[DOCID: f:hc12.txt]

    No.                                Index Key and History of Bill    

                              SENATE BILLS

S. 1.--To provide greater transparency in the legislative process. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 4, 2007. Considered Jan. 
    9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2007. Passed Senate amended Jan. 18, 
    2007; Roll No. 19: 96-2. Received in House and held at desk 
    Jan. 24, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment 
    July 31, 2007; Roll No. 763: 411-8. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment Aug. 2, 2007. Roll No. 294: 83-14. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 4, 2007. Approved Sept. 14, 2007. Public Law 
S. 2 (H.R. 2).--To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to 
    provide for an increase in the Federal minimum wage. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Jan. 8, 2007.
S. 3 (H.R. 4).--To amend part D of title XVIII of the Social 
    Security Act to provide for fair prescription drug prices for 
    Medicare beneficiaries. Referred to Finance Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 13, 2007; no written report.
S. 4 (H.R. 1).--To make the United States more secure by 
    implementing unfinished recommendations of the 9/11 Commission 
    to fight the war on terror more effectively, to improve 
    homeland security, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Feb. 22, 2007; no written report. Considered 
    Feb. 28, Mar. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2007. Passed Senate amended 
    Mar. 13, 2007; Roll No. 73: 60-38. Received in House and held 
    at desk Mar. 20, 2007. See H.R. 1 for further action.
S. 5 (H.R. 3) (H. Res. 464) (S. 997).--To amend the Public Health 
    Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 8, 2007. Considered Apr. 
    10, 2007. Passed Senate Apr. 11, 2007; Roll No. 127: 63-34. 
    Received in House and held at desk Apr. 16, 2007. Passed House 
    June 7, 2007; Roll No. 443: 247-176. Presented to the 
    President June 12, 2007. Vetoed June 20, 2007.
S. 12.--To promote home ownership, manufacturing, and economic 
    growth. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 3, 2008.
S. 24.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to require a health 
    advisory and monitoring of drinking water for perchlorate. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-483.
S. 27 (H.R. 4074).--To authorize the implementation of the San 
    Joaquin River Restoration Settlement. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended June 25, 
    2008; Rept. 110-400.
S. 30.--To intensify research to derive human pluripotent stem 
    cell lines. Considered Apr. 10, 2007. Passed Senate Apr. 11, 
    2007; Roll No. 128: 70-28. Received in House and referred to 
    Energy and Commerce Apr. 16, 2007.
S. 33.--To redesignate the Office for Vocational and Adult 
    Education as the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult 
    Education. Passed Senate May 22, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to Education and Labor May 23, 2007.
S. 39 (H.R. 1834) (H.R. 2400).--To establish a coordinated 
    national ocean exploration program within the National Oceanic 
    and Atmospheric Administration, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Mar. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-39.
S. 84.--To establish a United States Boxing Commission to 
    administer the Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation Jan. 4, 2007. Reported 
    Mar. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-28.
S. 86.--To designate segments of Fossil Creek, a tributary to the 
    Verde River in the State of Arizona, as wild and scenic 
    rivers. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-283.
S. 93.--To authorize NTIA to borrow against anticipated receipts 
    of the Digital Television and Public Safety Fund to initiate 
    migration to a national IP-enabled emergency network capable 
    of receiving and responding to all citizen activated emergency 
    communications. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Jan. 4, 2007. Reported Mar. 26, 2007; Rept. 
S. 113.--To make appropriations for military construction and 
    family housing projects for the Department of Defense for 
    fiscal year 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 8, 2007.
S. 119 (H.R. 400).--To prohibit profiteering and fraud relating to 
    military action, relief, and reconstruction efforts, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 15, 2007; Rept. 110-66.
S. 126 (H.R. 783).--To modify the boundary of Mesa Verde National 
    Park, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended June 26, 2007; Rept. 
S. 127.--To amend the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve 
    Act of 2000 to explain the purpose and provide for the 
    administration of the Baca National Wildlife Refuge. Referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-284.
S. 128.--To amend the Cache La Poudre River Corridor Act to 
    designate a new management entity, make certain technical and 
    conforming amendments, enhance private property protections, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 
    10, 2008.
S. 150.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect the 
    health of pregnant women, fetuses, infants, and children by 
    requiring a health advisory and drinking water standard for 
    perchlorate. Referred to Environment and Public Works Jan. 4, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008; Rept. 110-484.
S. 159.--To redesignate the White Rocks National Recreation Area 
    in the State of Vermont as the ``Robert T. Stafford White 
    Rocks National Recreation Area''. Passed Senate Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 
    2007. Committee discharged. Passed House Jan. 5, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Jan. 11, 2007. Approved Jan. 17, 
    2007. Public Law 110-1.
S. 160.--To provide for compensation to the Lower Brule and Crow 
    Creek Sioux Tribes of South Dakota for damage to tribal land 
    caused by Pick-Sloan projects along the Missouri River. 
    Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 4, 2007. Reported Sept. 25 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-505.
S. 163.--To improve the disaster loan program of the Small 
    Business Administration, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Small Business and Entrepreneurship Jan. 4, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-64. Passed Senate amended Aug. 
    3, 2007. Received in House and referred to Small Business 
    Sept. 4, 2007.
S. 169.--To amend the National Trails System Act to clarify 
    Federal authority relating to land acquisition from willing 
    sellers for the majority of the trails in the System, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 
    4, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-167.
S. 171.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 301 Commerce Street in Commerce, Oklahoma, 
    as the ``Mickey Mantle Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 27, 
    2007. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 18, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 25, 2008. Approved Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 
S. 175 (H.R. 1337).--To provide for a feasibility study of 
    alternatives to augment the water supplies of the Central 
    Oklahoma Master Conservancy District and cities served by the 
    District. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 4, 
    2007. Reported amended June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-111. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 184 (H.R. 1401).--To provide improved rail and surface 
    transportation security. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-29.
S. 185.--To restore habeas corpus for those detained by the United 
    States. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 4, 2007. Reported June 
    26, 2007; Rept. 110-90.
S. 188.--To revise the short title of the Fannie Lou Hamer, Rosa 
    Parks, and Coretta Scott King Voting Rights Act 
    Reauthorization and Amendments Act of 2006. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 8, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate amended Feb. 15, 2007. Received 
    in House and referred to the Judiciary Feb. 16, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 17, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 24, 2008. Approved July 1, 2008. Public Law 
S. 189.--To decrease the matching funds requirements and authorize 
    additional appropriations for Keweenaw National Historical 
    Park in the State of Michigan. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-286.
S. 193.--To increase cooperation on energy issues between the 
    United States Government and foreign governments and entities 
    in order to secure the strategic and economic interests of the 
    United States, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Jan. 4, 2007. Reported Apr. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-54.
S. 194 (H.R. 49).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 1300 North Frontage Road West in 
    Vail, Colorado, as the ``Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Jan. 8, 2007. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Feb. 17, 2007. Indefinitely postponed Mar. 22, 
    2007. See H.R. 49 for further action.
S. 197.--To authorize salary adjustments for justices and judges 
    of the United States for fiscal year 2007. Passed Senate Jan. 
    8, 2007. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Jan. 
    9, 2007.
S. 199.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Amendments of 1996 to 
    modify the grant program to improve sanitation in rural and 
    Native villages in the State of Alaska. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Jan. 8, 2007. Reported Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-476.
S. 200 (H.R. 1114).--To require the Secretary of the Interior, 
    acting through the Bureau of Reclamation and the United States 
    Geological Survey, to conduct a study on groundwater resources 
    in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 8, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 
    2007; Rept. 110-20. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 202 (H.R. 831).--To provide for the conveyance of certain 
    Forest Service land to the city of Coffman Cove, Alaska. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 8, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-6.
S. 214 (H.R. 580).--To amend chapter 35 of title 28, United States 
    Code, to preserve the independence of United States attorneys. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 9, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 
    12, 2007; no written report. Considered Mar. 19, 2007. Passed 
    Senate amended Mar. 20, 2007; Roll No. 81: 94-2. Received in 
    House and held at desk Mar. 20, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House May 22, 2007; Roll No. 397: 306-114. Presented to the 
    President June 4, 2007. Approved June 14, 2007. Public Law 
S. 216.--To provide for the exchange of certain Federal land in 
    the Santa Fe National Forest and certain non-Federal land in 
    the Pecos National Historical Park in the State of New Mexico. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 9, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-7.
S. 219 (H.R. 335).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 152 North 5th Street in Laramie, 
    Wyoming, as the ``Gale W. McGee Post Office''. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 9, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 17, 
    2007. Indefinitely postponed Mar. 22, 2007. See H.R. 335 for 
    further action.
S. 220.--To authorize early repayment of obligations to the Bureau 
    of Reclamation within the A & B Irrigation District in the 
    State of Idaho. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 
    9, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-26. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 221.--To amend title 9, United States Code, to provide for 
    greater fairness in the arbitration process relating to 
    livestock and poultry contracts. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Jan. 9, 2007. Reported Oct. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-190.
S. 223.--To require Senate candidates to file designations, 
    statements, and reports in electronic form. Referred to Rules 
    and Administration Jan. 9, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 28, 
    2007; no written report.
S. 229.--To redesignate a Federal building in Albuquerque, New 
    Mexico, as the ``Raymond G. Murphy Department of Veterans 
    Affairs Medical Center''. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Jan. 
    9, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 12, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 16, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 25, 2007. Presented 
    to the President June 28, 2007. Approved July 5, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-45.
S. 231.--To authorize the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance 
    Grant Program at fiscal year 2006 levels through 2012. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 9, 2007. Reported May 23, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate May 24, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary June 5, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 14, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 22, 2008. Approved July 30, 2008. Public Law 
S. 232.--To make permanent the authorization for watershed 
    restoration and enhancement agreements. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Jan. 9, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 
S. 235.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
    certain buildings and lands of the Yakima Project, Washington, 
    to the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Jan. 10, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-21. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 236.--To require reports to Congress on Federal agency use of 
    data mining. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 10, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 4, 2007; no written report.
S. 239.--To require Federal agencies, and persons engaged in 
    interstate commerce, in possession of data containing 
    sensitive personally identifiable information, to disclose any 
    breach of such information. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 10, 
    2007. Reported amended May 31, 2007; no written report.
S. 240.--To reauthorize and amend the National Geologic Mapping 
    Act of 1992. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 10, 
    2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-9.
S. 241 (H.R. 658).--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to 
    enter into cooperative agreements to protect natural resources 
    of units of the National Park System through collaborative 
    efforts on land inside and outside of units of the National 
    Park System. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 10, 
    2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-10. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 245.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to designate 
    the President William Jefferson Clinton Birthplace Home in 
    Hope, Arkansas, as a National Historic Site and unit of the 
    National Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 10, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 
    2007; Rept. 110-11.
S. 254.--To award posthumously a Congressional gold medal to 
    Constantino Brumidi. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Jan. 10, 2007. Reported amended May 17, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate amended May 21, 2007. Received 
    in House and referred to Financial Services May 22, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 10, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 24, 2008. Approved July 1, 2008. Public Law 
S. 255 (H.R. 1904).--To provide assistance to the State of New 
    Mexico for the development of comprehensive State water plans, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 10, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-12. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 260.--To establish the Fort Stanton-Snowy River Cave National 
    Conservation Area. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Jan. 11, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-13.
S. 261 (H.R. 137).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 11, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 26, 2007; no written report. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 13, 2007. See H.R. 137 for further action.
S. 262 (H.R. 3734).--To rename the Snake River Birds of Prey 
    National Conservation Area in the State of Idaho as the Morley 
    Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in 
    honor of the late Morley Nelson, an international authority on 
    birds of prey, who was instrumental in the establishment of 
    this National Conservation Area, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-14.
S. 263.--To amend the Oregon Resource Conservation Act of 1996 to 
    reauthorize the participation of the Bureau of Reclamation in 
    the Deschutes River Conservancy, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-22. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
S. 264.--To authorize the Bureau of Reclamation to participate in 
    the rehabilitation of the Wallowa Lake Dam in Oregon, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 
    11, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-23. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 265.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior, acting 
    through the Bureau of Reclamation, to conduct a water resource 
    feasibility study for the Little Butte/Bear Creek Subbasins in 
    Oregon. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 11, 
    2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-24. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 266.--To provide for the modification of an amendatory 
    repayment contract between the Secretary of the Interior and 
    the North Unit Irrigation District, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-25. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
S. 268.--To designate the Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 11, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-15.
S. 274.--To amend chapter 23 of title 5, United States Code, to 
    clarify the disclosures of information protected from 
    prohibited personnel practices, require a statement in 
    nondisclosure policies, forms, and agreements that such 
    policies, forms, and agreements conform with certain 
    disclosure protections, provide certain authority for the 
    Special Counsel, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 11, 2007. Reported 
    amended Nov. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-232. Passed Senate amended 
    Dec. 17, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 17, 
S. 275.--To establish the Prehistoric Trackways National Monument 
    in the State of New Mexico. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 11, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 
S. 277 (H.R. 1080).--To modify the boundaries of Grand Teton 
    National Park to include certain land within the GT Park 
    Subdivision, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 
    110-16. Passed Senate amended June 19, 2007. Received in House 
    and referred to Natural Resources June 20, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House June 27, 2007. Presented to the 
    President July 2, 2007. Approved July 13, 2007. Public Law 
S. 278.--To establish a program and criteria for National Heritage 
    Areas in the United States, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2007. Reported 
    amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-168.
S. 283.--To amend the Compact of Free Association Amendments Act 
    of 2003, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 
    110-17. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 287.--To prohibit the use of funds for an escalation of United 
    States military forces in Iraq above the numbers existing as 
    of January 9, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 16, 
S. 289 (H.R. 319).--To establish the Journey Through Hallowed 
    Ground National Heritage Area, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-169. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 294 (H.R. 6003).--To reauthorize Amtrak, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Jan. 16, 2007. Reported amended May 22, 2007; Rept. 110-67. 
    Considered Oct. 24, 25, 26, 29, 2007. Passed Senate amended 
    Oct. 30, 2007; Roll No. 400: 70-22. Received in House and 
    referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 31, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment July 22, 2008. 
    House insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference 
    July 22, 2008.
S. 310 (H.R. 505).--To express the policy of the United States 
    regarding the United States relationship with Native Hawaiians 
    and to provide a process for the recognition by the United 
    States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity. Referred to 
    Indian Affairs Jan. 17, 2007. Reported Feb. 5, 2008; Rept. 
S. 311.--To amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit the 
    shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, 
    possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and 
    other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Jan. 17, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; Rept. 
S. 316.--To prohibit brand name drug companies from compensating 
    generic drug companies to delay the entry of a generic drug 
    into the market. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 17, 2007. 
    Reported Feb. 27, 2007; no written report.
S. 320 (H.R. 554).--To provide for the protection of 
    paleontological resources on Federal lands, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 17, 
    2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-18.
S. 322.--To establish an Indian youth telemental health 
    demonstration project. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 17, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-43.
S. 324.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    study of water resources in the State of New Mexico. Referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 17, 2007. Reported June 
    28, 2007; Rept. 110-112.
S. 343 (H.R. 1124).--To extend the District of Columbia College 
    Access Act of 1999. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 22, 2007. Reported Apr. 11, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-52.
S. 344.--To permit the televising of Supreme Court proceedings. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 22, 2007. Reported July 29 
    (Legislative day of July 28), 2008; Rept. 110-448.
S. 349.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    additional tax incentives to employers and employees of small 
    businesses, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance Jan. 
    22, 2007; Rept. 110-1.
S. 352.--To provide for media coverage of Federal court 
    proceedings. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 22, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 13, 2008; no written report.
S. 357.--To improve passenger automobile fuel economy and safety, 
    reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce dependence on foreign 
    oil, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Jan. 22, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 7, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-278.
S. 358 (H.R. 493).--To prohibit discrimination on the basis of 
    genetic information with respect to health insurance and 
    employment. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Jan. 22, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-48.
S. 368 (H.R. 1700).--To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe 
    Streets Act of 1968 to enhance the COPS ON THE BEAT grant 
    program, and for other purposes. Reported from the Judiciary 
    May 24, 2007; Rept. 110-73.
S. 372.--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2007 for the 
    intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United 
    States Government, the Intelligence Community Management 
    Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and 
    Disability System, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Intelligence Jan. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-2. Referred to Armed 
    Services Jan. 24, 2007. Reported Feb. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-5. 
    Considered Apr. 12, 16, 17, 2007. Returned to the calendar 
    Apr. 18, 2007.
S. 375.--To waive application of the Indian Self-Determination and 
    Education Assistance Act to a specific parcel of real property 
    transferred by the United States to 2 Indian tribes in the 
    State of Oregon, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian 
    Affairs Jan. 24, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-44. 
    Passed Senate May 22, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Natural Resources May 23, 2007. Reported July 30, 2007; Rept. 
    110-276. Union Calendar. Passed House July 30, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 3, 2007. Approved Aug. 13, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-78.
S. 376.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the 
    provisions relating to the carrying of concealed weapons by 
    law enforcement officers, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2007. Reported Sept. 5, 2007; Rept. 
S. 377.--To establish a United States-Poland parliamentary youth 
    exchange program, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Jan. 24, 2007. Reported Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-33. 
    Passed Senate Mar. 15, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Foreign Affairs Mar. 16, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 5, 2007. Presented to the President Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Approved Sept. 20, 2007. Public Law 110-83.
S. 378 (H.R. 660).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    protect judges, prosecutors, witnesses, victims, and their 
    family members, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 24, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 
    110-42. Considered Apr. 18, 2007. Passed Senate amended Apr. 
    19, 2007; Roll No. 135: 97-0. Received in House and held at 
    desk Apr. 20, 2007.
S. 381.--To establish a fact-finding Commission to extend the 
    study of a prior Commission to investigate and determine facts 
    and circumstances surrounding the relocation, internment, and 
    deportation to Axis countries of Latin Americans of Japanese 
    descent from December 1941 through February 1948, and the 
    impact of those actions by the United States, and to recommend 
    appropriate remedies, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 24, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 110-452.
S. 385.--To improve the interoperability of emergency 
    communications equipment. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Jan. 24, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 5, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-30.
S. 390.--To direct the exchange of certain land in Grand, San 
    Juan, and Uintah Counties, Utah, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 25, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 392.--To ensure payment of United States assessments for United 
    Nations peacekeeping operations for the 2005 through 2008 time 
    period. Referred to Foreign Relations Jan. 25, 2007. Reported 
    July 16, 2007; Rept. 110-130.
S. 398.--To amend the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence 
    Prevention Act to identify and remove barriers to reducing 
    child abuse, to provide for examinations of certain children, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 25, 
    2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-45. Passed Senate 
    amended May 25, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Natural Resources and in addition to the Judiciary June 5, 
S. 412 (H.R. 521).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 2633 11th Street in Rock Island, 
    Illinois, as the ``Lane Evans Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 26, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 17, 
    2007. Indefinitely postponed Mar. 22, 2007. See H.R. 521 for 
    further action.
S. 423 (H.R. 1284).--To increase, effective as of December 1, 
    2007, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-
    connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and 
    indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled 
    veterans. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Jan. 29, 2007. 
    Reported July 24, 2007; Rept. 110-135.
S. 428.--To amend the Wireless Communications and Public Safety 
    Act of 1999, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Jan. 30, 2007. Reported amended 
    Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-142. Passed Senate amended Feb. 26, 
    2008. Received in House and held at desk Feb. 27, 2008.
S. 431 (H.R. 719).--To require convicted sex offenders to register 
    online identifiers, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 30, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 
    110-332. Passed Senate amended May 20, 2008. Received in House 
    and held at desk May 21, 2008. Passed House with amendment 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Senate agreed to House amendment Sept. 30 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
S. 442 (H.R. 916).--To provide for loan repayment for prosecutors 
    and public defenders. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 31, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-51.
