[DOCID: f:hc19.txt]

                          INDEX OF SHORT TITLES


 21st Century High-Performing Public School Facilities Act....H.R. 3021.
 Accountability in Contracting Act...................H.R. 1362, S. 680..
 Advanced Fuels Infrastructure Research and Development Act....H.R. 547.
 Airline Flight Crew Technical Corrections Act................H.R. 2744.
 Airport and Airway Extension Act.............................H.R. 5270.
 Airport and Airway Trust Fund Financing Act........H.R. 3539, S. 2345..
 Alternative Minimum Tax and Extenders Tax Relief Act...........S. 3098.
 American Energy Production Act.................................S. 2973.
 Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act..........H.R. 137, S. 261..
 Appalachian Regional Development Act Amendments......H.R. 799, S. 496..
 Attorney-Client Privilege Protection Act.....................H.R. 3013.
 Aviation Investment and Modernization Act......................S. 2972.
 Biometric Enhancement for Airport-Risk Reduction Act.........H.R. 5982.
 Boy Scouts of America Centennial Commemorative Coin Act......H.R. 5872.
 Brownfields Redevelopment Enhancement Act.....................H.R. 644.
 Catching Operational Vulnerabilities by Ensuring Random Testing 
    Act.......................................................H.R. 5909.
 Children's Health and Medicare Protection Act......H.R. 3162, S. 1893..
 Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act......H.R. 976, 
                                                               H.R. 3963
 Coast Guard Authorization Act......................H.R. 2830, S. 1892..
 College Cost Reduction Act...................................H.R. 2669.
 College Student Relief Act......................................H.R. 5.
 Commercial Seafood Consumer Protection Act.....................S. 2688.
 Commodity Markets Transparency and Accountability Act........H.R. 6604.
 Congressional Budget for FY 2008.........S.Con.Res. 21, H.Con.Res. 99..
 Congressional Budget for FY 2009........H.Con.Res. 312, S.Con.Res. 70..
 Congressional Review Act Improvement Act.....................H.R. 5593.
  Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act.........H.R. 4040, S. 2045, 
                                                                 S. 2663
 Consumer-First Energy Act......................................S. 2991.
 Creating Long-Term Energy Alternatives for the Nation Act.......H.R. 6.
 Credit Union, Bank, and Thrift Regulatory Relief Act.........H.R. 6312.
 Death in Custody Reporting Act...............................H.R. 3971.
 Deceptive Practices and Voter Intimidation Prevention Act...H.R. 1281, 
                                                                  S. 453
 Department of Homeland Security Authorization Act...........H.R. 1684, 
                                                               H.R. 1717
 Depository Institution Community Development Investments 
    Enhancement Act...........................................H.R. 1066.
   DOD Authorization, Fiscal Year 2008.....H.R. 1585, S. 1547, S. 1548, 
                                                               H.R. 4986
 DOD Authorization, Fiscal Year 2009......H.R. 5658, S. 3001, S. 3002...
 Drug Trafficking Vessel Interdiction Act...........H.R. 6295, S. 3598..
  Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act.........H.R. 923, S. 535, 
                                                                 S. 3348
 Employee Free Choice Act......................................H.R. 800.
 Employment Non-Discrimination Act............................H.R. 3685.
 Energy and Tax Extenders Act.................................H.R. 6049.
 Energy Storage Technology Advancement Act....................H.R. 3776.
 FAA Reauthorization Act............................H.R. 2881, S. 1300..
 Fair Minimum Wage Act....................................H.R. 2, S. 2..
 Fair, Accurate, Secure and Timely Redress Act................H.R. 4179.
 Farm Bill Extension Act......H.R. 2419, S. 2294, S. 2302, H.R. 6124....
 FDIC Enforcement Enhancement Act.............................H.R. 2547.
 Federal Advisory Committee Act Amendments....................H.R. 5687.
 Federal Agency Data Protection Act...........................H.R. 4791.
 Federal Aviation Research and Development Reauthorization Act 
                                                               H.R. 2698
 Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act....................H.R. 5781.
 Federal Firefighters Fairness Act..............................S. 1924.
 Federal Housing Finance Reform Act...........................H.R. 1427.
 Federal Ocean Acidification Research And Monitoring Act.......S. 1581, 
                                                               H.R. 4174
 Federal Protective Service Guard Contracting Reform Act......H.R. 3068.
 Federal Railroad Safety Improvement Act............H.R. 2095, S. 1889..
 Federal Real Property Disposal Enhancement Act...............H.R. 5787.
 FHA Housing Stabilization and Homeownership Retention Act....H.R. 5830.
 Flood Insurance Reform and Modernization Act.......H.R. 3121, S. 2284..
 Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act......H.R. 2900, H.R. 3580..
 Food Security and Agricultural Development Act...............H.R. 2844.
 Free Flow of Information Act.......................H.R. 2102, S. 2035..
 Freedom of Information Act Amendments.....H.R. 1309, S. 849, S. 2488...
 Gas Price Relief for Consumers Act...........................H.R. 6074.
 Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act.....H.R. 2857, 
                                                               H.R. 5563
 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act............H.R. 493, S. 358..
