[DOCID: f:hc08.txt]

  Numerical order of bills and resolutions which have been reported to  
                or considered by either or both Houses.

 Note. Similar or identical bills, and bills having reference to each 
             other, are indicated by number in parentheses.
    No.                                Index Key and History of Bill    

                               HOUSE BILLS

H.R. 1 (H. Res. 6) (H. Res. 567) (S. 4).--To provide for the 
    implementation of the recommendations of the National 
    Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to Energy and 
    Commerce, the Judiciary, Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, 
    Transportation and Infrastructure, Oversight and Government 
    Reform, and Ways and Means Jan. 5, 2007. Passed House Jan. 9, 
    2007; Roll No. 15: 299-128. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 9, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment July 9, 
    2007. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference July 9, 2007. House disagreed to Senate amendment 
    and agreed to a conference July 17, 2007. Conference report 
    filed in the House July 25, 2007; Rept. 110-259. Senate agreed 
    to conference report July 26, 2007; Roll No. 284: 85-8. House 
    agreed to conference report July 27, 2007; Roll No. 757: 371-
    40. Presented to the President Aug. 1, 2007. Approved Aug. 3, 
    2007. Public Law 110-53.
H.R. 2 (H. Res. 6) (S. 2).--To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act 
    of 1938 to provide for an increase in the Federal minimum 
    wage. Referred to Education and Labor Jan. 5, 2007. Passed 
    House Jan. 10, 2007; Roll No. 18: 315-116. Received in Senate 
    Jan. 10, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Considered Jan. 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31 2007. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Feb. 1, 2007; Roll No. 42: 94-3.
H.R. 3 (H. Res. 6) (S. 5) (S. 997).--To amend the Public Health 
    Service Act to provide for human embryonic stem cell research. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 5, 2007. Passed House 
    Jan. 11, 2007; Roll No. 20: 253-174. Received in Senate Jan. 
    11, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 12, 2007.
H.R. 4 (H. Res. 6) (S. 3).--To amend part D of title XVIII of the 
    Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and 
    Human Services to negotiate lower covered part D drug prices 
    on behalf of Medicare beneficiaries. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means Jan. 5, 2007. 
    Passed House Jan. 12, 2007; Roll No. 23: 255-170. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Finance Jan. 12, 2007.
H.R. 5 (H. Res. 65).--To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to 
    reduce interest rates for student borrowers. Referred to 
    Education and Labor Jan. 12, 2007. Passed House Jan. 17, 2007; 
    Roll No. 32: 356-71. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Jan. 17, 2007.
H.R. 6 (H. Res. 66) (H. Res. 846) (H. Res. 877).--To reduce our 
    Nation's dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, 
    renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new 
    emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, 
    and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables 
    Reserve to invest in alternative energy, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to 
    Natural Resources, the Budget, and Rules Jan. 12, 2007. Passed 
    House Jan. 18, 2007; Roll No. 40: 264-163. Received in Senate 
    Jan. 18, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 22, 2007. 
    Considered June 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 2007. Passed 
    Senate with amendments June 21, 2007; Roll No. 226: 65-27. 
    House agreed to Senate amendments with amendments Dec. 6, 
    2007; Roll No. 1140: 235-181. Senate agreed to House 
    amendments to Senate amendments with amendment Dec. 13, 2007. 
    Roll No. 430: 86-8. House agreed to Senate amendment to House 
    amendments to Senate amendments Dec. 18, 2007; Roll No. 1177: 
    314-100. Presented to the President Dec. 18, 2007. Approved 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Public Law 110-140.
H.R. 20.--To provide for research on, and services for individuals 
    with, postpartum depression and psychosis. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-375. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 15, 2007; Roll No. 963: 382-3. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 
    16, 2007.
H.R. 23.--To amend title 46, United States Code, to provide 
    benefits to certain individuals who served in the United 
    States merchant marine (including the Army Transport Service 
    and the Naval Transport Service) during World War II. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs and in addition to Ways and Means Jan. 4, 
    2007. Reported amended from Veterans' Affairs July 27, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-269, Pt. I. Ways and Means discharged. July 27, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 30, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Sept. 5, 2007.
H.R. 29.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct 
    facilities to provide water for irrigation, municipal, 
    domestic, military, and other uses from the Santa Margarita 
    River, California, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Armed Services Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported from Natural Resources Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-503, 
    Pt. I. Referral to Armed Services extended Dec. 19, 2007 for a 
    period ending not later than Jan. 15, 2008. Armed Services 
    discharged. Jan. 15, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Feb. 12, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2008. Reported with 
    amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 30.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Eastern Municipal Water 
    District Recycled Water System Pressurization and Expansion 
    Project. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 7, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 8, 2007. Reported 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-310. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
H.R. 31.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Elsinore Valley Municipal Water 
    District Wildomar Service Area Recycled Water Distribution 
    Facilities and Alberhill Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation 
    Facility Projects. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-243. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 33.--To provide for a credit for employers of tipped 
    employees in determining the minimum wage required in States 
    that require employers to pay a minimum wage at a rate higher 
    than the Federal rate. Referred to Education and Labor Jan. 4, 
H.R. 34.--To establish a pilot program in certain United States 
    district courts to encourage enhancement of expertise in 
    patent cases among district judges. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Jan. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Feb. 13, 
H.R. 49 (S. 194).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 1300 North Frontage Road West in 
    Vail, Colorado, as the ``Gerald R. Ford, Jr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 29, 2007; Roll No. 
    59: 409-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 31, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Mar. 5, 2007. Approved Mar. 7, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 50.--To reauthorize the African Elephant Conservation Act and 
    the Rhinoceros and Tiger Conservation Act of 1994. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended July 23, 
    2007; Rept. 110-244. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Environment and Public Works July 24, 2007. Reported Aug. 
    2, 2007; Rept. 110-211. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Dec. 6, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-132.
H.R. 53.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to enter into 
    a long-term lease with the Government of the United States 
    Virgin Islands to provide land on the island of Saint John, 
    Virgin Islands, for the establishment of a school, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-399. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 
    23, 2007.
H.R. 57.--To repeal certain sections of the Act of May 26, 1936, 
    pertaining to the Virgin Islands. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 17, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 18, 2007. Reported Feb. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-19. 
    Passed Senate June 12, 2007. Presented to the President June 
    20, 2007. Approved June 29, 2007. Public Law 110-40.
H.R. 65 (H. Res. 465).--To provide for the recognition of the 
    Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended 
    May 22, 2007; Rept. 110-164. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended June 7, 2007; Roll No. 447: 256-128. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Indian Affairs June 12, 2007. Reported 
    July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-409.
H.R. 67.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to improve the 
    outreach activities of the Department of Veterans Affairs, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Jan. 4, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 23, 2007; Roll 
    No. 410: 421-0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 85.--To provide for the establishment of centers to encourage 
    demonstration and commercial application of advanced energy 
    methods and technologies. Referred to Science and Technology 
    Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-38. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 12, 
    2007; Roll No. 136: 395-1. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 13, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-162. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 122.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Inland Empire regional 
    recycling project and in the Cucamonga Valley Water District 
    recycling project. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 5, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 
H.R. 123.--To authorize appropriations for the San Gabriel Basin 
    Restoration Fund. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Jan. 4, 2007. Committee discharged. Rereferred 
    to Natural Resources June 25, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 11, 
    2007; Rept. 110-483. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Environment and Public Works Dec. 12, 2007. Committee 
    discharged Apr. 10, 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Apr. 10, 2008. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-
H.R. 135.--To establish the Twenty-First Century Water Commission 
    to study and develop recommendations for a comprehensive water 
    strategy to address future water needs. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Jan. 4, 2007. Reported from Natural Resources Dec. 19, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-504, Pt. I. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended Dec. 19, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Jan. 15, 2008. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended Jan. 15, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Feb. 29, 2008. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended Feb. 29, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Apr. 30, 2008. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended Apr. 30, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than May 22, 2008. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended May 22, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than June 6, 2008. Reported amended from Transportation 
    and Infrastructure June 4, 2008; Pt. II.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 429
H.R. 137 (S. 261).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    strengthen prohibitions against animal fighting, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to 
    Agriculture Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended from the Judiciary 
    Mar. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-27, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged. 
    Mar. 1, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Mar. 26, 2007; Roll No. 188: 368-39. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 27, 2007. 
    Passed Senate Apr. 10, 2007. Presented to the President Apr. 
    24, 2007. Approved May 3, 2007. Public Law 110-22.
H.R. 160.--To amend the American Battlefield Protection Act of 
    1996 to establish a battlefield acquisition grant program for 
    the acquisition and protection of nationally significant 
    battlefields and associated sites of the Revolutionary War and 
    the War of 1812, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 
    110-796. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    24, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 
    2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 161.--To adjust the boundary of the Minidoka Internment 
    National Monument to include the Nidoto Nai Yoni Memorial in 
    Bainbridge Island, Washington, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Feb. 6, 2007; Roll No. 76: 419-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7, 
    2007. Reported with amendments June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-101. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 162.--To adjust the boundary of the Barataria Preserve Unit 
    of the Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve in 
    the State of Louisiana, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Reported Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 59
H.R. 176.--To authorize assistance to the countries of the 
    Caribbean to fund educational development and exchange 
    programs. Referred to Foreign Affairs Jan. 4, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-254. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 30, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 31, 2007; Roll No. 771: 
    371-55. Received in Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Aug. 3, 2007. Reported with amendments Sept. 15, 
    2008; Rept. 110-463.
H.R. 180.--To require the identification of companies that conduct 
    business operations in Sudan, to prohibit United States 
    Government contracts with such companies, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in addition to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 4, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 30, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 31, 2007; Roll No. 764: 418-1. Received in 
    Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 187 (S. 521).--To designate the Federal building and United 
    States courthouse and customhouse located at 515 West First 
    Street in Duluth, Minnesota, as the ``Gerald W. Heaney Federal 
    Building and United States Courthouse and Customhouse''. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 4, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 7, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Environment and Public Works Feb. 8, 2007.
H.R. 188.--To provide a new effective date for the applicability 
    of certain provisions of law to Public Law 105-331. Referred 
    to Financial Services Jan. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Jan. 16, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. 17, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Jan. 25, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Jan. 30, 2007. Approved Feb. 8, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 189.--To establish the Paterson Great Falls National Park in 
    the State of New Jersey. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 
    2007. Reported amended Aug. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-310. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007; 
    Roll No. 983: 256-122. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported with 
    amendment June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-376.
H.R. 235.--To allow for the renegotiation of the payment schedule 
    of contracts between the Secretary of the Interior and the 
    Redwood Valley County Water District, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Feb. 6, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2007. 
    Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-117. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 236.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to create a 
    Bureau of Reclamation partnership with the North Bay Water 
    Reuse Authority and other regional partners to achieve 
    objectives relating to water supply, water quality, and 
    environmental restoration. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 
    4, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-458. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Dec. 4, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 5, 2007; Roll No. 
    1130: 358-55. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Dec. 6, 2007. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
H.R. 238.--To repeal a prohibition on the use of certain funds for 
    tunneling in certain areas with respect to the Los Angeles to 
    San Fernando Valley Metro Rail project, California. Referred 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 4, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 7, 2007. Received in Senate Feb. 
    8, 2007. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 
    27, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment 
    Dec. 3, 2007.
H.R. 247.--To designate a Forest Service trail at Waldo Lake in 
    the Willamette National Forest in the State of Oregon as a 
    national recreation trail in honor of Jim Weaver, a former 
    Member of the House of Representatives. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-
    163. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 249 (H. Res. 331).--To restore the prohibition on the 
    commercial sale and slaughter of wild free-roaming horses and 
    burros. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 5, 2007. Reported 
    Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-93. Union Calendar. Passed House Apr. 
    26, 2007; Roll No. 269: 277-137. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 26, 2007.
H.R. 251 (S. 704).--To amend the Communications Act of 1934 to 
    prohibit manipulation of caller identification information, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 
    5, 2007. Reported amended June 11, 2007; Rept. 110-188. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 12, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation June 13, 2007.
H.R. 263.--To authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    establish a program to award grants to institutions of higher 
    education for the establishment or expansion of cybersecurity 
    professional development programs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Science and Technology and in addition to 
    Education and Labor, and Homeland Security Jan. 5, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Homeland Security Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 
    110-829, Pt. I.
H.R. 275.--To promote freedom of expression on the Internet, to 
    protect United States businesses from coercion to participate 
    in repression by authoritarian foreign governments, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to 
    Energy and Commerce Jan. 5, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Foreign Affairs Dec. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-481, Pt. I. Referral 
    to Energy and Commerce extended Dec. 10, 2007 for a period 
    ending not later than Jan. 16, 2008. Referral to Energy and 
    Commerce extended Jan. 15, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Feb. 1, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 16, 2008 for 
    a period ending not later than Feb. 1, 2008. Referral to 
    Energy and Commerce extended Feb. 1, 2008 for a period ending 
    not later than Feb. 22, 2008. Referral to the Judiciary 
    extended Feb. 1, 2008 for a period ending not later than Feb. 
    8, 2008. Referral to the Judiciary extended Feb. 8, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Feb. 22, 2008. Energy and 
    Commerce and the Judiciary discharged Feb. 22, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 320
H.R. 276.--To designate the Piedras Blancas Light Station and the 
    surrounding public land as an Outstanding Natural Area to be 
    administered as a part of the National Landscape Conservation 
    System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Jan. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-118. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 281.--To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to allow all 
    eligible voters to vote by mail in Federal elections. Referred 
    to House Administration Jan. 5, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 
    14, 2008; Rept. 110-581.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 359
H.R. 285.--To establish the Steel Industry National Historic Site 
    in the State of Pennsylvania. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Jan. 5, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-92.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 57
H.R. 299.--To adjust the boundary of Lowell National Historical 
    Park, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Jan. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-311. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 309.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish a 
    demonstration program to facilitate landscape restoration 
    programs within certain units of the National Park System 
    established by law to preserve and interpret resources 
    associated with American history, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-90. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007.
H.R. 319 (S. 289).--To establish the Journey Through Hallowed 
    Ground National Heritage Area, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-95.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 60
H.R. 323.--To amend section 5313 of title 31, United States Code, 
    to reform certain requirements for reporting cash 
    transactions, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services Jan. 9, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and 
    Urban Affairs Jan. 24, 2007.
H.R. 327 (S. 479).--To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to 
    develop and implement a comprehensive program designed to 
    reduce the incidence of suicide among veterans. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Jan. 9, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 20, 
    2007; Rept. 110-55. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 21, 2007; Roll No. 174: 423-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 27, 
    2007. House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the 
    rules Oct. 23, 2007; Roll No. 987: 417-0. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 24, 2007. Approved Nov. 5, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 335 (S. 219).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 152 North 5th Street in Laramie, 
    Wyoming, as the ``Gale W. McGee Post Office''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 9, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Jan. 29, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 31, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Mar. 5, 2007. Approved Mar. 7, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-8.
H.R. 342.--To designate the United States courthouse located at 
    555 Independence Street, Cape Girardeau, Missouri, as the 
    ``Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr., United States Courthouse''. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended Feb. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-10. House Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 12, 2007. Received 
    in Senate Feb. 13, 2007. Referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Feb. 17, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Mar. 
    9, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 14, 2007. Approved 
    Mar. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-13.
H.R. 356.--To remove certain restrictions on the Mammoth Community 
    Water District's ability to use certain property acquired by 
    that District from the United States. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 9, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 7, 2007. Reported with amendment June 16, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-377.
H.R. 359.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study of sites associated with the life of 
    Cesar Estarada Chavez and the farm labor movement. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Jan. 9, 2007. Reported amended July 10, 
    2007; Rept. 110-223. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 10, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources July 11, 2007. Reported Apr. 
    10, 2008; Rept. 110-312. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 361.--To amend the Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Resources 
    Conservation and Improvement Act of 2000 to authorize 
    additional projects and activities under that Act, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 10, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 5, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 7, 2007.
H.R. 362 (H. Res. 327) (H.R. 2272).--To authorize science 
    scholarships for educating mathematics and science teachers, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology 
    Jan. 10, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-85. 
    Union Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 24, 2007; Roll No. 
    254: 389-22. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 25, 2007.
H.R. 363 (H. Res. 318) (H.R. 2272).--To authorize appropriations 
    for basic research and research infrastructure in science and 
    engineering, and for support of graduate fellowships, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology Jan. 10, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-39. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 24, 2007; Roll No. 257: 
    397-20. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions Apr. 25, 2007.
H.R. 365 (S. 635).--To provide for a research program for 
    remediation of closed methamphetamine production laboratories, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology 
    Jan. 10, 2007. Reported Feb. 7, 2007; Rept. 110-8. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 7, 2007; Roll No. 
    78: 426-2. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Feb. 8, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Dec. 11, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 13, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-143.
H.R. 366 (S. 1585).--To designate the Department of Veterans 
    Affairs Outpatient Clinic in Tulsa, Oklahoma, as the ``Ernest 
    Childers Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic''. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Jan. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 25, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 26, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 19 (Legislative day of Dec. 18), 2007. Presented 
    to the President Dec. 20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-156.
H.R. 376.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study to determine the suitability and 
    feasibility of including the battlefields and related sites of 
    the First and Second Battles of Newtonia, Missouri, during the 
    Civil War as part of Wilson's Creek National Battlefield or 
    designating the battlefields and related sites as a separate 
    unit of the National Park System, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported June 26, 
    2007; Rept. 110-102. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 386.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
    certain buildings and lands of the Yakima Project, Washington, 
    to the Yakima-Tieton Irrigation District. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 6, 
    2007; Roll No. 77: 417-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2007.
H.R. 390.--To require the establishment of a national database in 
    the National Archives to preserve records of servitude, 
    emancipation, and post-Civil War reconstruction and to provide 
    grants to State and local entities to establish similar local 
    databases. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 22, 2007; Roll 
    No. 45: 414-1. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 23, 2007. Reported with 
    amendment Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report.
H.R. 391.--To authorize the Secretary of Housing and Urban 
    Development to continue to insure, and to enter into 
    commitments to insure, home equity conversion mortgages under 
    section 255 of the National Housing Act. Referred to Financial 
    Services Jan. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 16, 
    2007. Received in Senate Jan. 17, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Jan. 18, 2007.
H.R. 392.--To provide for a circulating quarter dollar coin 
    program to honor the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of 
    Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the United States Virgin 
    Islands, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 
    10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Jan. 24, 2007.
H.R. 399.--To designate the United States Courthouse to be 
    constructed in Jackson, Mississippi, as the ``R. Jess Brown 
    United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Jan. 10, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 
    110-20. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 6, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Mar. 7, 
    2007. Committee discharged Mar. 14, 2007. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Mar. 14, 2007.
H.R. 400 (S. 119).--To prohibit profiteering and fraud relating to 
    military action, relief, and reconstruction efforts, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-353. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2007; 
    Roll No. 950: 375-3. Received in Senate Oct. 15, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 17, 2007.
H.R. 401 (S. 1446).--To amend the National Capital Transportation 
    Act of 1969 to authorize additional Federal contributions for 
    maintaining and improving the transit system of the Washington 
    Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 9, 2007; Rept. 110-141.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 83
H.R. 404.--To require the establishment of customer service 
    standards for Federal agencies. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Jan. 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 23, 2007; Roll No. 687: 383-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    July 24, 2007. Reported with amendment Oct. 1 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
H.R. 406.--To posthumously award a Congressional Gold Medal to 
    Alice Paul in recognition of her role in the women's suffrage 
    movement and in advancing equal rights for women. Referred to 
    Financial Services Jan. 11, 2007. Considered under suspension 
    of rules May 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    May 15, 2008; Roll No. 326: 412-1. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 19, 2008.
H.R. 407.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    study to determine the feasibility of establishing the 
    Columbia-Pacific National Heritage Area in the States of 
    Washington and Oregon, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Jan. 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended May 7, 2007; Roll No. 302: 294-80. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 8, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-164. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 409.--To amend title 23, United States Code, to inspect 
    highway tunnels. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Jan. 11, 2007. Reported Nov. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-454. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 22, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Jan. 23, 2008.
H.R. 414.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 60 Calle McKinley, West in Mayaguez, Puerto 
    Rico, as the ``Miguel Angel Garcia Mendez Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 13, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate May 23, 2007. Presented to the 
    President May 31, 2007. Approved June 1, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 415 (H. Res. 1339) (S. 868).--To amend the Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers Act to designate segments of the Taunton River in the 
    Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a component of the National 
    Wild and Scenic Rivers System. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Jan. 11, 2007. Reported amended July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-735. 
    Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 16, 2008; Roll No. 
    507: 242-175. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar July 17, 2008.
H.R. 416.--To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit 
    assistance to institutions of higher education located in 
    States that provide in-State tuition or other forms of student 
    financial assistance to illegal aliens. Referred to Education 
    and Labor Jan. 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 
    25, 2007.
H.R. 429.--To designate the United States courthouse located at 
    225 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York, as the ``Hugh L. 
    Carey United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure Jan. 11, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-22. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Mar. 13, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Mar. 14, 2007.
H.R. 430.--To designate the United States bankruptcy courthouse 
    located at 271 Cadman Plaza East, Brooklyn, New York, as the 
    ``Conrad Duberstein United States Bankruptcy Courthouse''. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 11, 2007. 
    Reported amended Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-21. House Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 13, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 
    14, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Presented to the President 
    July 7, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 110-262.
H.R. 433.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1700 Main Street in Little Rock, Arkansas, 
    as the ``Scipio A. Jones Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 12, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 6, 
    2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Mar. 5, 2007. Approved Mar. 7, 
    2007. Public Law 110-9.
H.R. 434.--To provide for an additional temporary extension of 
    programs under the Small Business Act and the Small Business 
    Investment Act of 1958 through December 31, 2007, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Small Business Jan. 12, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 17, 2007; Roll No. 
    28: 413-2. Received in Senate and referred to Small Business 
    and Entrepreneurship Jan. 18, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendments Feb. 1, 2007. House agreed to 
    Senate amendments under suspension of the rules Feb. 7, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Feb. 9, 2007. Approved Feb. 15, 
    2007. Public Law 110-4.
H.R. 437.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 500 West Eisenhower Street in Rio Grande 
    City, Texas, as the ``Lino Perez, Jr. Post Office''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 12, 2007. Considered 
    under suspension of rules Feb. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Feb. 13, 2007; Roll No. 98: 421-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Feb. 14, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate May 23, 2007. Presented to the President 
    May 31, 2007. Approved June 1, 2007. Public Law 110-30.
H.R. 465.--To reauthorize the Asian Elephant Conservation Act of 
    1997. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 12, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-245. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works July 24, 
    2007. Reported Aug. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-212. Passed Senate Nov. 
    16, 2007. Presented to the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved 
    Dec. 6, 2007. Public Law 110-133.
H.R. 467.--To authorize early repayment of obligations to the 
    Bureau of Reclamation within the A & B Irrigation District in 
    the State of Idaho. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 12, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007.
H.R. 475.--To revise the composition of the House of 
    Representatives Page Board to equalize the number of members 
    representing the majority and minority parties and to include 
    a member representing the parents of pages and a member 
    representing former pages, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    House Administration Jan. 16, 2007. Passed House Jan. 19, 
    2007; Roll No. 42: 416-0. Received in Senate Jan. 22, 2007. 