S. 443.--To establish the Sangre de Cristo National Heritage Area 
    in the State of Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended 
    Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-170.
S. 444.--To establish the South Park National Heritage Area in the 
    State of Colorado, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 
    17, 2007; Rept. 110-171.
S. 453 (H.R. 1281).--To prohibit deceptive practices in Federal 
    elections. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 31, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-191.
S. 456.--To increase and enhance law enforcement resources 
    committed to investigation and prosecution of violent gangs, 
    to deter and punish violent gang crime, to protect law-abiding 
    citizens and communities from violent criminals, to revise and 
    enhance criminal penalties for violent crimes, to expand and 
    improve gang prevention programs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended July 
    30, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 21, 
    2007. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary and in 
    addition to Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor Sept. 
    24, 2007.
S. 457.--To extend the date on which the National Security 
    Personnel System will first apply to certain defense 
    laboratories. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Jan. 31, 2007. Reported June 11, 2007; Rept. 110-79.
S. 462 (H.R. 5293).--To approve the settlement of the water rights 
    claims of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian 
    Reservation in Nevada, to require the Secretary of the 
    Interior to carry out the settlement, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Indian Affairs Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008; Rept. 110-415.
S. 470 (S. 574).--To express the sense of Congress on Iraq. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 1, 2007.
S. 471 (H.R. 761).--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to 
    convey to The Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark 
    Interpretive Trail and Visitor Center Foundation, Inc. certain 
    Federal land associated with the Lewis and Clark National 
    Historic Trail in Nebraska, to be used as an historical 
    interpretive site along the trail. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Feb. 1, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-156. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 474 (H.R. 1154).--To award a congressional gold medal to 
    Michael Ellis DeBakey, M.D. Referred to Banking, Housing, and 
    Urban Affairs Feb. 1, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Mar. 27, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Financial Services Mar. 27, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Oct. 2, 2007. Presented to the President Oct. 4, 2007. 
    Approved Oct. 16, 2007. Public Law 110-95.
S. 479 (H.R. 327).--To reduce the incidence of suicide among 
    veterans. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Feb. 1, 2007. Reported 
    July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-132.
S. 481.--To recruit and retain more qualified individuals to teach 
    in Tribal Colleges or Universities. Referred to Indian Affairs 
    Feb. 1, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-46.
S. 487 (H.R. 710).--To amend the National Organ Transplant Act to 
    clarify that kidney paired donations shall not be considered 
    to involve the transfer of a human organ for valuable 
    consideration. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Feb. 1, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    amended Feb. 15, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Energy and Commerce Feb. 16, 2007.
S. 494 (H.R. 987).--To endorse further enlargement of the North 
    Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and to facilitate the 
    timely admission of new members to NATO, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Feb. 6, 2007. Reported 
    Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-34. Passed Senate amended Mar. 15, 
    2007. Received in House and held at desk Mar. 16, 2007. Passed 
    House Mar. 26, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 29, 2007. 
    Approved Apr. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-17.
S. 495.--To prevent and mitigate identity theft, to ensure 
    privacy, to provide notice of security breaches, and to 
    enhance criminal penalties, law enforcement assistance, and 
    other protections against security breaches, fraudulent 
    access, and misuse of personally identifiable information. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 6, 2007. Reported amended May 
    23, 2007; Rept. 110-70.
S. 496 (H.R. 799).--To reauthorize and improve the program 
    authorized by the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 
    1965. Referred to Environment and Public Works Feb. 6, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-63. Passed Senate 
    amended Aug. 3, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Aug. 
    4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment July 15, 
    2008. Senate agreed to House amendment Sept. 26 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-371.
S. 506.--To improve efficiency in the Federal Government through 
    the use of high-performance green buildings, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Feb. 6, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-241.
S. 509.--To provide improved aviation security, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Feb. 6, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-31.
S. 521 (H.R. 187).--To designate the Federal building and United 
    States courthouse and customhouse located at 515 West First 
    Street in Duluth, Minnesota, as the ``Gerald W. Heaney Federal 
    Building and United States Courthouse and Customhouse''. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works Feb. 7, 2007. 
    Reported Mar. 29, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Apr. 
    10, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Apr. 16, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Apr. 30, 2007. Approved May 8, 2007. Public Law 110-
S. 531.--To repeal section 10(f) of Public Law 93-531, commonly 
    known as the ``Bennett Freeze''. Referred to Indian Affairs 
    Feb. 8, 2007. Reported Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-462. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to Natural Resources Sept. 22, 2008.
S. 535 (H.R. 923).--To establish an Unsolved Crimes Section in the 
    Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and an 
    Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Investigative Office in the Civil 
    Rights Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 8, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 20, 2007; Rept. 110-88.
S. 542.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 
    feasibility studies to address certain water shortages within 
    the Snake, Boise, and Payette River systems in the State of 
    Idaho, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 8, 2007. Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-113.
S. 547.--To establish a Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security for 
    Management, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 12, 2007. Reported Oct. 
    1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 550.--To preserve existing judgeships on the Superior Court of 
    the District of Columbia. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 12, 2007. Reported Jan. 8 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; Rept. 110-256. Passed 
    Senate Feb. 4, 2008. Received in House and referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 6, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Apr. 1, 2008. Presented to the President Apr. 10, 
    2008. Approved Apr. 18, 2008. Public Law 110-201.
S. 553 (H.R. 986).--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to 
    designate certain segments of the Eightmile River in the State 
    of Connecticut as components of the National Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers System, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Feb. 12, 2007. Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 
    110-94. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 556 (H.R. 1429).--To reauthorize the Head Start Act, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Feb. 12, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 
S. 558.--To provide parity between health insurance coverage of 
    mental health benefits and benefits for medical and surgical 
    services. Reported amended from Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Mar. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-53. Passed Senate amended 
    Sept. 18, 2007. Received in House and referred to Energy and 
    Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor Sept. 19, 
S. 570 (H.R. 1011).--To designate additional National Forest 
    System lands in the State of Virginia as wilderness or a 
    wilderness study area, to designate the Kimberling Creek 
    Potential Wilderness Area for eventual incorporation in the 
    Kimberling Creek Wilderness, to establish the Seng Mountain 
    and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, to provide for the development of 
    trail plans for the wilderness areas and scenic areas, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 
    13, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-349.
S. 574 (S. 470).--To express the sense of Congress on Iraq. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 14, 2007.
S. 576.--To provide for the effective prosecution of terrorists 
    and guarantee due process rights. Referred to Armed Services 
    Feb. 13, 2007.
S. 579 (H.R. 1157).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    authorize the Director of the National Institute of 
    Environmental Health Sciences to make grants for the 
    development and operation of research centers regarding 
    environmental factors that may be related to the etiology of 
    breast cancer. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Feb. 14, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 3, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 580.--To amend the National Trails System Act to require the 
    Secretary of the Interior to update the feasibility and 
    suitability studies of four national historic trails, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 
    14, 2007. Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-95.
S. 589.--To provide for the transfer of certain Federal property 
    to the United States Paralympics, Incorporated, a subsidiary 
    of the United States Olympic Committee. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Feb. 14, 2007. Reported amended 
    Nov. 7, 2007; Rept. 110-223.
S. 595.--To amend the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act of 1986 to strike a provision relating to 
    modifications in reporting frequency. Referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Feb. 14, 2007. Reported Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 
S. 597 (H.R. 1236).--To extend the special postage stamp for 
    breast cancer research for 2 years. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 14, 2007. Reported Nov. 
    7, 2007; Rept. 110-222. Passed Senate amended Nov. 14, 2007. 
    Received in House and held at desk Nov. 15, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House with amendments Dec. 11, 2007. Senate 
    agreed to House amendments Dec. 13, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 19, 2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 
S. 602.--To develop the next generation of parental control 
    technology. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Feb. 15, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-268. 
    Passed Senate amended Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce 
    Oct. 2, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House with 
    amendment Oct. 3, 2008. Senate agreed to House amendment Nov. 
    17 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
S. 613.--To enhance the overseas stabilization and reconstruction 
    capabilities of the United States Government, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported Apr. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-50.
S. 617.--To make the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands 
    Pass available at a discount to certain veterans. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 15, 2007. Reported June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-350.
S. 621.--To establish commissions to review the facts and 
    circumstances surrounding injustices suffered by European 
    Americans, European Latin Americans, and Jewish refugees 
    during World War II. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported May 4, 2007; Rept. 110-62.
S. 624 (H.R. 1132).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide waivers relating to grants for preventive health 
    measures with respect to breast and cervical cancers. Referred 
    to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; no written report. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 13, 2007. See H.R. 1132 for 
    further action.
S. 627.--To amend the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention 
    Act of 1974 to improve the health and well-being of maltreated 
    infants and toddlers through the creation of a National Court 
    Teams Resource Center, to assist local Court Teams, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported Mar. 26, 2007; no written report.
S. 635 (H.R. 365).--To provide for a research program for 
    remediation of closed methamphetamine production laboratories, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Feb. 15, 2007. Reported Oct. 26, 2007; Rept. 110-207.
S. 637.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the 
    suitability and feasibility of establishing the Chattahoochee 
    Trace National Heritage Corridor in Alabama and Georgia, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Feb. 15, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-157.
S. 641.--To express the sense of Congress that no funds should be 
    cut off or reduced for American troops in the field which 
    would result in undermining their safety or their ability to 
    complete their assigned missions. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Feb. 16, 2007.
S. 642.--To codify Executive Order 12898, relating to 
    environmental justice, to require the Administrator of the 
    Environmental Protection Agency to fully implement the 
    recommendations of the Inspector General of the Agency and the 
    Comptroller General of the United States, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Feb. 15, 
    2007. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-485.
S. 645.--To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to provide an 
    alternate sulfur dioxide removal measurement for certain coal 
    gasification project goals. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 15, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 647.--To designate certain land in the State of Oregon as 
    wilderness, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Feb. 15, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-172.
S. 655 (H.R. 1681).--To amend the Congressional Charter of The 
    American National Red Cross to modernize its governance 
    structure, to enhance the ability of the board of governors of 
    The American National Red Cross to support the critical 
    mission of The American Red Cross in the 21st century, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Mar. 8, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate amended Mar. 15, 2007. Received in House and referred 
    to Foreign Affairs Mar. 16, 2007.
S. 657 (H.R. 727).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to add 
    requirements regarding trauma care, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. 16, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; no written report.
S. 662.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study to evaluate resources at the Harriet 
    Beecher Stowe House in Brunswick, Maine, to determine the 
    suitability and feasibility of establishing the site as a unit 
    of the National Park System, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-351.
S. 675.--To provide competitive grants for training court 
    reporters and closed captioners to meet requirements for 
    realtime writers under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Feb. 16, 2007. Reported amended July 31, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-138.
S. 676.--To provide that the Executive Director of the Inter-
    American Development Bank or the Alternate Executive Director 
    of the Inter-American Development Bank may serve on the Board 
    of Directors of the Inter-American Foundation. Referred to 
    Foreign Relations Feb. 17, 2007. Reported Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 
    110-35. Passed Senate Mar. 15, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to Foreign Affairs Mar. 16, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 11, 2007; Roll No. 449: 386-1. Presented to 
    the President June 14, 2007. Approved June 21, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-38.
S. 680 (H.R. 1362).--To ensure proper oversight and accountability 
    in Federal contracting, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 17, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-201. Passed Senate 
    amended Nov. 7, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Nov. 
    8, 2007.
S. 682.--To award a congressional gold medal to Edward William 
    Brooke III in recognition of his unprecedented and enduring 
    service to our Nation. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Feb. 17, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Mar. 29, 2007. Received in House and referred to Financial 
    Services Mar. 30, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 10, 
    2008. Presented to the President June 24, 2008. Approved July 
    1, 2008. Public Law 110-260.
S. 686 (H.R. 1286).--To amend the National Trails System Act to 
    designate the Washington-Rochambeau Revolutionary Route 
    National Historical Trail. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 26, 2007. Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-96.
S. 694 (H.R. 1216).--To direct the Secretary of Transportation to 
    issue regulations to reduce the incidence of child injury and 
    death occurring inside or outside of light motor vehicles, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Feb. 27, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 13, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-275.
S. 702.--To authorize the Attorney General to award grants to 
    State courts to develop and implement State courts interpreter 
    programs. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 28, 2007. Reported 
    amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-436.
S. 704 (H.R. 251).--To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to 
    prohibit manipulation of caller identification information. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Feb. 28, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-234.
S. 720 (H.R. 692).--To amend title 4, United States Code, to 
    authorize the Governor of a State, territory, or possession of 
    the United States to order that the National flag be flown at 
    half-staff in that State, territory, or possession in the 
    event of the death of a member of the Armed Forces from that 
    State, territory, or possession who dies while serving on 
    active duty. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 1, 2007. Reported 
    June 7, 2007; no written report.
S. 722 (H.R. 5751).--To direct the Secretary of the Interior and 
    the Secretary of Agriculture to jointly conduct a study of 
    certain land adjacent to the Walnut Canyon National Monument 
    in the State of Arizona. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 1, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 
S. 735.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to improve the 
    terrorist hoax statute. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 1, 
    2007. Reported amended May 4, 2007; Rept. 110-61.
S. 742.--To amend the Toxic Substances Control Act to reduce the 
    health risks posed by asbestos-containing products, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 
    1, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-189. Passed 
    Senate amended Oct. 4, 2007. Received in House and held at 
    desk Oct. 5, 2007.
S. 743.--To amend title 36, United States Code, to modify the 
    individuals eligible for associate membership in the Military 
    Order of the Purple Heart of the United States of America, 
    Incorporated. Passed Senate Mar. 1, 2007. Received in House 
    and referred to the Judiciary Mar. 6, 2007.
S. 761 (H.R. 2272).--To invest in innovation and education to 
    improve the competitiveness of the United States in the global 
    economy. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2007. 
    Considered Apr. 20, 23, 24, 2007. Passed Senate amended Apr. 
    25, 2007; Roll No. 146: 88-8. Received in House and held at 
    desk Apr. 30, 2007.
S. 763 (H.R. 1401).--To provide the resources to protect public 
    transportation from terrorism. Reported from Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Mar. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-32.
S. 772 (H.R. 1650).--To amend the Federal antitrust laws to 
    provide expanded coverage and to eliminate exemptions from 
    such laws that are contrary to the public interest with 
    respect to railroads. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 6, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-252.
S. 775.--To establish a National Commission on the Infrastructure 
    of the United States. Referred to Environment and Public Works 
    Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-225. 
    Passed Senate amended Aug. 2, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Aug. 3, 2007.
S. 781 (H.R. 2601).--To extend the authority of the Federal Trade 
    Commission to collect Do-Not-Call Registry fees to fiscal 
    years after fiscal year 2007. Referred to Commerce, Science 
    and Transportation Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 12, 
    2007; Rept. 110-244. Passed Senate amended Dec. 17, 2007. 
    Received in House and held at desk Dec. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Feb. 13, 2008. Approved Feb. 15, 2008. Public Law 
S. 783.--To adjust the boundary of the Barataria Preserve Unit of 
    the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in the 
    State of Louisiana, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-352.
S. 789.--To prevent abuse of Government credit cards. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 7, 2007. 
    Reported amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-437.
S. 793 (H.R. 1418).--To provide for the expansion and improvement 
    of traumatic brain injury programs. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 7, 2007. Reported amended 
    Aug. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-140. Passed Senate amended Dec. 11, 
    2007. Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce 
    Dec. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment 
    Apr. 8, 2008; Roll No. 163: 392-1. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment Apr. 10, 2008. Presented to the President Apr. 17, 
    2008. Approved Apr. 28, 2008. Public Law 110-206.
S. 797.--To amend the National Trails System Act to designate the 
    Star-Spangled Banner Trail in the States of Maryland and 
    Virginia and the District of Columbia as a National Historic 
    Trail. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 7, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-98. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 800 (H.R. 713).--To establish the Niagara Falls National 
    Heritage Area in the State of New York, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 7, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-174. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 801.--To designate a United States courthouse located in 
    Fresno, California, as the ``Robert E. Coyle United States 
    Courthouse''. Referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 7, 
    2007. Reported Mar. 29, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Apr. 10, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Apr. 16, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 25, 2007. Presented to the 
    President June 28, 2007. Approved July 5, 2007. Public Law 
S. 805.--To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to assist 
    countries in sub-Saharan Africa in the effort to achieve 
    internationally recognized goals in the treatment and 
    prevention of HIV/AIDS and other major diseases and the 
    reduction of maternal and child mortality by improving human 
    health care capacity and improving retention of medical health 
    professionals in sub-Saharan Africa, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Foreign Relations Mar. 7, 2007. Reported amended 
    Oct. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-192.
S. 817 (H.R. 1483).--To amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands 
    Management Act of 1996 to provide additional authorizations 
    for certain National Heritage Areas, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 8, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-175. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 827.--To establish the Freedom's Way National Heritage Area in 
    the States of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 8, 
    2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-353.
S. 832.--To provide for the sale of approximately 25 acres of 
    public land to the Turnabout Ranch, Escalante, Utah, at fair 
    market value. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 9, 
    2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-354.
S. 838.--To authorize funding for eligible joint ventures between 
    United States and Israeli businesses and academic persons, to 
    establish the International Energy Advisory Board, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 
    12, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-176.
S. 845 (H.R. 3701).--To direct the Secretary of Health and Human 
    Services to expand and intensify programs with respect to 
    research and related activities concerning elder falls. 
    Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 12, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-110. Passed 
    Senate amended Aug. 1, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Energy and Commerce Aug. 2, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Apr. 8, 2008. Presented to the President Apr. 14, 2008. 
    Approved Apr. 23, 2008. Public Law 110-202.
S. 849 (H.R. 1309) (S. 2488).--To promote accessibility, 
    accountability, and openness in Government by strengthening 
    section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred 
    to as the Freedom of Information Act), and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2007. Reported Apr. 30, 
    2007; Rept. 110-59. Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Received in House and held at desk Sept. 4, 2007.
S. 862 (H.R. 1045).--To designate the Federal building located at 
    210 Walnut Street in Des Moines, Iowa, as the ``Neal Smith 
    Federal Building''. Referred to Environment and Public Works 
    Mar. 13, 2007. Reported Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
    2008; no written report. Reported Jan. 22 (Legislative day of 
    Jan. 3), 2008; no written report.
S. 863.--To amend title 18, United States Code, with respect to 
    fraud in connection with major disaster or emergency funds. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2007. Reported May 22, 
    2007; Rept. 110-69. Passed Senate Dec. 4, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 5, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 27, 2007. Approved Jan. 7, 2008. Public Law 
S. 868 (H.R. 415).--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to 
    designate segments of the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of 
    Massachusetts as a component of the National Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers System. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 
    13, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-355.
S. 879 (H.R. 2264).--To amend the Sherman Act to make oil-
    producing and exporting cartels illegal. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 14, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; Rept. 110-68.
S. 886 (H.R. 1255).--To amend chapter 22 of title 44, United 
    States Code, popularly known as the Presidential Records Act, 
    to establish procedures for the consideration of claims of 
    constitutionally based privilege against disclosure of 
    Presidential records. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Mar. 14, 2007. Reported June 20, 2007; no 
    written report.
