Office of the Clerk

U.S. House of Representatives Page Program
Office of the Clerk - U.S. Capitol, Room H154, Washington, DC 20515-6601
(202) 225-7000 | HousePageSchool@mail.house.gov