    Passed Senate Jan. 23, 2007. Presented to the President Jan. 
    25, 2007. Approved Feb. 2, 2007. Public Law 110-2.
H.R. 476.--To amend title 5, United States Code, to make 
    noncreditable for Federal retirement purposes any Member 
    service performed by an individual who is convicted of any of 
    certain offenses committed by that individual while serving as 
    a Member of Congress, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    House Administration and in addition to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Jan. 16, 2007. Considered under suspension 
    of rules Jan. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Jan. 23, 2007; Roll No. 49: 431-0. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 
    24, 2007.
H.R. 477 (S. 999).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    strengthen education, prevention, and treatment programs 
    relating to stroke, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce Jan. 16, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 27, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-75. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Mar. 27, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Mar. 28, 2007.
H.R. 478.--To designate the Federal building and United States 
    courthouse located at 101 Barr Street in Lexington, Kentucky, 
    as the ``Scott Reed Federal Building and United States 
    Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Jan. 16, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-19. House 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 13, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Mar. 14, 2007.
H.R. 482.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to transfer 
    ownership of the American River Pump Station Project, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 16, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Feb. 6, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 7, 2007; Roll No. 80: 425-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 8, 2007. Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-119. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 487.--To amend the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Equitable 
    Compensation Act to provide compensation to members of the 
    Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe for damage resulting from the Oahe 
    Dam and Reservoir Project, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Jan. 16, 2007. Reported May 7, 2007; Rept. 
    110-128. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 7, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Indian Affairs May 8, 
H.R. 493 (H.R. 1424) (H. Res. 1156) (H. Con. Res. 340) (S. 358).--
    To prohibit discrimination on the basis of genetic information 
    with respect to health insurance and employment. Referred to 
    Education and Labor and in addition to Energy and Commerce, 
    and Ways and Means Jan. 16, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Education and Labor Mar. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-28, Pt. I. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means extended 
    Mar. 5, 2007 for a period ending not later than Mar. 23, 2007. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means extended 
    Mar. 23, 2007 for a period ending not later than Mar. 26, 
    2007. Reported amended from Ways and Means Mar. 26, 2007; Pt. 
    II. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Mar. 26, 2007 for 
    a period ending not later than Mar. 29, 2007. Reported amended 
    from Energy and Commerce Mar. 29, 2007; Pt. III. Union 
    Calendar. Supplemental report filed Apr. 19, 2007; Pt. IV. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 25, 2007; Roll No. 
    261: 420-3. Received in Senate Apr. 26, 2007. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Apr. 30, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment 
    Apr. 24, 2008; Roll No. 113: 95-0. Senate requested return of 
    papers Apr. 28, 2008. Papers returned to Senate Apr. 29, 2008. 
    Senate returned papers to House Apr. 29, 2008. House agreed to 
    Senate amendment May 1, 2008; Roll No. 234: 414-1. Presented 
    to the President May 19, 2008. Approved May 21, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-233.
H.R. 494.--To provide for the conditional conveyance of any 
    interest retained by the United States in St. Joseph Memorial 
    Hall in St. Joseph, Michigan. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Jan. 16, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Feb. 27, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 28, 2007.
H.R. 495.--To update the management of Oregon water resources, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 16, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 24, 
H.R. 497.--To authorize the Marion Park Project, a committee of 
    the Palmetto Conservation Foundation, to establish a 
    commemorative work on Federal land in the District of 
    Columbia, and its environs to honor Brigadier General Francis 
    Marion. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 16, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2007; Roll No. 120: 390-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-103. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 505 (H. Res. 764) (S. 310).--To express the policy of the 
    United States regarding the United States relationship with 
    Native Hawaiians and to provide a process for the recognition 
    by the United States of the Native Hawaiian governing entity. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 17, 2007. Reported Oct. 18, 
    2007; Rept. 110-389. Union Calendar. Passed House Oct. 24, 
    2007; Roll No. 1000: 261-153. Received in Senate Oct. 25, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 26, 2007.
H.R. 507.--To establish a grant program to provide vision care to 
    children, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Jan. 17, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 
    110-376. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 16, 2007.
H.R. 512.--To establish the Commission to Study the Potential 
    Creation of the National Museum of the American Latino to 
    develop a plan of action for the establishment and maintenance 
    of a National Museum of the American Latino in Washington, DC, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in 
    addition to House Administration Jan. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 6, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 7, 
    2007. Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-104. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 513.--To amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to enhance 
    the protection of credit ratings of active duty military 
    personnel who are activated for military service. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Jan. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Nov. 5, 2007; Roll No. 1035: 349-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Veterans' Affairs Nov. 6, 2007.
H.R. 514.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 16150 Aviation Loop Drive in Brooksville, 
    Florida, as the ``Sergeant Lea Robert Mills Brooksville 
    Aviation Branch Post Office''. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Jan. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Feb. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 6, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Mar. 5, 2007. Approved Mar. 7, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 518.--To amend the Solid Waste Disposal Act to authorize 
    States to restrict receipt of foreign municipal solid waste 
    and implement the Agreement Concerning the Transboundary 
    Movement of Hazardous Waste between the United States and 
    Canada, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Jan. 17, 2007. Reported Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-81. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 24, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Apr. 25, 2007.
H.R. 521 (S. 412).--To designate the facility of the United States 
    Postal Service located at 2633 11th Street in Rock Island, 
    Illinois, as the ``Lane Evans Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 17, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Jan. 29, 2007; Roll No. 58: 405-3. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 31, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Feb. 17, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 
    5, 2007. Approved Mar. 15, 2007. Public Law 110-12.
H.R. 523.--To require the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
    certain public land located wholly or partially within the 
    boundaries of the Wells Hydroelectric Project of Public 
    Utility District No. 1 of Douglas County, Washington, to the 
    utility district. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 17, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-398. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007; Roll No. 
    984: 377-0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 544.--To designate the United States courthouse at South 
    Federal Place in Santa Fe, New Mexico, as the ``Santiago E. 
    Campos United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure Jan. 17, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-18. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Mar. 6, 2007. Received in Senate Mar. 7, 2007. Passed Senate 
    Mar. 9, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 14, 2007. 
    Approved Mar. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-14.
H.R. 545.--To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act 
    of 1968 to clarify that territories and Indian tribes are 
    eligible to receive grants for confronting the use of 
    methamphetamine. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to 
    Energy and Commerce Jan. 17, 2007. Reported from the Judiciary 
    Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-35, Pt. I. Referral to Energy and 
    Commerce extended Mar. 8, 2007 for a period ending not later 
    than Apr. 20, 2007. Reported amended from Energy and Commerce 
    Mar. 21, 2007; Pt. II. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Mar. 21, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 22, 2007; Roll No. 183: 423-0. Received in 
    Senate Mar. 23, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 26, 
H.R. 547 (H. Res. 133).--To facilitate the development of markets 
    for alternative fuels and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel fuel through 
    research, development, and demonstration and data collection. 
    Referred to Science and Technology Jan. 18, 2007. Reported 
    amended Feb. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-7. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Feb. 8, 2007; Roll No. 92: 400-3. Received in 
    Senate Feb. 12, 2007. Referred to Environment and Public Works 
    Feb. 17, 2007.
H.R. 554 (S. 320).--To provide for the protection of 
    paleontological resources on Federal lands, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to 
    Agriculture Jan. 18, 2007. Reported amended from Natural 
    Resources May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-670, Pt. I. Referral to 
    Agriculture extended May 22, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than June 20, 2008. Referral to Agriculture extended 
    June 20, 2008 for a period ending not later than July 18, 
    2008. Referred to the Judiciary June 20, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than July 18, 2008. Referral to Agriculture 
    and the Judiciary extended July 18, 2008 for a period ending 
    not later than Aug. 1, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the 
    Judiciary extended Aug. 1, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Sept. 12, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary 
    extended Sept. 12, 2008 for a period ending not later than 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary 
    extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a period ending not later than 
    Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary 
    extended Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not later than 
    Sept. 29, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary 
    extended Sept. 29, 2008 for a period ending not later than 
    Oct. 2, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary 
    extended Oct. 2, 2008 for a period ending not later than Oct. 
    3, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Judiciary extended 
    Oct. 3, 2008 for a period ending not later than Jan. 3, 2009.
H.R. 556 (H. Res. 195) (S. 1610).--To ensure national security 
    while promoting foreign investment and the creation and 
    maintenance of jobs, to reform the process by which such 
    investments are examined for any effect they may have on 
    national security, to establish the Committee on Foreign 
    Investment in the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services and in addition to Energy and 
    Commerce, and Foreign Affairs Jan. 18, 2007. Reported amended 
    from Financial Services Feb. 23, 2007; Rept. 110-24, Pt. I. 
    Energy and Commerce and Foreign Affairs discharged Feb. 23, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Feb. 28, 2007; Roll 
    No. 110: 423-0. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Mar. 1, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendment June 29, 2007. House agreed to 
    Senate amendment under suspension of the rules July 11, 2007; 
    Roll No. 614: 370-45. Presented to the President July 18, 
    2007. Approved July 26, 2007. Public Law 110-49.
H.R. 569 (H. Res. 214).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution 
    Control Act to authorize appropriations for sewer overflow 
    control grants. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Jan. 18, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-16. 
    Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 7, 2007; Roll No. 
    125: 367-58. Received in Senate and referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Mar. 8, 2007.
H.R. 577.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3903 South Congress Avenue in Austin, 
    Texas, as the ``Sergeant Henry Ybarra III Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    19, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 5, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Feb. 6, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 
    17, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 5, 2007. Approved 
    Mar. 7, 2007. Public Law 110-11.
H.R. 580 (S. 214).--To amend chapter 35 of title 28, United States 
    Code, to provide for a 120-day limit to the term of a United 
    States attorney appointed on an interim basis by the Attorney 
    General, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Jan. 19, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-58. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 26, 
    2007; Roll No. 189: 329-78. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 27, 2007.
H.R. 584.--To designate the headquarters building of the 
    Department of Education in Washington, DC, as the Lyndon 
    Baines Johnson Federal Building. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure Jan. 19, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 16, 
    2007; Rept. 110-17. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 6, 2007. Received in Senate Mar. 7, 2007. 
    Passed Senate Mar. 9, 2007. Presented to the President Mar. 
    14, 2007. Approved Mar. 23, 2007. Public Law 110-15.
H.R. 599.--To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    streamline the SAFETY Act and anti-terrorism technology 
    procurement processes. Referred to Homeland Security Jan. 22, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2007; Roll No. 
    47: 427-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 24, 2007.
H.R. 609.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Central Texas Water Recycling 
    and Reuse Project, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 
    17, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007.
H.R. 612.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to extend the 
    period of eligibility for health care for combat service in 
    the Persian Gulf War or future hostilities from two years to 
    five years after discharge or release. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Jan. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    May 23, 2007; Roll No. 411: 419-0. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 625.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 4230 Maine Avenue in Baldwin Park, 
    California, as the ``Atanacio Haro-Marin Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 22, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate May 23, 2007. Presented to the President 
    May 31, 2007. Approved June 1, 2007. Public Law 110-31.
H.R. 632.--To authorize the Secretary of Energy to establish 
    monetary prizes for achievements in overcoming scientific and 
    technical barriers associated with hydrogen energy. Referred 
    to Science and Technology Jan. 23, 2007. Reported amended June 
    5, 2007; Rept. 110-171. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 6, 2007; Roll No. 433: 408-8. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources June 7, 2007.
H.R. 634.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of veterans who became disabled for life 
    while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. 
    Referred to Financial Services Jan. 23, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended May 15, 2007; Roll No. 345: 416-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs May 16, 2007. Reported with amendment June 2, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate with amendment June 10, 2008. 
    House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules 
    June 18, 2008. Presented to the President July 7, 2008. 
    Approved July 17, 2008. Public Law 110-277.
H.R. 642.--To establish a demonstration incentive program within 
    the Department of Education to promote installation of fire 
    sprinkler systems, or other fire suppression or prevention 
    technologies, in qualified student housing and dormitories, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor Jan. 
    23, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 22, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008; Roll No. 
    627: 365-51. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 644.--To facilitate the provision of assistance by the 
    Department of Housing and Urban Development for the cleanup 
    and economic redevelopment of brownfields. Referred to 
    Financial Services Jan. 23, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Feb. 27, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 28, 2007.
H.R. 658 (S. 241).--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to 
    enter into cooperative agreements to protect natural resources 
    of units of the National Park System through collaborative 
    efforts on land inside and outside of units of the National 
    Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 24, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 
    19, 2007; Roll No. 158: 390-10. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 20, 2007. 
    Reported June 26, 2007; Rept. 110-105. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 660 (S. 378) (S. Con. Res. 62).--To amend title 18, United 
    States Code, to protect judges, prosecutors, witnesses, 
    victims, and their family members, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Ways and Means, 
    and Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 24, 2007. Reported 
    amended from the Judiciary July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-218, Pt. 
    I. Ways and Means and Oversight and Government Reform 
    discharged July 10, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 10, 2007. Received in Senate July 
    11, 2007. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 3, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 17, 2007. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Dec. 
    19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2007. Approved 
    Jan. 7, 2008. Public Law 110-177.
H.R. 664.--To amend the Water Desalination Act of 1996 to 
    authorize the Secretary of the Interior to assist in research 
    and development, environmental and feasibility studies, and 
    preliminary engineering for the Municipal Water District of 
    Orange County, California, Dana Point Desalination Project 
    located at Dana Point, California. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Science and Technology Jan. 24, 
    2007. Reported from Natural Resources Jan. 17, 2008; Rept. 
    110-511, Pt. I. Science and Technology discharged. Jan. 17, 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 312
H.R. 673.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to take lands 
    in Yuma County, Arizona, into trust as part of the reservation 
    of the Cocopah Indian Tribe, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Natural Resources Jan. 24, 2007. Reported amended July 30, 
    2007; Rept. 110-271. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 
    30, 2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Indian 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 674.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to repeal the 
    provision of law requiring termination of the Advisory 
    Committee on Minority Veterans as of December 31, 2009. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Jan. 24, 2007. Reported July 24, 
    2008; Rept. 110-772. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 692 (S. 720).--To amend title 4, United States Code, to 
    authorize the Governor of a State, territory, or possession of 
    the United States to order that the National flag be flown at 
    half-staff in that State, territory, or possession in the 
    event of the death of a member of the Armed Forces from that 
    State, territory, or possession who dies while serving on 
    active duty. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 9, 2007; Rept. 110-139. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2007; Roll No. 346: 
    408-4. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 
    16, 2007. Reported June 7, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate June 14, 2007. Presented to the President June 20, 
    2007. Approved June 29, 2007. Public Law 110-41.
H.R. 694 (S. 1650).--To establish a digital and wireless network 
    technology program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Science and Technology and in addition to Education and Labor 
    Jan. 24, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 4, 
    2007; Roll No. 847: 331-59. Received in Senate Sept. 5, 2007. 
    Referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Oct. 4, 2007.
H.R. 698.--To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to establish 
    industrial bank holding company regulation, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services Jan. 29, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 16, 2007; Rept. 110-155. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2007; Roll No. 
    384: 371-16. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs May 22, 2007.
H.R. 700 (H. Res. 215).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution 
    Control Act to extend the pilot program for alternative water 
    source projects. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Jan. 29, 2007. Reported Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-15. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 8, 2007; Roll No. 130: 
    368-59. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Mar. 9, 2007.
H.R. 710 (H. Res. 837) (S. 487).--To amend the National Organ 
    Transplant Act to clarify that kidney paired donation does not 
    involve the transfer of a human organ for valuable 
    consideration. Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 29, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Mar. 6, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 7, 2007; Roll No. 126: 
    422-0. Received in Senate Mar. 8, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Mar. 14, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment July 9, 
    2007. House agreed to Senate amendment with amendments 
    pursuant to H. Res. 837 Dec. 4, 2007. Senate agreed to House 
    amendments to Senate amendment Dec. 6, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 11, 2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 713 (S. 800).--To establish the Niagara Falls National 
    Heritage Area in the State of New York, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 29, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-219.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 135
H.R. 716.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Santa Rosa Urban Water Reuse 
    Plan. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 29, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-246. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 24, 
H.R. 719 (S. 431).--To require convicted sex offenders to register 
    online identifiers, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 30, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Nov. 13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 14, 
    2007; Roll No. 1092: 417-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    the Judiciary Nov. 15, 2007.
H.R. 720 (H. Res. 229).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution 
    Control Act to authorize appropriations for State water 
    pollution control revolving funds, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 30, 2007. 
    Reported amended Mar. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-30. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Mar. 9, 2007; Roll No. 135: 303-108. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Mar. 12, 2007.
H.R. 727 (S. 657).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to add 
    requirements regarding trauma care, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Jan. 30, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-77. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 27, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Mar. 28, 2007. Passed Senate Mar. 29, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Apr. 24, 2007. Approved May 3, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-23.
H.R. 735.--To designate the Federal building under construction at 
    799 First Avenue in New York, New York, as the ``Ronald H. 
    Brown United States Mission to the United Nations Building''. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 30, 2007. 
    Reported July 11, 2007; Rept. 110-230. House Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 
    31, 2007. Referred to Environment and Public Works Aug. 3, 
    2007. Reported Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; no 
    written report. Reported Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
    2008; no written report.
H.R. 740.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to prevent 
    caller ID spoofing, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 31, 2007. Reported Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-37. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 21, 2007; 
    Roll No. 178: 413-1. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 22, 2007. Reported with amendment May 24, 2007; 
    no written report.
H.R. 742.--To amend the Antitrust Modernization Commission Act of 
    2002, to extend the term of the Antitrust Modernization 
    Commission and to make a technical correction. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Jan. 31, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 7, 
    2007. Received in Senate Feb. 8, 2007. Passed Senate Feb. 12, 
    2007. Presented to the President Feb. 16, 2007. Approved Feb. 
    26, 2007. Public Law 110-6.
H.R. 752.--To direct Federal agencies to donate excess and surplus 
    Federal electronic equipment, including computers, computer 
    components, printers, and fax machines, to qualifying small 
    towns, counties, schools, nonprofit organizations, and 
    libraries. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    31, 2007. Reported amended May 8, 2008; Rept. 110-625. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs May 22, 2008.
H.R. 753.--To redesignate the Federal building located at 167 
    North Main Street in Memphis, Tennessee, as the ``Clifford 
    Davis/Odell Horton Federal Building''. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 31, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 26, 2007; Rept. 110-72. House Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 26, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Mar. 27, 2007. Passed Senate Apr. 10, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Apr. 24, 2007. Approved May 2, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-20.
H.R. 755.--To require annual oral testimony before the Financial 
    Services Committee of the Chairperson or a designee of the 
    Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the 
    Financial Accounting Standards Board, and the Public Company 
    Accounting Oversight Board, relating to their efforts to 
    promote transparency in financial reporting. Referred to 
    Financial Services Jan. 31, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Feb. 27, 2007; Roll No. 104: 412-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 28, 
H.R. 758.--To require that health plans provide coverage for a 
    minimum hospital stay for mastectomies, lumpectomies, and 
    lymph node dissection for the treatment of breast cancer and 
    coverage for secondary consultations. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means, and Education and 
    Labor Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended from Energy and Commerce 
    Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 110-868, Pt. I. Ways and Means and 
    Education and Labor discharged Sept. 23, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 23, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2008; Roll No. 639: 
    421-2. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008.
H.R. 759.--To redesignate the Ellis Island Library on the third 
    floor of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, located on Ellis 
    Island in New York Harbor, as the ``Bob Hope Memorial 
    Library''. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 31, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Mar. 19, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 20, 2007; Roll No. 162: 420-1. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 21, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-
    313. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 761 (S. 471).--To authorize the Secretary of Interior to 
    convey to The Missouri River Basin Lewis and Clark 
    Interpretive Trail and Visitor Center Foundation, Inc. certain 
    Federal land associated with the Lewis and Clark National 
    Historic Trail in Nebraska, to be used as an historical 
    interpretive site along the trail. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 
    110-247. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources July 24, 2007.
H.R. 767.--To protect, conserve, and restore native fish, 
    wildlife, and their natural habitats at national wildlife 
    refuges through cooperative, incentive-based grants to 
    control, mitigate, and eradicate harmful nonnative species, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 31, 
    2007. Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-397. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Committee discharged Nov. 8, 2007. 
    Referred to Environment and Public Works Nov. 8, 2007.
H.R. 781.--To redesignate Lock and Dam No. 5 of the McClellan-Kerr 
    Arkansas River Navigation System near Redfield, Arkansas, 
    authorized by the Rivers and Harbors Act approved July 24, 
    1946, as the ``Colonel Charles D. Maynard Lock and Dam''. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 31, 2007. 
    Reported July 11, 2007; Rept. 110-229. House Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 16, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Environment and Public Works July 17, 2007. 
    Reported June 4, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate June 
    24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 7, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 783 (S. 126).--To modify the boundary of Mesa Verde National 
    Park, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Jan. 31, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-396. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 
    2007. Received in Senate Oct. 23, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 786.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Los Angeles County Water Supply 
    Augmentation Demonstration Project, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 31, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007.
H.R. 797 (H. Res. 855) (S. 1163).--To amend title 38, United 
    States Code, to improve compensation benefits for veterans in 
    certain cases of impairment of vision involving both eyes, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Feb. 5, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-57. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 21, 2007; 
    Roll No. 175: 424-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Nov. 2, 2007. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment with amendments pursuant to H. Res. 855 Dec. 11, 
    2007. Senate agreed to House amendments to Senate amendment 
    Dec. 17, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-157.
H.R. 798.--To direct the Administrator of General Services to 
    install a photovoltaic system for the headquarters building of 
    the Department of Energy. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Feb. 5, 2007. Reported Feb. 12, 2007; Rept. 
    110-11. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Feb. 13, 2007. Reported Nov. 7, 2007; Rept. 110-
H.R. 799 (S. 496).--To reauthorize and improve the program 
    authorized by the Appalachian Regional Development Act of 
    1965. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 5, 
    2007. Reported amended Mar. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-33. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 16, 2007; 
    Roll No. 632: 332-70. Received in Senate and ordered placed on 
    the calendar July 17, 2007.
H.R. 800 (H. Res. 203).--To amend the National Labor Relations Act 
    to establish an efficient system to enable employees to form, 
    join, or assist labor organizations, to provide for mandatory 
    injunctions for unfair labor practices during organizing 
    efforts, and for other purposes. Referred to Education and 
    Labor Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-
    23. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 1, 2007; Roll 
    No. 118: 241-185. Received in Senate Mar. 1, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 2, 2007.
H.R. 802.--To amend the Act to Prevent Pollution from ships to 
    implement MARPOL Annex VI. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 20, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-54. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Mar. 26, 2007; Roll No. 187: 359-48. Received in 
    Senate Mar. 27, 2007. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Mar. 28, 2007. Reported with amendment June 23, 
    2008; Rept. 110-394. Passed Senate with amendment June 26, 
    2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the 
    rules July 8, 2008. Presented to the President July 10, 2008. 