S. 888 (H.R. 2489).--To amend section 1091 of title 18, United 
    States Code, to allow the prosecution of genocide in 
    appropriate circumstances. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 15, 
    2007. Reported Mar. 26, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Mar. 29, 2007. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary 
    Mar. 30, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 5, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Dec. 11, 2007. Approved Dec. 21, 
    2007. Public Law 110-151.
S. 890 (H.R. 2094).--To provide for certain administrative and 
    support services for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial 
    Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Mar. 15, 2007. Reported amended June 26, 
    2007; Rept. 110-97. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 898.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to fund 
    breakthroughs in Alzheimer's disease research while providing 
    more help to caregivers and increasing public education about 
    prevention. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Mar. 15, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 3, 2007; no written 
S. 900.--To authorize the Boy Scouts of America to exchange 
    certain land in the State of Utah acquired under the 
    Recreation and Public Purposes Act. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Mar. 15, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-356.
S. 901 (H.R. 1343).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide additional authorizations of appropriations for the 
    health centers program under section 330 of such Act. Referred 
    to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-274. Passed Senate 
    amended July 21 (Legislative day of July 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and held at desk July 22, 2008.
S. 906.--To prohibit the sale, distribution, transfer, and export 
    of elemental mercury, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Mar. 15, 2007. Reported amended 
    Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-477. 
    Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008; Roll No. 669: 393-5. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 
    2008. Public Law 110-414.
S. 911 (H.R. 1553).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    advance medical research and treatments into pediatric 
    cancers, ensure patients and families have access to the 
    current treatments and information regarding pediatric 
    cancers, establish a population-based national childhood 
    cancer database, and promote public awareness of pediatric 
    cancers. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Mar. 19, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; no written 
S. 924 (H.R. 2722).--To strengthen the United States Coast Guard's 
    Integrated Deepwater Program. Referred to Commerce, Science 
    and Transportation Mar. 20, 2007. Reported amended May 24, 
    2007; Rept. 110-72. Passed Senate amended Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Received in House and held at desk Dec. 19, 2007.
S. 950.--To develop and maintain an integrated system of coastal 
    and ocean observations for the Nation's coasts, oceans, and 
    Great Lakes, to improve warnings of tsunami, hurricanes, El 
    Nino events, and other natural hazards, to enhance homeland 
    security, to support maritime operations, to improve 
    management of coastal and marine resources, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Mar. 21, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-217.
S. 955.--To establish the Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 21, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-177. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 965 (H.R. 1591).--Making emergency supplemental appropriations 
    for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2007, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Appropriations Mar. 22, 2007; Rept. 
S. 966.--To enable the Department of State to respond to a 
    critical shortage of passport processing personnel, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Mar. 22, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 27, 2007; Rept. 110-109. Passed Senate 
    amended June 29, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Foreign Affairs July 10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    with amendment July 16, 2007. Senate agreed to House amendment 
    July 18 (Legislative day of July 17), 2007. Presented to the 
    President July 24, 2007. Approved July 30, 2007. Public Law 
S. 967.--To amend chapter 41 of title 5, United States Code, to 
    provide for the establishment and authorization of funding for 
    certain training programs for supervisors of Federal 
    employees. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 1 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 968 (H.R. 1567).--To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 
    to provide increased assistance for the prevention, treatment, 
    and control of tuberculosis, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Foreign Relations Mar. 22, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 9, 
    2007; Rept. 110-193.
S. 975.--Granting the consent and approval of Congress to an 
    interstate forest fire protection compact. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 23, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    July 13, 2007. Received in House and referred to the Judiciary 
    July 16, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Aug. 3, 2007. Approved Aug. 13, 
    2007. Public Law 110-79.
S. 980 (H.R. 6353).--To amend the Controlled Substances Act to 
    address online pharmacies. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 23, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 12, 2008; Rept. 110-521. Passed 
    Senate amended Apr. 1 (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to the Judiciary Apr. 2, 2008.
S. 992.--To achieve emission reductions and cost savings through 
    accelerated use of cost-effective lighting technologies in 
    public buildings, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Mar. 27, 2007. Reported amended 
    May 3, 2007; Rept. 110-60.
S. 996.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to expand 
    passenger facility fee eligibility for certain noise 
    compatibility projects. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Mar. 27, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Feb. 28, 2008. Received in House and referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 3, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 23, 2008. Approved Oct. 2, 2008. Public Law 
S. 997 (H.R. 3) (S. 5).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide for human embryonic stem cell research. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Mar. 28, 2007.
S. 999 (H.R. 477).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    improve stroke prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and 
    rehabilitation. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Mar. 27, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 1000.--To enhance the Federal Telework Program. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 27, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    no written report.
S. 1001.--To restore Second Amendment rights in the District of 
    Columbia. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 28, 2007.
S. 1002.--To amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to reinstate 
    certain provisions relating to the nutrition services 
    incentive program. Passed Senate Mar. 27, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to Education and Labor Mar. 27, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Mar. 28, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Apr. 12, 2007. Approved Apr. 23, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-19.
S. 1007.--To direct the Secretary of State to work with the 
    Government of Brazil and other foreign governments to develop 
    partnerships that will strengthen diplomatic relations and 
    energy security by accelerating the development of biofuels 
    production, research, and infrastructure to alleviate poverty, 
    create jobs, and increase income, while improving energy 
    security and protecting the environment. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Mar. 28, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 23 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 1011.--To change the name of the National Institute on Drug 
    Abuse to the National Institute on Diseases of Addiction and 
    to change the name of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse 
    and Alcoholism to the National Institute on Alcohol Disorders 
    and Health. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Mar. 28, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
S. 1027.--To prevent tobacco smuggling, to ensure the collection 
    of all tobacco taxes, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 29, 2007. Reported Sept. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 1037.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to assist in 
    the planning, design, and construction of the Tumalo 
    Irrigation District Water Conservation Project in Deschutes 
    County, Oregon. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 
    29, 2007. Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-114.
S. 1039.--To extend the authorization for the Coastal Heritage 
    Trail in the State of New Jersey. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Mar. 29, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-287. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 1046.--To modify pay provisions relating to certain senior-
    level positions in the Federal Government, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Mar. 29, 2007. Reported Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-328. 
    Passed Senate amended July 11, 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Oversight and Government Reform July 14, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 25, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 659: 419-0. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 
    2008. Public Law 110-372.
S. 1070.--To amend the Social Security Act to enhance the social 
    security of the Nation by ensuring adequate public-private 
    infrastructure and to resolve to prevent, detect, treat, 
    intervene in, and prosecute elder abuse, neglect, and 
    exploitation, and for other purposes. Referred to Finance Mar. 
    29, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008; Rept. 110-470.
S. 1079.--To establish the Star-Spangled Banner and War of 1812 
    Bicentennial Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Apr. 10, 2007. Reported amended May 21, 2007; no 
    written report.
S. 1082.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to 
    reauthorize and amend the prescription drug user fee 
    provisions, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 10, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 24, 2007; no written report. Considered Apr. 30, May 1, 
    2, 3, 7, 8, 2007. Passed Senate amended May 9, 2007; Roll No. 
    157: 93-1. Received in House and held at desk May 10, 2007.
S. 1089.--To amend the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act to allow 
    the Federal Coordinator for Alaska Natural Gas Transportation 
    Projects to hire employees more efficiently, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 11, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-178.
S. 1099.--To amend chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, to 
    make individuals employed by the Roosevelt Campobello 
    International Park Commission eligible to obtain Federal 
    health insurance. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 12, 2007. Reported June 19, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate June 22, 2007. Received in House 
    and referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 25, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House July 30, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Aug. 3, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 
S. 1104.--To increase the number of Iraqi and Afghani translators 
    and interpreters who may be admitted to the United States as 
    special immigrants. Passed Senate Apr. 12, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary Apr. 16, 2007. Reported 
    with amendment May 21, 2007; Rept. 110-158. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House with amendments May 22, 2007; 
    Roll No. 399: 412-8. Senate agreed to House amendments May 24, 
    2007. Presented to the President June 4, 2007. Approved June 
    15, 2007. Public Law 110-36.
S. 1110.--To amend the Reclamation Projects Authorization and 
    Adjustment Act of 1992 to provide for the conjunctive use of 
    surface and ground water in Juab County, Utah. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 16, 2007. Reported June 28, 
    2007; Rept. 110-115. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 1138.--To enhance nuclear safeguards and to provide assurances 
    of nuclear fuel supply to countries that forgo certain fuel 
    cycle activities. Referred to Foreign Relations Apr. 18, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-151.
S. 1139 (H.R. 2016).--To establish the National Landscape 
    Conservation System, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended 
    June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-116.
S. 1142.--To authorize the acquisition of interests in undeveloped 
    coastal areas in order better to ensure their protection from 
    development. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Apr. 18, 2007. Reported June 5, 2007; Rept. 110-78.
S. 1143 (H.R. 1922).--To designate the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse 
    and the surrounding Federal land in the State of Florida as an 
    Outstanding Natural Area and as a unit of the National 
    Landscape System, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-288. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 1145 (H.R. 1908).--To amend title 35, United States Code, to 
    provide for patent reform. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 18, 
    2007. Reported amended Jan. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-259.
S. 1148 (H.R. 1520).--To establish the Champlain Quadricentennial 
    Commemoration Commission and the Hudson-Fulton 400th 
    Commemoration Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended 
    Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-179. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
S. 1152.--To promote wildland firefighter safety. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended 
    June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-99.
S. 1163 (H.R. 797).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    improve compensation and specially adapted housing for 
    veterans in certain cases of impairment of vision involving 
    both eyes, and to provide for the use of the National 
    Directory of New Hires for income verification purposes. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 19, 2007. Reported amended 
    Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-143. Returned to the calendar Nov. 2, 
    2007. See H.R. 797 for further action.
S. 1171.--To amend the Colorado River Storage Project Act and 
    Public Law 87-483 to authorize the construction and 
    rehabilitation of water infrastructure in Northwestern New 
    Mexico, to authorize the use of the reclamation fund to fund 
    the Reclamation Water Settlements Fund, to authorize the 
    conveyance of certain Reclamation land and infrastructure, to 
    authorize the Commissioner of Reclamation to provide for the 
    delivery of water, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Apr. 19, 2007. Reported amended June 25, 
    2008; Rept. 110-401.
S. 1178.--To strengthen data protection and safeguards, require 
    data breach notification, and further prevent identity theft. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Apr. 20, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-235.
S. 1182.--To amend the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley 
    National Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 to increase the 
    authorization of appropriations and modify the date on which 
    the authority of the Secretary of the Interior terminates 
    under the Act. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 
    20, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-159.
S. 1183 (H.R. 1727).--To enhance and further research into 
    paralysis and to improve rehabilitation and the quality of 
    life for persons living with paralysis and other physical 
    disabilities, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 23, 2007. Reported amended 
    Aug. 3, 2007; no written report.
S. 1189 (H.R. 2011).--To designate the Federal building and United 
    States Courthouse located at 100 East 8th Avenue in Pine 
    Bluff, Arkansas, as the ``George Howard, Jr. Federal Building 
    and United States Courthouse''. Referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Apr. 23, 2007. Reported Jan. 22 (Legislative day 
    of Jan. 3), 2008; no written report. Reported Jan. 22 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; no written report.
S. 1193.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to take into 
    trust 2 parcels of Federal land for the benefit of certain 
    Indian Pueblos in the State of New Mexico. Referred to Indian 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2007. Reported July 31, 2008; Rept. 110-434. 
    Passed Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Natural Resources Sept. 23, 
    2008. Committee discharged. Passed House with amendments Sept. 
    29, 2008.
S. 1200 (H.R. 1328).--To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement 
    Act to revise and extend the Act. Referred to Indian Affairs 
    Apr. 24, 2007. Reported Oct. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-197. 
    Considered Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 23, Feb. 13, 
    14, 25, 2008. Passed Senate amended Feb. 26, 2008; Roll No. 
    32: 83-10. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources 
    and in addition to Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means 
    Feb. 28, 2008.
S. 1203.--To enhance the management of electricity programs at the 
    Department of Energy. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Apr. 24, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-160.
S. 1210 (H.R. 1199).--To extend the grant program for drug-
    endangered children. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 25, 2007. 
    Reported May 22, 2008; no written report.
S. 1211.--To amend the Controlled Substances Act to provide 
    enhanced penalties for marketing controlled substances to 
    minors. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 25, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008; no written 
S. 1233 (H.R. 2199).--To provide and enhance intervention, 
    rehabilitative treatment, and services to veterans with 
    traumatic brain injury, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Apr. 26, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 29, 
    2007; Rept. 110-147.
S. 1245.--To reform mutual aid agreements for the National Capital 
    Region. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Apr. 26, 2007. Reported from Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Dec. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-237. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 12, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 
    13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 9, 2008. 
    Presented to the President June 17, 2008. Approved June 26, 
    2008. Public Law 110-250.
S. 1247.--To amend the Weir Farm National Historic Site 
    Establishment Act of 1990 to limit the development of any 
    property acquired by the Secretary of the Interior for the 
    development of visitor and administrative facilities for the 
    Weir Farm National Historic Site, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 26, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-289.
S. 1248 (H.R. 1495).--To provide for the conservation and 
    development of water and related resources, to authorize the 
    Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for 
    improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Environment and Public Works 
    Apr. 30, 2007; Rept. 110-58.
S. 1255.--To protect Indian arts and crafts through the 
    improvement of applicable criminal proceedings, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs May 1, 2007. Reported 
    amended Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-460. Passed Senate amended 
    Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to Natural Resources and in addition to the 
    Judiciary Sept. 24, 2008.
S. 1256.--To amend the Small Business Act to reauthorize loan 
    programs under that Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Small Business and Entrepreneurship May 1, 2007. Reported 
    amended Sept. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-154.
S. 1257 (H.R. 1433) (H.R. 1905).--To provide the District of 
    Columbia a voting seat and the State of Utah an additional 
    seat in the House of Representatives. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs May 1, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-123.
S. 1276.--To establish a grant program to facilitate the creation 
    of methamphetamine precursor electronic logbook systems, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May 3, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate amended Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to the Judiciary Sept. 25, 2008. Committees 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public Law 
S. 1281.--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate 
    certain rivers and streams of the headwaters of the Snake 
    River System as additions to the National Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers System. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 3, 
    2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-357.
S. 1300 (H.R. 2881).--To amend title 49, United States Code, to 
    authorize appropriations for the Federal Aviation 
    Administration for fiscal years 2008 through 2011, to improve 
    aviation safety and capacity, to modernize the air traffic 
    control system, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation May 3, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 
    3, 2007; Rept. 110-144.
S. 1301.--To preserve and protect the free choice of individual 
    employees to form, join, or assist labor organizations, or to 
    refrain from such activities. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    May 4, 2007.
S. 1304.--To amend the National Trails System Act to designate the 
    Arizona National Scenic Trail. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 3, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
S. 1305.--Making emergency war appropriations for American troops 
    overseas, without unnecessary pork barrel spending and without 
    mandating surrender or retreat in Iraq, for the fiscal year 
    ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar May 4, 2007.
S. 1312.--To amend the National Labor Relations Act to ensure the 
    right of employees to a secret-ballot election conducted by 
    the National Labor Relations Board. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar May 8, 2007.
S. 1315.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance life 
    insurance benefits for disabled veterans, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 7, 2007. Reported 
    amended Aug. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-148. Considered Apr. 23, 
    2008. Passed Senate amended Apr. 24, 2008; Roll No. 112: 96-1. 
    Received in House and held at desk Apr. 24, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House with amendment Sept. 22, 2008.
S. 1321.--To enhance the energy security of the United States by 
    promoting biofuels, energy efficiency, and carbon capture and 
    storage, and for other purposes. Reported from Energy and 
    Natural Resources May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-65.
S. 1327.--To create and extend certain temporary district court 
    judgeships. Referred to the Judiciary May 8, 2007. Reported 
    May 24, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Dec. 4, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 5, 2007.
S. 1329 (H.R. 2251).--To extend the Acadia National Park Advisory 
    Commission, to provide improved visitor services at the park, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 8, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
    110-291. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 1341.--To provide for the exchange of certain Bureau of Land 
    Management land in Pima County, Arizona, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 9, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-292.
S. 1347.--To amend the Omnibus Indian Advancement Act to modify 
    the date as of which certain tribal land of the Lytton 
    Rancheria of California is deemed to be held in trust and to 
    provide for the conduct of certain activities on the land. 
    Referred to Indian Affairs May 9, 2007. Reported Oct. 26, 
    2007; Rept. 110-208. Passed Senate Nov. 5, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to Natural Resources Nov. 6, 2007.
S. 1348 (S. 1639).--To provide for comprehensive immigration 
    reform and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    May 10, 2007. Considered May 22, 23, 24, 25, June 4, 5, 6, 7, 
S. 1352.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 127 East Locust Street in Fairbury, 
    Illinois, as the ``Dr. Francis Townsend Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs May 10, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate May 23, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 24, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules June 18, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 19, 2007. Presented to the 
    President June 26, 2007. Approved July 3, 2007. Public Law 
S. 1365.--To amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management 
    Act of 1996 to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to 
    enter into cooperative agreements with any of the management 
    partners of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation 
    Area, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 10, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
S. 1377.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the 
    City of Henderson, Nevada, certain Federal land located in the 
    City, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 14, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-294.
S. 1380.--To designate as wilderness certain land within the Rocky 
    Mountain National Park and to adjust the boundaries of the 
    Indian Peaks Wilderness and the Arapaho National Recreation 
    Area of the Arapaho National Forest in the State of Colorado. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 14, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-358.
S. 1382 (H.R. 2295).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide for the establishment of an Amyotrophic Lateral 
    Sclerosis Registry. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions May 14, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 23 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and held at desk 
    Sept. 24, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 25, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 
    650: 415-2. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-373.
S. 1387.--To amend the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-
    Know Act of 1986 to provide for greenhouse gases. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works May 14, 2007. Reported amended 
    Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-491.
S. 1396.--To authorize a major medical facility project to 
    modernize inpatient wards at the Department of Veterans 
    Affairs Medical Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs May 15, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 13, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Dec. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 21, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-168.
S. 1418.--To provide assistance to improve the health of newborns, 
    children, and mothers in developing countries, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations May 17, 2007. Reported 
    amended Apr. 9, 2008; Rept. 110-282.
S. 1419 (H.R. 3238).--To move the United States toward greater 
    energy independence and security, to increase the production 
    of clean renewable fuels, to protect consumers from price 
    gouging, to increase the energy efficiency of products, 
    buildings and vehicles, to promote research on and deploy 
    greenhouse gas capture and storage options, and to improve the 
    energy performance of the Federal Government, and for other 
    purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar May 17, 2007.
S. 1429.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to reauthorize the 
    provision of technical assistance to small public water 
    systems. Referred to Environment and Public Works May 17, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-242.
S. 1433.--To amend the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation 
    Act to provide competitive status to certain Federal employees 
    in the State of Alaska. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 21, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
S. 1446 (H.R. 401).--To amend the National Capital Transportation 
    Act of 1969 to authorize additional Federal contributions for 
    maintaining and improving the transit system of the Washington 
    Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 22, 
    2007. Reported Oct. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-188.
S. 1476.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 
    special resources study of the Tule Lake Segregation Center in 
    Modoc County, California, to determine suitability and 
    feasibility of establishing a unit of the National Park 
    System. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 24, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-296.
S. 1477.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to carry out 
    the Jackson Gulch rehabilitation project in the State of 
    Colorado. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 24, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 1492.--To improve the quality of federal and state data 
    regarding the availability and quality of broadband services 
    and to promote the deployment of affordable broadband services 
    to all parts of the Nation. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation May 24, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 24, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-204. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Energy 
    and Commerce Sept. 27, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    House with amendments Sept. 29, 2008. Senate agreed to House 
    amendments Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 10, 
    2008. Public Law 110-385.
S. 1498 (H.R. 4933).--To amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to 
    prohibit the import, export, transportation, sale, receipt, 
    acquisition, or purchase in interstate or foreign commerce of 
    any live animal of any prohibited wildlife species, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works May 
    24, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-210.
