Contact: Barbara Riley
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

            BELMONT, NH – United States Senator John Sununu (R-NH) today (8/13) met with members of the Belknap County Police Chiefs Association at the Corner Meeting House in Belmont to receive an update on local recovery efforts following recent flooding from heavy rains and the July 24 tornado.  The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) included Belknap County, along with Carroll and Rockingham Counties, in an August 11 disaster declaration stemming from the severe storms, tornado, and flooding that occurred on July 24.  On August 7, more heavy rain caused additional flooding and road damage in Belknap County and other areas of the New Hampshire.

            “The severe storms in July and August caused massive destruction in many parts of the State, but Belknap County has been particularly hard-hit, first by the tornado and then by heavy rainfall,” said Sununu.  “This meeting is a good opportunity for me to talk to the local police chiefs about the damage in their communities and the recovery efforts which are now underway.  This week’s disaster declaration will provide federal funds to help the State and local governments remove debris and repair roads and infrastructure in Belknap, Carroll and Rockingham counties.  However, the disaster declaration is open-ended, and the state can still submit additional information to support its request for assistance to other counties and to individuals who have suffered losses, as well as documentation of additional damage caused by last week’s storms.  I stand ready to work with local, state and federal officials in that effort.”

            On July 29, Sununu and Senator Judd Gregg wrote to President Bush urging him to approve the state’s application for a major disaster declaration with both public and individual assistance in five counties.  In addition, Sununu has viewed tornado damage in Epsom, Alton, and Deerfield, as well as storm and flood damage in Ashland.