    Approved July 21, 2008. Public Law 110-280.
H.R. 807.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resource study to determine the feasibility and 
    suitability of establishing a memorial to the Space Shuttle 
    Columbia in the State of Texas and for its inclusion as a unit 
    of the National Park System. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Feb. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-314. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 811.--To amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require a 
    voter-verified permanent paper ballot under title III of such 
    Act, and for other purposes. Referred to House Administration 
    Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended May 16, 2007; Rept. 110-154.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 91
H.R. 813.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Prado Basin Natural Treatment 
    System Project, to authorize the Secretary to carry out a 
    program to assist agencies in projects to construct regional 
    brine lines in California, to authorize the Secretary to 
    participate in the Lower Chino Dairy Area desalination 
    demonstration and reclamation project, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. 
    Reported with amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 814.--To require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to 
    issue regulations mandating child-resistant closures on all 
    portable gasoline containers. Referred to Energy and Commerce 
    Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-367. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Oct. 15, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate June 16, 2008. Presented to the President July 7, 2008. 
    Approved July 17, 2008. Public Law 110-278.
H.R. 815.--To provide for the conveyance of certain land in Clark 
    County, Nevada, for use by the Nevada National Guard. Referred 
    to Natural Resources Feb. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported with amendment 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-315. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 
H.R. 816.--To provide for the release of certain land from the 
    Sunrise Mountain Instant Study Area in the State of Nevada and 
    to grant a right-of-way across the released land for the 
    construction and maintenance of a flood control project. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Feb. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-531. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Mar. 4, 2008; Roll No. 90: 375-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 5, 2008. Reported with amendments Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
H.R. 830.--To authorize the exchange of certain lands in Denali 
    National Park in the State of Alaska. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 
    110-395. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
    110-316. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 831 (S. 202).--To provide for the conveyance of certain 
    Forest Service land to the city of Coffman Cove, Alaska. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 17, 2008; Rept. 110-592. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Apr. 22, 2008; Roll No. 207: 382-0. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 23, 
H.R. 835 (H. Res. 269).--To reauthorize the programs of the 
    Department of Housing and Urban Development for housing 
    assistance for Native Hawaiians. Referred to Financial 
    Services Feb. 6, 2007. Reported Mar. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-50. 
    Union Calendar. Failed of passage under suspension of the 
    rules (two-thirds required) Mar. 21, 2007; Roll No. 173: 262-
    162. Considered Mar. 27, 2007. Passed House Mar. 28, 2007; 
    Roll No. 205: 272-150. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Indian Affairs Mar. 28, 2007. Reported July 9, 2007; Rept. 
    110-126. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 
    25, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written report.
H.R. 838.--To provide for the conveyance of the Bureau of Land 
    Management parcels known as the White Acre and Gambel Oak 
    properties and related real property to Park City, Utah, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 6, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 19, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 20, 
    2007. Reported with amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
H.R. 839.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the 
    feasibility of enlarging the Arthur V. Watkins Dam Weber Basin 
    Project, Utah, to provide additional water for the Weber Basin 
    Project to fulfill the purposes for which that project was 
    authorized. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 6, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 19, 2007; Roll No. 159: 394-1. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Mar. 20, 2007. Reported June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-
    120. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 840.--To amend the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to 
    consolidate the housing assistance programs for homeless 
    persons under title IV of such Act, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services Feb. 6, 2007. Reported amended 
    Oct. 2, 2008; Rept. 110-906.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 583
H.R. 865.--To grant rights-of-way for electric transmission lines 
    over certain Native allotments in the State of Alaska. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 6, 2007. Reported Apr. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-91. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate Apr. 18, 2007. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 23, 2007.
H.R. 884.--To provide for the establishment of the Science and 
    Technology Homeland Security International Cooperative 
    Programs Office, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security Feb. 7, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 
    2007; Roll No. 105: 396-16. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 28, 2007.
H.R. 885.--To support the establishment of an international regime 
    for the assured supply of nuclear fuel for peaceful means and 
    to authorize voluntary contributions to the International 
    Atomic Energy Agency to support the establishment of an 
    international nuclear fuel bank. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Feb. 7, 2007. Reported amended June 18, 2007; Rept. 110-196. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 18, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations 
    June 19, 2007.
H.R. 886.--To enhance ecosystem protection and the range of 
    outdoor opportunities protected by statute in the Skykomish 
    River valley of the State of Washington by designating certain 
    lower-elevation Federal lands as wilderness, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2007. Reported 
    Apr. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-89. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported June 28, 
    2007; Rept. 110-121. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 890.--To establish requirements for lenders and institutions 
    of higher education in order to protect students and other 
    borrowers receiving educational loans. Referred to Education 
    and Labor and in addition to Financial Services Feb. 7, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 9, 2007; Roll No. 
    313: 414-3. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions May 10, 2007.
H.R. 900.--To provide for a federally sanctioned self-
    determination process for the people of Puerto Rico. Referred 
    to Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 22, 
    2008; Rept. 110-597.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 370
H.R. 902.--To facilitate the use for irrigation and other purposes 
    of water produced in connection with development of energy 
    resources. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 19, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 20, 2007. 
    Reported with amendment June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-122. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 903.--To provide for a study of options for protecting the 
    open space characteristics of certain lands in and adjacent to 
    the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests in Colorado, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 7, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 
    2007. Reported with amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
H.R. 906.--To promote and coordinate global change research, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology and in 
    addition to Foreign Affairs Feb. 7, 2007. Reported amended 
    from Science and Technology Apr. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-605, Pt. 
    I. Foreign Affairs discharged. Apr. 24, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 376
H.R. 916 (S. 442).--To provide for loan repayment for prosecutors 
    and public defenders. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 8, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 14, 2007; Rept. 110-148. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2007; Roll No. 
    347: 341-73. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar May 16, 2007.
H.R. 923 (S. 535).--To establish an Unsolved Crimes Section in the 
    Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice, and an 
    Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Investigative Office in the Civil 
    Rights Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 8, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 19, 2007; Rept. 110-200. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 20, 2007; Roll No. 
    512: 422-2. Received in Senate June 21, 2007. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar June 26, 2007. Passed Senate Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 928 (H. Res. 701) (S. 2324).--To amend the Inspector General 
    Act of 1978 to enhance the independence of the Inspectors 
    General, to create a Council of the Inspectors General on 
    Integrity and Efficiency, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 8, 2007. Reported amended 
    Sept. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-354. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 3, 2007; Roll No. 937: 404-11. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    Oct. 4, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. under 
    suspension of the rules Sept. 27, 2008; Roll No. 661: 414-0. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 
    2008. Public Law 110-409.
H.R. 948.--To strengthen the authority of the Federal Government 
    to protect individuals from certain acts and practices in the 
    sale and purchase of Social Security numbers and Social 
    Security account numbers, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means Feb. 8, 
    2007. Reported amended from Energy and Commerce June 13, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-191, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means extended June 
    13, 2007 for a period ending not later than July 20, 2007. 
    Referral to Ways and Means extended July 20, 2007 for a period 
    ending not later than Sept. 7, 2007. Referral to Ways and 
    Means extended Sept. 7, 2007 for a period ending not later 
    than Oct. 5, 2007. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 5, 
    2007 for a period ending not later than Oct. 19, 2007. 
    Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 19, 2007 for a period 
    ending not later than Nov. 2, 2007. Referral to Ways and Means 
    extended Nov. 2, 2007 for a period ending not later than Nov. 
    16, 2007. Referral to Ways and Means extended Nov. 15, 2007 
    for a period ending not later than Dec. 14, 2007. Referral to 
    Ways and Means extended Dec. 14, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Feb. 1, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended 
    Feb. 1, 2008 for a period ending not later than Mar. 31, 2008. 
    Referral to Ways and Means extended Mar. 31, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than May 2, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means 
    extended May 1, 2008 for a period ending not later than June 
    6, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended June 6, 2008 for 
    a period ending not later than July 11, 2008. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended July 11, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Sept. 12, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended Sept. 
    12, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 26, 2008. 
    Referral to Ways and Means extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Sept. 29, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended 
    Sept. 29, 2008 for a period ending not later than Oct. 2, 
    2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 2, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Oct. 3, 2008. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended Oct. 3, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Jan. 3, 2009.
H.R. 954.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 365 West 125th Street in New York, New 
    York, as the ``Percy Sutton Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 8, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    6, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 11, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 19, 2007. Approved Sept. 28, 
    2007. Public Law 110-87.
H.R. 957.--To amend the Iran Sanctions Act of 1996 to expand and 
    clarify the entities against which sanctions may be imposed. 
    Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial 
    Services, Ways and Means, and Oversight and Government Reform 
    Feb. 8, 2007. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs May 22, 
    2007; Rept. 110-163, Pt. I. Oversight and Government Reform 
    discharged. May 22, 2007. Referral to Financial Services and 
    Ways and Means extended May 22, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than June 29, 2007. Referral to Financial Services and 
    Ways and Means extended June 29, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than July 13, 2007. Financial Services and Ways and 
    Means discharged July 13, 2007. Union Calendar. Considered 
    under suspension of rules July 30, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 31, 2007; Roll No. 772: 415-11. 
    Received in Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 964 (H.R. 1525).--To protect users of the Internet from 
    unknowing transmission of their personally identifiable 
    information through spyware programs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 8, 2007. Reported amended 
    May 24, 2007; Rept. 110-169. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 6, 2007; Roll No. 434: 368-48. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation June 7, 2007.
H.R. 970.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with 
    respect to the distribution of the drug dextromethorphan, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 8, 
    2007. Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-377. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions Oct. 16, 2007.
H.R. 971.--To ensure and foster continued patient safety and 
    quality of care by making the antitrust laws apply to 
    negotiations between groups of independent pharmacies and 
    health plans and health insurance issuers (including health 
    plans under parts C and D of the Medicare Program) in the same 
    manner as such laws apply to protected activities under the 
    National Labor Relations Act. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 
    8, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-898.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 579
H.R. 976 (H.R. 3162) (H. Res. 675).--to amend title XXI of the 
    Social Security Act to extend and improve the Children's 
    Health Insurance Program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means Feb. 9, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-14. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Feb. 16, 2007; Roll No. 102: 360-45. Received in 
    Senate Feb. 16, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Feb. 26, 
    2007. Considered July 31, Aug. 1, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendments Aug. 2, 2007; Roll No. 307: 68-31. House agreed to 
    Senate amendments with amendments Sept. 25, 2007; Roll No. 
    906: 265-159. Senate agreed to House amendments to Senate 
    amendments Sept. 27, 2007. Roll No. 353: 67-29. Presented to 
    the President Oct. 2, 2007. Vetoed Oct. 3, 2007. House 
    sustained Presidential veto Oct. 18, 2007; Roll No. 982: 273-
    156. In House, veto referred to the Committees on Energy and 
    Commerce and Ways and Means Oct. 18, 2007.
H.R. 980.--To provide collective bargaining rights for public 
    safety officers employed by States or their political 
    subdivisions. Referred to Education and Labor Feb. 12, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 13, 2007; Rept. 110-232. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 17, 2007; Roll No. 
    633: 314-97. Received in Senate July 18 (Legislative day of 
    July 17), 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar July 20, 2007. 
    Considered May 13, 14, 2008.
H.R. 982.--To promote democratic values and enhance democracy, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Feb. 12, 2007. 
    Reported May 2, 2007; Rept. 110-119.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 70
H.R. 985 (H. Res. 239).--To amend title 5, United States Code, to 
    clarify which disclosures of information are protected from 
    prohibited personnel practices; to require a statement in 
    nondisclosure policies, forms, and agreements to the effect 
    that such policies, forms, and agreements are consistent with 
    certain disclosure protections, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform and in addition to 
    Armed Services Feb. 12, 2007. Reported amended from Oversight 
    and Government Reform Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-42, Pt. I. Armed 
    Services discharged. Mar. 9, 2007. Union Calendar. 
    Supplemental report filed from Oversight and Government Reform 
    Mar. 12, 2007; Pt. II. Passed House amended Mar. 14, 2007; 
    Roll No. 153: 331-94. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 15, 2007.
H.R. 986 (H. Res. 580) (S. 553).--To amend the Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers Act to designate certain segments of the Eightmile 
    River in the State of Connecticut as components of the 
    National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 12, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-220. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 10, 2007. Failed of 
    passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    July 11, 2007; Roll No. 615: 239-173. Considered July 30, 
    2007. Passed House amended July 31, 2007; Roll No. 767: 253-
    172. Received in Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 987 (S. 494).--To endorse further enlargement of the North 
    Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and to facilitate the 
    timely admission of new members to NATO, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Feb. 12, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 6, 2007. Received in Senate Mar. 
    7, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 9, 2007.
H.R. 988.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 5757 Tilton Avenue in Riverside, 
    California, as the ``Lieutenant Todd Jason Bryant Post 
    Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 12, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 16, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 17, 2007. Reported May 22, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate May 23, 2007. Presented to the President 
    May 24, 2007. Approved May 25, 2007. Public Law 110-27.
H.R. 990.--To provide all low-income students with the same 
    opportunity to receive a Pell Grant by eliminating the tuition 
    sensitivity provision in the Pell Grant program. Referred to 
    Education and Labor Feb. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Feb. 27, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Feb. 28, 2007.
H.R. 995.--To amend Public Law 106-348 to extend the authorization 
    for establishing a memorial in the District of Columbia or its 
    environs to honor veterans who became disabled while serving 
    in the Armed Forces of the United States. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 
    2007; Roll No. 119: 390-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-165. Passed Senate Oct. 24, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Oct. 24, 2007. Approved Oct. 25, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-106.
H.R. 998.--To direct the Librarian of Congress and the Secretary 
    of the Smithsonian Institution to carry out a joint project at 
    the Library of Congress and the National Museum of African 
    American History and Culture to collect video and audio 
    recordings of personal histories and testimonials of 
    individuals who participated in the Civil Rights movement, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to House Administration Feb. 12, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-848. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 
    2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008.
H.R. 1003.--To amend the Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring 
    Act of 1998 to reauthorize the United States Advisory 
    Commission on Public Diplomacy. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Feb. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 13, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Mar. 14, 2007. Referred to Foreign 
    Relations Mar. 19, 2007. Reported Apr. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-55. 
    Passed Senate Apr. 18, 2007. Presented to the President Apr. 
    24, 2007. Approved May 2, 2007. Public Law 110-21.
H.R. 1006.--To amend the provisions of law relating to the John H. 
    Prescott Marine Mammal Rescue Assistance Grant Program, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 13, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 19, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Mar. 20, 2007. Reported with amendment July 15, 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 1011 (H. Res. 763) (S. 570).--To designate additional 
    National Forest System lands in the State of Virginia as 
    wilderness or a wilderness study area, to designate the 
    Kimberling Creek Potential Wilderness Area for eventual 
    incorporation in the Kimberling Creek Wilderness, to establish 
    the Seng Mountain and Bear Creek Scenic Areas, to provide for 
    the development of trail plans for the wilderness areas and 
    scenic areas, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Agriculture Feb. 13, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Natural Resources Sept. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-315, Pt. I. Referral to Agriculture extended Sept. 4, 2007 
    for a period ending not later than Oct. 5, 2007. Agriculture 
    discharged. Oct. 5, 2007. Union Calendar. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 24, 2007.
H.R. 1014.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and 
    the Public Health Service Act to improve the prevention, 
    diagnosis, and treatment of heart disease, stroke, and other 
    cardiovascular diseases in women. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Feb. 13, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 
    110-874. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    25, 2008; Roll No. 642: 418-4. Received in Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 1019.--To designate the United States customhouse building 
    located at 31 Gonzalez Clemente Avenue in Mayaguez, Puerto 
    Rico, as the ``Rafael Martinez Nadal United States Customhouse 
    Building''. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 
    13, 2007. Reported Mar. 26, 2007; Rept. 110-70. House 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 26, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works Mar. 27, 2007. Reported June 4, 2008; no written report. 
    Passed Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. 
    Presented to the President July 7, 2008. Approved July 15, 
    2008. Public Law 110-276.
H.R. 1021.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    special resources study regarding the suitability and 
    feasibility of designating certain historic buildings and 
    areas in Taunton, Massachusetts, as a unit of the National 
    Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 
    19, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Mar. 20, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
    110-317. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1025.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 
    a study to determine the feasibility of implementing a water 
    supply and conservation project to improve water supply 
    reliability, increase the capacity of water storage, and 
    improve water management efficiency in the Republican River 
    Basin between Harlan County Lake in Nebraska and Milford Lake 
    in Kansas. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 7, 2007; Roll No. 303: 370-1. 
    Received in Senate May 8, 2007. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources May 9, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-318. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1036.--To authorize the Administrator of General Services to 
    convey a parcel of real property to the Alaska Railroad 
    Corporation. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Feb. 13, 2007. Reported May 10, 2007; Rept. 110-145. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works May 16, 2007.
H.R. 1045 (S. 862).--To designate the Federal building located at 
    210 Walnut Street in Des Moines, Iowa, as the ``Neal Smith 
    Federal Building''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Feb. 14, 2007. Reported Mar. 12, 2007; Rept. 
    110-46. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 13, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Mar. 14, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 20, 
    2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-158.
H.R. 1047.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 
    a study to determine the suitability and feasibility of 
    designating the Soldiers' Memorial Military Museum located in 
    St. Louis, Missouri, as a unit of the National Park System. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 14, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Mar. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported June 26, 
    2007; Rept. 110-106. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1051.--To direct the Secretary of Education to establish and 
    maintain a public website through which individuals may find a 
    complete database of available scholarships, fellowships, and 
    other programs of financial assistance in the study of 
    science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Referred to 
    Education and Labor Feb. 14, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 6, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions June 7, 2007.
H.R. 1065.--To streamline the regulation of nonadmitted insurance 
    and reinsurance, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services and in addition to the Judiciary Feb. 15, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 25, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 26, 2007.
H.R. 1066.--To increase community development investments by 
    depository institutions, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services Feb. 15, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Feb. 27, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Feb. 28, 2007.
H.R. 1068 (H.R. 2272).--To amend the High-Performance Computing 
    Act of 1991. Referred to Science and Technology Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-40. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 12, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Mar. 13, 2007.
H.R. 1071.--To provide the nonimmigrant spouses and children of 
    nonimmigrant aliens who perished in the September 11 terrorist 
    attacks an opportunity to adjust their status to that of an 
    alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Feb. 15, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-909.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 584
H.R. 1080 (S. 277).--To modify the boundaries of Grand Teton 
    National Park to include certain land within the GT Park 
    Subdivision, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 15, 2007. Reported May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-127. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 7, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar May 8, 
H.R. 1084.--To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, the State 
    Department Basic Authorities Act of 1956, and the Foreign 
    Service Act of 1980 to build operational readiness in civilian 
    agencies, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Feb. 15, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 4, 2008; Rept. 110-537. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 5, 
    2008. Received in Senate Mar. 6, 2008. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Mar. 7, 2008.
H.R. 1100 (H. Res. 429).--To revise the boundary of the Carl 
    Sandburg Home National Historic Site in the State of North 
    Carolina, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 15, 2007. Reported amended May 17, 2007; Rept. 
    110-157. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May 23, 2007; 
    Roll No. 409: 268-150. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources May 24, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-180. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1108.--To protect the public health by providing the Food and 
    Drug Administration with certain authority to regulate tobacco 
    products. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 17, 2008; Rept. 110-762. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008; Roll No. 
    542: 326-102. Received in Senate July 31, 2008. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 1114 (S. 200).--To require the Secretary of the Interior, 
    acting through the Bureau of Reclamation and the United States 
    Geological Survey, to conduct a study on groundwater resources 
    in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. Reported May 7, 2007; Rept. 
    110-126. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 7, 
    2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    May 8, 2007. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1119.--To amend title 36, United States Code, to revise the 
    congressional charter of the Military Order of the Purple 
    Heart of the United States of America, Incorporated, to 
    authorize associate membership in the corporation for the 
    spouse of a recipient of the Purple Heart medal. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Feb. 16, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 6, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-428. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Nov. 6, 2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on 
    the calendar Nov. 8, 2007. Passed Senate Apr. 14, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Apr. 22, 2008. Approved Apr. 30, 
    2008. Public Law 110-207.
H.R. 1124 (S. 343).--To extend the District of Columbia College 
    Access Act of 1999. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Feb. 16, 2007. Reported Apr. 30, 2007; Rept. 110-112. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House May 14, 2007; 
    Roll No. 342: 268-100. Received in Senate and ordered placed 
    on the calendar May 15, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment 
    Sept. 18, 2007; Roll No. 338: 96-0. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment under suspension of the rules Oct. 9, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 
    2007. Public Law 110-97.
H.R. 1126.--To reauthorize the Steel and Aluminum Energy 
    Conservation and Technology Competitiveness Act of 1988. 
    Referred to Science and Technology Feb. 16, 2007. Reported 
    Mar. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-41. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Mar. 12, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 13, 2007. Reported Sept. 17, 
    2007; Rept. 110-181. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1129.--To provide for the construction, operation, and 
    maintenance of an arterial road in St. Louis County, Missouri. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 27, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Feb. 28, 2007. Passed Senate Mar. 13, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Mar. 16, 2007. Approved Mar. 28, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-16.
H.R. 1130.--To amend the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 to 
    extend the authority to withhold from public availability a 
    financial disclosure report filed by an individual who is a 
    judicial officer or judicial employee, to the extent necessary 
    to protect the safety of that individual or a family member of 
    that individual, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Feb. 16, 2007. Reported Mar. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-59. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 21, 2007; 
    Roll No. 177: 415-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 19, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Apr. 24, 2007. Approved May 3, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-24.
H.R. 1132 (S. 624).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide waivers relating to grants for preventive health 
    measures with respect to breast and cervical cancers. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Feb. 16, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 
    27, 2007; Rept. 110-76. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Mar. 27, 2007. Received in Senate Mar. 
    28, 2007. Passed Senate Mar. 29, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Apr. 19, 2007. Approved Apr. 20, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 1138.--To designate the Federal building and United States 
    courthouse located at 306 East Main Street in Elizabeth City, 
    North Carolina, as the ``J. Herbert W. Small Federal Building 
    and United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Feb. 16, 2007. Reported Mar. 26, 2007; Rept. 
    110-71. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 26, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Mar. 27, 2007.
H.R. 1139.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to plan, 
    design and construct facilities to provide water for 
    irrigation, municipal, domestic, and other uses from the 
    Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin, Santa Ana River, California, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources June 7, 2007. Reported with amendment Sept. 16, 
    2008; no written report.
H.R. 1140.--To authorize the Secretary, in cooperation with the 
    City of San Juan Capistrano, California, to participate in the 
    design, planning, and construction of an advanced water 
    treatment plant facility and recycled water system, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Reported May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-125. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 7, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 8, 2007.
H.R. 1143.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease 
    certain lands in Virgin Islands National Park, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Feb. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-532. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 4, 2008; Roll No. 
    88: 378-0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Mar. 5, 2008.