S. 1499.--To amend the Clean Air Act to reduce air pollution from 
    marine vessels. Referred to Environment and Public Works May 
    24, 2007. Reported July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-413.
S. 1500.--To support democracy and human rights in Zimbabwe, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations May 24, 
    2007. Reported July 24, 2007; Rept. 110-136.
S. 1515.--To establish a domestic violence volunteer attorney 
    network to represent domestic violence victims. Referred to 
    the Judiciary May 24, 2007. Reported amended July 29 
    (Legislative day of July 28), 2008; no written report.
S. 1518.--To amend the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to 
    reauthorize the Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 24, 2007. Reported 
    amended Nov. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-216.
S. 1522.--To amend the Bonneville Power Administration portions of 
    the Fisheries Restoration and Irrigation Mitigation Act of 
    2000 to authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2008 through 
    2014, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 24, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
S. 1523.--To amend the Clean Air Act to reduce emissions of carbon 
    dioxide from the Capitol power plant. Referred to Environment 
    and Public Works May 24, 2007. Reported Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 
S. 1532.--To extend tax relief to the residents and businesses of 
    an area with respect to which a major disaster has been 
    declared by the President under section 401 of the Robert T. 
    Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (FEMA-
    1699-DR) by reason of severe storms and tornados beginning on 
    May 4, 2007, and determined by the President to warrant 
    individual or individual and public assistance from the 
    Federal Government under such Act. Passed Senate May 25, 2007.
S. 1537.--To authorize the transfer of certain funds from the 
    Senate Gift Shop Revolving Fund to the Senate Employee Child 
    Care Center. Passed Senate May 25, 2007. Received in House and 
    held at desk June 5, 2007. Passed House June 6, 2007. 
    Presented to the President June 14, 2007. Approved June 21, 
    2007. Public Law 110-39.
S. 1538 (H.R. 2082).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 
    2008 for the intelligence and intelligence-related activities 
    of the United States Government, the Intelligence Community 
    Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency 
    Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Intelligence May 31, 2007; Rept. 110-75. 
    Referred to Armed Services June 4, 2007. Reported amended June 
    26, 2007; Rept. 110-92. Considered Oct. 3, 2007. Returned to 
    the calendar Oct. 3, 2007. See H.R. 2082 for further action.
S. 1539 (H.R. 2563).--To designate the post office located at 309 
    East Linn Street, Marshalltown, Iowa, as the ``Major Scott 
    Nisely Post Office''. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs June 5, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no 
    written report. Indefinitely postponed Sept. 28, 2007. See 
    H.R. 2563 for further action.
S. 1547 (H.R. 1585) (S. 1548) (S. 1549) (S. 1550).--To authorize 
    appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for military activities of 
    the Department of Defense, for military construction, and for 
    defense activities of the Department of Energy, to prescribe 
    military personnel strengths for such fiscal year, and for 
    other purposes. Reported from Armed Services June 5, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-77. Referred to Intelligence June 13, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 29, 2007; Rept. 110-125.
S. 1548 (H.R. 1585) (S. 1547).--To authorize appropriations for 
    fiscal year 2008 for military activities of the Department of 
    Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such 
    fiscal year, and for other purposes. Reported from Armed 
    Services June 5, 2007; no written report. Referred to 
    Intelligence June 13, 2007. Reported amended June 29, 2007; no 
    written report.
S. 1549 (S. 1547).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 
    2008 for military construction, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Armed Services June 5, 2007; no written report.
S. 1550 (S. 1547).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 
    2008 for defense activities of the Department of Energy, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Armed Services June 5, 2007; 
    no written report.
S. 1551 (H.R. 1532).--To amend the Public Health Service Act with 
    respect to making progress toward the goal of eliminating 
    tuberculosis, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions June 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Dec. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-329.
S. 1565.--To provide for the transfer of naval vessels to certain 
    foreign recipients. Referred to Foreign Relations June 7, 
    2007. Reported July 31, 2007; Rept. 110-139.
S. 1566.--To amend the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to improve that 
    Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Environment and 
    Public Works June 7, 2007. Reported June 27, 2008; Rept. 110-
S. 1577.--To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act 
    to require screening, including national criminal history 
    background checks, of direct patient access employees of 
    skilled nursing facilities, nursing facilities, and other 
    long-term care facilities and providers, and to provide for 
    nationwide expansion of the pilot program for national and 
    State background checks on direct patient access employees of 
    long-term care facilities or providers. Referred to Finance 
    June 7, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 22 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-474.
S. 1578.--To amend the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention 
    and Control Act of 1990 to establish vessel ballast water 
    management requirements, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation June 7, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-269.
S. 1580 (H.R. 1205).--To reauthorize the Coral Reef Conservation 
    Act of 2000, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation June 7, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 
    13, 2008; Rept. 110-276.
S. 1581 (H.R. 4174).--To establish an interagency committee to 
    develop an ocean acidification research and monitoring plan 
    and to establish an ocean acidification program within the 
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation June 7, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-339.
S. 1582.--To reauthorize and amend the Hydrographic Services 
    Improvement Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation June 7, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 
    2, 2007; Rept. 110-218. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Sept. 27, 2008. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 10, 
    2008. Public Law 110-386.
S. 1585 (H.R. 366).--To designate the Department of Veterans 
    Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the ``Ernest 
    Childers Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic''. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs June 11, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 13, 2007. Received in House and 
    held at desk Dec. 17, 2007.
S. 1596 (H.R. 2688).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 103 South Getty Street in 
    Uvalde, Texas, as the ``Dolph S. Briscoe, Jr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 12, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed Sept. 28, 2007. See H.R. 2688 
    for further action.
S. 1606 (H.R. 1538).--To provide for the establishment of a 
    comprehensive policy on the care and management of wounded 
    warriors in order to facilitate and enhance their care, 
    rehabilitation, physical evaluation, transition from care by 
    the Department of Defense to care by the Department of 
    Veterans Affairs, and transition from military service to 
    civilian life, and for other purposes. Referred to Armed 
    Services June 13, 2007. Reported amended June 18, 2007; no 
    written report.
S. 1607.--To provide for identification of misaligned currency, 
    require action to correct the misalignment, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Finance June 13, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 31, 2007; Rept. 110-248.
S. 1610 (H.R. 556).--To ensure national security while promoting 
    foreign investment and the creation and maintenance of jobs, 
    to reform the process by which such investments are examined 
    for any effect they may have on national security, to 
    establish the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United 
    States, and for other purposes. Reported from Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs June 13, 2007; Rept. 110-80. 
    Returned to the calendar June 29, 2007. See H.R. 556 for 
    further action.
S. 1611 (H.R. 1195).--To make technical corrections to SAFETEA-LU 
    and other related laws relating to transit. Reported from 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 13, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 1612.--To amend the penalty provisions in the International 
    Emergency Economic Powers Act, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 13, 
    2007; Rept. 110-82. Passed Senate amended June 26, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to Foreign Affairs June 26, 
    2007. Senate requested return of papers June 27, 2007. Foreign 
    Affairs discharged June 29, 2007. Papers returned to Senate 
    June 29, 2007. Papers received in House July 10, 2007. 
    Rereferred to Foreign Affairs July 10, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Oct. 2, 2007. Presented to the President Oct. 4, 
    2007. Approved Oct. 16, 2007. Public Law 110-96.
S. 1633.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study to determine the suitability and 
    feasibility of including the battlefield and related sites of 
    the Battle of Shepherdstown in Shepherdstown, West Virginia, 
    as part of Harpers Ferry National Historical Park or Antietam 
    National Battlefield, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources June 15, 2007. Reported amended 
    June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-359.
S. 1638.--To adjust the salaries of Federal justices and judges, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary June 15, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-277.
S. 1639 (S. 1348).--To provide for comprehensive immigration 
    reform and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    June 19, 2007. Considered June 26, 27, 28, 2007. Returned to 
    the calendar June 28, 2007.
S. 1640.--To amend chapter 13 of title 17, United States Code 
    (relating to the vessel hull design protection), to clarify 
    the definitions of a hull and a deck. Referred to the 
    Judiciary June 18, 2007. Reported Oct. 4, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Oct. 4, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to the Judiciary Oct. 5, 2007.
S. 1642.--To extend the authorization of programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions June 18, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-231. Considered July 23, 
    2007. Passed Senate amended July 24, 2007; Roll No. 275: 95-0. 
    Received in House and held at desk July 26, 2007.
S. 1644 (H.R. 2638).--Making appropriations for the Department of 
    Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2008, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    June 18, 2007; Rept. 110-84.
S. 1645 (H.R. 2642) (S. 2363).--Making appropriations for military 
    construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 18, 
    2007; Rept. 110-85.
S. 1650 (H.R. 694).--To establish a digital and wireless network 
    technology program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions June 19, 2007. Referred 
    to Commerce, Science and Transportation June 21, 2007. 
    Reported amended Jan. 8 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-257.
S. 1661 (H.R. 3232).--To communicate United States travel policies 
    and improve marketing and other activities designed to 
    increase travel in the United States from abroad. Referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation June 19, 2007. Reported 
    amended Nov. 27 (Legislative day of Nov. 16), 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 1662.--To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to 
    reauthorize the venture capital program, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship June 
    19, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-199.
S. 1667.--To establish a pilot program for the expedited disposal 
    of Federal real property. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs June 20, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 7, 
    2008; Rept. 110-279.
S. 1671.--To reauthorize and improve the entrepreneurial 
    development programs of the Small Business Administration, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship June 20, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 26, 
    2007; Rept. 110-185.
S. 1675.--To implement the recommendations of the Federal 
    Communications Commission report to the Congress regarding 
    low-power FM service. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation June 21, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 4, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-271.
S. 1679 (H.R. 3315).--To provide that the great hall of the 
    Capitol Visitor Center shall be known as Emancipation Hall. 
    Referred to Rules and Administration June 21, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Nov. 15, 2007. Received in House and 
    held at desk Dec. 4, 2007.
S. 1680.--To provide for the inclusion of certain non-Federal land 
    in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge and the Alaska 
    Peninsula National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Alaska, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    June 21, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
S. 1686 (H.R. 2771).--Making appropriations for the Legislative 
    Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for 
    other purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 25, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-89.
S. 1687.--To provide for global pathogen surveillance and 
    response. Referred to Foreign Relations June 25, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-152.
S. 1692.--To grant a Federal charter to Korean War Veterans 
    Association, Incorporated. Referred to the Judiciary June 25, 
    2007. Reported Sept. 7, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 12, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 14, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 17, 2008. Presented 
    to the President June 24, 2008. Approved June 30, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-254.
S. 1693.--To enhance the adoption of a nationwide interoperable 
    health information technology system and to improve the 
    quality and reduce the costs of health care in the United 
    States. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    June 26, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-187.
S. 1696 (H.R. 2643).--Making appropriations for the Department of 
    the Interior, environment, and related agencies for the fiscal 
    year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-91.
S. 1698.--To provide that no funds appropriated or otherwise made 
    available by any Act for contributions for international 
    organizations may be made available to support the United 
    Nations Human Rights Council. Referred to Foreign Relations 
    June 26, 2007. Reported amended July 25, 2007; Rept. 110-137.
S. 1701.--To provide for the extension of transitional medical 
    assistance (TMA) and the abstinence education program through 
    the end of fiscal year 2007, and for other purposes. Passed 
    Senate June 27, 2007. Received in House and held at desk June 
    27, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules July 10, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 11, 2007; Roll No. 610: 
    291-126. Presented to the President July 17, 2007. Approved 
    July 18, 2007. Public Law 110-48.
S. 1703.--To prevent and reduce trafficking in persons. Referred 
    to the Judiciary June 27, 2007. Reported amended July 28, 
    2008; no written report. Passed Senate amended Oct. 1 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to the Judiciary Oct. 2, 2008.
S. 1704 (H.R. 2559).--To temporarily extend the programs under the 
    Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Passed 
    Senate June 27, 2007. Received in House and held at desk June 
    27, 2007. Passed House June 28, 2007. Presented to the 
    President July 2, 2007. Approved July 3, 2007. Public Law 110-
S. 1710 (H.R. 3043).--Making appropriations for the Departments of 
    Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 27, 
    2007; Rept. 110-107.
S. 1716.--To amend the U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans' Care, 
    Katrina Recovery and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 
    2007, to strike a requirement relating to forage producers. 
    Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry June 27, 
    2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate July 25, 2007. 
    Received in House and held at desk July 26, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 3, 2007. Approved Aug. 13, 2007. Public Law 
S. 1728.--To amend the National Parks and Recreation Act of 1978 
    to reauthorize the Na Hoa Pili O Kaloko-Honokohau Advisory 
    Commission. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 28, 
    2007. Reported Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-161.
S. 1732 (H.R. 2570).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 301 Boardwalk Drive in Fort 
    Collins, Colorado, as the ``Dr. Karl E. Carson Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 28, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed Sept. 28, 2007. See H.R. 2570 
    for further action.
S. 1738 (H.R. 3845).--To establish a Special Counsel for Child 
    Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction within the Office of 
    the Deputy Attorney General, to improve the Internet Crimes 
    Against Children Task Force, to increase resources for 
    regional computer forensic labs, and to make other 
    improvements to increase the ability of law enforcement 
    agencies to investigate and prosecute predators. Referred to 
    the Judiciary June 28, 2007. Reported amended July 7, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and held at desk 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 
    2008. Public Law 110-401.
S. 1740.--To amend the Act of February 22, 1889, and the Act of 
    July 2, 1862, to provide for the management of public land 
    trust funds in the State of North Dakota. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources June 28, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-298.
S. 1745 (H.R. 3093).--Making appropriations for the Departments of 
    Commerce and Justice, science, and related agencies for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations June 29, 2007; Rept. 110-124.
S. 1751 (H.R. 2641).--Making appropriations for energy and water 
    development for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 9, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-127.
S. 1756.--To provide supplemental ex gratia compensation to the 
    Republic of the Marshall Islands for impacts of the nuclear 
    testing program of the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 10, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 1760.--To amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to 
    the Healthy Start Initiative. Referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions July 10, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 29, 
    2008; no written report. Passed Senate amended Apr. 30, 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce May 1, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 23, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 3, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-339.
S. 1762.--To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 602 of 
    the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008 
    (S. Con. Res. 21). Reported from Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions July 10, 2007; no written report.
S. 1769.--To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to facilitate 
    number portability in order to increase consumer choice of 
    voice service provider. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation July 11, 2007. Reported Nov. 2, 2007; Rept. 
S. 1771 (H.R. 1721).--To increase the safety of swimming pools and 
    spas by requiring the use of proper anti-entrapment drain 
    covers and pool and spa drainage systems, to educate the 
    public about pool and spa safety, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July 11, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-182.
S. 1772 (H.R. 3034).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 127 South Elm Street in 
    Gardner, Kansas, as the ``Private First Class Shane R. Austin 
    Post Office''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 12, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Received in House and held 
    at desk Aug. 4, 2007.
S. 1778.--To authorize certain activities of the Maritime 
    Administration, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation July 12, 2007. Reported amended 
    Oct. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-200.
S. 1779.--To establish a program for tribal colleges and 
    universities within the Department of Health and Human 
    Services and to amend the Native American Programs Act of 1974 
    to authorize the provision of grants and cooperative 
    agreements to tribal colleges and universities, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs July 12, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-
S. 1780.--To require the FCC, in enforcing its regulations 
    concerning the broadcast of indecent programming, to maintain 
    a policy that a single word or image may be considered 
    indecent. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    July 12, 2007. Reported Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-236.
S. 1781 (H.R. 1384).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 118 Minner Avenue in 
    Bakersfield, California, as the ``Buck Owens Post Office''. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 
    12, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. 
    Indefinitely postponed Sept. 28, 2007. See H.R. 1384 for 
    further action.
S. 1784 (H.R. 4253).--To amend the Small Business Act to improve 
    programs for veterans, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Small Business and Entrepreneurship July 12, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Considered Dec. 19, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Dec. 19, 2007. See H.R. 4253 for further action.
S. 1785.--To amend the Clean Air Act to establish deadlines by 
    which the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency 
    shall issue a decision on whether to grant certain waivers of 
    preemption under that Act. Referred to Environment and Public 
    Works July 12, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 1789 (H.R. 3074).--Making appropriations for the Departments of 
    Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 16, 
    2007; Rept. 110-131.
S. 1802.--To adjust the boundaries of the Frank Church River of No 
    Return Wilderness in the State of Idaho. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources July 17, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-299.
S. 1810.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to increase the 
    provision of scientifically sound information and support 
    services to patients receiving a positive test diagnosis for 
    Down syndrome or other prenatally and postnatally diagnosed 
    conditions. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    July 18 (Legislative day of July 17), 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 21, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 
    23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 24, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
S. 1816.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish 
    a commemorative trail in connection with the Women's Rights 
    National Historical Park to link properties that are 
    historically and thematically associated with the struggle for 
    women's suffrage, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources July 19, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 
    16, 2008; no written report.
S. 1828.--To require the Administrator of the Environmental 
    Protection Agency to conduct a study of the feasibility of 
    increasing the consumption in the United States of certain 
    ethanol-blended gasoline. Referred to Environment and Public 
    Works July 19, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 24 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-494.
S. 1829 (H.R. 2517).--To reauthorize programs under the Missing 
    Children's Assistance Act. Referred to the Judiciary July 19, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 13, 2007; no written report.
S. 1839.--To require periodic reports on claims related to acts of 
    terrorism against Americans perpetrated or supported by the 
    Government of Libya. Referred to Foreign Relations July 20 
    (Legislative day of July 19), 2007. Reported Oct. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-195. Passed Senate Oct. 18, 2007. Received in House 
    and held at desk Oct. 22, 2007. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Dec. 17, 2007.
S. 1845.--To provide for limitations in certain communications 
    between the Department of Justice and the White House Office 
    relating to civil and criminal investigations, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary July 23, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 23, 2007; Rept. 110-203.
S. 1853.--To promote competition, to preserve the ability of local 
    governments to provide broadband capability and services, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation July 23, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 22, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-330.
S. 1856.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to make technical 
    corrections to the new border tunnels and passages offense. 
    Passed Senate July 23, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    the Judiciary July 24, 2007.
S. 1858 (H.R. 3825) (S. Con. Res. 76).--To amend the Public Health 
    Service Act to establish grant programs to provide for 
    education and outreach on newborn screening and coordinated 
    followup care once newborn screening has been conducted, to 
    reauthorize programs under part A of title XI of such Act, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions July 23, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 
    110-280. Passed Senate amended Dec. 13, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to Energy and Commerce Dec. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Apr. 8, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Apr. 14, 2008. Approved Apr. 24, 2008. Public Law 
S. 1859 (H.R. 3161).--Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural 
    Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related 
    Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2008, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    July 24, 2007; Rept. 110-134.
S. 1868.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Passed Senate 
    July 24, 2007. Received in House and held at desk July 24, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 25, 2007. Presented 
    to the President July 31, 2007. Approved July 31, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-51.
S. 1877.--To amend title 4, United States Code, to prescibe that 
    members of the Armed Forces and veterans out of uniform may 
    render the miltary salute during hoisting, lowering, or 
    passing of flag. Passed Senate July 25, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary July 26, 2007.
S. 1889 (H.R. 2095).--To amend title 49, United States Code, to 
    improve railroad safety by reducing accidents and to prevent 
    railroad fatalities, injuries, and hazardous materials 
    releases, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation July 26, 2007. Reported amended 
    Mar. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-270.
S. 1892 (H.R. 2830).--To reauthorize the Coast Guard for fiscal 
    year 2008, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation July 26, 2007. Reported amended 
    Feb. 5, 2008; Rept. 110-261.