 Great Cats and Rare Canids Act...............................H.R. 1464.
 Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act................H.R. 3997.
 Homeland Security Network Defense and Accountability Act.....H.R. 5983.
 Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act
                                                               H.R. 7221
 Honest Leadership and Open Government Act....................H.R. 2316.
 House Page Board Revision Act.................................H.R. 475.
 Human Cloning Prohibition Act................................H.R. 2560.
 Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act.....H.R. 1, S. 4..
 Improving Head Start Act............................H.R. 1429, S. 556..
 Industrial Bank Holding Company Act...........................H.R. 698.
 Industrial Energy Efficiency Research and Development Act....H.R. 3775.
 Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008.........H.R. 2082, 
                                                                 S. 1538
 International Solid Waste Importation and Management Act......H.R. 518.
 International Space Station Payments Act.......................S. 3103.
 Internet Spyware (I-SPY) Prevention Act......................H.R. 1525.
 Justin Bailey Veterans Substance Use Disorders Prevention and 
    Treatment Act.............................................H.R. 5554.
 Leadville Mine Drainage Tunnel Remediation Act...............H.R. 5511.
 Let Our Veterans Rest in Peace Act...........................H.R. 3480.
 Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act................S. 2191, S. 3036..
 Lobbying Transparency Act....................................H.R. 2317.
 Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act.............H.R. 1592.
 Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act..........S. 3101, 
                                                               H.R. 6331
 Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act.........H.R. 4, S. 3..
 Methamphetamine Production Prevention Act......................S. 1276.
 Mine Communications Technology Innovation Act................H.R. 3877.
 Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act...............H.R. 3915.
 Municipal Bond Fairness Act..................................H.R. 6308.
 National Affordable Housing Trust Fund Act...................H.R. 2895.
 National Science Foundation Authorization Act................H.R. 1867.
 National Security Foreign Investment Reform and Strengthened 
    Transparency Act...........................................H.R. 556.
 Naval Vessel Transfer Act......................................S. 3052.
 Neighborhood Stabilization Act...............................H.R. 5818.
 No More Excuses Energy Act...................................H.R. 3089.
 North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act................H.R. 5834.
 Nuclear Forensics and Attribution Act........................H.R. 2631.
 Overseas Private Investment Corporation Reauthorization Act 
                                                               H.R. 2798
 Patent Reform Act..................................H.R. 1908, S. 1145..
 Pell Grant Equity Act.........................................H.R. 990.
 Pension Protection Technical Corrections Act.................H.R. 6382.
 Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and 
    Enhancement of Homelan d Security Act.....................H.R. 6098.
 Poison Center Support, Enhancement, and Awareness Act.......H.R. 5669, 
                                                                 S. 2932
 Preserve America and Save America's Treasures Act............H.R. 3981.
 Presidential Library Donation Reform Act.....................H.R. 1254.
 Presidential Records Act Amendments.................H.R. 1255, S. 886..
 Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property 
    Act.......................................................H.R. 4279.
 PROTECT Our Children Act...........................H.R. 3845, S. 1738..
 Rail and Public Transportation Security Act..................H.R. 1401.
 Raw Sewage Overflow Community Right-to-Know Act....H.R. 2452, S. 2080..
 Recovery Rebates and Economic Stimulus for the American People 
    Act.......................................................H.R. 5140.
 Regional Economic and Infrastructure Development Act.........H.R. 3246.
 Responsive Government Act....................................H.R. 6344.
 Restoring the Constitution Act..................................S. 576.
 Saint-Gaudens Double Eagle Ultra-High Relief Bullion Coin Act 
                                                               H.R. 5614
 Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Reform Act.......H.R. 5916.
 Senior Executive Service Diversity Assurance Act...H.R. 3774, S. 2148..
 September 11 Family Humanitarian Relief and Patriotism Act...H.R. 1071.
 Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act...............H.R. 1257.
 Social Security Number Protection Act.........................H.R. 948.
 Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act 
                                                                H.R. 363
 Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act..............H.R. 3, S. 5, S. 997...
 Stop Excessive Energy Speculation Act..........................S. 3268.
 Strategic Petroleum Reserve Fill Suspension and Consumer 
    Protection Act............................................H.R. 6022.
 Tax Collection Responsibility Act............................H.R. 3056.
 Taxpayer Protection Act......................................H.R. 1677.
 Temporary Tax Relief Act.....................................H.R. 3996.
 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program Reauthorization Act.........H.R. 4299.
 Terrorism Risk Insurance Revision and Extension Act.........H.R. 2761, 
                                                                 S. 2285
 Trade and Globalization Act..................................H.R. 3920.
 Trade Preference Extension Act...............................H.R. 5264.
 Transportation Energy Security and Climate Change Mitigation Act 
                                                               H.R. 2701
 Truth in Cigarette Labeling Act................................S. 2685.
 Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act........H.R. 1284, 
                                              S. 423, H.R. 5826, S. 2617
 Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act..............H.R. 811.
 Water Quality Financing Act...................................H.R. 720.
 Water Resources Development Act....................H.R. 1495, S. 1248..
 Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act......................H.R. 985.
 Wounded Warrior Assistance Act.....................H.R. 1538, S. 1606..