H.R. 1144.--To waive the non-Federal share of the cost of certain 
    disaster assistance provided in connection with Hurricanes 
    Katrina and Rita, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 16, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 11, 2007; Rept. 110-228.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 141
H.R. 1154 (S. 474).--To award a Congressional Gold Medal to 
    Michael Ellis DeBakey, M.D. Referred to Financial Services 
    Feb. 16, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 18, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Oct. 4, 2007. Indefinitely postponed Oct. 26, 2007. 
    See S. 474 for further action.
H.R. 1157 (S. 579).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    authorize the Director of the National Institute of 
    Environmental Health Sciences to make grants for the 
    development and operation of research centers regarding 
    environmental factors that may be related to the etiology of 
    breast cancer. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-889. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 
    2008. Received in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-354.
H.R. 1175.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to increase the ceiling on the 
    Federal share of the costs of phase I of the Orange County, 
    California, Regional Water Reclamation Project. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    June 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources June 7, 2007.
H.R. 1187.--To expand the boundaries of the Gulf of the Farallones 
    National Marine Sanctuary and the Cordell Bank National Marine 
    Sanctuary. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-557. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Apr. 1 (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008. Reported with 
    amendments Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 1191.--To authorize the National Park Service to pay for 
    services rendered by subcontractors under a General Services 
    Administration Indefinite Deliver/Indefinite Quantity Contract 
    issued for work to be completed at the Grand Canyon National 
    Park. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 27, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 17, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 18, 
    2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-319. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1195 (S. 1611).--To amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, 
    Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to 
    make technical corrections, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 27, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 21, 2007; Rept. 110-62. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 26, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works Mar. 27, 
    2007. Reported with amendment Mar. 7, 2008; no written report. 
    Considered Apr. 15, 16, 2008. Passed Senate with amendment 
    Apr. 17, 2008; Roll No. 108: 88-2. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment under suspension of the rules Apr. 30, 2008; Roll 
    No. 229: 358-51. Presented to the President June 3, 2008. 
    Approved June 6, 2008. Public Law 110-244.
H.R. 1198.--To amend the Public Health Service Act regarding early 
    detection, diagnosis, and treatment of hearing loss. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Feb. 27, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 8, 
    2008; Rept. 110-565. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Apr. 8, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 9, 2008.
H.R. 1199 (S. 1210).--To extend the grant program for drug-
    endangered children. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition 
    to Energy and Commerce Feb. 27, 2007. Reported from the 
    Judiciary Sept. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-341, Pt. I. Energy and 
    Commerce discharged. Sept. 24, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2007; Roll No. 893: 389-4. 
    Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 25, 
    2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 1205 (S. 1580).--To reauthorize the Coral Reef Conservation 
    Act of 2000, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Science and Technology Feb. 27, 
    2007. Reported amended from Natural Resources Oct. 22, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-394, Pt. I. Science and Technology discharged. Oct. 
    22, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation Oct. 23, 2007.
H.R. 1216 (S. 694).--To direct the Secretary of Transportation to 
    issue regulations to reduce the incidence of child injury and 
    death occurring inside or outside of light motor vehicles, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 27, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Dec. 19, 2007. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 
    3), 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 14, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Feb. 25, 2008. Approved Feb. 28, 
    2008. Public Law 110-189.
H.R. 1227 (H. Res. 254).--To assist in the provision of affordable 
    housing to low-income families affected by Hurricane Katrina. 
    Referred to Financial Services and in addition to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 28, 2007. Reported 
    amended from Financial Services Mar. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-51, 
    Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. Mar. 16, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 20, 2007. Passed House 
    amended Mar. 21, 2007; Roll No. 172: 302-125. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Mar. 23, 2007.
H.R. 1236 (S. 597).--To make permanent the authority of the United 
    States Postal Service to issue a special postage stamp to 
    support breast cancer research. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform and in addition to Energy and Commerce, and 
    Armed Services Feb. 28, 2007. Reported amended from Energy and 
    Commerce Oct. 25, 2007; Rept. 110-409, Pt. I. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 30, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Nov. 1, 
H.R. 1237.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide 
    revised standards for quality assurance in screening and 
    evaluation of gynecologic cytology preparations, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Feb. 28, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-566. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 8, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Apr. 9, 2008.
H.R. 1239.--To amend the National Underground Railroad Network to 
    Freedom Act of 1998 to provide additional staff and oversight 
    of funds to carry out the Act, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 28, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-248. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 24, 2007. 
    Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-320. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1252 (H.R. 6346).--To protect consumers from price-gouging of 
    gasoline and other fuels, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor 
    Feb. 28, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 23, 
    2007; Roll No. 404: 284-141. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Commerce, Science and Transportation May 24, 2007.
H.R. 1254.--To amend title 44, United States Code, to require 
    information on contributors to Presidential library 
    fundraising organizations. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Mar. 1, 2007. Reported Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 
    110-43. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 14, 
    2007; Roll No. 142: 390-34. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 15, 2007. 
    Reported with amendments Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-202.
H.R. 1255 (S. 886).--To amend chapter 22 of title 44, United 
    States Code, popularly known as the Presidential Records Act, 
    to establish procedures for the consideration of claims of 
    constitutionally based privilege against disclosure of 
    Presidential records. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Mar. 1, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-
    44. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 
    14, 2007; Roll No. 143: 333-93. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 
    15, 2007. Reported June 20, 2007; no written report.
H.R. 1257 (H. Res. 301).--To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 
    1934 to provide shareholders with an advisory vote on 
    executive compensation. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 1, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-88. Union 
    Calendar. Considered Apr. 18, 2007. Passed House amended Apr. 
    20, 2007; Roll No. 244: 269-134. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 23, 2007.
H.R. 1260.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 6301 Highway 58 in Harrison, Tennessee, as 
    the ``Claude Ramsey Post Office''. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Mar. 1, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    May 14, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs May 15, 2007. Reported Aug. 
    1, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 
    2007. Public Law 110-58.
H.R. 1281 (S. 453).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    prohibit certain deceptive practices in Federal elections, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 1, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-101. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 25, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 26, 2007.
H.R. 1283.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for 
    arthritis research and public health, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 1, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 1284 (S. 423).--To increase, effective as of December 1, 
    2007, the rates of compensation for veterans with service-
    connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and 
    indemnity compensation for the survivors of certain disabled 
    veterans. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 1, 2007. Reported 
    Mar. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-56. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Mar. 21, 2007; Roll No. 176: 418-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 18, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 24, 2007. Approved Nov. 5, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-111.
H.R. 1285.--To provide for the conveyance of a parcel of National 
    Forest System land in Kittitas County, Washington, to 
    facilitate the construction of a new fire and rescue station, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 1, 
    2007. Reported amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-249. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources July 24, 2007. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-
H.R. 1286 (H. Res. 1317) (S. 686).--To amend the National Trails 
    System Act to designate the Washington-Rochambeau 
    Revolutionary Route National Historic Trail. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Mar. 1, 2007. Reported amended July 8, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-736. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 10, 
    2008; Roll No. 484: 345-69. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources July 10 (Legislative day of July 
    9), 2008.
H.R. 1294 (H. Res. 377).--To extend Federal recognition to the 
    Chickahominy Indian Tribe, the Chickahominy Indian Tribe-
    Eastern Division, the Upper Mattaponi Tribe, the Rappahannock 
    Tribe, Inc., the Monacan Indian Nation, and the Nansemond 
    Indian Tribe. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 1, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-124. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended May 8, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Indian Affairs May 9, 2007.
H.R. 1302 (S. 2433).--To require the President to develop and 
    implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United 
    States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of 
    global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and 
    the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development 
    Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people 
    worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per 
    day. Referred to Foreign Affairs Mar. 1, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 26, 2007.
H.R. 1309 (S. 849) (S. 2488).--To promote openness in Government 
    by strengthening section 552 of title 5, United States Code 
    (commonly referred to as the Freedom of Information Act), and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Mar. 5, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 12, 2007; Rept. 
    110-45. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Mar. 14, 2007; Roll No. 144: 308-117. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 
    15, 2007.
H.R. 1311.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey the 
    Alta-Hualapai Site to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, for the 
    development of a cancer treatment facility. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Mar. 5, 2007. Reported amended Feb. 28, 
    2008; Rept. 110-533. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 4, 2008; Roll No. 89: 377-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 5, 
    2008. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-380.
H.R. 1312.--To expedite adjudication of employer petitions for 
    aliens of extraordinary artistic ability. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 5, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 6, 2008; Rept. 
    110-540. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 1, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    Apr. 2, 2008.
H.R. 1315.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide 
    specially adaptive housing assistance to certain disabled 
    members of the Armed Forces residing temporarily in housing 
    owned by a family member. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 
    5, 2007. Reported amended July 27, 2007; Rept. 110-266. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2007. 
    Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007. Held at Desk Apr. 24, 2008.
H.R. 1328 (S. 1200).--To amend the Indian Health Care Improvement 
    Act to revise and extend that Act. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Energy and Commerce, and Ways and 
    Means Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended from Natural Resources 
    Apr. 4, 2008; Rept. 110-564, Pt. I. Referral to Energy and 
    Commerce and Ways and Means extended Apr. 4, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than June 6, 2008. Energy and Commerce and 
    Ways and Means discharged June 6, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 444
H.R. 1332 (H. Res. 330).--To improve the access to capital 
    programs of the Small Business Administration, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Small Business Mar. 6, 2007. Reported 
    amended Apr. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-104. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Apr. 25, 2007; Roll No. 263: 380-45. Received in 
    Senate Apr. 26, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar May 1, 
H.R. 1333.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to direct 
    the Secretary to enter into an agreement with the Secretary of 
    the Air Force to use Civil Air Patrol personnel and resources 
    to support homeland security missions. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended from Homeland Security June 5, 
    2008; Rept. 110-691, Pt. I. Referral to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure extended June 5, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than June 13, 2008. Reported amended from Transportation 
    and Infrastructure June 12, 2008; Pt. II. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 18, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 19, 2008.
H.R. 1335.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 508 East Main Street in Seneca, South 
    Carolina, as the ``S/Sgt Lewis G. Watkins Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 
    6, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 14, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs May 15, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-59.
H.R. 1337 (S. 175).--To provide for a feasibility study of 
    alternatives to augment the water supplies of the Central 
    Oklahoma Master Conservancy District and cities served by the 
    District. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-221. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 10, 2007. Failed of 
    passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    July 11, 2007; Roll No. 616: 208-211. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 23, 2007. Indefinitely postponed 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1338 (H. Res. 1388).--To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act 
    of 1938 to provide more effective remedies to victims of 
    discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor Mar. 
    6, 2007. Reported amended July 28, 2008; Rept. 110-783. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended July 31, 2008; Roll No. 556: 
    247-178. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 1343 (S. 901).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide additional authorizations of appropriations for the 
    health centers program under section 330 of such Act. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended June 4, 
    2008; Rept. 110-680. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 4, 2008; Roll No. 372: 393-24. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    June 5, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    25, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-355.
H.R. 1361 (H. Res. 302).--To improve the disaster relief programs 
    of the Small Business Administration, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Small Business Mar. 6, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 
    30, 2007; Rept. 110-82. Union Calendar. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 18, 2007; Roll No. 225: 267-158. Received in Senate Apr. 
    19, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 1362 (H. Res. 242) (S. 680).--To reform acquisition practices 
    of the Federal Government. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform and in addition to Armed Services Mar. 6, 
    2007. Reported amended from Oversight and Government Reform 
    Mar. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-47, Pt. I. Referral to Armed Services 
    extended Mar. 12, 2007 for a period ending not later than Mar. 
    14, 2007. Reported amended from Armed Services Mar. 14, 2007; 
    Pt. II. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 15, 2007; 
    Roll No. 156: 347-73. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 15, 2007.
H.R. 1374.--To amend the Florida National Forest Land Management 
    Act of 2003 to authorize the conveyance of an additional tract 
    of National Forest System land under that Act, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Agriculture Mar. 7, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Received in Senate Dec. 
    18, 2007. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Jan. 22 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 1382.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to provide for 
    an assured adequate level of funding for veterans health care. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 7, 2007.
H.R. 1384 (S. 1781).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 118 Minner Street in 
    Bakersfield, California, as the ``Buck Owens Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 7, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House amended July 30, 2007. 
    Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Aug. 1, 2007. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-60.
H.R. 1388.--To amend the National Trails System Act to designate 
    the Star-Spangled Banner Trail in the States of Maryland and 
    Virginia and the District of Columbia as a National Historic 
    Trail. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 7, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-250. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 24, 2007. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1389.--To establish the Star-Spangled Banner and War of 1812 
    Bicentennial Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 7, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 24, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to the Judiciary Sept. 25, 2007.
H.R. 1400.--To enhance United States diplomatic efforts with 
    respect to Iran by imposing additional economic sanctions 
    against Iran, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs and in addition to Ways and Means, Financial Services, 
    Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary Mar. 8, 
    2007. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs Aug. 2, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-294, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means, Financial 
    Services, Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary 
    extended Aug. 2, 2007 for a period ending not later than Sept. 
    7, 2007. Referral to Ways and Means, Financial Services, 
    Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary extended 
    Sept. 4, 2007 for a period ending not later than Sept. 21, 
    2007. Referral to Ways and Means, Financial Services, 
    Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary extended 
    Sept. 21, 2007 for a period ending not later than Sept. 24, 
    2007. Ways and Means, Financial Services, Oversight and 
    Government Reform, and the Judiciary discharged Sept. 24, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 25, 2007; Roll No. 895: 397-16. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Sept. 26, 
H.R. 1401 (H. Res. 270) (S. 184) (S. 763).--To improve the 
    security of railroads, public transportation, and over-the-
    road buses in the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 8, 2007. Reported 
    amended from Homeland Security Mar. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-65, 
    Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. Mar. 22, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 27, 2007; Roll 
    No. 201: 299-124. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Mar. 28, 2007.
H.R. 1402.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 320 South Lecanto Highway in Lecanto, 
    Florida, as the ``Sergeant Dennis J. Flanagan Lecanto Post 
    Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Mar. 8, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2007; 
    Roll No. 247: 386-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 24, 2007. 
    Reported May 22, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate May 
    23, 2007. Presented to the President May 31, 2007. Approved 
    June 1, 2007. Public Law 110-32.
H.R. 1413.--To direct the Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security 
    (Transportation Security Administration) to address 
    vulnerabilities in aviation security by carrying out a pilot 
    program to screen airport workers with access to secure and 
    sterile areas of airports. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 
    8, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-482. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Dec. 12, 2007.
H.R. 1418 (S. 793).--To provide for the expansion and improvement 
    of traumatic brain injury programs. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Mar. 8, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 349
H.R. 1423.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to lease a 
    portion of a visitor center to be constructed outside the 
    boundary of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore in Porter 
    County, Indiana, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Mar. 8, 2007. Reported amended July 8, 2008; Rept. 
    110-737. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 8, 2008; Roll No. 472: 376-11. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 9, 2008.
H.R. 1424 (H. Res. 1014) (H.R. 493) (H. Res. 1525).--To amend 
    section 712 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 
    1974, section 2705 of the Public Health Service Act, and 
    section 9812 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require 
    equity in the provision of mental health and substance-related 
    disorder benefits under group health plans. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor, and Ways 
    and Means Mar. 9, 2007. Reported amended from Education and 
    Labor Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-374, Pt. I. Reported amended 
    from Ways and Means Oct. 15, 2007; Pt. II. Reported amended 
    from Energy and Commerce Mar. 4, 2008; Pt. III. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 5, 2008; Roll No. 101: 
    268-148. Received in Senate Mar. 6, 2008. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Mar. 7, 2008. Passed Senate with amendments Oct. 
    1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Roll No. 213: 74-25. 
    House agreed to Senate amendments Oct. 3, 2008; Roll No. 681: 
    263-171. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 3, 2008. Public Law 110-343.
H.R. 1425.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 4551 East 52nd Street in Odessa, Texas, as 
    the ``Staff Sergeant Marvin ''Rex'' Young Post Office 
    Building``. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 
    9, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 21, 2007; Roll No. 
    385: 385-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs May 22, 2007. Reported Aug. 
    1, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 
    2007. Public Law 110-61.
H.R. 1427 (H. Res. 404).--To reform the regulation of certain 
    housing-related Government-sponsored enterprises, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 9, 2007; Rept. 110-142. Union Calendar. 
    Considered May 17, 2007. Passed House amended May 22, 2007; 
    Roll No. 396: 313-104. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 1429 (H. Res. 348) (H. Res. 813) (H. Con. Res. 258) (S. 
    556).--To reauthorize the Head Start Act, to improve program 
    quality, to expand access, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Education and Labor Mar. 9, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 23, 
    2007; Rept. 110-67. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May 
    2, 2007; Roll No. 285: 365-48. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar May 7, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendment June 19, 2007. Senate insisted on its amendment and 
    asked for a conference June 19, 2007. House disagreed to 
    Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Nov. 6, 2007. 
    Conference report filed in the House Nov. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-
    439. House agreed to conference report Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 
    1090: 381-36. Senate agreed to conference report Nov. 14, 
    2007; Roll No. 409: 95-0. Presented to the President Dec. 5, 
    2007. Approved Dec. 12, 2007. Public Law 110-134.
H.R. 1433 (H. Res. 260) (H.R. 1905) (S. 1257).--To provide for the 
    treatment of the District of Columbia as a Congressional 
    district for purposes of representation in the House of 
    Representatives, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Mar. 9, 2007. Reported amended from Oversight and Government 
    Reform Mar. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-52, Pt. I. Reported from the 
    Judiciary Mar. 20, 2007; Pt. II.
 Union Calendar.................................................Union 32

Supplemental report filed from Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 21, 
2007; Pt. III. Considered Mar. 22, 2007. Laid on the table pursuant to H. 
Res. 317 Apr. 19, 2007. See H.R. 1905 for further action.

H.R. 1434.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 896 Pittsburgh Street in Springdale, 
    Pennsylvania, as the ``Rachel Carson Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 9, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2007; Roll No. 246: 
    334-53. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs Apr. 24, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 1441.--To prohibit the sale by the Department of Defense of 
    parts for F-14 fighter aircraft. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    and in addition to Armed Services Mar. 9, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 11, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Armed Services June 12, 2007.
H.R. 1462.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to 
    participate in the implementation of the Platte River Recovery 
    Implementation Program for Endangered Species in the Central 
    and Lower Platte River Basin and to modify the Pathfinder Dam 
    and Reservoir. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-393. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 
    23, 2007. Reported with amendments Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-
    321. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1464.--To assist in the conservation of rare felids and rare 
    canids by supporting and providing financial resources for the 
    conservation programs of nations within the range of rare 
    felid and rare canid populations and projects of persons with 
    demonstrated expertise in the conservation of rare felid and 
    rare canid populations. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 9, 
    2007. Reported amended May 19, 2008; Rept. 110-657. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008; Roll No. 
    335: 294-119. Received in Senate and referred to Environment 
    and Public Works May 21, 2008. Reported with amendment Sept. 
    24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-492.
H.R. 1467.--To authorize the National Science Foundation to award 
    grants to institutions of higher education to develop and 
    offer education and training programs. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Mar. 9, 2007. Reported June 5, 2007; Rept. 110-172. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 6, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions June 7, 2007.
H.R. 1468.--To ensure that, for each small business participating 
    in the 8(a) business development program that was affected by 
    Hurricane Katrina of 2005, the period in which it can 
    participate is extended by 18 months. Referred to Small 
    Business Mar. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Mar. 26, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Small 
    Business and Entrepreneurship Mar. 27, 2007.
H.R. 1469.--To establish the Senator Paul Simon Study Abroad 
    Foundation under the authorities of the Mutual Educational and 
    Cultural Exchange Act of 1961. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Mar. 12, 2007. Reported May 9, 2007; Rept. 110-138. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 5, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations June 7, 
    2007. Reported with amendments Mar. 4, 2008; Rept. 110-272.
H.R. 1470.--To amend the Department of Veterans Affairs Health 
    Care Programs Enhancement Act of 2001 to require the provision 
    of chiropractic care and services to veterans at all 
    Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Mar. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    May 23, 2007; Roll No. 412: 421-1. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 1473.--To amend the Child Care and Development Block Grant 
    Act of 1990 to require child care providers to provide to 
    parents information regarding whether such providers carry 
    current liability insurance. Referred to Education and Labor 
    Mar. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 29, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions Oct. 30, 2007.
H.R. 1483 (H. Res. 765) (S. 817).--To amend the Omnibus Parks and 
    Public Lands Management Act of 1996 to extend the 
    authorization for certain national heritage areas, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 12, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-388. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 24, 2007; Roll No. 996: 291-122. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 25, 2007. Reported with amendment June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-381.
H.R. 1485.--For the relief of Esther Karinge. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 12, 2007. Reported July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-741. 
    Private Calendar. Passed House Sept. 16, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 17, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 1495 (H. Res. 319) (H. Res. 597) (S. 1248).--To provide for 
    the conservation and development of water and related 
    resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct 
    various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the 
    United States, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 13, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-80. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Apr. 19, 2007; Roll No. 234: 394-25. Received in 
    Senate Apr. 23, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 30, 
    2007. Considered May 14, 15, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendment May 16, 2007; Roll No. 170: 91-4. Senate insisted on 
    its amendment and asked for a conference May 16, 2007. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference July 
    25, 2007. Conference report filed in the House July 31, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-280. House agreed to conference report Aug. 1, 2007; 
    Roll No. 790: 381-40. Senate agreed to conference report Sept. 
    24, 2007; Roll No. 347: 81-12. Presented to the President Oct. 
    23, 2007. Vetoed Nov. 2, 2007. In House, passed over 
    Presidential veto Nov. 6, 2007; Roll No. 1040: 361-54. In 
    Senate, passed over Presidential veto Nov. 8, 2007; Roll No. 
    406: 79-14. Became Public Law 110-114 without approval Nov. 9, 
H.R. 1497.--To amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to extend 
    its protections to plants illegally harvested outside of the 
    United States, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Mar. 13, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 24, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-882.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 573
H.R. 1503.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Avra/Black Wash Reclamation and 
    Riparian Restoration Project. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Mar. 13, 2007. Reported amended July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-251. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources July 24, 2007.
H.R. 1505.--To designate the Federal building located at 131 East 
    4th Street in Davenport, Iowa, as the ``James A. Leach Federal 
    Building''. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 
    13, 2007. Reported amended May 8, 2007; Rept. 110-132. House 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works May 16, 2007.
H.R. 1512.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    provide for compensation to States incarcerating undocumented 
    aliens charged with a felony or two or more misdemeanors. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 13, 2007. Reported amended May 
    5, 2008; Rept. 110-618. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules May 6, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    May 8, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    May 12, 2008.
H.R. 1515.--To amend the Housing and Community Development Act of 
    1974 to treat certain communities as metropolitan cities for 
    purposes of the community development block grant program. 
    Referred to Financial Services Mar. 14, 2007. Reported Apr. 
    16, 2007; Rept. 110-86. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Apr. 17, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 18, 2007.
H.R. 1520 (S. 1148).--To establish the Champlain Quadricentennial 
    Commemoration Commission, the Hudson-Fulton 400th 
    Commemoration Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 14, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 25, 2007. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1525 (H.R. 964).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    discourage spyware, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 14, 2007. Reported amended May 21, 2007; Rept. 