S. 1893 (H.R. 3162).--To amend title XXI of the Social Security 
    Act to reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance 
    Program, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance July 27 
    (Legislative day of July 26), 2007; no written report.
S. 1896.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 11 Central Street in Hillsborough, New 
    Hampshire, as the ``Officer Jeremy Todd Charron Post Office''. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 
    30, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 
    21, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-169.
S. 1911.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect the 
    health of susceptible populations, including pregnant women, 
    infants, and children, by requiring a health advisory, 
    drinking water standard, and reference concentration for 
    trichloroethylene vapor intrusion, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works Aug. 1, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 
S. 1916.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to modify the 
    program for the sanctuary system for surplus chimpanzees by 
    terminating the authority for the removal of chimpanzees from 
    the system for research purposes. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 1, 2007. Reported amended 
    Dec. 12, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate amended Dec. 
    13, 2007. Received in House and referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Dec. 17, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed House 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 21, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-170.
S. 1921.--To amend the American Battlefield Protection Act of 1996 
    to extend the authorization for that Act, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Aug. 1, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-300.
S. 1923 (H.R. 1980).--To authorize appropriations for assistance 
    for the Housing Assistance Council, the Raza Development Fund, 
    and for the Housing Partnership Network (HPN) and its members, 
    and for other purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, and 
    Urban Affairs Aug. 1, 2007; no written report.
S. 1924.--To amend chapter 81 of title 5, United States Code, to 
    create a presumption that a disability or death of a Federal 
    employee in fire protection activities caused by any of 
    certain diseases is the result of the performance of such 
    employee's duty. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Aug. 1, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 1 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-520.
S. 1927 (H.R. 3356) (S. 2011).--To amend the Foreign Intelligence 
    Surveillance Act of 1978 to provide additional procedures for 
    authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence 
    information and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Aug. 2, 2007. Passed Senate amended Aug. 3, 2007; 
    Roll No. 309: 60-28. Received in House and passed Aug. 4, 
    2007; Roll No. 836: 227-183. Presented to the President Aug. 
    5, 2007. Approved Aug. 5, 2007. Public Law 110-55.
S. 1929.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior, acting 
    through the Commissioner of Reclamation, to conduct a 
    feasibility study of water augmentation alternatives in the 
    Sierra Vista Subwatershed. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Aug. 1, 2007. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-360.
S. 1933.--To amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to provide grants 
    to small public drinking water systems. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Aug. 1, 2007. Reported Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-475.
S. 1939.--To provide for the conveyance of certain land in the 
    Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-301.
S. 1940.--To reauthorize the Rio Puerco Watershed Management 
    Program, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-302.
S. 1941.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the 
    suitability and feasibility of designating the Wolf House, 
    located in Norfolk, Arkansas, as a unit of the National Park 
    System, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
    110-303. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 1946.--To help Federal prosecutors and investigators combat 
    public corruption by strengthening and clarifying the law. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 
    10, 2007; Rept. 110-239.
S. 1961.--To expand the boundaries of the Little River Canyon 
    National Preserve in the State of Alabama. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-304.
S. 1965.--To protect children from cybercrimes, including crimes 
    by online predators, to enhance efforts to identify and 
    eliminate child pornography, and to help parents shield their 
    children from material that is inappropriate for minors. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Aug. 2, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-245. Passed Senate 
    amended May 22, 2008. Received in House and referred to Energy 
    and Commerce June 3, 2008.
S. 1969.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study to determine the suitability and 
    feasibility of designating Estate Grange and other sites 
    related to Alexander Hamilton's life on the island of St. 
    Croix in the United States Virgin Islands as a unit of the 
    National Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-305.
S. 1970 (H.R. 3495).--To establish a National Commission on 
    Children and Disasters, a National Resource Center on Children 
    and Disasters, and for other purposes. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended 
    Nov. 15, 2007; no written report.
S. 1974 (H.R. 3361).--To make technical corrections related to the 
    Pension Protection Act of 2006. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Aug. 3, 2007. Passed Senate amended Dec. 19, 2007.
S. 1983.--To amend the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and 
    Rodenticide Act to renew and amend the provisions for the 
    enhanced review of covered pesticide products, to authorize 
    fees for certain pesticide products, and to expend and improve 
    the collection of maintenance fees, and for other purposes. 
    Passed Senate Aug. 2, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Agriculture Aug. 3, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    24, 2007. Presented to the President Sept. 27, 2007. Approved 
    Oct. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-94.
S. 1991.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    study to determine the suitability and feasibility of 
    extending the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail to 
    include additional sites associated with the preparation and 
    return phases of the expedition, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-306. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 2004 (H.R. 2818).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    establish epilepsy centers of excellence in the Veterans 
    Health Administration of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Aug. 3, 
    2007. Reported Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-247.
S. 2011 (H.R. 3356) (S. 1927).--Entitled ``The Protect America Act 
    of 2007''. Failed of passage Aug. 3, 2007; Roll No. 310: 43-
    45. Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 3, 2007.
S. 2020 (H.R. 2185).--To reauthorize the Tropical Forest 
    Conservation Act of 1998 through fiscal year 2010, to rename 
    the Tropical Forest Conservation Act of 1998 as the ``Tropical 
    Forest and Coral Conservation Act of 2007'', and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 6, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-196.
S. 2023 (H.R. 3106).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 805 Main Street in Ferdinand, 
    Indiana, as the ``Staff Sergeant David L. Nord Post Office''. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    6, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written report. 
    Indefinitely postponed Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
    2008. See H.R. 3106 for further action.
S. 2034 (H.R. 3513).--To amend the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984 
    to designate the Copper Salmon Wilderness and to amend the 
    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of the North 
    and South Forks of the Elk River in the State of Oregon as 
    wild or scenic rivers, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Sept. 10, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-307.
S. 2035 (H.R. 2102).--To maintain the free flow of information to 
    the public by providing conditions for the federally compelled 
    disclosure of information by certain persons connected with 
    the news media. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; no written report.
S. 2041.--To amend the False Claims Act. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Sept. 12, 2007. Reported amended July 29 (Legislative day of 
    July 28), 2008; Rept. 110-507.
S. 2045 (H.R. 4040) (S. 2663).--To reform the Consumer Product 
    Safety Commission to provide greater protection for children's 
    products, to improve the screening of noncompliant consumer 
    products, to improve the effectiveness of consumer product 
    recall programs, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Sept. 12, 2007. Reported amended 
    Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-265.
S. 2052 (H.R. 3174).--To allow for certiorari review of certain 
    cases denied relief or review by the United States Court of 
    Appeals for the Armed Forces. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 
    17, 2007. Reported Sept. 12, 2008; no written report.
S. 2062 (H.R. 2786) (H. Res. 1339).--To amend the Native American 
    Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 to 
    reauthorize that Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Indian Affairs Sept. 18, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 7, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-238. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Dec. 10, 2007. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Feb. 8 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2008. Passed 
    Senate amended May 22, 2008. Received in House and held at 
    desk June 3, 2008. Passed House with amendment pursuant to H. 
    Res. 1339 July 16, 2008. House insisted on its amendment and 
    asked for a conference pursuant to H. Res. 1339 July 16, 2008.
S. 2070.--To prevent Government shutdowns. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Sept. 20, 2007.
S. 2071.--To enhance the ability to combat methamphetamine. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 19, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate amended Feb. 11, 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    the Judiciary Feb. 12, 2008.
S. 2080 (H.R. 2452).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control 
    Act to ensure that sewage treatment plants monitor for and 
    report discharges of raw sewage, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works Sept. 20, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-497.
S. 2084.--To promote school safety, improved law enforcement, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from the Judiciary Sept. 21, 
    2007; Rept. 110-183.
S. 2085.--To delay for 6 months the requirement to use of tamper-
    resistant prescription pads under the Medicaid program. 
    Referred to Finance Sept. 21, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Sept. 25, 2007. Received in House and referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Sept. 27, 2007.
S. 2087.--To amend certain laws relating to Native Americans to 
    make technical corrections, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Indian Affairs Sept. 25, 2007. Reported Apr. 16, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-326.
S. 2093 (H.R. 3667).--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to 
    designate a segment of the Missisquoi and Trout Rivers in the 
    State of Vermont for study for potential addition to the 
    National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Sept. 25, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2096 (H.R. 3541).--To amend the Do-Not-Call Implementation Act 
    to eliminate the automatic removal of telephone numbers 
    registered on the Federal ``do-not-call'' registry. Referred 
    to Commerce, Science and Transportation Sept. 26, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-246. Passed Senate 
    amended Dec. 17, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 
    17, 2007.
S. 2098.--To establish the Northern Plains Heritage Area in the 
    State of North Dakota. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Sept. 26, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-308.
S. 2106.--To provide nationwide subpoena authority for actions 
    brought under the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 
    2001. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 27, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to the Judiciary Oct. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Oct. 30, 2007. Presented to the President Oct. 
    30, 2007. Approved Nov. 8, 2007. Public Law 110-113.
S. 2107 (H.R. 3307).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 570 Broadway in Bayonne, New 
    Jersey, as the ``Dennis P. Collins Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    27, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written report. 
    Indefinitely postponed Dec. 4, 2007. See H.R. 3307 for further 
S. 2110.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 427 North Street in Taft, California, as 
    the ``Larry S. Pierce Post Office''. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 27, 2007. Reported 
    Nov. 14, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Dec. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 28, 
    2008; Roll No. 23: 388-0. Presented to the President Jan. 30, 
    2008. Approved Feb. 6, 2008. Public Law 110-184.
S. 2113 (H.R. 3688).--To implement the United States-Peru Trade 
    Promotion Agreement. Referred to Finance Sept. 27, 2007. 
    Reported Nov. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-249.
S. 2120.--To authorize the establishment of a Social Investment 
    and Economic Development Fund for the Americas to provide 
    assistance to reduce poverty, expand the middle class, and 
    foster increased economic opportunity in the countries of the 
    Western Hemisphere, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Relations Oct. 1, 2007. Reported July 15, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2124 (H.R. 3702).--To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to 
    convey certain land in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National 
    Forest, Montana, to Jefferson County, Montana, for use as a 
    cemetery. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 1, 
    2007. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-361.
S. 2128 (H.R. 3678).--To make the moratorium on Internet access 
    taxes and multiple and discriminatory taxes on electronic 
    commerce permanent. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 3, 
S. 2131 (H.R. 3233).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at Highway 49 South in Piney 
    Woods, Mississippi, as the ``Laurence C. and Grace M. Jones 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 3, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 19, 2007. Indefinitely 
    postponed Dec. 4, 2007. See H.R. 3233 for further action.
S. 2135.--To prohibit the recruitment or use of child soldiers, to 
    designate persons who recruit or use child soldiers as 
    inadmissible aliens, to allow the deportation of persons who 
    recruit or use child soldiers, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 3, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 
    11, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate amended Dec. 19 
    (Legislative day of Dec. 18), 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to the Judiciary Dec. 19, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House with amendment Sept. 8, 2008; Roll No. 569: 371-
    0. Senate agreed to House amendment Sept. 15, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Sept. 25, 2008. Approved Oct. 3, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-340.
S. 2136.--To address the treatment of primary mortgages in 
    bankruptcy, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Oct. 3, 2007. Reported amended July 29 (Legislative day of 
    July 28), 2008; Rept. 110-514.
S. 2142 (H.R. 3819).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to reimburse 
    veterans receiving emergency treatment in non-Department of 
    Veterans Affairs facilities for such treatment until such 
    veterans are transferred to Department facilities, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Feb. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-263.
S. 2146 (H.R. 3754).--To authorize the Administrator of the 
    Environmental Protection Agency to accept, as part of a 
    settlement, diesel emission reduction Supplemental 
    Environmental Projects, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Oct. 4, 2007. Reported Feb. 28, 
    2008; Rept. 110-266. Passed Senate Feb. 29, 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 3, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules June 11, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House with amendment June 12, 2008; Roll No. 
    413: 406-0. Senate agreed to House amendment June 17, 2008. 
    Presented to the President June 24, 2008. Approved June 30, 
    2008. Public Law 110-255.
S. 2148 (H.R. 3774).--To provide for greater diversity within, and 
    to improve policy direction and oversight of, the Senior 
    Executive Service. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 4, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 1 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-517.
S. 2150 (H.R. 3572).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 4320 Blue Parkway in Kansas 
    City, Missouri, as the ``Wallace S. Hartsfield Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 4, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed Dec. 4, 2007. See H.R. 3572 for 
    further action.
S. 2152.--To amend title XXI of the Social Security Act to 
    reauthorize the State Children's Health Insurance Program 
    through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 5, 2007.
S. 2156.--To authorize and facilitate the improvement of water 
    management by the Bureau of Reclamation, to require the 
    Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Energy to 
    increase the acquisition and analysis of water resources for 
    irrigation, hydroelectric power, municipal, and environmental 
    uses, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 4, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 2159.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment 
    of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate amended June 19, 2008. 
    Received in House and held at desk June 20, 2008.
S. 2160.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish a 
    pain care initiative in health care facilities of the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 15, 2007. Reported Feb. 28, 
    2008; Rept. 110-267.
S. 2162.--To improve the treatment and services provided by the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs to veterans with post-traumatic 
    stress disorder and substance use disorders, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-281. Passed Senate 
    amended June 3, 2008. Received in House and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 4, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    with amendment Sept. 24, 2008. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 10, 
    2008. Public Law 110-387.
S. 2166.--To provide for greater responsibility in lending and 
    expanded cancellation of debts owed to the United States and 
    the international financial institutions by low-income 
    countries, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Oct. 16, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2168.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to enable 
    increased federal prosecution of identity theft crimes and to 
    allow for restitution to victims of identity theft. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Oct. 16, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 1, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate amended Nov. 15, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 4, 2007.
S. 2174.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 175 South Monroe Street in Tiffin, Ohio, as 
    the ``Paul E. Gillmor Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 17, 2007. 
    Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 
    16, 2007. Received in House and referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Dec. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Dec. 17, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-152.
S. 2179 (S. 2483).--To authorize certain programs and activities 
    in the Forest Service, the Department of the Interior, and the 
    Department of Energy, and for other purposes. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
S. 2180.--To authorize certain programs and activities in the 
    Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, and the 
    Department of Energy, and to amend the Compact of Free 
    Association Amendments Act of 2003, and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
S. 2184.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to 
    permanently allow penalty-free withdrawals from retirement 
    plans for individuals called to active duty for at least 179 
    days. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007.
S. 2185.--To permanently extend the current marginal tax rates. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007.
S. 2191 (S. 3036).--To direct the Administrator of the 
    Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to 
    decrease emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Oct. 18, 
    2007. Reported amended May 20, 2008; Rept. 110-337.
S. 2198.--To require the Architect of the Capitol to permit the 
    acknowledgment of God on flag certificates. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Oct. 19, 2007. Passed Senate Oct. 30, 2007. 
    Received in House and referred to House Administration Oct. 
    31, 2007.
S. 2205.--To authorize the cancellation of removal and adjustment 
    of status of certain alien students who are long-term United 
    States residents and who entered the United States as 
    children, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Oct. 19, 2007.
S. 2206.--To provide technical corrections to Public Law 109-116 
    (2 U.S.C. 2131a note) to extend the time period for the Joint 
    Committee on the Library to enter into an agreement to obtain 
    a statue of Rosa Parks, and for other purposes. Passed Senate 
    Oct. 18, 2007. Received in House and referred to House 
    Administration Oct. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Nov. 5, 2007. Presented to the President Nov. 7, 2007. 
    Approved Nov. 19, 2007. Public Law 110-120.
S. 2207.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the 
    suitability and feasibility of designating Green McAdoo School 
    in Clinton, Tennessee, as a unit of the National Park System, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 19, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2216.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the 
    Indian employment credit and the depreciation rules for 
    property used predominantly within an Indian reservation. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 24, 2007.
S. 2217.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the 
    taxable income limit on percentage depletion for oil and 
    natural gas produced from marginal properties. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Oct. 24, 2007.
S. 2220.--To amend the Outdoor Recreation Act of 1963 to authorize 
    certain appropriations. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2223.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    additional tax incentives to promote habitat conservation and 
    restoration, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance 
    Oct. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-205.
S. 2229.--To withdraw certain Federal land in the Wyoming Range 
    from leasing and provide an opportunity to retire certain 
    leases in the Wyoming Range. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 25, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2233.--To provide a permanent deduction for States and local 
    general sales taxes. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 26, 
S. 2234.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the 
    deduction for qualified tuition and related expenses. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 26, 2007.
S. 2242.--To amend the Trade Act of 1974 to establish supplemental 
    agricultural disaster assistance and to amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for 
    conservation and alternative energy sources and to provide tax 
    relief for farmers, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Finance Oct. 25, 2007; Rept. 110-206.
S. 2247.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make 
    permanent the depreciation classification of motorsports 
    entertainment complexes. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 
    29, 2007.
S. 2248 (H.R. 3773).--To amend the Foreign Intelligence 
    Surveillance Act of 1978, to modernize and streamline the 
    provisions of that Act, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Intelligence Oct. 26, 2007; Rept. 110-209. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Nov. 1, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 16, 2007; Rept. 
    110-258. Considered Jan. 23, 24, 25, 28, 31, Feb. 4, 5, 6, 7, 
    8 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 11, 2008. Passed Senate Feb. 
    12, 2008; Roll No. 20: 68-29. Proceedings vacated Feb. 12, 
    2008. Returned to the calendar Feb. 12, 2008. See H.R. 3773 
    for further action.
S. 2254.--To establish the Mississippi Hills National Heritage 
    Area in the State of Mississippi, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 29, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-364.
S. 2255.--To amend the National Trails System Act to provide for 
    studies of the Chisholm Trail and Great Western Trail to 
    determine whether to add the trails to the National Trails 
    System, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 29, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 2258 (H.R. 3927).--To temporarily extend the programs under the 
    Higher Education Act of 1965, to amend the definition of an 
    eligible not-for-profit holder, and for other purposes. Passed 
    Senate Oct. 30, 2007. Received in House Oct. 30, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Oct. 30, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 30, 2007. Approved Oct. 31, 2007. Public Law 
S. 2260 (S. 2265).--To extend the existing provisions regarding 
    the eligibility for essential air service subsidies through 
    fiscal year 2008. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Oct. 30, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 19 (Legislative day of Dec. 18), 2007. Received in 
    House and held at desk Dec. 19, 2007.
S. 2262 (H.R. 3981).--To authorize the Preserve America Program 
    and Save America's Treasures Program, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 30, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-365.
S. 2264.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend for 
    2 years the tax-free distributions from individual retirement 
    plans for charitable purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Oct. 31, 2007.
S. 2265 (S. 2260).--To extend the existing provisions regarding 
    the eligibility for essential air service subsidies through 
    fiscal year 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 30, 2007. Received in 
    House and referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 
    31, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendments Nov. 
    6, 2007.
S. 2271.--To authorize State and local governments to divest 
    assets in companies that conduct business operations in Sudan, 
    to prohibit United States Government contracts with such 
    companies, and for other purposes. Reported from Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 31, 2007; Rept. 110-213. 
    Passed Senate amended Dec. 12, 2007. Received in House and 
    referred to Financial Services and in addition to Oversight 
    and Government Reform, Foreign Affairs, and Education and 
    Labor Dec. 13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 18, 
    2007; Roll No. 1179: 411-0. Presented to the President Dec. 
    21, 2007. Approved Dec. 31, 2007. Public Law 110-174.
S. 2272.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service known as the Southpark Station in Alexandria, 
    Louisiana, as the John ``Marty'' Thiels Southpark Station, in 
    honor and memory of Thiels, a Louisiana postal worker who was 
    killed in the line of duty on October 4, 2007. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 31, 2007. 