    110-159. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    May 22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    May 23, 2007.
H.R. 1526.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Bay Area Regional 
    Water Recycling Program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Mar. 14, 2007. Reported amended July 23, 
    2007; Rept. 110-252. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources July 24, 2007. Reported Apr. 
    10, 2008; Rept. 110-322. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1527.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to allow highly 
    rural veterans enrolled in the health system of the Department 
    of Veterans Affairs to receive covered health services through 
    providers other than those of the Department, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 14, 2007. 
    Reported amended Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-817. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 9, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 10, 2008; Roll No. 578: 
    417-0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    Sept. 11, 2008.
H.R. 1528 (H. Res. 940).--To amend the National Trails System Act 
    to designate the New England National Scenic Trail, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 14, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-502. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Jan. 29, 2008; Roll No. 28: 261-122. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Jan. 31, 2008. Reported with amendment June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-382.
H.R. 1532 (S. 1551).--To amend the Public Health Service Act with 
    respect to making progress toward the goal of eliminating 
    tuberculosis, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Mar. 15, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 
    110-873. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    24, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 110-392.
H.R. 1534.--To prohibit the sale, distribution, or transfer of 
    mercury, to prohibit the export of mercury, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended Nov. 13, 2007; Rept. 110-444. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 13, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works Nov. 
    14, 2007.
H.R. 1538 (H. Res. 274) (S. 1606).--To amend title 10, United 
    States Code, to improve the management of medical care, 
    personnel actions, and quality of life issues for members of 
    the Armed Forces who are receiving medical care in an 
    outpatient status, and for other purposes. Referred to Armed 
    Services and in addition to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Armed Services Mar. 23, 2007; Rept. 110-
    68, Pt. I. Veterans' Affairs discharged. Mar. 23, 2007. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Mar. 28, 2007; Roll No. 208: 
    426-0. Received in Senate and referred to Armed Services Mar. 
    29, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment 
    July 25, 2007.
H.R. 1553 (S. 911).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    advance medical research and treatments into pediatric 
    cancers, ensure patients and families have access to the 
    current treatments and information regarding pediatric 
    cancers, establish a population-based national childhood 
    cancer database, and promote public awareness of pediatric 
    cancers. Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 10, 2008; Rept. 110-706. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules June 11, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 12, 2008; Roll No. 409: 
    416-0. Received in Senate June 16, 2008. Passed Senate July 
    16, 2008. Presented to the President July 25, 2008. Approved 
    July 29, 2008. Public Law 110-285.
H.R. 1562.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    and expand certain rules with respect to housing in the GO 
    Zones. Referred to Ways and Means Mar. 19, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 23, 2007; Rept. 110-66. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 27, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Finance Mar. 28, 2007.
H.R. 1567 (S. 968).--To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 
    to provide increased assistance for the prevention, treatment, 
    and control of tuberculosis, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Energy and Commerce Mar. 
    19, 2007. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs Oct. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-381, Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged. Oct. 15, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Nov. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar Nov. 6, 2007.
H.R. 1575.--To reaffirm and clarify the Federal relationship of 
    the Burt Lake Band as a distinct federally recognized Indian 
    Tribe, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Mar. 19, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-794.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 512
H.R. 1585 (H. Res. 403) (H. Res. 860) (H. Con. Res. 269) (S. 1547) 
    (S. 1548).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2008 
    for military activities of the Department of Defense, to 
    prescribe military personnel strengths for fiscal year 2008, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Armed Services Mar. 20, 
    2007. Reported amended May 11, 2007; Rept. 110-146. Union 
    Calendar. Supplemental report filed May 14, 2007; Pt. II. 
    Considered May 16, 2007. Passed House amended May 17, 2007; 
    Roll No. 373: 397-27. Received in Senate June 4, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 5, 2007. Considered July 9, 10, 
    11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18 (Legislative day of July 17), 2007. 
    Returned to the calendar July 31, 2007. Considered Sept. 17, 
    18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28 Passed Senate with amendment 
    Oct. 1, 2007; Roll No. 359: 92-3. Senate insisted on its 
    amendment and asked for a conference Oct. 1, 2007. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Dec. 
    5, 2007. Conference report filed in the House Dec. 6, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-477. House agreed to conference report Dec. 12, 
    2007; Roll No. 1151: 370-49. Senate agreed to conference 
    report Dec. 14, 2007; Roll No. 433: 90-3. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 19, 2007. Vetoed Dec. 28, 2007. In House, veto 
    referred to Armed Services Jan. 15, 2008.
H.R. 1591 (H. Res. 261) (H. Res. 332) (S. 965).--Making emergency 
    supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2007, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Appropriations Mar. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-60. Union Calendar. 
    Considered Mar. 22, 2007. Passed House amended Mar. 23, 2007; 
    Roll No. 186: 218-212. Received in Senate and ordered placed 
    on the calendar Mar. 23, 2007. Considered Mar. 26, 27, 28, 
    2007. Passed Senate with amendment Mar. 29, 2007; Roll No. 
    126: 51-47. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference Mar. 29, 2007. House disagreed to Senate amendment 
    and agreed to a conference Apr. 19, 2007. Conference report 
    filed in the House Apr. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-107. House agreed 
    to conference report Apr. 25, 2007; Roll No. 265: 218-208. 
    Senate agreed to conference report Apr. 26, 2007; Roll No. 
    147: 51-46. Presented to the President May 1, 2007. Vetoed May 
    1, 2007. House sustained Presidential veto May 2, 2007; Roll 
    No. 276: 222-203. In House, veto referred to Appropriations 
    May 2, 2007.
H.R. 1592 (H. Res. 364).--To provide Federal assistance to States, 
    local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate 
    crimes, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 
    20, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 30, 2007; Rept. 110-113. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended May 3, 2007; Roll No. 299: 237-
    180. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 7, 
H.R. 1593 (H. Con. Res. 270).--To reauthorize the grant program 
    for reentry of offenders into the community in the Omnibus 
    Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, to improve reentry 
    planning and implementation, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Mar. 20, 2007. Reported May 9, 2007; Rept. 
    110-140. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Nov. 13, 2007; Roll No. 1083: 347-62. Received in Senate and 
    referred to the Judiciary Nov. 14, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Mar. 11, 2008. Presented to the President Apr. 
    7, 2008. Approved Apr. 9, 2008. Public Law 110-199.
H.R. 1594.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    Outpatient Clinic in Hermitage, Pennsylvania, as the Michael 
    A. Marzano Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 20, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 17, 2008; Roll No. 604: 410-0. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 1595.--To implement the recommendations of the Guam War 
    Claims Review Commission. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 
    20, 2007. Reported amended May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-129. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 7, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 8, 2007; Roll No. 
    309: 288-133. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    May 9, 2007.
H.R. 1615.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide 
    penalties for aiming laser pointers at airplanes, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 21, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 14, 2007; Rept. 110-149. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 22, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 23, 2007.
H.R. 1617.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 561 Kingsland Avenue in University City, 
    Missouri, as the ``Harriett F. Woods Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 21, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House May 14, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 
    15, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-63.
H.R. 1642.--To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to ensure 
    that, to the extent possible, an enhanced-use lease for a 
    homeless housing project at the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    facility known as the Sepulveda Ambulatory Care Center, 
    located in North Hills, California, shall provide that such 
    housing project shall be maintained as a sober living facility 
    for veterans only, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Mar. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    May 7, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs May 8, 2007.
H.R. 1650 (S. 772).--To amend the Federal antitrust laws to 
    provide expanded coverage and to eliminate exemptions from 
    such laws that are contrary to the public interest with 
    respect to railroads. Referred to the Judiciary and in 
    addition to Transportation and Infrastructure, and Energy and 
    Commerce Mar. 22, 2007. Reported amended from the Judiciary 
    Sept. 18, 2008; Rept. 110-860, Pt. I. Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and Energy and Commerce discharged Sept. 18, 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 556
H.R. 1657.--To establish a Science and Technology Scholarship 
    Program to award scholarships to recruit and prepare students 
    for careers in the National Weather Service and in National 
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration marine research, 
    atmospheric research, and satellite programs. Referred to 
    Science and Technology Mar. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 17, 2007; Roll No. 868: 360-16. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Sept. 18, 
H.R. 1660.--To direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to 
    establish a national cemetery for veterans in the southern 
    Colorado region. Referred to Veterans' Affairs and in addition 
    to Ways and Means Mar. 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended May 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 1662.--To amend the Reclamation Safety of Dams Act of 1978 to 
    authorize improvements for the security of dams and other 
    facilities. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 23, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-459. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 4, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 5, 
    2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-323. Indefinitely 
    postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1664.--To authorize grants for contributions toward the 
    establishment of the Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 23, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 25, 2007.
H.R. 1675.--To suspend the requirements of the Department of 
    Housing and Urban Development regarding electronic filing of 
    previous participation certificates and regarding filing of 
    such certificates with respect to certain low-income housing 
    investors. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 26, 2007. 
    Reported Apr. 23, 2007; Rept. 110-106. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Apr. 24, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 25, 2007. 
    Reported May 17, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate May 
    24, 2007. Presented to the President June 6, 2007. Approved 
    June 15, 2007. Public Law 110-35.
H.R. 1676.--To reauthorize the program of the Secretary of Housing 
    and Urban Development for loan guarantees for Indian housing. 
    Referred to Financial Services Mar. 26, 2007. Reported Apr. 
    20, 2007; Rept. 110-102. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Apr. 24, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Apr. 25, 2007. Reported 
    May 17, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate May 24, 2007. 
    Presented to the President June 6, 2007. Approved June 18, 
    2007. Public Law 110-37.
H.R. 1677.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to enhance 
    taxpayer protections and outreach. Referred to Ways and Means 
    Mar. 26, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-84. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 17, 
    2007; Roll No. 214: 407-7. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Finance Apr. 18, 2007.
H.R. 1678.--To amend the Torture Victims Relief Act of 1998 to 
    authorize appropriations to provide assistance for domestic 
    and foreign programs and centers for the treatment of victims 
    of torture, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs and in addition to Energy and Commerce Mar. 26, 2007. 
    Reported from Foreign Affairs Apr. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-103, 
    Pt. I. Energy and Commerce discharged. Apr. 20, 2007. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 25, 2007; Roll 
    No. 260: 418-7. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign 
    Relations Apr. 26, 2007. Reported Oct. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-194.
H.R. 1680.--To authorize the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    regulate the sale of ammonium nitrate to prevent and deter the 
    acquisition of ammonium nitrate by terrorists. Referred to 
    Homeland Security Mar. 26, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 2, 
    2007; Rept. 110-357. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 24, 2007.
H.R. 1681 (S. 655).--To amend the Congressional Charter of The 
    American National Red Cross to modernize its governance 
    structure, to enhance the ability of the board of governors of 
    The American National Red Cross to support the critical 
    mission of The American National Red Cross in the 21st 
    century, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Mar. 26, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-87. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 17, 
    2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    Apr. 18, 2007. Passed Senate Apr. 23, 2007. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2007. Approved May 11, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 1684 (H. Res. 382).--To authorize appropriations for the 
    Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2008, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Mar. 26, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 4, 2007; Rept. 110-122. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended May 9, 2007; Roll No. 318: 296-126. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs May 11, 2007.
H.R. 1696.--To amend the Ysleta del Sur Pueblo and Alabama and 
    Coushatta Indian Tribes of Texas Restoration Act to allow the 
    Ysleta del Sur Pueblo tribe to determine blood quantum 
    requirement for membership in that Tribe. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Mar. 26, 2007. Reported July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-
    272. Union Calendar. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in 
    Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Indian Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 1699.--To direct the Consumer Product Safety Commission to 
    require certain manufacturers to provide consumer product 
    registration forms to facilitate recalls of durable infant and 
    toddler products. Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 26, 
    2007. Reported amended Oct. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-366. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 1700 (S. 368).--To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe 
    Streets Act of 1968 to enhance the COPS ON THE BEAT grant 
    program, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Mar. 26, 2007. Reported amended May 14, 2007; Rept. 110-150. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 
    2007; Roll No. 348: 381-34. Received in Senate May 16, 2007. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 1714.--To clarify the boundaries of Coastal Barrier Resources 
    System Clam Pass Unit FL-64P. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Mar. 27, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Environment and Public 
    Works July 15, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 
    30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 1716.--To authorize higher education curriculum development 
    and graduate training in advanced energy and green building 
    technologies. Referred to Science and Technology Mar. 27, 
    2007. Reported amended June 5, 2007; Rept. 110-173. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 6, 2007; 
    Roll No. 432: 416-0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources June 7, 2007.
H.R. 1717.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to 
    establish a National Bio and Agro-defense Facility. Referred 
    to Homeland Security and in addition to Agriculture, and 
    Energy and Commerce Mar. 27, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Homeland Security Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-819, Pt. I. Referral 
    to Energy and Commerce extended Aug. 1, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Sept. 12, 2008. Agriculture discharged. 
    Aug. 1, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Sept. 
    12, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 26, 2008. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to 
    Energy and Commerce extended Sept. 28, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Sept. 29, 2008. Referral to Energy and 
    Commerce extended Sept. 29, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Oct. 2, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended 
    Oct. 2, 2008 for a period ending not later than Oct. 3, 2008. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Oct. 3, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Jan. 3, 2009.
H.R. 1721 (S. 1771).--To increase the safety of swimming pools and 
    spas by requiring the use of proper anti-entrapment drain 
    covers and pool and spa drainage systems, by establishing a 
    swimming pool safety grant program administered by the 
    Consumer Product Safety Commission to encourage States to 
    improve their pool and spa safety laws and to educate the 
    public about pool and spa safety, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 27, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-365. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 1722.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 601 Banyan Trail in Boca Raton, Florida, as 
    the ``Leonard W. Herman Post Office''. Referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform Mar. 27, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules May 21, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House May 22, 2007; Roll No. 401: 417-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 
    23, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-64.
H.R. 1725.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the Rancho California Water 
    District Southern Riverside County Recycled/Non-Potable 
    Distribution Facilities and Demineralization/Desalination 
    Recycled Water Treatment and Reclamation Facility Project. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 28, 2007. Reported July 10, 
    2007; Rept. 110-222. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 10, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy 
    and Natural Resources July 11, 2007. Reported with amendment 
    June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-383.
H.R. 1727 (S. 1183).--To enhance and further research into 
    paralysis and to improve rehabilitation and the quality of 
    life for persons living with paralysis and other physical 
    disabilities, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Mar. 28, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 
    110-378. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 16, 2007.
H.R. 1734.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 630 Northeast Killingsworth Avenue in 
    Portland, Oregon, as the ``Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Post 
    Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 28, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 3, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 4, 2008.
H.R. 1736.--To amend the Reclamation Projects Authorization and 
    Adjustment Act of 1992 to provide for conjunctive use of 
    surface and groundwater in Juab County, Utah. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Mar. 28, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    June 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources June 7, 2007.
H.R. 1737.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in the design, planning, and 
    construction of permanent facilities for the GREAT project to 
    reclaim, reuse, and treat impaired waters in the area of 
    Oxnard, California. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 28, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 7, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 8, 
    2007. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 1746.--To require disclosure of Holocaust-era policies by 
    insurers and establish a federal cause of action for claims 
    arising out of a covered policy. Referred to Financial 
    Services and in addition to Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and 
    Government Reform Mar. 28, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Financial Services Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-820, Pt. I. 
    Referral to Foreign Affairs and Oversight and Government 
    Reform extended Aug. 1, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Sept. 26, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 1, 2008 
    for a period ending not later than Sept. 26, 2008. Referral to 
    Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government Reform, and the 
    Judiciary extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to Foreign Affairs, 
    Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary extended 
    Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 29, 
    2008. Referral to Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government 
    Reform, and the Judiciary extended Sept. 29, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Oct. 2, 2008. Referral to Foreign 
    Affairs, Oversight and Government Reform, and the Judiciary 
    extended Oct. 2, 2008 for a period ending not later than Oct. 
    3, 2008. Referral to Foreign Affairs, Oversight and Government 
    Reform, and the Judiciary extended Oct. 3, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Jan. 3, 2009.
H.R. 1759.--To establish guidelines and incentives for States to 
    establish arsonist registries and to require the Attorney 
    General to establish a national arsonist registry and 
    notification program, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 29, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-467. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Dec. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    Dec. 6, 2007.
H.R. 1771.--To assist in the conservation of cranes by supporting 
    and providing, through projects of persons and organizations 
    with expertise in crane conservation, financial resources for 
    the conservation programs of countries the activities of which 
    directly or indirectly affect cranes and the ecosystems of 
    cranes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 29, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 13, 2008; Rept. 110-635. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008; Roll No. 345: 
    304-118. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works May 22, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-493.
H.R. 1773.--To limit the authority of the Secretary of 
    Transportation to grant authority to motor carriers domiciled 
    in Mexico to operate beyond United States municipalities and 
    commercial zones on the United States-Mexico border. Referred 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 29, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 14, 2007; Rept. 110-147. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2007; Roll No. 349: 
    411-3. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science 
    and Transportation May 16, 2007.
H.R. 1777.--To amend the Improving America's Schools Act of 1994 
    to make permanent the favorable treatment of need-based 
    educational aid under the antitrust laws. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 29, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-
    577. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary May 1, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. 
    Approved Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 110-327.
H.R. 1803.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    feasibility study to design and construct a four reservoir 
    intertie system for the purposes of improving the water 
    storage opportunities, water supply reliability, and water 
    yield of San Vicente, El Capitan, Murray, and Loveland 
    Reservoirs in San Diego County, California in consultation and 
    cooperation with the City of San Diego and the Sweetwater 
    Authority, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Mar. 29, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 
    22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no 
    written report.
H.R. 1808.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    Medical Center in Augusta, Georgia, as the ``Charlie Norwood 
    Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center''. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Mar. 29, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Oct. 23, 2007; Roll No. 988: 417-0. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 24, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 31, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 1, 2007. Approved Nov. 8, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 1830.--To extend the authorities of the Andean Trade 
    Preference Act until September 30, 2009. Referred to Ways and 
    Means Mar. 29, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    June 27, 2007; Roll No. 583: 365-59. Received in Senate and 
    passed June 28, 2007. Presented to the President June 29, 
    2007. Approved June 30, 2007. Public Law 110-42.
H.R. 1834 (S. 39).--To authorize the national ocean exploration 
    program and the national undersea research program within the 
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Referred to 
    Science and Technology and in addition to Natural Resources, 
    and Armed Services Mar. 29, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Natural Resources Aug. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-311, Pt. I. Reported 
    amended from Science and Technology Dec. 18, 2007; Pt. II. 
    Armed Services discharged. Dec. 18, 2007. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Feb. 13, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 14, 2008; Roll No. 62: 
    352-49. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    Feb. 25, 2008.
H.R. 1847.--To amend the National Trails System Act to clarify 
    Federal authority relating to land acquisition from willing 
    sellers for the majority of the trails in the System, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 29, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 110-841.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 541
H.R. 1851 (H. Res. 534).--To reform the housing choice voucher 
    program under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 
    1937. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 29, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 28, 2007; Rept. 110-216. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended July 12, 2007; Roll No. 629: 333-83. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    July 16, 2007.
H.R. 1852 (H. Res. 650).--To modernize and update the National 
    Housing Act and enable the Federal Housing Administration to 
    use risk-based pricing to more effectively reach underserved 
    borrowers, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services Mar. 29, 2007. Reported amended June 28, 2007; Rept. 
    110-217. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed Sept. 17, 
    2007; Pt. II. Passed House amended Sept. 18, 2007; Roll No. 
    876: 348-72. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Sept. 19, 2007.
H.R. 1855.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior, acting 
    through the Bureau of Reclamation to enter into a cooperative 
    agreement with the Madera Irrigation District for purposes of 
    supporting the Madera Water Supply Enhancement Project. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 30, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. 
    Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-384.
H.R. 1867 (H. Res. 349) (H.R. 2272).--To authorize appropriations 
    for fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2010 for the National Science 
    Foundation, and for other purposes. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Apr. 17, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 30, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-114. Union Calendar. Passed House amended May 2, 
    2007; Roll No. 295: 399-17. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar May 7, 2007.
H.R. 1868 (H. Res. 350) (H.R. 2272).--To authorize appropriations 
    for the National Institute of Standards and Technology for 
    fiscal years 2008, 2009, and 2010, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Science and Technology Apr. 17, 2007. Reported 
    amended Apr. 30, 2007; Rept. 110-115. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended May 3, 2007; Roll No. 301: 385-23. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    May 7, 2007.
H.R. 1873 (H. Res. 383).--To reauthorize the programs and 
    activities of the Small Business Administration relating to 
    procurement, and for other purposes. Referred to Small 
    Business Apr. 17, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 26, 2007; Rept. 
    110-111, Pt. I. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Apr. 26, 2007 for a period ending not later than May 4, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 3, 2007; Pt. II. Union Calendar. 
    Supplemental report filed May 8, 2007; Pt. III. Considered May 
    9, 2007. Passed House amended May 10, 2007; Roll No. 323: 409-
    13. Received in Senate and referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship May 11, 2007.
H.R. 1904 (S. 255).--To provide assistance to the State of New 
    Mexico for the development of comprehensive State water plans, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 17, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 10, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 11, 2007. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1905 (H. Res. 317) (H.R. 1433) (H.R. 1906) (S. 1257).--To 
    provide for the treatment of the District of Columbia as a 
    Congressional district for purposes of representation in the 
    House of Representatives, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    the Judiciary Apr. 18, 2007. Passed House Apr. 19, 2007; Roll 
    No. 231: 241-177. Received in Senate and referred to Finance 
    Apr. 20, 2007.
H.R. 1906 (H. Res. 317) (H.R. 1905).--To amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to adjust the estimated tax payment safe 
    harbor based on income for the preceding year in the case of 
    individuals with adjusted gross income greater than $5 
    million. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 18, 2007. Passed 
    House Apr. 19, 2007; Roll No. 232: 216-203. Laid on the table 
    pursuant to H. Res. 317 Apr. 19, 2007. See H.R. 1905 for 
    further action.
H.R. 1907.--To authorize the acquisition of land and interests in 
    land from willing sellers to improve the conservation of, and 
    to enhance the ecological values and functions of, coastal and 
    estuarine areas to benefit both the environment and the 
    economies of coastal communities, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 31, 2008; Rept. 110-811. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 22, 2008; Roll No. 617: 313-59. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 2 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 1908 (H. Res. 636) (S. 1145).--To amend title 35, United 
    States Code, to provide for patent reform. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-314. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 7, 2007; 
    Roll No. 863: 220-175. Received in Senate Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 11, 2007.
H.R. 1922 (S. 1143).--To designate the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse 
    and the surrounding Federal land in the State of Florida as an 
    Outstanding Natural Area and as a unit of the National 
    Landscape System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended from Natural Resources Mar. 3, 
    2008; Rept. 110-536, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure 
    discharged. Mar. 3, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Mar. 4, 2008. Received in Senate Mar. 5, 
    2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 29, 2008. 
    Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 1933.--To amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize 
    and improve the carbon capture and storage research, 
    development, and demonstration program of the Department of 
    Energy, and for other purposes. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Apr. 18, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 188
H.R. 1943.--To provide for an effective HIV/AIDS program in 
    Federal prisons. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 19, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-342. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to the Judiciary Sept. 26, 2007. Reported 
    Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written 
H.R. 1955.--To prevent homegrown terrorism, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to the 
    Judiciary Apr. 19, 2007. Reported amended from Homeland 
    Security Oct. 16, 2007; Rept. 110-384, Pt. I. The Judiciary 
    discharged. Oct. 16, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 23, 2007; Roll No. 993: 404-6. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 24, 2007.
H.R. 1979.--To require any Federal or State court to recognize any 
    notarization made by a notary public licensed by a State other 
    than the State where the court is located when such 
    notarization. Referred to the Judiciary Apr. 20, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 10, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to the Judiciary July 11, 2007.
H.R. 1980 (S. 1923).--To authorize appropriations for the Housing 
    Assistance Council. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 20, 
    2007. Reported June 21, 2007; Rept. 110-204. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 16, 2007; Roll No. 630: 
    350-49. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs July 17, 2007.
H.R. 1982.--To authorize appropriations for the rural housing and 
    economic development program of the Department of Housing and 
    Urban Development. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 20, 
    2007. Reported amended June 21, 2007; Rept. 110-205. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 16, 2007; 
    Roll No. 631: 350-49. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 17, 2007.
H.R. 2003.--To encourage and facilitate the consolidation of peace 
    and security, respect for human rights, democracy, and 
    economic freedom in Ethiopia. Referred to Foreign Affairs Apr. 
    23, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 2, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 3, 
H.R. 2011 (S. 1189).--To designate the Federal building and United 
    States courthouse located at 100 East 8th Avenue in Pine 
    Bluff, Arkansas, as the ``George Howard, Jr. Federal Building 
    and United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Apr. 24, 2007. Reported June 25, 2007; Rept. 
    110-209. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House June 
    25, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs June 26, 2007. Committee discharged 
    July 30, 2007. Referred to Environment and Public Works July 
    30, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Dec. 20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 
    2007. Public Law 110-159.
H.R. 2016 (H. Res. 1084) (S. 1139).--To establish the National 
    Landscape Conservation System, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 24, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-561. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Apr. 9, 2008; Roll No. 174: 278-140. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 10, 2008.
H.R. 2025.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 11033 South State Street in Chicago, 
    Illinois, as the ``Willye B. White Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 25, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House May 14, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 
    15, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-65.
H.R. 2040.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the semicentennial of the enactment of the 
    Civil Rights Act of 1964. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 
    25, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 1, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Apr. 2, 2008.
H.R. 2063.--To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, 
    in consultation with the Secretary of Education, to develop a 
    voluntary policy for managing the risk of food allergy and 
    anaphylaxis in schools, to establish school-based food allergy 
    management grants, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor Apr. 26, 
    2007. Reported amended from Energy and Commerce Apr. 8, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-571, Pt. I. Education and Labor discharged. Apr. 8, 
    2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 8, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 9, 2008.
H.R. 2077.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 20805 State Route 125 in Blue Creek, Ohio, 
    as the ``George B. Lewis Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 30, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 21, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 22, 
    2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-66.
H.R. 2078.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 14536 State Route 136 in Cherry Fork, Ohio, 
    as the ``Staff Sergeant Omer T. 'O.T.' Hawkins Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 30, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House May 21, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 
    22, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-67.
H.R. 2080.--To amend the District of Columbia Home Rule Act to 
    conform the District charter to revisions made by the Council 
    of the District of Columbia relating to public education. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 1, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 8, 2007. Received in Senate May 9, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar May 10, 2007. Passed 
    Senate May 22, 2007. Presented to the President May 31, 2007. 
    Approved June 1, 2007. Public Law 110-33.
H.R. 2082 (H. Res. 388) (H. Res. 859) (S. 1538).--To authorize 
    appropriations for fiscal year 2008 for intelligence and 
    intelligence-related activities of the United States 
    Government, the Community Management Account, and the Central 
    Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Intelligence May 1, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 7, 2007; Rept. 110-131. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended May 11 (Legislative day of May 10), 2007; Roll 
    No. 341: 225-197. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Intelligence May 14, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Oct. 3, 2007. Senate insisted on its amendment 
    and asked for a conference Oct. 3, 2007. House disagreed to 
    Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Dec. 4, 2007. 
    Conference report filed in the House Dec. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-
    478. House agreed to conference report Dec. 13, 2007; Roll No. 
    1160: 222-199. Conference report considered in Senate Feb. 11, 
    2008. Senate agreed to conference report Feb. 13, 2008; Roll 
    No. 22: 51-45. Presented to the President Feb. 29, 2008. 
    Vetoed Mar. 8, 2008. House sustained Presidential veto Mar. 
    11, 2008; Roll No. 117: 225-188. In House, veto referred to 
    Intelligence (Permanent Select) Mar. 11, 2008.
H.R. 2085.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey 
    to the McGee Creek Authority certain facilities of the McGee 
    Creek Project, Oklahoma, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources May 1, 2007. Reported Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-460. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Dec. 4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 6, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1141: 373-0. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Dec. 7, 2007. Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 2089.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 701 Loyola Avenue in New Orleans, 
    Louisiana, as the ``Louisiana Armed Services Veterans Post 
    Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 1, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 15, 2007; Roll No. 
    962: 383-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, 2007. Reported Nov. 
    14, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 
    2007. Public Law 110-121.
H.R. 2094 (S. 890).--To provide for certain administrative and 
    support services for the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial 
    Commission, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources May 1, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 
    110-392. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar Oct. 23, 2007. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 2095 (H. Res. 724) (S. 1889).--To amend title 49, United 
    States Code, to prevent railroad fatalities, injuries, and 
    hazardous materials releases, to authorize the Federal 
    Railroad Safety Administration, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure May 1, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-336. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 17, 2007; Roll No. 980: 
    377-38. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science 
    and Transportation Oct. 18, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Aug. 1, 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment with an amendment pursuant to H.Res. 1492 Sept. 24, 
    2008. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment 
    Oct. 1 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Roll No. 210: 74-
    24. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 16, 
    2008. Public Law 110-432.
H.R. 2102 (H. Res. 742) (S. 2035).--To maintain the free flow of 
    information to the public by providing conditions for the 
    federally compelled disclosure of information by certain 
    persons connected with the news media. Referred to the 
    Judiciary May 2, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 10, 2007; Rept. 
    110-370. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 16, 2007; 
    Roll No. 973: 398-21. Received in Senate Oct. 17, 2007. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007.
H.R. 2107.--To create the Office of Chief Financial Officer of the 
    Government of the Virgin Islands, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources May 2, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate 
    July 31, 2007. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Aug. 
    3, 2007.
H.R. 2120 (H.R. 4115).--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to 
    proclaim as reservation for the benefit of the Sault Ste. 
    Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians a parcel of land now held in 
    trust by the United States for that Indian tribe. Referred to 
    Natural Resources May 2, 2007. Reported amended July 30, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-273. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Indian 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2121.--To modify a land grant patent issued by the Secretary 
    of the Interior. Referred to Natural Resources May 2, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 10, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 11, 
H.R. 2127.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 408 West 6th Street in Chelsea, Oklahoma, 
    as the ``Clem Rogers McSpadden Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 3, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 18, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 
    19, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-68.
H.R. 2139.--To modernize the manufactured housing loan insurance 
    program under title I of the National Housing Act. Referred to 
    Financial Services May 3, 2007. Reported amended June 21, 
    2007; Rept. 110-206. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 25, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 26, 2007.
H.R. 2176 (H. Res. 1298) (H.R. 4115).--To provide for and approve 
    the settlement of certain land claims of the Bay Mills Indian 
    Community. Referred to Natural Resources May 3, 2007. Reported 
    amended Mar. 6, 2008; Rept. 110-541, Pt. I. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Mar. 6, 2008 for a period ending not later than Apr. 
    4, 2008. Reported adversely Apr. 4, 2008; Pt. II. Union 
    Calendar. Failed of passage June 25, 2008; Roll No. 458: 121-
H.R. 2185 (S. 2020).--To amend the Tropical Forest Conservation 
    Act of 1998 to provide debt relief to developing countries 
    that take action to protect forests and coral reefs and 
    associated coastal marine ecosystems, to reauthorize such Act 
    through fiscal year 2010, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs May 7, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 9, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Foreign Relations Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 2192.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish an 
    Ombudsman within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs May 7, 2007. Reported amended July 24, 
    2008; Rept. 110-773. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 29, 2008; Roll No. 536: 398-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs July 30, 2008.
H.R. 2197.--To modify the boundary of the Hopewell Culture 
    National Historical Park in the State of Ohio, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 7, 2007. Reported 
    Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-391. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. Reported June 16, 
    2008; Rept. 110-386.
H.R. 2199 (S. 1233).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide certain 
    improvements in the treatment of individuals with traumatic 
    brain injuries, and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs May 8, 2007. Reported amended May 23, 2007; Rept. 110-
    166. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 
    23, 2007; Roll No. 413: 421-0. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 2206 (H. Res. 387) (H. Res. 438).--Making emergency 
    supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2007, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Appropriations and in addition to the Budget May 8, 2007. 
    Passed House amended May 10, 2007; Roll No. 333: 221-205. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar May 14, 
    2007. Considered May 15, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment 
    May 17, 2007. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference May 17, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment with 
    amendment May 24, 2007. Senate agreed to House amendment to 
    Senate amendment May 24, 2007. Presented to the President May 
    25, 2007. Approved May 25, 2007. Public Law 110-28.
H.R. 2207 (H. Res. 387).--Making supplemental appropriations for 
    agricultural and other emergency assistance for the fiscal 
    year ending September 30, 2007, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Appropriations and in addition to the Budget May 
    8, 2007. Passed House amended May 10, 2007; Roll No. 336: 302-
    120. Laid on the table pursuant to H. Res. 387 May 10, 2007.
H.R. 2208.--To provide for a standby loan program for certain 
    coal-to-liquid projects. Referred to Energy and Commerce and 
    in addition to Science and Technology May 8, 2007. Discharge 
    petition filed July 9, 2008; Pet. 110-12.
H.R. 2237 (H. Res. 387).--To provide for the redeployment of 
    United States Armed Forces and defense contractors from Iraq. 
    Referred to Armed Services and in addition to Foreign Affairs 
    May 9, 2007. Failed of passage May 10, 2007; Roll No. 330: 
H.R. 2239.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to expand 
    eligibility for vocational rehabilitation benefits 
    administered by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs May 9, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended May 23, 2007; Roll No. 414: 414-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007.
H.R. 2245.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    outpatient clinic in Wenatchee, Washington, as the Elwood 
    ``Bud'' Link Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 9, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 24, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 26, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 27, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 110-302.
H.R. 2246.--To validate certain conveyances made by the Union 
    Pacific Railroad Company of lands located in Reno, Nevada, 
    that were originally conveyed by the United States to 
    facilitate construction of transcontinental railroads, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-461. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 4, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 5, 
    2007. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 2251 (S. 1329).--To extend the Acadia National Park Advisory 
    Commission, to provide improved visitor services at the park, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 9, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 12, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Feb. 13, 2008.
H.R. 2262 (H. Res. 780).--To modify the requirements applicable to 
    locatable minerals on public domain lands, consistent with the 
    principles of self-initiation of mining claims, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 10, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-412. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Nov. 1, 2007; Roll No. 1033: 244-166. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 5, 
H.R. 2264 (S. 879).--To amend the Sherman Act to make oil-
    producing and exporting cartels illegal. Referred to the 
    Judiciary May 10, 2007. Reported amended May 21, 2007; Rept. 
    110-160. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    May 22, 2007; Roll No. 398: 345-72. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar May 23, 2007.
H.R. 2268.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the centennial of the establishment of 
    Mother's Day. Referred to Financial Services May 10, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 10, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    June 11, 2008.
H.R. 2272 (H.R. 362) (H.R. 363) (H.R. 1068) (H.R. 1867) (H.R. 
    1868) (H. Res. 602) (S. 761).--To invest in innovation through 
    research and development, and to improve the competitiveness 
    of the United States. Referred to Science and Technology May 
    10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 21, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar May 22, 2007. 
    July 19, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment July 19, 2007. 
    Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference 
    July 19, 2007. House disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed 
    to a conference July 31, 2007. Conference report filed in the 
    House Aug. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-289. House agreed to conference 
    report Aug. 2, 2007; Roll No. 802: 367-57. Senate agreed to 
    conference report Aug. 2, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Aug. 4, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-69.
H.R. 2276.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 203 North Main Street in Vassar, Michigan, 
    as the ``Corporal Christopher E. Esckelson Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 
    10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 1, 2007; Roll No. 
    925: 379-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 2, 2007. Reported Nov. 
    14, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 
    2007. Public Law 110-122.
H.R. 2279.--To expedite the construction of new refining capacity 
    on closed military installations in the United States, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to Armed Services May 10, 2007. Discharge petition 
    filed June 18, 2008; Pet. 110-9.
H.R. 2284.--To amend the Small Business Act to expand and improve 
    the assistance provided by Small Business Development Centers 
    to Indian tribe members, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians. 
    Referred to Small Business May 10, 2007. Reported June 15, 
    2007; Rept. 110-192. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 18, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 20, 2007; Roll No. 515: 351-73. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship June 21, 
H.R. 2286.--To amend title 18, United States Code, and the Federal 
    Rules of Criminal Procedure with respect to bail bond 
    forfeitures. Referred to the Judiciary May 10, 2007. Reported 
    June 22, 2007; Rept. 110-208. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 25, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    the Judiciary June 26, 2007.
H.R. 2293.--To require the Secretary of State to submit to 
    Congress a report on efforts to bring to justice the 
    Palestinian terrorists who killed John Branchizio, Mark 
    Parson, and John Marin Linde. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 
    14, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 16, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations July 17, 
H.R. 2295 (S. 1382).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    provide for the establishment of an Amyotrophic Lateral 
    Sclerosis Registry. Referred to Energy and Commerce May 14, 
    2007. Reported amended Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-379. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 16, 2007; Roll No. 
    970: 411-3. Received in Senate Oct. 17, 2007. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Oct. 31, 2007.
H.R. 2304.--To direct the Secretary of Energy to conduct a program 
    of research, development, demonstration, and commercial 
    application for geothermal energy, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Science and Technology May 14, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 21, 2007; Rept. 110-203.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 122
H.R. 2309.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3916 Milgen Road in Columbus, Georgia, as 
    the ``Frank G. Lumpkin, Jr. Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform May 14, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate 
    July 31, 2007. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-
H.R. 2313.--To establish research, development, demonstration, and 
    commercial application programs for marine renewable energy 
    technologies. Referred to Science and Technology May 15, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 21, 2007; Rept. 110-202.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 121
H.R. 2316 (H. Res. 437).--To provide more rigorous requirements 
    with respect to disclosure and enforcement of lobbying laws 
    and regulations, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Rules, and House Administration 
    May 15, 2007. Reported amended from the Judiciary May 21, 
    2007; Rept. 110-161, Pt. I. Rules and House Administration 
    discharged May 21, 2007. Union Calendar. Passed House amended 
    May 24, 2007; Roll No. 423: 396-22. Received in Senate May 25, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar June 4, 2007.
H.R. 2317 (H. Res. 437).--To amend the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 
    1995 to require registered lobbyists to file quarterly reports 
    on contributions bundled for certain recipients, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May 15, 2007. Reported 
    amended May 21, 2007; Rept. 110-162. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended May 24, 2007; Roll No. 420: 382-37. Received in 
    Senate May 25, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar June 4, 
H.R. 2337.--To promote energy policy reforms and public 
    accountability, alternative energy and efficiency, and carbon 
    capture and climate change mitigation, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture, 
    and Science and Technology May 16, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-296, Pt. I. 
    Agriculture and Science and Technology discharged Aug. 3, 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 186
H.R. 2339.--To encourage research, development, and demonstration 
    of technologies to facilitate the utilization of water 
    produced in connection with the development of domestic energy 
    resources, and for other purposes. Referred to Science and 
    Technology May 16, 2007. Reported amended July 30, 2008; Rept. 
    110-801. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources July 31, 2008.
H.R. 2342.--To direct the President to establish a National 
    Integrated Coastal and Ocean Observation System, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to 
    Science and Technology May 16, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Natural Resources Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-558, Pt. I. Science 
    and Technology discharged. Mar. 31, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Apr. 1 (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008.
H.R. 2343.--To expand quality programs of early childhood home 
    visitation that increase school readiness, child abuse and 
    neglect prevention, and early identification of developmental 
    and health delays, including potential mental health concerns, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor and in 
    addition to Armed Services May 16, 2007. Reported amended from 
    Education and Labor Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-818, Pt. I. 
    Referral to Armed Services extended Aug. 1, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Sept. 12, 2008. Referral to Armed 
    Services extended Sept. 12, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Sept. 19, 2008. Armed Services discharged. Sept. 19, 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 559
H.R. 2347.--To authorize State and local governments to direct 
    divestiture from, and prevent investment in, companies with 
    investments of $20,000,000 or more in Iran's energy sector, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in 
    addition to Education and Labor, and Oversight and Government 
    Reform May 16, 2007. Reported amended from Financial Services 
    July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-277, Pt. I. Education and Labor and 
    Oversight and Government Reform discharged July 30, 2007. 
    Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules July 30, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 31, 2007; 
    Roll No. 765: 408-6. Received in Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2352.--To enhance the safety of elementary schools, secondary 
    schools, and institutions of higher education. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Education and Labor May 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended from the Judiciary Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-
    821, Pt. I. Referral to Education and Labor extended Aug. 1, 
    2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 12, 2008. 
    Education and Labor discharged. Sept. 12, 2008. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 2356.--To amend title 4, United States Code, to encourage the 
    display of the flag of the United States on Father's Day. 
    Referred to the Judiciary May 17, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 11, 2007; Roll No. 448: 386-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 12, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate May 15, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 23, 2008. Approved June 3, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 2358.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint and 
    issue coins in commemoration of Native Americans and the 
    important contributions made by Indian tribes and individual 
    Native Americans to the development of the United States and 
    the history of the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services May 17, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 12, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 13, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Aug. 3, 2007. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    4, 2007. Presented to the President Sept. 10, 2007. Approved 
    Sept. 20, 2007. Public Law 110-82.
H.R. 2359.--To reauthorize programs to assist small business 
    concerns, and for other purposes. Referred to Small Business 
    May 17, 2007. Reported June 15, 2007; Rept. 110-193. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules June 18, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 20, 2007; Roll No. 514: 
    405-18. Received in Senate June 21, 2007. Received in Senate 
    June 21, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar June 22, 2007.
H.R. 2366.--To reauthorize the veterans entrepreneurial 
    development programs of the Small Business Administration, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Small Business May 17, 2007. 
    Reported June 15, 2007; Rept. 110-194. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 18, 2007. Received in Senate June 
    19, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar June 21, 2007.
H.R. 2381.--To promote Department of the Interior efforts to 
    provide a scientific basis for the management of sediment and 
    nutrient loss in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources May 17, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 10, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 11, 
H.R. 2397.--To reauthorize the women's entrepreneurial development 
    programs of the Small Business Administration, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Small Business May 21, 2007. Reported 
    June 15, 2007; Rept. 110-195. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 18, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Small Business and Entrepreneurship June 19, 2007.
H.R. 2399.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act and title 
    18, United States Code, to combat the crime of alien smuggling 
    and related activities, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    the Judiciary and in addition to Homeland Security May 21, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 22, 2007; Roll 
    No. 400: 412-0. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary May 23, 2007.
H.R. 2400 (S. 39).--To direct the Administrator of the National 
    Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to establish an 
    integrated Federal ocean and coastal mapping plan for the 
    Great Lakes and coastal state waters, the territorial sea, the 
    exclusive economic zone, and the Continental Shelf of the 
    United States, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Science and Technology May 21, 
    2007. Reported amended from Natural Resources July 23, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-253, Pt. I. Science and Technology discharged. July 
    23, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation July 24, 2007.
H.R. 2406.--To authorize the National Institute of Standards and 
    Technology to increase its efforts in support of the 
    integration of the healthcare information enterprise in the 
    United States. Referred to Science and Technology May 21, 
    2007. Reported amended Nov. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-451.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 277
H.R. 2408.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    outpatient clinic in Green Bay, Wisconsin, as the ``Milo C. 
    Huempfner Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic''. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Oct. 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Oct. 24, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 13, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 
    2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-145.
H.R. 2419 (H. Res. 574) (H. Res. 1189) (H.R. 6124) (S. 2302).--To 
    provide for the continuation of agricultural programs through 
    fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Agriculture and in addition to Foreign Affairs May 22, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Agriculture July 23, 2007; Rept. 110-
    256, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs discharged. July 23, 2007. Union 
    Calendar. Considered July 26, 2007. Passed House amended July 
    27, 2007; Roll No. 756: 231-191. Received in Senate Sept. 4, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 5, 2007. Considered 
    Nov. 5, 6, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, Dec. 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2007. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 14, 2007; Roll No. 434: 79-
    14. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference Dec. 14, 2007. House disagreed to Senate amendment 
    and agreed to a conference Apr. 9, 2008. Conference report 
    filed in the House May 13, 2008; Rept. 110-627. House agreed 
    to conference report May 14, 2008; Roll No. 315: 318-106. 
    Conference report considered in Senate May 14, 2008. Senate 
    agreed to conference report May 15, 2008; Roll No. 130: 81-15. 
    Presented to the President May 20, 2008. Vetoed May 21, 2008. 
    In House, passed over Presidential veto May 21, 2008; Roll No. 
    346: 316-108. In Senate, passed over Presidential veto May 22, 
    2008; Roll No. 140: 82-13. Became Public Law 110-234 without 
    approval May 22, 2008.
H.R. 2420.--To declare United States policy on international 
    climate cooperation, to authorize assistance to promote clean 
    and efficient energy technologies in foreign countries, and to 
    establish the International Clean Energy Foundation. Referred 
    to Foreign Affairs May 22, 2007. Reported amended June 28, 
    2007; Rept. 110-215.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 131
H.R. 2429.--To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to 
    provide an exception to the 60-day limit on Medicare 
    reciprocal billing arrangements between two physicians during 
    the period in which one of the physicians is ordered to active 
    duty as a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and 
    Means May 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 23, 
    2007; Roll No. 405: 422-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Finance May 24, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate July 
    24, 2007. Presented to the President July 27, 2007. Approved 
    Aug. 3, 2007. Public Law 110-54.
H.R. 2446 (H. Res. 453).--To reauthorize the Afghanistan Freedom 
    Support Act of 2002, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs May 22, 2007. Reported May 30, 2007; Rept. 
    110-170. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 6, 2007; 
    Roll No. 438: 406-10. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Foreign Relations June 7, 2007.
H.R. 2452 (S. 2080).--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control 
    Act to ensure that sewage treatment plants monitor for and 
    report discharges of raw sewage, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure May 23, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 19, 2008; Rept. 110-723. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 23, 2008. Received 
    in Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Referred 
    to Environment and Public Works Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 2464.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide a 
    means for continued improvement in emergency medical services 
    for children. Referred to Energy and Commerce May 23, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-568. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 8, 2008; Roll No. 