    Reported Nov. 15, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 
    16, 2007. Received in House and referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Dec. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Feb. 28, 2008; Roll No. 85: 400-0. Presented to the President 
    Mar. 4, 2008. Approved Mar. 12, 2008. Public Law 110-195.
S. 2279.--To combat international violence against women and 
    girls. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 31, 2007. Discharge 
    petition filed June 18, 2008; Pet. 110-9.
S. 2281.--To expand the boundaries of the Thunder Bay National 
    Marine Sanctuary and Underwater Preserve and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Nov. 1, 2007. Reported Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008; Rept. 110-511.
S. 2284 (H.R. 3121).--To amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 
    1968, to restore the financial solvency of the flood insurance 
    fund, and for other purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Nov. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-214. Considered May 
    7, 8, 13, 2008. Returned to the calendar May 13, 2008. See 
    H.R. 3121 for further action.
S. 2285 (H.R. 2761).--To reauthorize the Federal terrorism risk 
    insurance program, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 2286.--To establish a nonpartisan commission on natural 
    catastrophe risk management and insurance, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Nov. 1, 2007; no written report.
S. 2290 (H.R. 3569).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 16731 Santa Ana Avenue in 
    Fontana, California, as the ``Beatrice E. Watson Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Nov. 1, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Received in House and 
    held at desk Dec. 4, 2007.
S. 2291 (H.R. 3548).--To enhance citizen access to Government 
    information and services by establishing plain language as the 
    standard style of Government documents issued to the public, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Nov. 1, 2007. Reported July 10 
    (Legislative day of July 9), 2008; Rept. 110-412.
S. 2292 (H.R. 4749).--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002, 
    to establish the Office for Bombing Prevention, to address 
    terrorist explosive threats, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 1, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-481.
S. 2293.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the 
    individual alternative minimum tax, and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 2, 2007.
S. 2294.--To strengthen immigration enforcement and border 
    security and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Nov. 2, 2007.
S. 2302 (H.R. 2419).--To provide for the continuation of 
    agricultural programs through fiscal year 2012, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 
    Nov. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-220.
S. 2304 (H.R. 3992).--To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime 
    Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide grants for the 
    improved mental health treatment and services provided to 
    offenders with mental illnesses, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 5, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 
    1 (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008; no written report. 
    Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 26, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2307.--To amend the Global Change Research Act of 1990, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Nov. 5, 2007. Reported amended May 22, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-341.
S. 2318.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the 
    individual alternative minimum tax and to permanently extend 
    the reductions in income tax rates, and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 8, 2007.
S. 2321.--To amend the E-Government Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-
    347) to reauthorize appropriations, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 7, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; Rept. 110-465.
S. 2324 (H.R. 928).--To amend the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 
    U.S.C. App.) to enhance the Offices of the Inspectors General, 
    to create a Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and 
    Efficiency, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 8, 2007. Reported 
    amended Feb. 22 (Legislative day of Feb. 14), 2008; Rept. 110-
    262. Passed Senate amended Apr. 23, 2008. Received in House 
    and held at desk Apr. 24, 2008.
S. 2332.--To promote transparency in the adoption of new media 
    ownership rules by the Federal Communications Commission, and 
    to establish an independent panel to make recommendations on 
    how to increase the representation of women and minorities in 
    broadcast media ownership. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Nov. 8, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-461.
S. 2334 (S. 2718).--To withhold 10 percent of the Federal funding 
    apportioned for highway construction and maintenance from 
    States that issue driver's licenses to individuals without 
    verifying the legal status of such individuals. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Nov. 14, 2007.
S. 2338.--To modernize and update the National Housing Act and 
    enable the Federal Housing Administration to more effectively 
    reach underserved borrowers, and for other purposes. Reported 
    from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 13, 2007; Rept. 
    110-227. Passed Senate amended Dec. 14, 2007; Roll No. 432: 
    93-1. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 17, 2007.
S. 2339.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs clinic 
    in Alpena, Michigan, as the ``Lieutenant Colonel Clement C. 
    Van Wagoner Department of Veterans Affairs Clinic''. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Nov. 13, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 13, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Dec. 17, 2007. Considered under suspension 
    of rules Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    17, 2008; Roll No. 603: 412-0. Presented to the President 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Approved Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 110-332.
S. 2340 (H.R. 4156).--Making emergency supplemental appropriations 
    for the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Nov. 14, 2007.
S. 2344.--To create a competitive grant program to provide for 
    age-appropriate Internet education for children. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Nov. 13, 2007. Reported Dec. 13, 2007; no 
    written report.
S. 2345 (H.R. 3539).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
    and to extend the financing for the Airport and Airway Trust 
    Fund, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance Nov. 13, 
    2007; Rept. 110-228.
S. 2346.--To temporarily increase the portfolio caps applicable to 
    Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, to provide the necessary financing 
    to curb foreclosures by facilitating the refinancing of at-
    risk subprime borrowers into safe, affordable loans, and for 
    other purposes.. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 14, 2007.
S. 2348.--To ensure control over the United States border and to 
    strengthen enforcement of the immigration laws. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Nov. 14, 2007.
S. 2354.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey 4 
    parcels of land from the Bureau of Land Management to the city 
    of Twin Falls, Idaho. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Nov. 14, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
S. 2355.--To amend the National Climate Program Act to enhance the 
    ability of the United States to develop and implement climate 
    change adaptation programs and policies, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Nov. 14, 2007. Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-347.
S. 2359.--To establish the St. Augustine 450th Commemoration 
    Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Nov. 15, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2363 (H.R. 2642) (S. 1645).--Making appropriations for military 
    construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 16, 
S. 2370.--To clear title to certain real property in New Mexico 
    associated with the Middle Rio Grande Project, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 15, 
    2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-366.
S. 2371.--To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to make 
    technical corrections. Passed Senate Nov. 15, 2007. Received 
    in House and held at desk Nov. 15, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House with amendment Dec. 5, 2007. Senate agreed to 
    House amendment Dec. 6, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 
    11, 2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-153.
S. 2379.--To authorize the Secretary of Interior to cancel certain 
    grazing leases on land in Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument 
    that are voluntarily waived by the lessees, to provide for the 
    exchange of certain Monument land in exchange for private 
    land, to designate certain Monument land as wilderness, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Nov. 16, 2007. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-367.
S. 2382.--To require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency to quickly and fairly address the abundance 
    of surplus manufactured housing units stored by the Federal 
    Government around the country at taxpayer expense. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 110-453. Passed Senate 
    amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House with 
    amendment Sept. 29, 2008.
S. 2400 (H.R. 3793).--To amend title 37, United States Code, to 
    require the Secretary of Defense to continue to pay to a 
    member of the Armed Forces who is retired or separated from 
    the Armed Forces due to a combat-related injury certain 
    bonuses that the member was entitled to before the retirement 
    or separation and would continue to be entitled to if the 
    member was not retired or separated, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Armed Services Dec. 3, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 14, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Armed Services Dec. 17, 2007.
S. 2403.--To designate the new Federal Courthouse, located in the 
    700 block of East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia, as the 
    ``Spottswood W. Robinson III and Robert R. Merhige, Jr. 
    Federal Courthouse''. Referred to Environment and Public Works 
    Dec. 3, 2007. Reported June 4, 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 
    25, 2008. Reported with amendments Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-
    824. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House with 
    amendments Sept. 8, 2008; Roll No. 567: 376-0. Senate agreed 
    to House amendments Sept. 9, 2008. Presented to the President 
    Sept. 16, 2008. Approved Sept. 18, 2008. Public Law 110-320.
S. 2416.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the 
    alternative minimum tax on individuals and replace it with an 
    alternative tax individuals may choose. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Dec. 6, 2007.
S. 2420 (H.R. 4220).--To encourage the donation of excess food to 
    nonprofit organizations that provide assistance to food-
    insecure people in the United States in contracts entered into 
    by executive agencies for the provision, service, or sale of 
    food. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    Dec. 6, 2007. Reported amended May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-338. 
    Passed Senate amended May 22, 2008. Received in House June 3, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House June 3, 2008. Presented to 
    the President June 10, 2008. Approved June 20, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-247.
S. 2433 (H.R. 1302).--To require the President to develop and 
    implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United 
    States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of 
    global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and 
    the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing 
    by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 
    and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day. Referred to 
    Foreign Relations Dec. 7, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 24, 
    2008; Rept. 110-331.
S. 2436.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to clarify 
    the term of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Dec. 11, 2007. Passed Senate Dec. 19 
    (Legislative day of Dec. 18), 2007. Received in House and 
    passed Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 
    2007. Approved Jan. 4, 2008. Public Law 110-176.
S. 2440.--To amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 
    1978, to modernize and streamline the provisions of that Act, 
    and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. 
    11, 2007.
S. 2441.--To amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 
    1978, to modernize and streamline the provisions of that Act, 
    and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. 
    11, 2007.
S. 2445.--To provide for the flexibility of certain disaster 
    relief funds, and for improved evacuation and sheltering 
    during disasters and catastrophes. Reported from Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-
S. 2448.--To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 
    of 1977 to make certain technical corrections. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 11, 2007. Reported Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2449.--To amend chapter 111 of title 28, United States Code, 
    relating to protective orders, sealing of cases, disclosures 
    of discovery information in civil actions, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Dec. 11, 2007. Reported 
    amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-439.
S. 2450.--To amend the Federal Rules of Evidence to address the 
    waiver of the attorney-client privilege and the work product 
    doctrine. Referred to the Judiciary Dec. 11, 2007. Reported 
    Feb. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-264. Passed Senate Feb. 27, 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Feb. 28, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 8, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 11, 2008. Approved Sept. 19, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2457.--To provide for extensions of leases of certain land by 
    Mashantucket Pequot (Western) Tribe. Referred to Indian 
    Affairs Dec. 12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    amended Feb. 5, 2008. Received in House and referred to 
    Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2008. Reported Apr. 29, 2008; Rept. 
    110-611. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 
    29, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. Approved May 
    8, 2008. Public Law 110-228.
S. 2461.--To authorize the transfer of certain earmarked funds to 
    accounts for operations and activities in Iraq and 
    Afghanistan. Ordered placed on the calendar Dec. 13, 2007.
S. 2478.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 59 Colby Corner in East Hampstead, New 
    Hampshire, as the ``Captain Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Post 
    Office''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Dec. 13, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 20, 
    2007. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 15, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 28, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Mar. 4, 2008. Approved Mar. 11, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-194.
S. 2482.--To repeal the provision of title 46, United States Code, 
    requiring a license for employment in the business of 
    salvaging on the coast of Florida. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Dec. 13, 2007. Reported May 22, 
    2008; Rept. 110-340. Passed Senate June 5, 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 
    9, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 
    2008. Public Law 110-375.
S. 2483 (S. 2179).--To authorize certain programs and activities 
    in the Forest Service, the Department of the Interior, and the 
    Department of Energy, and for other purposes. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Dec. 14, 2007. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
S. 2484.--To rename the National Institute of Child Health and 
    Human Development as the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National 
    Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Passed Senate 
    Dec. 13, 2007. Received in House Dec. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 19, 2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 
S. 2488 (H.R. 1309) (S. 849).--To promote accessibility, 
    accountability, and openness in Government by strengthening 
    section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred 
    to as the Freedom of Information Act), and for other purposes. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 14, 2007. Received in House and referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 18, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 21, 2007. Approved Dec. 31, 2007. Public Law 
S. 2489.--To enhance and provide to the Oglala Sioux Tribe and 
    Angostura Irrigation Project certain benefits of the Pick-
    Sloan Missouri River basin program. Referred to Indian Affairs 
    Dec. 14, 2007. Reported Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008; Rept. 110-506.
S. 2494.--To provide for equitable compensation to the Spokane 
    Tribe of Indians of the Spokane Reservation for the use of 
    tribal land for the production of hydropower by the Grand 
    Coulee Dam, and for other purposes. Referred to Indian Affairs 
    Dec. 17, 2007. Reported Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 110-450.
S. 2499.--To amend titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social 
    Security Act to extend provisions under the Medicare, 
    Medicaid, and SCHIP programs, and for other purposes. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Received in House and held at desk Dec. 
    18, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 19, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1184: 411-3. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 29, 2007. Public Law 110-173.
S. 2504.--To amend title 36, United States Code, to grant a 
    Federal charter to the Military Officers Association of 
    America, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Dec. 18, 2007. Reported June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 
    2008; Rept. 110-399.
S. 2507.--To address the digital television transition in border 
    states. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Dec. 
    18, 2007. Reported amended July 17, 2008; Rept. 110-424. 
    Passed Senate amended Aug. 1, 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 8, 2008.
S. 2511.--To amend the grant program for law enforcement armor 
    vests to provide for a waiver of or reduction in the matching 
    funds requirement in the case of fiscal hardship. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Dec. 18, 2007. Reported amended May 15, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 2512.--To establish the Mississippi Delta National Heritage 
    Area in the State of Mississippi, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 18, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-368.
S. 2513 (H.R. 5853).--To modify the boundary of the Minute Man 
    National Historical Park, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 18, 2007. Reported June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-369.
S. 2516 (H.R. 2884).--To assist members of the Armed Forces in 
    obtaining United States citizenship, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Dec. 18, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate amended Mar. 11, 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Mar. 12, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House June 
    9, 2008. Presented to the President June 17, 2008. Approved 
    June 26, 2008. Public Law 110-251.
S. 2532.--To amend titles XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social 
    Security Act to improve health care provided to Indians under 
    the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children's Health Insurance 
    Programs, and for other purposes. Reported from Finance Jan. 8 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; Rept. 110-255.
S. 2533.--To enact a safe, fair, and responsible state secrets 
    privilege Act. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 22 (Legislative 
    day of Jan. 3), 2008. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2534 (H.R. 5472).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 2650 Dr. Martin Luther King 
    Jr. Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, as the ``Julia M. Carson 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
    2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written report. Indefinitely 
    postponed May 12, 2008.
S. 2535.--To revise the boundary of the Martin Van Buren National 
    Historic Site, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008. 
    Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 2549.--To require the Administrator of the Environmental 
    Protection Agency to establish an Interagency Working Group on 
    Environmental Justice to provide guidance to Federal agencies 
    on the development of criteria for identifying 
    disproportionately high and adverse human health or 
    environmental effects on minority populations and low-income 
    populations, and for other purposes. Referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Jan. 23, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-498.
S. 2555.--To permit California and other States to effectively 
    control greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Jan. 
    24, 2008. Reported June 27, 2008; Rept. 110-407.
S. 2556 (H.R. 5104).--To extend the provisions of the Protect 
    America Act of 2007 for an additional 30 days. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Jan. 25, 2008.
S. 2557.--To extend the Protect America Act of 2007 until July 1, 
    2009. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 28, 2008.
S. 2561.--To require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    theme study to identify sites and resources to commemorate and 
    interpret the Cold War. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 28, 2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
S. 2565 (H.R. 4056).--To establish an awards mechanism to honor 
    exceptional acts of bravery in the line of duty by Federal law 
    enforcement officers. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 29, 2008. 
    Reported amended June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008; 
    no written report. Ordered placed on the calendar June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Passed Senate amended June 
    26, 2008. Received in House and held at desk July 8, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 25, 2008. Approved July 31, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2571.--To make technical corrections to the Federal 
    Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. Passed Senate 
    Jan. 29, 2008. Received in House and held at desk Feb. 6, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules Feb. 13, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 14, 2008; Roll No. 63: 400-
    0. Presented to the President Feb. 28, 2008. Approved Mar. 6, 
    2008. Public Law 110-193.
S. 2579 (H.R. 5714).--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to 
    mint coins in recognition and celebration of the establishment 
    of the United States Army in 1775, to honor the American 
    soldier of both today and yesterday, in wartime and in peace, 
    and to commemorate the traditions, history, and heritage of 
    the United States Army and its role in American society, from 
    the colonial period to today. Referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Jan. 30, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in 
    House and held at desk Oct. 3, 2008.
S. 2583.--To amend the Improper Payments Information Act of 2002 
    (31 U.S.C. 3321 note) in order to prevent the loss of billions 
    in taxpayer dollars. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 31, 2008. Reported amended Oct. 1 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 2593.--To establish a program at the Forest Service and the 
    Department of the Interior to carry out collaborative 
    ecological restoration treatments for priority forest 
    landscapes on public land, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 5, 2008. Reported amended 
    June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-370.
S. 2596.--To rescind funds appropriated by the Consolidated 
    Appropriations Act, 2008, for the City of Berkeley, 
    California, and any entities located in such city, and to 
    provide that such funds shall be transferred to the Operation 
    and Maintenance, Marine Corps account of the Department of 
    Defense for the purposes of recruiting. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Feb. 11, 2008.
S. 2604.--To establish the Baltimore National Heritage Area in the 
    State of Maryland, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 
    2008. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-371.
S. 2606 (H.R. 4847).--To reauthorize the United States Fire 
    Administration, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 7 (Legislative day of 
    Feb. 6), 2008. Reported amended July 10 (Legislative day of 
    July 9), 2008; Rept. 110-411. Passed Senate amended Sept. 18 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Sept. 22, 2008. Considered under suspension of 
    rules Sept. 22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 
    2008; Roll No. 636: 418-2. Presented to the President Sept. 
    29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-376.
S. 2607.--To make a technical correction to section 3009 of the 
    Deficit Reduction Act of 2005. Referred to Commerce, Science 
    and Transportation Feb. 7 (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2008. 
    Reported June 10, 2008; Rept. 110-348. Passed Senate amended 
    June 19, 2008. Received in House and referred to Energy and 
    Commerce June 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 9, 
    2008. Presented to the President July 22, 2008. Approved July 
    30, 2008. Public Law 110-295.
S. 2609.--To establish a Global Service Fellowship Program, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Feb. 7 
    (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2008. Reported amended Sept. 23 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 2615.--To extend the Protect America Act of 2007 for 15 days. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 11, 2008.
S. 2616.--To authorize certain programs and activities in the 
    Forest Service, the Department of the Interior, and the 
    Department of Energy, and for other purposes. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Feb. 11, 2008. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
S. 2617 (H.R. 5826).--To increase, effective as of December 1, 
    2008, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-
    connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and 
    indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled 
    veterans. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Feb. 8 (Legislative 
    day of Feb. 6), 2008. Reported amended July 24 (Legislative 
    day of July 23), 2008; Rept. 110-430. Passed Senate amended 
    July 30, 2008. Received in House and held at desk July 31, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 9, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 10, 2008; Roll No. 579: 
    418-0. Presented to the President Sept. 16, 2008. Approved 
    Sept. 24, 2008. Public Law 110-324.
S. 2619.--To protect innocent Americans from violent crime in 
    national parks. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 11, 2008.
S. 2622 (H.R. 5395).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 11001 Dunklin Road in St. 
    Louis, Missouri, as the ``William 'Bill' Clay Post Office''. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 
    12, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written report.
S. 2626 (H.R. 5400).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 160 East Washington Street in 
    Chagrin Falls, Ohio, as the ``Sergeant Michael M. Kashkoush 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 12, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Indefinitely postponed May 12, 2008.
S. 2633.--To provide for the safe redeployment of United States 
    troops from Iraq. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 14, 
S. 2634.--To require a report setting forth the global strategy of 
    the United States to combat and defeat al Qaeda and its 
    affiliates. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 14, 2008.
S. 2636.--To provide needed housing reform. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Feb. 14, 2008.
S. 2657.--To require the Secretary of Commerce to prescribe 
    regulations to reduce the incidence of vessels colliding with 
    North Atlantic right whales by limiting the speed of vessels, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Feb. 15 (Legislative day of Feb. 14), 2008. 
    Reported amended July 22, 2008; Rept. 110-429.
S. 2663 (H.R. 4040) (S. 2045).--To reform the Consumer Product 
    Safety Commission to provide greater protection for children's 
    products, to improve the screening of noncompliant consumer 
    products, to improve the effectiveness of consumer product 
    recall programs, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Feb. 26, 2008. Considered Mar. 4, 5, 6, 2008. 