    162: 390-1. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Apr. 9, 2008.
H.R. 2467.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 69 Montgomery Street in Jersey City, New 
    Jersey, as the ``Frank J. Guarini Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 23, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 10, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 11, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public Law 110-98.
H.R. 2474.--To provide for an increased maximum civil penalty for 
    violations under the Consumer Product Safety Act. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce May 24, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 9, 
    2007; Rept. 110-364. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 9, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 2489 (S. 888).--To amend section 1091 of title 18, United 
    States Code, to allow the prosecution of genocide in 
    appropriate circumstances. Referred to the Judiciary May 24, 
    2007. Reported Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-468.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 292
H.R. 2490.--To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    conduct a pilot program for the mobile biometric 
    identification in the maritime environment of aliens 
    unlawfully attempting to enter the United States. Referred to 
    Homeland Security May 24, 2007. Reported amended July 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-751. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 29, 2008; Roll No. 534: 394-3. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    July 30, 2008.
H.R. 2493.--To amend the Clean Air Act to provide for a reduction 
    in the number of boutique fuels, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce May 24, 2007. Discharge 
    petition filed July 15, 2008; Pet. 110-13.
H.R. 2499.--To amend the Small Business Act to expand and improve 
    the assistance provided by Small Business Development Centers 
    to Colonias. Referred to Small Business May 24, 2007.
H.R. 2515.--To authorize appropriations for the Bureau of 
    Reclamation to carry out the Lower Colorado River Multi-
    Species Conservation Program in the States of Arizona, 
    California, and Nevada, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources May 24, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 31, 
    2008; Rept. 110-555. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Mar. 13), 2008. Reported with amendment June 16, 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 2517 (S. 1829).--To amend the Missing Children's Assistance 
    Act to authorize appropriations, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Education and Labor May 24, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Dec. 5, 2007; Roll No. 1132: 408-3. 
    Received in Senate Dec. 5, 2007. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate May 20, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 23, 2008. Approved June 3, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 2535.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a 
    study on the feasibility and suitability of constructing a 
    storage reservoir, outlet works, and a delivery system for the 
    Tule River Indian Tribe of California to provide a water 
    supply for domestic, municipal, industrial, and agricultural 
    purposes, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources May 24, 2007. Reported July 31, 2008; Rept. 110-812. 
    Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 2 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 2537 (H. Res. 1083) (S. 2844).--To amend the Federal Water 
    Pollution Control Act relating to beach monitoring, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    May 24, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-491. 
    Union Calendar. Considered Apr. 10, 2008. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 16, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Apr. 17, 2008.
H.R. 2546.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    Medical Center in Asheville, North Carolina, as the ``Charles 
    George Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center''. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs May 24, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 25, 2007; Roll No. 550: 381-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs June 26, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Nov. 6, 2007. Approved Nov. 15, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 2547.--To amend the Federal Deposit Insurance Act to prevent 
    misrepresentation about deposit insurance coverage, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services May 24, 2007. 
    Reported July 16, 2007; Rept. 110-234. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 16, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    July 17, 2007.
H.R. 2553.--To amend the State Department Basic Authorities Act of 
    1956 to provide for the establishment and maintenance of 
    existing libraries and resource centers at United States 
    diplomatic and consular missions to provide information about 
    American culture, society, and history, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs May 24, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Reported with amendments Sept. 12, 2008; Rept. 110-459.
H.R. 2559 (S. 1704).--To temporarily extend the programs under the 
    Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Education and Labor June 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 6, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions June 7, 2007.
H.R. 2560.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to 
    prohibit human cloning, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce June 5, 2007. Failed of passage under 
    suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) June 6, 2007; 
    Roll No. 439: 204-213.
H.R. 2563 (S. 1539).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 309 East Linn Street in 
    Marshalltown, Iowa, as the ``Major Scott Nisely Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 5, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 18, 2007; Roll No. 499: 
    386-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs June 19, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 2570 (S. 1732).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 301 Boardwalk Drive in Fort 
    Collins, Colorado, as the ``Dr. Karl E. Carson Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 16, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 17, 2007. Reported Aug. 1, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public Law 110-72.
H.R. 2575.--For the relief of Mikael Adrian Christopher Figueroa 
    Alvarez. Referred to the Judiciary June 5, 2007. Reported 
    Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-827.
 Private Calendar..............................................Private 5
H.R. 2583.--To amend title VII of the Public Health Service Act to 
    establish a loan program for eligible hospitals to establish 
    residency training programs. Referred to Energy and Commerce 
    June 6, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 110-872. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    23, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and 
    Pensions Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 2587.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 555 South 3rd Street Lobby in Memphis, 
    Tennessee, as the ``Kenneth T. Whalum, Sr. Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 6, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 10, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 11, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public Law 110-99.
H.R. 2601 (S. 781).--To extend the authority of the Federal Trade 
    Commission to collect fees to administer and enforce the 
    provisions relating to the ``Do-not-call'' registry of the 
    Telemarketing Sales Rule. Referred to Energy and Commerce June 
    6, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 11, 2007; Rept. 110-485. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Dec. 12, 2007.
H.R. 2602.--To name the Department of Veterans Affairs medical 
    facility in Iron Mountain, Michigan, as the ``Oscar G. Johnson 
    Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Facility''. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 6, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    June 25, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs June 26, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Nov. 7, 2007. Presented to the President Nov. 13, 2007. 
    Approved Nov. 16, 2007. Public Law 110-118.
H.R. 2608.--To amend section 402 of the Personal Responsibility 
    and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 to provide, in 
    fiscal years 2008 through 2010, extensions of supplemental 
    security income for refugees, asylees, and certain other 
    humanitarian immigrants, and to amend the Internal Revenue 
    Code to collect unemployment compensation debts resulting from 
    fraud. Referred to Ways and Means June 7, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 11, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Finance July 16, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendments Aug. 1, 2008. House agreed to 
    Senate amendments under suspension of the rules Sept. 17, 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 23, 2008. Approved 
    Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 110-328.
H.R. 2614.--To amend the Reclamation Wastewater and Groundwater 
    Study and Facilities Act to authorize the Secretary of the 
    Interior to participate in certain water projects in 
    California. Referred to Natural Resources June 7, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 14, 2007. 
    Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 2623.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the 
    collection of copayments for all hospice care furnished by the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    June 7, 2007. Reported amended July 27, 2007; Rept. 110-267. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2627.--To establish the Thomas Edison National Historical 
    Park in the State of New Jersey as the successor to the Edison 
    National Historic Site. Referred to Natural Resources June 7, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Nov. 14, 
    2007. Reported with amendment June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-388.
H.R. 2630.--To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to 
    prohibit authorized committees and leadership PACs of a 
    candidate or an individual holding Federal office from making 
    payments to the candidate's or individual's spouse, to require 
    such committees and PACs to report on disbursements made to 
    the immediate family members of the candidate or individual, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to House Administration June 
    7, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 23, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Rules and Administration 
    July 24, 2007.
H.R. 2631.--To strengthen efforts in the Department of Homeland 
    Security to develop nuclear forensics capabilities to permit 
    attribution of the source of nuclear material. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and in addition to Foreign Affairs June 7, 
    2007. Reported amended from Homeland Security June 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-708, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs discharged. June 11, 
    2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    June 18, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs June 19, 2008. Reported with 
    amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 2632.--To establish the Sabinoso Wilderness Area in San 
    Miguel County, New Mexico, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources June 7, 2007. Reported amended June 5, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-695. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources June 10, 2008. Reported with 
    amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 2634 (H. Res. 1103).--To provide for greater responsibility 
    in lending and expanded cancellation of debts owed to the 
    United States and the international financial institutions by 
    low-income countries, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services June 7, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-575. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 
    16, 2008; Roll No. 199: 285-132. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Foreign Relations Apr. 24, 2008.
H.R. 2635.--To reduce the Federal Government's contribution to 
    global warming through measures that promote efficiency in the 
    Federal Government's management and operations, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform and in 
    addition to Energy and Commerce, Armed Services, 
    Transportation and Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and 
    Agriculture June 7, 2007. Reported amended from Oversight and 
    Government Reform Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-297, Pt. I. Energy 
    and Commerce, Armed Services, Transportation and 
    Infrastructure, Natural Resources, and Agriculture discharged 
    Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 187
H.R. 2637.--To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act, with respect to 
    civil penalties for child labor violations. Referred to 
    Education and Labor June 8, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 12, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions June 13, 2007.
H.R. 2638 (H. Res. 473) (H. Res. 1488) (S. 1644).--Making 
    appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations June 8, 2007; Rept. 110-181. 
    Union Calendar. Considered June 12, 13, 14, 2007. Passed House 
    amended June 15, 2007; Roll No. 491: 268-150. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar June 18, 2007. 
    Considered July 24, 25,, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment 
    July 26, 2007; Roll No. 278: 89-4. Senate insisted on its 
    amendment and asked for a conference July 26, 2007. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment with amendment Sept. 24, 2008; Roll 
    No. 632: 370-58. Considered Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate 
    amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Roll 
    No. 208: 78-12. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Approved Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 110-329.
H.R. 2640.--To improve the National Instant Criminal Background 
    Check System, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary June 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House June 
    13, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    June 14, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Dec. 19, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment Dec. 
    19, 2007. Presented to the President Jan. 4, 2008. Approved 
    Jan. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-180.
H.R. 2641 (H. Res. 481) (S. 1751).--Making appropriations for 
    energy and water development and related agencies for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations June 11, 2007; Rept. 110-185. 
    Union Calendar. Considered June 19, 20, 2007. Supplemental 
    report filed July 13, 2007; Pt. II. Passed House amended July 
    17, 2007; Roll No. 641: 312-112. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar July 18 (Legislative day of 
    July 17), 2007.
H.R. 2642 (H. Res. 480) (H. Res. 1197) (H. Res. 1284) (S. 1645) 
    (S. 2363).--Making appropriations for military construction, 
    the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for 
    the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 11, 2007; Rept. 
    110-186. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 15, 2007; 
    Roll No. 498: 409-2. Received in Senate and ordered placed on 
    the calendar June 18, 2007. Considered Sept. 4, 5,, 2007. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 6, 2007; Roll No. 316: 92-
    1. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference 
    Sept. 6, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment with 
    amendments May 15, 2008. Senate agreed to House amendment No. 
    1 to Senate amendment with amendment May 22, 2008. Senate 
    agreed to House amendment No. 2 to Senate amendment with 
    amendment May 22, 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment to 
    House amendment No. 1 to Senate amendment June 19, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment to House amendment No. 2 to Senate 
    amendment with amendment June 19, 2008. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment to Senate amendment to House amendment No 2 to 
    Senate amendment June 26, 2008. Presented to the President 
    June 27, 2008. Approved June 30, 2008. Public Law 110-252.
H.R. 2643 (H. Res. 514) (S. 1696).--Making appropriations for the 
    Department of the Interior, environment, and related agencies 
    for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other 
    purposes. Reported from Appropriations June 11, 2007; Rept. 
    110-187. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed June 22, 
    2007; Pt. II. Considered June 26, 2007. Passed House amended 
    June 27, 2007; Roll No. 579: 272-155. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar June 28, 2007.
H.R. 2649.--To make amendments to the Reclamation Projects 
    Authorization and Adjustment Act of 1992. Referred to Natural 
    Resources June 11, 2007. Reported amended May 13, 2008; Rept. 
    110-634. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 19, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 
    2008; Roll No. 336: 374-39. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources May 21, 2008.
H.R. 2654.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 202 South Dumont Avenue in Woonsocket, 
    South Dakota, as the ``Eleanor McGovern Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Sept. 11, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-100.
H.R. 2669 (H. Res. 531) (H. Res. 637).--To provide for 
    reconciliation pursuant to section 601 of the concurrent 
    resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008. Referred to 
    Education and Labor June 12, 2007. Reported amended June 25, 
    2007; Rept. 110-210. Union Calendar. Passed House amended July 
    11, 2007; Roll No. 613: 273-149. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar July 16, 2007. Considered July 
    18 (Legislative day of July 17), 19, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendment July 20 (Legislative day of July 19), 2007; Roll No. 
    272: 78-18. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference July 20 (Legislative day of July 19), 2007. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Sept. 
    4, 2007. Conference report filed in the House Sept. 6, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-317. Conference report considered in Senate Sept. 6, 
    2007. Senate agreed to conference report Sept. 7, 2007; Roll 
    No. 326: 79-12. House agreed to conference report Sept. 7, 
    2007; Roll No. 864: 292-97. Presented to the President Sept. 
    19, 2007. Approved Sept. 27, 2007. Public Law 110-84.
H.R. 2671.--To designate the United States courthouse located at 
    301 North Miami Avenue, Miami, Florida, as the ``C. Clyde 
    Atkins United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure June 12, 2007. Reported Sept. 14, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-326. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Oct. 29, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment 
    and Public Works Oct. 30, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Dec. 13, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 
    2007. Approved Dec. 21, 2007. Public Law 110-146.
H.R. 2675.--To provide for the conveyance of approximately 140 
    acres of land in the Ouachita National Forest in Oklahoma to 
    the Indian Nations Council, Inc., of the Boy Scouts of 
    America, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    June 12, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-553. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 31, 
    2008; Roll No. 148: 370-2. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Apr. 1 (Legislative day 
    of Mar. 13), 2008.
H.R. 2688 (S. 1596).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 103 South Getty Street in 
    Uvalde, Texas, as the ``Dolph S. Briscoe, Jr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Aug. 1, 2007. Passed Senate Aug. 3, 2007. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 9, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-73.
H.R. 2693 (H. Res. 678).--To direct the Occupational Safety and 
    Health Administration to issue a standard regulating worker 
    exposure to diacetyl. Referred to Education and Labor June 13, 
    2007. Reported amended July 18, 2007; Rept. 110-239. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 26, 2007; Roll No. 913: 
    260-154. Received in Senate Sept. 27, 2007. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Sept. 28, 2007.
H.R. 2698.--To authorize appropriations for the civil aviation 
    research and development projects and activities of the 
    Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Science and Technology June 13, 2007. Reported 
    amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-329.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 205
H.R. 2701.--To strengthen our Nation's energy security and 
    mitigate the effects of climate change by promoting energy 
    efficient transportation and public buildings, creating 
    incentives for the use of alternative fuel vehicles and 
    renewable energy, and ensuring sound water resource and 
    natural disaster preparedness planning, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 
    13, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 29, 2008; Rept. 110-904.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 581
H.R. 2705.--To amend the Compact of Free Association Amendments 
    Act of 2003, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs June 13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Nov. 13, 2007. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar Nov. 14, 2007.
H.R. 2707.--To reauthorize the Underground Railroad Educational 
    and Cultural Program. Referred to Education and Labor June 13, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2007. 
    Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Health, 
    Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2722 (S. 924).--To restructure the Coast Guard Integrated 
    Deepwater Program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure June 14, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-270. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 30, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 31, 2007; Roll No. 773: 
    426-0. Received in Senate Aug. 1, 2007. Referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2728.--To designate the station of the United States Border 
    Patrol located at 25762 Madison Avenue in Murrieta, 
    California, as the ``Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. 
    Azrak Border Patrol Station''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure June 14, 2007. Reported Sept. 14, 2007; Rept. 
    110-327. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 
    29, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Oct. 30, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Presented 
    to the President July 7, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-264.
H.R. 2740 (H. Res. 702).--To require accountability for 
    contractors and contract personnel under Federal contracts, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary June 15, 
    2007. Reported amended Sept. 27, 2007; Rept. 110-352. Union 
    Calendar. Considered Oct. 3, 2007. Passed House amended Oct. 
    4, 2007; Roll No. 940: 389-30. Received in Senate Oct. 4, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 5, 2007.
H.R. 2744.--To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to 
    clarify the eligibility requirements with respect to airline 
    flight crews. Referred to Education and Labor and in addition 
    to Oversight and Government Reform, and House Administration 
    June 15, 2007. Rereferred to Education and Labor Oct. 30, 
    2007. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008; Roll No. 337: 
    402-9. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions May 21, 2008.
H.R. 2750.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment 
    of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the 
    Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Referred to Financial Services June 
    15, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2007; 
    Roll No. 758: 402-0. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. 
    Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2760.--For the relief of Shigeru Yamada. Referred to the 
    Judiciary June 15, 2007. Reported July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-742. 
    Private Calendar. Passed House Sept. 16, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 17, 2008.
H.R. 2761 (H. Res. 660) (H. Res. 849) (S. 2285).--To extend the 
    Terrorism Insurance Program of the Department of the Treasury, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services June 
    18, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-318. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 19, 2007; Roll No. 884: 
    312-110. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Sept. 20, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Nov. 16, 2007. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment under suspension of the rules Dec. 18, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1178: 360-53. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-160.
H.R. 2764 (H. Res. 498) (H. Res. 878) (H. Res. 893).--Making 
    appropriations for the Department of State, foreign 
    operations, and related programs for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Appropriations June 18, 2007; Rept. 110-197. Union Calendar. 
    Considered June 20, 2007. Passed House amended June 22 
    (Legislative day of June 21), 2007; Roll No. 542: 241-178. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Appropriations June 22, 
    2007. Reported with amendment July 10, 2007; Rept. 110-128. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 6, 2007; Roll No. 325: 81-
    12. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference Sept. 6, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    with 1st House amendment Dec. 17, 2007; Roll No. 1171: 253-
    154. House agreed to Senate amendment with 2nd House amendment 
    Dec. 17, 2007; Roll No. 1172: 206-201. Senate agreed to 2nd 
    House amendment to Senate amendment with amendment by Yea-Nay 
    Vote: 70 - 25 (Roll No. 439) Dec. 18, 2007. Senate agreed to 
    1st House amendment to Senate amendment by Yea-Nay Vote: 76 - 
    17 (Roll No. 441) Dec. 18, 2007. Senate requested return of 
    papers Dec. 19, 2007. Papers returned to Senate Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Senate returned papers to House Dec. 19, 2007. House agreed to 
    Senate amendment to 2nd House amendment to Senate amendment 
    Dec. 19, 2007; Roll No. 1186: 272-142. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 24, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 2765.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 44 North Main Street in Hughesville, 
    Pennsylvania, as the ``Master Sergeant Sean Michael Thomas 
    Post Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    June 18, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed House July 30, 
    2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Aug. 3, 2007. Reported Sept. 
    26, 2007; no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 
    2007. Public Law 110-101.
H.R. 2768 (H. Res. 918).--To establish improved mandatory 
    standards to protect miners during emergencies, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Education and Labor June 19, 2007. 
    Reported amended Nov. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-457. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Jan. 16, 2008; Roll No. 10: 214-199. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 2771 (H. Res. 502) (S. 1686).--Making appropriations for the 
    Legislative Branch for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2008, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    June 19, 2007; Rept. 110-198. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended June 22, 2007; Roll No. 548: 216-176. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Appropriations June 22, 2007. Reported 
    June 28, 2007; no written report.
H.R. 2773.--To enhance research, development, demonstration, and 
    commercial application of biofuels related technologies, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology June 
    19, 2007. Reported amended Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-302.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 189
H.R. 2774.--To support the research, development, and commercial 
    application of solar energy technologies, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Science and Technology June 19, 2007. 
    Reported amended Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-303.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 190
H.R. 2775.--To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and 
    Emergency Assistance Act to authorize funding for emergency 
    management performance grants, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 19, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 10, 2007; Rept. 110-322.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 203
H.R. 2776 (H. Res. 615) (H.R. 3221) (H.R. 5351).--To amend the 
    Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for 
    the production of renewable energy and energy conservation. 
    Referred to Ways and Means June 19, 2007. Reported amended 
    June 27, 2007; Rept. 110-214. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Aug. 4, 2007; Roll No. 835: 221-189. Laid on the table 
    pursuant to H. Res. 615 Aug. 4, 2007. See H.R. 3221 for 
    further action.
H.R. 2778.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3 Quaker Ridge Road in New Rochelle, New 
    York, as the ``Robert Merrill Postal Station''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform June 19, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 10, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 
    11, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public Law 110-102.
H.R. 2779.--To recognize the Navy UDT-SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce, 
    Florida, as the official national museum of Navy SEALS and 
    their predecessors. Referred to Armed Services June 19, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 1, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Armed Services Oct. 2, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 31, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 1, 2007. Approved Nov. 13, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 2780.--To amend section 8339(p) of title 5, United States 
    Code, to clarify the method for computing certain annuities 
    under the Civil Service Retirement System which are based on 
    part-time service, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform June 19, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 24, 2008; Rept. 110-770.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 489
H.R. 2786 (H. Res. 633) (S. 2062).--To reauthorize the programs 
    for housing assistance for Native Americans. Referred to 
    Financial Services June 20, 2007. Reported Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 
    110-295. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 6, 2007; 
    Roll No. 859: 333-75. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Indian Affairs Sept. 10, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the 
    rules Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-411.
H.R. 2787.--To amend the National Manufactured Housing 
    Construction and Safety Standards Act of 1974 to require that 
    weather radios be installed in all manufactured homes 
    manufactured or sold in the United States. Referred to 
    Financial Services June 20, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 30, 
    2007; Rept. 110-415. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 30, 2007. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Nov. 1, 2007.
H.R. 2790.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to establish 
    the position of Director of Physician Assistant Services 
    within the office of the Under Secretary of Veterans Affairs 
    for Health. Referred to Veterans' Affairs June 20, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-642. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 2008.
H.R. 2798.--To reauthorize the programs of the Overseas Private 
    Investment Corporation, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs June 20, 2007. Reported amended July 19, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-241. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 23, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Foreign Relations July 24, 2007. Reported with amendment Mar. 
    4, 2008; Rept. 110-273.
H.R. 2818 (S. 2004).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    provide for the establishment of Epilepsy Centers of 
    Excellence in the Veterans Health Administration of the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs. Referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    June 21, 2007. Reported amended June 19, 2008; Rept. 110-722. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 24, 
    2008. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    June 25, 2008.
H.R. 2825.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 326 South Main Street in Princeton, 
    Illinois, as the ``Owen Lovejoy Princeton Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    21, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Sept. 11, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-103.
H.R. 2828.--To provide compensation to relatives of United States 
    citizens who were killed as a result of the bombings of United 
    States Embassies in East Africa on August 7, 1998. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs June 22, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 2, 2007; Roll No. 930: 409-12. Received in Senate 
    Oct. 3, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 4, 2007.
H.R. 2829 (H. Res. 517).--Making appropriations for financial 
    services and general government for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. Reported from 
    Appropriations June 22, 2007; Rept. 110-207. Union Calendar. 
    Considered June 27, 2007. Passed House amended June 28, 2007; 
    Roll No. 606: 240-179. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Appropriations June 29, 2007. Reported with amendment July 13, 
    2007; Rept. 110-129.