    Returned to the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2664.--To extend the provisions of the Protect America Act of 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 26, 2008.
S. 2665.--To extend the provisions of the Protect America Act of 
    2007 until July 1, 2009. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 
    26, 2008.
S. 2673 (H.R. 4240).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 10799 West Alameda Avenue in 
    Lakewood, Colorado, as the ``Felix Sparks Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Feb. 28, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed May 12, 2008. Indefinitely 
    postponed May 12, 2008.
S. 2675 (H.R. 5135).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 201 West Greenway Street in 
    Derby, Kansas, as the ``Sergeant Jamie O. Maugans Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Feb. 28, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed May 12, 2008.
S. 2685.--To prohibit cigarette manufacturers from making claims 
    or representations based on data derived from the cigarette 
    testing method established by the Federal Trade Commission. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Mar. 3, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 
S. 2688.--To improve the protections afforded under Federal law to 
    consumers from contaminated seafood by directing the Secretary 
    of Commerce to establish a program, in coordination with other 
    appropriate Federal agencies, to strengthen activities for 
    ensuring that seafood sold or offered for sale to the public 
    in or affecting interstate commerce is fit for human 
    consumption. Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Mar. 4, 2008. Reported amended July 15, 2008; Rept. 110-420.
S. 2699.--To require new vessels for carrying oil fuel to have 
    double hulls, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Mar. 4, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-513.
S. 2700.--To amend the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 to double 
    liability limits for single-hull tankers and tank barges for 
    2009, and for other purposes. Referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Mar. 4, 2008. Reported amended Aug. 22 
    (Legislative day of Aug. 1), 2008; Rept. 110-445.
S. 2707 (H.R. 5540).--To amend the Chesapeake Bay Initiative Act 
    of 1998 to provide for the continuing authorization of the 
    Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Mar. 5, 2008. Reported June 27, 
    2008; Rept. 110-404.
S. 2709.--To increase the criminal penalties for illegally 
    reentering the United States and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2710.--To authorize the Department of Homeland Security to use 
    an employer's failure to timely resolve discrepancies with the 
    Social Security Administration after receiving a ``no match'' 
    notice as evidence that the employer violated section 274A of 
    the Immigration and Nationality Act. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2711.--To improve the enforcement of laws prohibiting the 
    employment of unauthorized aliens and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2712.--To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    complete at least 700 miles of reinforced fencing along the 
    Southwest border by December 31, 2010, and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2713.--To prohibit appropriated funds from being used in 
    contravention of section 642(a) of the Illegal Immigration 
    Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2714.--To close the loophole that allowed the 9/11 hijackers to 
    obtain credit cards from United States banks that financed 
    their terrorists activities, to ensure that illegal immigrants 
    cannot obtain credit cards to evade United States immigration 
    laws, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2715.--To amend title 4, United States Code, to declare English 
    as the national language of the Government of the United 
    States, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2716.--To authorize the National Guard to provide support for 
    the border control activities of the United States Customs and 
    Border Protection of the Departments of Homeland Security, and 
    for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 
S. 2717.--To provide for enhanced Federal enforcement of, and 
    State and local assistance in the enforcement of, the 
    immigration laws of the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2718 (S. 2334).--To withhold 10 percent of the Federal funding 
    apportioned for highway construction and maintenance from 
    States that issue driver's licenses to individuals without 
    verifying the legal status of such individuals. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2719.--To provide that Executive Order 13166 shall have no 
    force or effect, and to prohibit the use of funds for certain 
    purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2720.--To withhold Federal financial assistance from each 
    country that denies or unreasonably delays the acceptance of 
    nationals of such country who have been ordered removed from 
    the United States and to prohibit the issuance of visas to 
    nationals of such country. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 
    6, 2008.
S. 2721.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    prescribe the binding oath or affirmation of renunciation and 
    allegiance required to be naturalized as a citizen of the 
    United States, to encourage and support the efforts of 
    prospective citizens of the United States to become citizens, 
    and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 6, 
S. 2722.--To prohibit aliens who are repeat drunk drivers from 
    obtaining legal status or immigration benefits. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Mar. 6, 2008.
S. 2725 (H.R. 5489).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 6892 Main Street in 
    Gloucester, Virginia, as the ``Congresswoman Jo Ann S. Davis 
    Post Office''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Mar. 6, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written 
    report. Indefinitely postponed May 12, 2008.
S. 2728.--To establish the Twenty-First Century Water Commission 
    to study and develop recommendations for a comprehensive water 
    strategy to address future water needs. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Mar. 6, 2008. Reported amended 
    Aug. 22 (Legislative day of Aug. 1), 2008; Rept. 110-446.
S. 2731 (H.R. 5501).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 
    2009 through 2013 to provide assistance to foreign countries 
    to combat HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations Mar. 7, 2008. Reported 
    amended Apr. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-325. Considered July 14, 15, 
    16, 2008. Returned to the calendar July 16, 2008.
S. 2733.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965. Passed Senate Mar. 7, 2008. Received in 
    House and held at desk Mar. 10, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Mar. 11, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Mar. 12, 2008; Roll No. 134: 411-4. Presented to the 
    President Mar. 13, 2008. Approved Mar. 24, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2734.--To aid families and neighborhoods facing home 
    foreclosure and address the subprime mortgage crisis. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 10, 2008.
S. 2738.--To identify and remove criminal aliens incarcerated in 
    correctional facilities in the United States and for other 
    purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 11, 2008.
S. 2739.--To authorize certain programs and activities in the 
    Department of the Interior, the Forest Service, and the 
    Department of Energy, to implement further the Act approving 
    the Covenant to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern 
    Mariana Islands in Political Union with the United States of 
    America, to amend the Compact of Free Association Amendments 
    Act of 2003, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Mar. 11, 2008. Passed Senate Apr. 10, 2008; Roll No. 
    101: 91-4. Received in House and held at desk Apr. 10, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 29, 2008; Roll No. 226: 
    291-117. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. Approved May 
    8, 2008. Public Law 110-229.
S. 2745.--To extend agricultural programs beyond March 15, 2008, 
    to suspend permanent price support authorities beyond that 
    date, and for other purposes. Passed Senate Mar. 12, 2008. 
    Received in House Mar. 12, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Mar. 12, 2008. Presented to the President Mar. 13, 2008. 
    Approved Mar. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-196.
S. 2756.--To amend the National Child Protection Act of 1993 to 
    establish a permanent background check system. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 13, 2008. Reported 
    amended from the Judiciary July 28, 2008; no written report.
S. 2766.--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to 
    address certain discharges incidental to the normal operation 
    of a recreational vessel. Referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Mar. 13, 2008. Reported June 23, 2008; Rept. 110-398. 
    Passed Senate July 22, 2008. Received in House July 22, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 25, 2008. Approved July 29, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2774.--To provide for the appointment of additional Federal 
    circuit and district judges, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2008. Reported July 21 (Legislative 
    day of July 17), 2008; Rept. 110-427.
S. 2779.--To amend the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act 
    of 1977 to clarify that uncertified States and Indian tribes 
    have the authority to use certain payments for certain noncoal 
    reclamation projects. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Mar. 13, 2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 2804.--To adjust the boundary of the Everglades National Park, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Apr. 2, 2008. Reported amended June 16, 2008; Rept. 
S. 2805.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior, acting through 
    the Commissioner of Reclamation, to assess the irrigation 
    infrastructure of the Rio Grande Pueblos in the State of New 
    Mexico and provide grants to, and enter into cooperative 
    agreements with, the Rio Grande Pueblos to repair, 
    rehabilitate, or reconstruct existing infrastructure, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 
    2, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 2807.--To protect the liberty and property of all Americans. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 3, 2008.
S. 2808.--To require that citizens within a National Heritage Area 
    are informed of the designation and that government officials 
    must receive permission to enter private property. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Apr. 3, 2008.
S. 2809.--To ensure that there are no adverse effects of a 
    National Heritage Area designation to local communities and 
    home owners. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 3, 2008.
S. 2810.--To require an annual report detailing the amount of 
    property the Federal government owns and the cost of 
    government land ownership to taxpayers. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Apr. 3, 2008.
S. 2811.--To require citizens' approval of Federal government land 
    grabs. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 3, 2008.
S. 2814 (H.R. 5710).--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior 
    to provide financial assistance to the Eastern New Mexico 
    Rural Water Authority for the planning, design, and 
    construction of the Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Apr. 3, 2008. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-373.
S. 2816.--To provide for the appointment of the Chief Human 
    Capital Officer of the Department of Homeland Security by the 
    Secretary of Homeland Security. Referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs Apr. 3, 2008. Reported Sept. 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-466. Passed Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Homeland 
    Security Sept. 24, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    27, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 10, 2008. Public Law 110-388.
S. 2829.--To make technical corrections to section 1244 of the 
    National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, which 
    provides special immigrant status for certain Iraqis, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 8, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 28, 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary Apr. 29, 2008. Considered 
    under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House May 21, 2008. Presented to the President May 23, 
    2008. Approved June 3, 2008. Public Law 110-242.
S. 2833.--To provide for the management of certain public land in 
    Owyhee County, Idaho, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 9, 2008. Reported amended 
    June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-374.
S. 2837.--To designate the United States courthouse located at 225 
    Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York, as the ``Theodore 
    Roosevelt United States Courthouse''. Referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Apr. 9, 2008. Reported June 4, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 
    23), 2008. Received in House and referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure June 25, 2008. Reported Sept. 8, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-823. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 8, 2008; Roll No. 568: 375-1. Presented to the President 
    Sept. 11, 2008. Approved Sept. 17, 2008. Public Law 110-319.
S. 2838 (H.R. 6126).--To amend chapter 1 of title 9 of United 
    States Code with respect to arbitration. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Apr. 9, 2008. Reported Oct. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-518.
S. 2840.--To establish a liaison with the Federal Bureau of 
    Investigation in United States Citizenship and Immigration 
    Services to expedite naturalization applications filed by 
    members of the Armed Forces and to establish a deadline for 
    processing such applications. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 
    10, 2008. Reported amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-440. Passed 
    Senate amended Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 25, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 28, 2008; Roll No. 668: 
    416-0. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 9, 2008. Public Law 110-382.
S. 2842.--To require the Secretary of the Interior to carry out 
    annual inspections of canals, levees, tunnels, dikes, pumping 
    plants, dams, and reservoirs under the jurisdiction of the 
    Secretary, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Apr. 10, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2844 (H.R. 2537).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control 
    Act to modify provisions relating to beach monitoring, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Environment and Public Works Apr. 
    10, 2008. Reported amended July 10 (Legislative day of July 
    9), 2008; Rept. 110-414.
S. 2875.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide 
    grants to designated States and tribes to carry out programs 
    to reduce the risk of livestock loss due to predation by gray 
    wolves and other predator species or to compensate landowners 
    for livestock loss due to predation. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Apr. 16, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2892.--To promote the prosecution and enforcement of frauds 
    against the United States by suspending the statute of 
    limitations during times when Congress has authorized the use 
    of military force. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 18 
    (Legislative day of Apr. 17), 2008. Reported July 25, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-431.
S. 2894.--To establish requirements for private lenders to protect 
    student borrowers receiving private educational loans, and for 
    other purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Apr. 21, 2008; Rept. 110-327.
S. 2903.--To amend Public Law 110-196 to provide for a temporary 
    extension of programs authorized by the Farm Security and 
    Rural Investment Act of 2002 beyond April 25, 2008. Passed 
    Senate Apr. 24, 2008. Received in House and passed Apr. 24, 
    2008. Presented to the President Apr. 24, 2008. Approved Apr. 
    25, 2008. Public Law 110-205.
S. 2907.--To establish uniform administrative and enforcement 
    procedures and penalties for the enforcement of the High Seas 
    Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act and similar 
    statutes, and for other purposes. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Apr. 24, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 17, 2008; Rept. 110-469.
S. 2913.--To provide a limitation on judicial remedies in 
    copyright infringement cases involving orphan works. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Apr. 24, 2008. Reported amended May 15, 2008; 
    no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to the 
    Judiciary Sept. 27, 2008.
S. 2920.--To reauthorize and improve the financing and 
    entrepreneurial development programs of the Small Business 
    Administration, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Apr. 28, 2008.
S. 2929.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965. Passed Senate Apr. 29, 2008. Received 
    in House and held at desk Apr. 29, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules May 5, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    with amendment May 6, 2008; Roll No. 256: 408-0. Senate agreed 
    to House amendment May 7, 2008. Presented to the President May 
    13, 2008. Approved May 13, 2008. Public Law 110-230.
S. 2932 (H.R. 5669).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    reauthorize the poison center national toll-free number, 
    national media campaign, and grant program to provide 
    assistance for poison prevention, sustain the funding of 
    poison centers, and enhance the public health of people of the 
    United States. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Apr. 29, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    amended Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and held at desk Sept. 24, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Sept. 25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 653: 403-6. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
S. 2942 (H.R. 6083).--To authorize funding for the National 
    Advocacy Center. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 30, 2008. 
    Reported June 4, 2008; no written report.
S. 2943.--To amend the National Trails System Act to designate the 
    Pacific Northwest National Scenic Trail. Referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Apr. 30, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 
    16, 2008; no written report.
S. 2954.--To amend Public Law 110-196 to provide for a temporary 
    extension of programs authorized by the Farm Security and 
    Rural Investment Act of 2002 beyond May 2, 2008. Passed Senate 
    May 1, 2008. Received in House May 1, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House May 1, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 
    2008. Approved May 2, 2008. Public Law 110-208.
S. 2967.--To provide for certain Federal employee benefits to be 
    continued for certain employees of the Senate Restaurants 
    after operations of the Senate Restaurants are contracted to 
    be performed by a private business concern, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Rules and Administration May 1, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate June 3, 2008. Received in 
    House and held at desk June 4, 2008. Passed House July 10, 
    2008. Presented to the President July 15, 2008. Approved July 
    17, 2008. Public Law 110-279.
S. 2969.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to enhance the 
    capacity of the Department of Veterans Affairs to recruit and 
    retain nurses and other critical health-care professionals, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 1, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008; Rept. 110-473.
S. 2970.--To enhance the ability of drinking water utilities in 
    the United States to develop and implement climate change 
    adaptation programs and policies, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works May 2, 2008. Reported 
    Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-487.
S. 2972.--To reauthorize and modernize the Federal Aviation 
    Administration. Ordered placed on the calendar May 6, 2008.
S. 2973.--To promote the energy security of the United States, and 
    for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar May 6, 
S. 2974.--To provide for the construction of the Arkansas Valley 
    Conduit in the State of Colorado. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources May 2, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 2979 (H.R. 5690).--To exempt the African National Congress from 
    treatment as a terrorist organization, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary May 6, 2008. Reported June 26, 2008; 
    no written report.
S. 2982 (H.R. 5524).--To amend the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act 
    to authorize appropriations, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to the Judiciary May 6, 2008. Reported amended May 22, 2008; 
    no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and passed Sept. 26, 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    8, 2008. Public Law 110-378.
S. 2991.--To provide energy price relief and hold oil companies 
    and other entities accountable for their actions with regard 
    to high energy prices, and for other purposes. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar May 8, 2008.
S. 2994.--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to 
    provide for the remediation of sediment contamination in areas 
    of concern. Referred to Environment and Public Works May 8, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-488.
S. 2996 (H.R. 5959).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 
    2009 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of 
    the United States Government, the Community Management 
    Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and 
    Disability System, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Intelligence May 8, 2008; Rept. 110-333.
S. 2997.--To reauthorize the Maritime Administration, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation May 8, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-457.
S. 3001 (H.R. 5658) (H. Con. Res. 442) (S. 3002) (S. 3003) (S. 
    3004).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for 
    military activities of the Department of Defense, for military 
    construction, and for defense activities of the Department of 
    Energy, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such 
    fiscal year, and for other purposes. Reported from Armed 
    Services May 12, 2008; Rept. 110-335. Considered Sept. 9, 10, 
    11, 12, 15, 16, 2008. Passed Senate amended Sept. 17, 2008; 
    Roll No. 201: 88-8. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 
    18, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment Sept. 
    24, 2008; Roll No. 631: 392-39. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 
    2008. Public Law 110-417.
S. 3002 (H.R. 5658) (S. 3001).--To authorize appropriations for 
    fiscal year 2009 for military activities of the Department of 
    Defense, to prescribe military personnel strengths for such 
    fiscal year, and for other purposes. Reported from Armed 
    Services May 12, 2008; no written report. Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Passed Senate amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Sept. 18, 2008.
S. 3003.--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for 
    military construction, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Armed Services May 12, 2008; no written report. Sept. 17, 
    2008. Passed Senate amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in House 
    and held at desk Sept. 18, 2008.
S. 3004.--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for 
    defense activities of the Department of Energy, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Armed Services May 12, 2008; no 
    written report. Sept. 17, 2008. Passed Senate amended Sept. 
    17, 2008. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 18, 2008.
S. 3009.--To designate the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
    building under construction in Omaha, Nebraska, as the ``J. 
    James Exon Federal Bureau of Investigation Building''. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works May 12, 2008. 
    Reported June 4, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate June 
    24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 25, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-878. House Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 1, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3010.--To reauthorize the Route 66 Corridor Preservation 
    Program. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 13, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3011.--To amend the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic 
    Site Act of 1991 to expand the boundaries of the historic 
    site, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 13, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 3013.--To provide for retirement equity for Federal employees 
    in nonforeign areas outside the 48 contiguous States and the 
    District of Columbia, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 13, 2008. 
    Reported amended Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 110-456. Passed Senate 
    amended Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to Oversight and Government Reform and 
    in addition to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 2, 2008.
S. 3015.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 18 S. G Street, Lakeview, Oregon, as the 
    ``Dr. Bernard Daly Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 14, 2008. 
    Reported June 25, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate June 
    27, 2008. Received in House and referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform July 8, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 110-352.
S. 3017.--To designate the Beaver Basin Wilderness at Pictured 
    Rocks National Lakeshore in the State of Michigan. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources May 14, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3023.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to require the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to prescribe regulations 
    relating to the notice to be provided claimants with the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs regarding the substantiation of 
    claims. Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 15, 2008. Reported 
    amended Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 110-449. Passed Senate amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008. Received in House and held at desk Sept. 17, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House with amendment Sept. 24, 
    2008. Senate agreed to House amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 2, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 10, 2008. Public Law 110-389.
S. 3024.--To authorize grants to the Eurasia Foundation, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Foreign Relations May 15, 2008. 
    Reported June 2, 2008; Rept. 110-342.
S. 3029 (H.R. 4252).--To provide for an additional temporary 
    extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the 
    Small Business Investment Act of 1958, and for other purposes. 
    Passed Senate May 15, 2008. Received in House and held at desk 
    May 19, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 20, 2008. 
    Presented to the President May 23, 2008. Approved May 23, 
    2008. Public Law 110-235.
S. 3035.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965. Passed Senate May 20, 2008. Received in 
    House May 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 20, 
    2008. Presented to the President May 23, 2008. Approved May 
    30, 2008. Public Law 110-238.
S. 3036 (S. 2191).--To direct the Administrator of the 
    Environmental Protection Agency to establish a program to 
    decrease emissions of greenhouse gases, and for other 
    purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar May 21, 2008. 
    Considered June 6, 2008. Returned to the calendar July 8, 
S. 3038.--To amend part E of title IV of the Social Security Act 
    to extend the adoption incentives program, to authorize States 
    to establish a relative guardianship program, to promote the 
    adoption of children with special needs, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Finance May 20, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008; Rept. 110-467.
S. 3044.--To provide energy price relief and hold oil companies 
    and other entities accountable for their actions with regard 
    to high energy prices, and for other purposes. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar May 21, 2008.
S. 3045.--To establish the Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National 
    Forest Heritage Area in the State of Alaska, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 21, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3051.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the 
    suitability and feasibility of designating the site of the 
    Battle of Camden in South Carolina, as a unit of the National 
    Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources May 22, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 3052.--To provide for the transfer of naval vessels to certain 
    foreign recipients. Referred to Foreign Relations May 22, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-451.
S. 3061 (H.R. 3887).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 
    2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act 
    of 2000, to enhance measures to combat trafficking in persons, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May 22, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 8, 2008; no written report.
S. 3065.--To establish the Dominguez-Escalante National 
    Conservation Area and the Dominguez Canyon Wilderness Area. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 22, 2008. 
    Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3069.--To designate certain land as wilderness in the State of 
    California, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources May 22, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 3073.--To amend the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee 
    Voting Act to improve procedures for the collection and 
    delivery of absentee ballots of absent overseas uniformed 
    services voters, and for other purposes. Referred to Rules and 
    Administration May 22, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate amended Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to House Administration Oct. 2, 
S. 3075.--To make certain technical corrections to title III of 
    SAFETEA-LU. Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    June 2, 2008; no written report.
S. 3082 (H.R. 6198).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 1700 Cleveland Avenue in 
    Kansas City, Missouri, as the ``Reverend Earl Abel Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 4, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Oversight and Government Reform July 8, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-353.
S. 3085.--To require the Secretary of the Interior to establish a 
    cooperative watershed management program, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 5, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3088.--To designate certain land in the State of Oregon as 
    wilderness, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources June 5, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
S. 3089.--To designate certain land in the State of Oregon as 
    wilderness, to provide for the exchange of certain Federal 
    land and non-Federal land, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources June 5, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3096.--To amend the National Cave and Karst Research Institute 
    Act of 1998 to authorize appropriations for the National Cave 
    and Karst Research Institute. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources June 6, 2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
S. 3097.--To amend the Vietnam Education Foundation Act of 2000. 
    Referred to Foreign Relations June 6, 2008. Reported Sept. 12, 
    2008; Rept. 110-458.
S. 3098.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 9, 2008.
S. 3101.--To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act 
    to extend expiring provisions under the Medicare program, to 
    improve beneficiary access to preventive and mental health 
    services, to enhance low-income benefit programs, and to 
    maintain access to care in rural areas, including pharmacy 
    access, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    June 9, 2008.
S. 3103.--To amend the Iran, North Korea, and Syria 
    nonproliferation Act to allow certain extraordinary payments 
    in connection with the International Space Station. Referred 
    to Foreign Relations June 9, 2008. Reported Sept. 23 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3109.--To amend the Solid Waste Disposal Act to direct the 
    Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to 
    establish a hazardous waste electronic manifest system. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works June 10, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 
    110-478. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Sept. 27, 2008.
S. 3118.--To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act 
    to preserve beneficiary access to care by preventing a 
    reduction in the Medicare physician fee schedule, to improve 
    the quality of care by advancing value based purchasing, 
    electronic health records, and electronic prescribing, and to 
    maintain and improve access to care in rural areas, and for 
    other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar June 12, 2008.
S. 3128.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to provide a 
    loan to the White Mountain Apache Tribe for use in planning, 
    engineering, and designing a certain water system project. 
    Referred to Indian Affairs June 12, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-502. 
    Passed Senate amended Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 29, 
    2008. Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    10, 2008. Public Law 110-390.
S. 3136.--To encourage the entry of felony warrants into the NCIC 
    database by States and provide additional resources for 
    extradition. Referred to the Judiciary June 16, 2008. Reported 
    amended Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 3145.--To designate a portion of United States Route 20A, 
    located in Orchard Park, New York, as the ``Timothy J. Russert 
    Highway''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 18, 2008. Committees discharged. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works June 24 (Legislative day of June 
    23), 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 25, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 15, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 22, 2008. Approved July 23, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3155.--To reauthorize and improve the Juvenile Justice and 
    Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary June 18, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-472.
S. 3158.--To extend the authority for the Cape Cod National 
    Seashore Advisory Commission. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources June 19, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 3160 (H.R. 5618).--To reauthorize and amend the National Sea 
    Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation June 19, 2008. Reported 
    Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-508.
S. 3166.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to impose 
    criminal penalties on individuals who assist aliens who have 
    engaged in genocide, torture, or extrajudicial killings to 
    enter the United States. Referred to the Judiciary June 19, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 12, 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 26, 2008.
S. 3168.--To authorize United States participation in the 
    replenishment of resources of the International Development 
    Association, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations June 19, 2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; Rept. 110-
S. 3169.--To authorize United States participation in, and 
    appropriations for the United States contribution to, the 
    eleventh replenishment of the resources of the African 
    Development Fund. Referred to Foreign Relations June 19, 2008. 
    Reported Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-441.
S. 3175 (H.R. 6109).--To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 
    Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to reauthorize the 
    predisaster hazard mitigation program, to make technical 
    corrections to that Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 20 
    (Legislative day of June 19), 2008. Reported amended Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-479.
S. 3179.--To authorize the conveyance of certain public land in 
    the State of New Mexico owned or leased by the Department of 
    Energy, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources June 23, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 3180.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965. Passed Senate June 23, 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to Education and Labor June 24, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 25, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 26, 2008. Approved June 30, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3181 (H.R. 6947).--Making appropriations for the Department of 
    Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2009, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    June 23, 2008; Rept. 110-396.
S. 3182.--Making appropriations for the Departments of Commerce 
    and Justice, science, and related agencies for the fiscal year 
    ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes. Reported 
    from Appropriations June 23, 2008; Rept. 110-397.
S. 3186.--To provide funding for the Low-Income Home Energy 
    Assistance Program. Ordered placed on the calendar June 25, 
S. 3189.--To amend Public Law 106-392 to require the Administrator 
    of the Western Area Power Administration and the Commissioner 
    of Reclamation to maintain sufficient revenues in the Upper 
    Colorado River Basin Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources June 25, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3192.--To amend the Act of August 9, 1955, to authorize the Cow 
    Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, the Coquille Indian 
    Tribe, and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians of 
    Oregon to obtain 99-year lease authority for trust land. 
    Referred to Indian Affairs June 25, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-480. 
    Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Received in House and referred to Natural Resources 
    Sept. 27, 2008.
S. 3197 (H.R. 4044).--To amend title 11, United States Code, to 
    exempt for a limited period, from the application of the 
    means-test presumption of abuse under chapter 7, qualifying 
    members of reserve components of the Armed Forces and members 
    of the National Guard who, after September 11, 2001, are 
    called to active duty or to perform a homeland defense 
    activity for not less than 90 days. Referred to the Judiciary 
    June 25, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 30 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 2, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules Oct. 2, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Oct. 3, 2008; Roll No. 682: 411-0. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 9, 2008. Approved Oct. 20, 
    2008. Public Law 110-438.
S. 3202.--To address record high gas prices at the pump, and for 
    other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar June 27, 2008.
S. 3213.--To designate certain land as components of the National 
    Wilderness Preservation System, to authorize certain programs 
    and activities in the Department of the Interior and the 
    Department of Agriculture, and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 27, 2008.
S. 3218 (S. 3605).--To extend the pilot program for volunteer 
    groups to obtain criminal history background checks. Passed 
    Senate June 26, 2008. Received in House and referred to the 
    Judiciary July 8, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, 
    2008. Presented to the President July 22, 2008. Approved July 
    30, 2008. Public Law 110-296.
S. 3226.--To rename the Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National 
    Historic Site in the State of Kentucky as the ``Abraham 
    Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park''. Referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources July 7, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3227.--To impose sanctions on Iran and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Finance July 7, 2008; Rept. 110-408.
S. 3230.--Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, 
    Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies 
    for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009. Reported from 
    Appropriations July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-410.
S. 3236.--To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act 
    to extend provisions under Medicare and Medicaid programs, and 
    for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar July 11, 
S. 3241 (H.R. 6772).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 1717 Orange Avenue in Fort 
    Pierce, Florida, as the ``CeeCee Ross Lyles Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008. Reported 
    July 30, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Sept. 8, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 
    24 (Legislative day of Sept. 23), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3257.--To extend immigration programs to promote legal 
    immigration and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar July 14, 2008.
S. 3258.--Making appropriations for energy and water development 
    and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2009, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    July 14, 2008; Rept. 110-416.
S. 3260.--Making appropriations for financial services and general 
    government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 14, 
    2008; Rept. 110-417.
S. 3261.--Making appropriations for the Departments of 
    Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 14, 
    2008; Rept. 110-418.
S. 3263.--To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 2009 
    through 2013 to promote an enhanced strategic partnership with 
    Pakistan and its people, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Relations July 15, 2008. Reported Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-510.
S. 3268.--To amend the Commodity Exchange Act, to prevent 
    excessive price speculation with respect to energy 
    commodities, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar July 16, 2008. Considered July 24 (Legislative day of 
    July 23), 25, 2008.
S. 3270 (H.R. 6063).--To reauthorize the National Aeronautics and 
    Space Administration, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation July 16, 2008; Rept. 110-
S. 3288.--Making appropriations for the Department of State, 
    foreign operations, and related programs for the fiscal year 
    ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes. Reported 
    from Appropriations July 18 (Legislative day of July 17), 
    2008; Rept. 110-425.
S. 3289.--Making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural 
    Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related 
    Agencies programs for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2009, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    July 21 (Legislative day of July 17), 2008; Rept. 110-426.
S. 3294.--To provide for the continued performance of the 
    functions of the United States Parole Commission. Passed 
    Senate July 21 (Legislative day of July 17), 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary July 22, 2008. Considered 
    under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House July 31, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 5, 
    2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 110-312.
S. 3295.--To amend title 35, United States Code, and the Trademark 
    Act of 1946 to provide that the Secretary of Commerce, in 
    consultation with the Director of the United States Patent and 
    Trademark Office, shall appoint administrative patent judges 
    and administrative trademark judges, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary July 21 (Legislative day of July 
    17), 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate July 22, 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to the Judiciary July 23, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 31, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 5, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3296.--To extend the authority of the United States Supreme 
    Court Police to protect court officials off the Supreme Court 
    Grounds and change the title of the Administrative Assistant 
    to the Chief Justice. Referred to the Judiciary July 21 
    (Legislative day of July 17), 2008. Reported Sept. 11, 2008; 
    no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and held at desk 
    Sept. 25, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-402.
S. 3297.--To advance America's priorities. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar July 23, 2008.
S. 3298.--To clarify the circumstances during which the 
    Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency and 
    applicable States may require permits for discharges from 
    certain vessels, and to require the Administrator to conduct a 
    study of discharges incidental to the normal operation of 
    vessels. Passed Senate July 22, 2008. Received in House July 
    22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 22, 2008. 
    Presented to the President July 25, 2008. Approved July 31, 
    2008. Public Law 110-299.
S. 3301.--Making appropriations for military construction, the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations July 22, 2008; Rept. 110-428.
S. 3309.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 2523 7th Avenue East in North Saint Paul, 
    Minnesota, as the Mayor William ``Bill'' Sandberg Post Office 
    Building. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 23, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Sept. 26, 2008.
S. 3317 (H.R. 5975).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 101 West Main Street in 
    Waterville, New York, as the ``Corporal John P. Sigsbee Post 
    Office''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 23, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3325.--To enhance remedies for violations of intellectual 
    property laws, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary July 24 (Legislative day of July 23), 2008. Reported 
    amended Sept. 15, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate 
    amended Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and held at desk Sept. 26, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 28, 2008; Roll No. 664: 381-41. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3328.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide 
    for a one-year extension of other transaction authority. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 24 
    (Legislative day of July 23), 2008. Reported Sept. 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-454. Passed Senate amended Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Homeland 
    Security Sept. 24, 2008.
S. 3335.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar July 25, 2008.
S. 3339.--To amend chapter 33 of title 38, United States Code, to 
    clarify and improve authorities relating to the availability 
    of post-9/11 veterans educational assistance, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs July 26, 2008. 
    Reported July 26, 2008; Rept. 110-433.
S. 3341.--To reauthorize and improve the Federal Financial 
    Assistance Management Improvement Act of 1999. Reported from 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 17, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-468. Passed Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform Sept. 23, 2008.
S. 3344.--To defend against child exploitation and child 
    pornography through improved Internet Crimes Against Children 
    task forces and enhanced tools to block illegal images, and to 
    eliminate the unwarranted release of convicted sex offenders. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar July 28, 2008.
S. 3348.--To provide for the investigation of certain unsolved 
    civil rights crimes, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar July 30, 2008.
S. 3350.--To provide that claims of the United States to certain 
    documents relating to Franklin Delano Roosevelt shall be 
    treated as waived and relinquished in certain circumstances. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 
    28, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008; no written report.
S. 3352.--To temporarily extend the programs under the Higher 
    Education Act of 1965. Passed Senate July 28, 2008. Received 
    in House and held at desk July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House July 30, 2008. Presented to the President July 
    30, 2008. Approved July 31, 2008. Public Law 110-300.
S. 3362.--To reauthorize and improve the SBIR and STTR programs, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008. 
    Reported Aug. 22 (Legislative day of Aug. 1), 2008; Rept. 110-
S. 3370.--To resolve pending claims against Libya by United States 
    nationals, and for other purposes. Passed Senate July 31, 
    2008. Passed Senate July 31, 2008. Received in House and 
    passed July 31, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 1, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 4, 2008. Public Law 110-301.
S. 3384.--To amend section 11317 of title 40, United States Code, 
    to require greater accountability for cost overruns on Federal 
    IT investment projects. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008. Reported amended Oct. 1 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3406.--To restore the intent and protections of the Americans 
    with Disabilities Act of 1990. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Aug. 1, 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 11, 2008. Received in House 
    and held at desk Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 17, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Approved Sept. 25, 2008. Public Law 110-325.
S. 3426.--To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 to extend 
    comparability pay adjustments to members of the Foreign 
    Service assigned to posts abroad, and to amend the provision 
    relating to the death gratuity payable to surviving dependents 
    on Foreign Service employees who die as a result of injuries 
    sustained in the performance of duty abroad. Referred to 
    Foreign Relations Aug. 1, 2008. Reported Sept. 23 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3430.--To provide for the investigation of certain unsolved 
    civil rights crimes, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Sept. 8, 2008.
S. 3445.--To impose sanctions with respect to Iran, to provide for 
    the divestment of assets in Iran by State and local 
    governments and other entities, to identify locations of 
    concern with respect to transshipment, reexportation, or 
    diversion of certain sensitive items to Iran, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-443.
S. 3474.--To amend title 44, United States Code, to enhance 
    information security of the Federal Government, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 11, 2008. Reported Oct. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3477.--To amend title 44, United States Code, to authorize 
    grants for Presidential Centers of Historical Excellence. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    11, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008; no written report. Passed Senate amended Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3489.--To require the Administrator of the Environmental 
    Protection Agency to conduct a study on black carbon 
    emissions. Referred to Environment and Public Works Sept. 15, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-489.
S. 3499.--To protect innocent Americans from violent crime in 
    national parks. Reported from Energy and Natural Resources 
    Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
S. 3501.--To ensure that Congress is notified when the Department 
    of Justice determines that the Executive Branch is not bound 
    by a statute. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 16, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report.
S. 3521.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 95 Dogwood Street in Cary, Mississippi, as 
    the ``Spencer Byrd Powers Jr. Post Office''. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 18 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and held at desk Oct. 3, 2008.
S. 3526.--To enhance drug trafficking interdiction by creating a 
    Federal felony relating to operating or embarking in a 
    submersible or semi-submersible vessel without nationality and 
    on an international voyage. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Nov. 18, 2008.
S. 3535.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to index 
    certain assets for purposes of determining gain or loss. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
S. 3536.--To amend section 5402 of title 39, United States Code, 
    to modify the authority relating to United States Postal 
    Service air transportation contracts, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Sept. 27, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 
    2008. Public Law 110-405.
S. 3548.--To approve the United States-India Agreement for 
    Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Foreign Relations Sept. 23 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3550.--To designate a portion of the Rappahannock River in the 
    Commonwealth of Virginia as the ``John W. Warner Rapids''. 
    Reported from Environment and Public Works Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to Natural Resources Sept. 25, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-418.
S. 3551.--To amend the Public Works and Economic Development Act 
    of 1965 to reauthorize that Act, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Environment and Public Works Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-490.
S. 3560.--To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to provide 
    additional funds for the qualifying individual (QI) program, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Finance Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Received in House and referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 
    25, 2008. Rereferred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3563.--To authorize appropriations under the Arms Export 
    Control Act and the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 for 
    security assistance for fiscal years 2009 and 2010, and for 
    other purposes. Reported from Foreign Relations Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-496.
S. 3564.--To restore the value of every American in environmental 
    decisions, and for other purposes. Reported from Environment 
    and Public Works Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-499.
S. 3565.--To address the health and economic development impacts 
    of nonattainment of federally mandated air quality standards 
    in the San Joaquin Valley, California, by designating air 
    quality empowerment zones. Reported from Environment and 
    Public Works Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-500.
S. 3569.--To make improvements in the operation and administration 
    of the Federal courts, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House Sept. 27, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 2, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
S. 3597.--To provide that funds allocated for community food 
    projects for fiscal year 2008 shall remain available until 
    September 30, 2009. Passed Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to Agriculture 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 
    2008. Public Law 110-380.
S. 3598 (H.R. 6295).--To amend titles 46 and 18, United States 
    Code, with respect to the operation of submersible vessels and 
    semi-submersible vessels without nationality. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in 
    House and referred to the Judiciary and in addition to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 26, 2008. Considered 
    under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 
    3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 110-407.
S. 3605 (S. 3218).--To extend the pilot program for volunteer 
    groups to obtain criminal history background checks. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received 
    in House and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 26, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-408.
S. 3606.--To extend the special immigrant nonminister religious 
    worker program and for other purposes. Passed Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    held at desk Sept. 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 2, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 10, 2008. Public Law 110-391.
S. 3617.--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act and the 
    Safe Drinking Water Act to improve water and wastewater 
    infrastructure in the United States. Reported from Environment 
    and Public Works Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Rept. 110-509.
S. 3625 (H.R. 6199).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 245 North Main Street in New 
    City, New York, as the ``Kenneth Peter Zebrowski Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and held at desk Oct. 3, 
S. 3639.--To protect pregnant women and children from dangerous 
    lead exposures. Reported from Environment and Public Works 
    Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-515.
S. 3641.--To authorize funding for the National Crime Victim Law 
    Institute to provide support for victims of crime under Crime 
    Victims Legal Assistance Programs as a part of the Victims of 
    Crime Act of 1984. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and referred to the 
    Judiciary Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 
    2, 2008; Roll No. 676: 410-2. Presented to the President Oct. 
    6, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-431.
S. 3646.--To authorize and expedite lease sales within the outer 
    Continental Shelf, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
S. 3658.--To require the accreditation of English language 
    training programs, and for other purposes. Passed Senate Sept. 
    30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Received in House and 
    referred to the Judiciary Oct. 2, 2008.
S. 3662.--To establish the Controlled Unclassified Information 
    Office, to require policies and procedures for the 
    designation, marking, safeguarding, and dissemination of 
    controlled unclassified information, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 
    1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
S. 3688.--To provide for additional emergency unemployment 
    compensation, to amend the Emergency Economic Stabilization 
    Act of 2008 to authorize loans to automobile manufacturers and 
    component suppliers, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
S. 3689.--Making supplemental appropriations for job creation and 
    preservation, infrastructure investment, and economic and 
    energy assistance for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2009, and for other purposes. Ordered placed on the calendar 
    Nov. 18, 2008.