H.R. 2830 (H. Res. 1126) (S. 1892).--To authorize appropriations 
    for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2008, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 
    22, 2007. Reported amended from Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Sept. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-338, Pt. I. Referred 
    to Homeland Security Sept. 20, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Oct. 1, 2007. Reported amended from Homeland 
    Security Oct. 1, 2007; Pt. II. Referred to Energy and Commerce 
    and the Judiciary Oct. 1, 2007 for a period ending not later 
    than Oct. 15, 2007. Referral to Energy and Commerce and the 
    Judiciary extended Oct. 15, 2007 for a period ending not later 
    than Oct. 29, 2007. Referral to the Judiciary extended Oct. 
    29, 2007 for a period ending not later than Oct. 30, 2007. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Oct. 29, 2007 for a 
    period ending not later than Nov. 16, 2007. Reported amended 
    from the Judiciary Oct. 30, 2007; Pt. III. Referral to Energy 
    and Commerce extended Nov. 15, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Dec. 7, 2007. Referral to Energy and Commerce 
    extended Dec. 7, 2007 for a period ending not later than Dec. 
    14, 2007. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Dec. 14, 
    2007 for a period ending not later than Jan. 12, 2008. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Dec. 18, 2007 for a 
    period ending not later than Jan. 15, 2008. Referral to Energy 
    and Commerce extended Jan. 15, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Jan. 23, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce 
    extended Jan. 23, 2008 for a period ending not later than Jan. 
    29, 2008. Energy and Commerce discharged. Jan. 29, 2008. Union 
    Calendar. Supplemental report filed from the Judiciary Apr. 
    23, 2008; Pt. IV. Passed House amended Apr. 24, 2008; Roll No. 
    223: 395-7. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar Apr. 28, 2008.
H.R. 2831 (H. Res. 579).--To amend title VII of the Civil Rights 
    Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 
    the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, and the 
    Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to clarify that a discriminatory 
    compensation decision or other practice that is unlawful under 
    such Acts occurs each time compensation is paid pursuant to 
    the discriminatory compensation decision or other practice, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor June 
    22, 2007. Reported amended July 18, 2007; Rept. 110-237. Union 
    Calendar. Considered July 30, 2007. Passed House amended July 
    31, 2007; Roll No. 768: 225-199. Received in Senate Aug. 1, 
    2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 2, 2007.
H.R. 2844.--To promote United States emergency and non-emergency 
    food and other assistance programs, to promote United States 
    agricultural export programs, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Agriculture June 25, 
    2007. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs July 23, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-257, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged. July 23, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 165
H.R. 2847.--To amend the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to 
    establish an energy efficiency and renewable energy worker 
    training program. Referred to Education and Labor June 25, 
    2007. Reported amended July 27, 2007; Rept. 110-262.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 167
H.R. 2850.--To provide for the implementation of a Green Chemistry 
    Research and Development Program, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Science and Technology June 25, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 4, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    Sept. 5, 2007.
H.R. 2851.--To amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act 
    of 1974, the Public Health Service Act, and the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to ensure that dependent students who 
    take a medically necessary leave of absence do not lose health 
    insurance coverage, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor, and Ways 
    and Means June 25, 2007. Reported amended from Energy and 
    Commerce July 30, 2008; Rept. 110-806, Pt. I. Education and 
    Labor and Ways and Means discharged July 30, 2008. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions July 31, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 9, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-381.
H.R. 2857 (H. Res. 1015) (H.R. 5563).--To reauthorize and reform 
    the national service laws. Referred to Education and Labor 
    June 26, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 1, 2007; Rept. 110-420. 
    Union Calendar. Considered Mar. 6, 2008.
H.R. 2863.--To authorize the Coquille Indian Tribe of the State of 
    Oregon to convey land and interests in land owned by the 
    Tribe. Referred to Natural Resources June 26, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-274. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. 
    Passed Senate Aug. 2, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 
    2007. Approved Aug. 13, 2007. Public Law 110-75.
H.R. 2868.--To eliminate the exemption from State regulation for 
    certain securities designated by national securities 
    exchanges. Referred to Financial Services June 26, 2007. 
    Reported Oct. 15, 2007; Rept. 110-380. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Oct. 24, 2007.
H.R. 2874.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to make certain 
    improvements in the provision of health care to veterans, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs June 27, 
    2007. Reported amended July 27, 2007; Rept. 110-268. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2007. 
    Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 2881 (H. Res. 664) (S. 1300).--To amend title 49, United 
    States Code, to authorize appropriations for the Federal 
    Aviation Administration for fiscal years 2008 through 2011, to 
    improve aviation safety and capacity, to provide stable 
    funding for the national aviation system, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure June 
    27, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 17, 2007; Rept. 110-331. 
    Union Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 20, 2007; Roll No. 
    890: 267-151. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar Sept. 24, 2007. Considered Apr. 29, 30, May 1, 6, 
    2008. Returned to the calendar May 7, 2008.
H.R. 2884 (S. 2516).--To assist members of the Armed Forces in 
    obtaining United States citizenship, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary June 27, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 
    6, 2007; Rept. 110-429. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Nov. 6, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to the Judiciary Nov. 8, 2007.
H.R. 2894.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the bicentennial of the writing of the 
    ``Star Spangled Banner'' and the War of 1812, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services June 28, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules May 13, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 
    19, 2008.
H.R. 2895 (H. Res. 720).--To establish the National Affordable 
    Housing Trust Fund in the Treasury of the United States to 
    provide for the construction, rehabilitation, and preservation 
    of decent, safe, and affordable housing for low-income 
    families. Referred to Financial Services June 28, 2007. 
    Reported amended Oct. 2, 2007; Rept. 110-362. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Oct. 10, 2007; Roll No. 958: 264-148. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 2900 (H.R. 3580).--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and 
    Cosmetic Act to revise and extend the user-fee programs for 
    prescription drugs and for medical devices, to enhance the 
    postmarket authorities of the Food and Drug Administration 
    with respect to the safety of drugs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce June 28, 2007. Reported July 
    11, 2007; Rept. 110-225. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 11, 2007; Roll No. 617: 403-16. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 16, 
H.R. 2929.--To limit the use of funds to establish any military 
    installation or base for the purpose of providing for the 
    permanent stationing of United States Armed Forces in Iraq or 
    to exercise United States economic control of the oil 
    resources of Iraq. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition 
    to Armed Services June 28, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    July 25, 2007; Roll No. 717: 399-24. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Foreign Relations July 26, 2007.
H.R. 2930.--To amend section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 to 
    improve the program under such section for supportive housing 
    for the elderly, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services June 28, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-463. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Dec. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 6, 2007.
H.R. 2933.--To amend the American Battlefield Protection Act of 
    1996 to extend the authorization for that Act, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources June 28, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-792. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 22, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 24, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 2949.--To authorize grants to the Eurasia Foundation, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs June 28, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 5, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Nov. 6, 2007.
H.R. 2952.--To authorize the Saginaw Chippewa Tribe of Indians of 
    the State of Michigan to convey land and interests in land 
    owned by the Tribe. Referred to Natural Resources July 10, 
    2007. Reported amended July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-275. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended July 30, 2007. Received in 
    Senate July 31, 2007. Passed Senate Aug. 2, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 13, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 2956 (H. Res. 533).--To require the Secretary of Defense to 
    commence the reduction of the number of United States Armed 
    Forces in Iraq to a limited presence by April 1, 2008, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Armed Services and in addition to 
    Foreign Affairs July 10, 2007. Passed House July 12, 2007; 
    Roll No. 624: 223-201. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Foreign Relations July 16, 2007.
H.R. 2963.--To transfer certain land in Riverside County, 
    California, and San Diego County, California, from the Bureau 
    of Land Management to the United States to be held in trust 
    for the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources July 10, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in 
    Senate July 31, 2007. Referred to Indian Affairs Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Reported with amendments Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008; Rept. 110-503. Passed Senate with amendments Sept. 
    26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendments Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 10, 2008. Public Law 110-383.
H.R. 2964.--To amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to treat 
    nonhuman primates as prohibited wildlife species under that 
    Act, to make corrections in the provisions relating to captive 
    wildlife offenses under that Act, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources July 10, 2007. Reported amended 
    June 17, 2008; Rept. 110-712. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 17, 2008; Roll No. 414: 302-96. 
    Received in Senate June 19, 2008. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 2992.--To amend the Small Business Act to improve trade 
    programs, and for other purposes. Referred to Small Business 
    July 11, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-312. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 4, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship Sept. 5, 2007.
H.R. 2994.--To amend the Public Health Service Act with respect to 
    pain care. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 11, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 110-871. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 24, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3002.--To establish a demonstration program to authorize the 
    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development to guarantee 
    obligations issued by Indian tribes to finance community and 
    economic development activities. Referred to Financial 
    Services July 11, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 2, 2007; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 223
H.R. 3006.--To improve the use of a grant of a parcel of land to 
    the State of Idaho for use as an agricultural college, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Agriculture and in addition to 
    Natural Resources July 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Passed Senate 
    Aug. 3, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. 
    Approved Aug. 13, 2007. Public Law 110-77.
H.R. 3013.--To provide appropriate protection to attorney-client 
    privileged communications and attorney work product. Referred 
    to the Judiciary July 12, 2007. Reported Nov. 13, 2007; Rept. 
    110-445. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Nov. 13, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary Nov. 14, 2007.
H.R. 3018.--To provide for payment of an administrative fee to 
    public housing agencies to cover the costs of administering 
    family self-sufficiency programs in connection with the 
    housing choice voucher program of the Department of Housing 
    and Urban Development. Referred to Financial Services July 12, 
    2007. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3019.--To establish an Office of Housing Counseling to carry 
    out and coordinate the responsibilities of the Department of 
    Housing and Urban Development regarding counseling on 
    homeownership and rental housing issues, to make grants to 
    entities for providing such counseling, to launch a national 
    housing counseling advertising campaign, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services July 12, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3020.--To amend the Small Business Act to improve the 
    Microloan program, and for other purposes. Referred to Small 
    Business July 12, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-313. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 4, 2007; Roll No. 848: 385-5. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Sept. 5, 2007.
H.R. 3021 (H. Res. 1234).--To direct the Secretary of Education to 
    make grants and low-interest loans to local educational 
    agencies for the construction, modernization, or repair of 
    public kindergarten, elementary, and secondary educational 
    facilities, and for other purposes. Referred to Education and 
    Labor July 12, 2007. Reported amended May 8, 2008; Rept. 110-
    623. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 4, 2008; Roll 
    No. 379: 250-164. Received in Senate June 6, 2008. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 3022.--To designate the John Krebs Wilderness in the State of 
    California, to add certain land to the Sequoia-Kings Canyon 
    National Park Wilderness, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources July 12, 2007. Reported amended June 5, 
    2008; Rept. 110-694. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources June 10, 2008. Reported with 
    amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 3032.--To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to 
    permit candidates for election for Federal office to designate 
    an individual who will be authorized to disburse funds of the 
    authorized campaign committees of the candidate in the event 
    of the death of the candidate. Referred to House 
    Administration July 12, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 22, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-602. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 15, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Rules and Administration July 16, 2008.
H.R. 3033.--To improve Federal agency awards and oversight of 
    contracts and assistance and to strengthen accountability of 
    the Government-wide suspension and debarment system. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform July 12, 2007. Reported 
    amended Apr. 18, 2008; Rept. 110-596. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2008.
H.R. 3034 (S. 1772).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 127 South Elm Street in 
    Gardner, Kansas, as the ``Private First Class Shane R. Austin 
    Post Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    July 12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed House July 30, 
    2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Aug. 1, 2007.
H.R. 3036 (H. Res. 1441).--To amend the Elementary and Secondary 
    Education Act of 1965 regarding environmental education, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor July 12, 
    2007. Reported amended July 10, 2008; Rept. 110-754. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 18, 2008; Roll No. 614: 
    293-109. Received in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Referred to Environment and Public Works Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3043 (H. Res. 547) (H. Res. 794) (S. 1710).--Making 
    appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human 
    Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal 
    year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations July 13, 2007; Rept. 110-231. 
    Union Calendar. Considered July 17, 18, 2007. Passed House 
    amended July 19, 2007; Roll No. 686: 276-140. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 23, 2007. 
    Considered Oct. 17, 18, 19, 22, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Oct. 23, 2007; Roll No. 391: 75-19. Senate insisted 
    on its amendment and asked for a conference Oct. 23, 2007. 
    House disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference 
    Oct. 31, 2007. Conference report filed in the House Nov. 5, 
    2007; Rept. 110-424. House agreed to conference report Nov. 6, 
    2007; Roll No. 1050: 269-142. Senate receded from its 
    amendment to the bill and agreed with a further amendment Nov. 
    7, 2007; Roll No. 405: 56 - 37. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment Nov. 8, 2007; Roll No. 1075: 274-141. Presented to 
    the President Nov. 8, 2007. Vetoed Nov. 13, 2007. House 
    sustained Presidential veto Nov. 15, 2007; Roll No. 1122: 277-
    141. In House, veto referred to Appropriations Nov. 15, 2007.
H.R. 3046.--To amend the Social Security Act to enhance Social 
    Security account number privacy protections, to prevent 
    fraudulent misuse of the Social Security account number, and 
    to otherwise enhance protection against identity theft, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means July 16, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-339.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 210
H.R. 3052.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 954 Wheeling Avenue in Cambridge, Ohio, as 
    the ``John Herschel Glenn, Jr. Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform July 16, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 5, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 6, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public Law 110-104.
H.R. 3056 (H. Res. 719).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to repeal the authority of the Internal Revenue Service 
    to use private debt collection companies, to delay 
    implementation of withholding taxes on government contractors, 
    to revise the tax rules on expatriation, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Ways and Means July 17, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 31, 2007; Rept. 110-281. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 10, 2007; Roll No. 960: 232-173. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Finance Oct. 15, 2007.
H.R. 3058.--To amend chapter 69 of title 31, United States Code, 
    to provide full payments under such chapter to units of 
    general local government in which entitlement land is located, 
    to provide transitional payments during fiscal years 2008 
    through 2012 to those States and counties previously entitled 
    to payments under the Secure Rural Schools and Community Self-
    Determination Act of 2000, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources and in addition to Agriculture July 17, 
    2007. Reported amended from Natural Resources Dec. 19, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-505, Pt. I. Referral to Agriculture extended Dec. 
    19, 2007 for a period ending not later than Jan. 15, 2008. 
    Agriculture discharged. Jan. 15, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 310

 Considered under suspension of rules June 4, 2008. Failed of passage under 
suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) June 5, 2008; Roll No. 387: 

H.R. 3062.--To authorize appropriations to provide for South 
    Pacific exchanges, provide technical and other assistance to 
    countries in the Pacific region through the United States 
    Agency for International Development, and authorize 
    appropriations to provide Fulbright Scholarships for Pacific 
    Island students. Referred to Foreign Affairs July 17, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 5, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 6, 2007.
H.R. 3067.--To amend the United States Housing Act of 1937 to 
    exempt small public housing agencies from the requirement of 
    preparing an annual public housing agency plan. Referred to 
    Financial Services July 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 31, 2007. 
    Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3068.--To prohibit the award of contracts to provide guard 
    services under the contract security guard program of the 
    Federal Protective Service to a business concern that is 
    owned, controlled, or operated by an individual who has been 
    convicted of a felony. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure July 17, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 14, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-328. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 2, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 3, 2007. 
    Reported with amendment Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 110-455. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Senate requested return of papers Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Papers returned to Senate Sept. 26, 
    2008. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 26 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under 
    suspension of the rules Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3074 (H. Res. 558) (H. Res. 817) (S. 1789).--Making 
    appropriations for the Departments of Transportation, and 
    Housing and Urban Development, and related agencies for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Reported from Appropriations July 18, 2007; Rept. 110-238. 
    Union Calendar. Considered July 23, 2007. Passed House amended 
    July 24, 2007; Roll No. 715: 268-153. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar July 25, 2007. Considered Sept. 
    10, 11, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 12, 2007; 
    Roll No. 336: 88-7. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked 
    for a conference Sept. 12, 2007. House disagreed to Senate 
    amendment and agreed to a conference Nov. 8, 2007. Conference 
    report filed in the House Nov. 13, 2007; Rept. 110-446. House 
    agreed to conference report Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 1102: 270-
H.R. 3079.--To amend the Joint Resolution Approving the Covenant 
    to Establish a Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources July 18, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-469, Pt. I. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Dec. 4, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Dec. 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Dec. 12, 2007. Reported Apr. 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-324. Indefinitely postponed June 11, 2008.
H.R. 3087.--To require the President, in coordination with the 
    Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs 
    of Staff, and other senior military leaders, to develop and 
    transmit to Congress a comprehensive strategy for the 
    redeployment of United States Armed Forces in Iraq. Referred 
    to Armed Services July 18, 2007. Reported amended July 31, 
    2007; Rept. 110-283. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 2, 2007; Roll No. 927: 377-46. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Armed Services Oct. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3089.--To secure unrestricted reliable energy for American 
    consumption and transmission. Referred to Natural Resources 
    and in addition to Ways and Means, and Energy and Commerce 
    July 18, 2007. Discharge petition filed June 10, 2008; Pet. 
H.R. 3093 (H. Res. 562) (S. 1745).--Making appropriations for the 
    Departments of Commerce and Justice, and Science, and Related 
    Agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 19, 
    2007; Rept. 110-240. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed 
    July 25, 2007; Pt. II. Considered July 25, 2007. Passed House 
    amended July 26, 2007; Roll No. 744: 281-142. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 30, 2007. 
    Considered Oct. 4, 15, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 
    16, 2007; Roll No. 372: 75-19. Senate insisted on its 
    amendment and asked for a conference Oct. 16, 2007. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference Nov. 
    8, 2007. The conferees on the part of the House are discharged 
    and H.R. 3093 is laid on the table pursuant to H. Res. 860 
    Dec. 12, 2007.
H.R. 3094.--To establish in the Treasury of the United States a 
    fund which shall be known as the National Park Centennial 
    Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    July 19, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-795.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 513
H.R. 3095.--To amend the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety 
    Act of 2006 to modify a deadline relating to a certain 
    election by Indian tribes. Referred to the Judiciary July 19, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House July 23, 2007. Received in 
    Senate July 24, 2007. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3096.--To promote freedom and democracy in Vietnam. Referred 
    to Foreign Affairs July 19, 2007. Considered under suspension 
    of rules Sept. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 18, 2007; Roll No. 877: 414-3. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 19, 2007.
H.R. 3106 (S. 2023).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 805 Main Street in Ferdinand, 
    Indiana, as the ``Staff Sergeant David L. Nord Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform July 19, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 5, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 6, 2007. Reported Sept. 26, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Oct. 15, 2007. Approved Oct. 24, 2007. Public Law 110-105.
H.R. 3111.--To provide for the administration of Port Chicago 
    Naval Magazine National Memorial as a unit of the National 
    Park System, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Armed Services July 19, 2007. 
    Reported from Natural Resources Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-506, 
    Pt. I. Referral to Armed Services extended Dec. 19, 2007 for a 
    period ending not later than Jan. 15, 2008. Referral to Armed 
    Services extended Jan. 15, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Feb. 1, 2008. Armed Services discharged. Feb. 1, 2008. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 4, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Armed Services Mar. 
    5, 2008.
H.R. 3121 (H. Res. 683) (S. 2284).--To restore the financial 
    solvency of the national flood insurance program and to 
    provide for such program to make available multiperil coverage 
    for damage resulting from windstorms and floods, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services July 19, 2007. 
    Reported amended Sept. 24, 2007; Rept. 110-340. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2007; Roll No. 921: 
    263-146. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Sept. 28, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment May 13, 2008; Roll No. 125: 92-6. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and asked for a conference July 
    10, 2008.
H.R. 3123.--To extend the designation of Liberia under section 244 
    of the Immigration and Nationality Act so that Liberians can 
    continue to be eligible for temporary protected status under 
    that section. Referred to the Judiciary July 23, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 
    31, 2007. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3159 (H. Res. 601).--To mandate minimum periods of rest and 
    recuperation for units and members of the regular and reserve 
    components of the Armed Forces between deployments for 
    Operation Iraqi Freedom or Operation Enduring Freedom. 
    Referred to Armed Services July 24, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 31, 2007; Rept. 110-282. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Aug. 2, 2007; Roll No. 796: 229-194. Received in 
    Senate Aug. 2, 2007. Referred to Armed Services Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3161 (H. Res. 581) (H. Res. 599) (S. 1859).--Making 
    appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and 
    Drug Administration, and Related Agencies programs for the 
    fiscal year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Appropriations July 24, 2007. Reported July 24, 
    2007; Rept. 110-258. Union Calendar. Considered July 31, 2007. 
    Passed House amended Aug. 2, 2007; Roll No. 816: 237-18. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 3, 
H.R. 3162 (H. Res. 594) (H.R. 976) (S. 1893).--To amend titles 
    XVIII, XIX, and XXI of the Social Security Act to extend and 
    improve the children's health insurance program, to improve 
    beneficiary protections under the Medicare, Medicaid, and the 
    CHIP program, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means July 24, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Ways and Means Aug. 1 (Legislative day 
    of July 31), 2007; Rept. 110-284, Pt. I. Passed House amended 
    Aug. 1, 2007; Roll No. 787: 225-204. Received in Senate and 
    ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 4, 2007.
H.R. 3174 (S. 2052).--To amend titles 28 and 10, United States 
    Code, to allow for certiorari review of certain cases denied 
    relief or review by the United States Court of Appeals for the 
    Armed Forces. Referred to the Judiciary July 25, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3179.--To amend title 40, United States Code, to authorize 
    the use of Federal supply schedules for the acquisition of law 
    enforcement, security, and certain other related items by 
    State and local governments. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform July 25, 2007. Reported Dec. 17, 2007; Rept. 
    110-494. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 
    17, 2007. Received in Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 22 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008. Reported June 5, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-344. Passed Senate June 10, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 18, 2008. Approved June 26, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3184.--To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out 
    a competitive grant program for the Puget Sound area to 
    provide comprehensive conservation planning to address water 
    quality. Referred to Agriculture July 26, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in Senate July 
    31, 2007. Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 
    Aug. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3195 (H. Res. 1299).--To restore the intent and protections 
    of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Referred to 
    Education and Labor and in addition to the Judiciary, 
    Transportation and Infrastructure, and Energy and Commerce 
    July 26, 2007. Reported amended from Education and Labor June 
    23, 2008; Rept. 110-730, Pt. I. Reported amended from the 
    Judiciary June 23, 2008; Pt. II. Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and Energy and Commerce discharged June 23, 
    2008. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 25, 2008; Roll 
    No. 460: 402-17. Received in Senate June 26, 2008. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 27, 2008.
H.R. 3196.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 20 Sussex Street in Port Jervis, New York, 
    as the ``E. Arthur Gray Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 26, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 10, 2008; Roll No. 109: 382-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Mar. 11, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3197.--To provide for grants from the Secretary of Education 
    to State and local educational agencies for EnergySmart 
    schools and Energy Star programs. Referred to Education and 
    Labor July 26, 2007.
H.R. 3202.--To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 to extend 
    comparability pay adjustments to members of the Foreign 
    Service assigned to posts abroad, and to amend the provision 
    relating to the death gratuity payable to surviving dependents 
    of Foreign Service employees who die as a result of injuries 
    sustained in the performance of duty abroad. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs and in addition to Oversight and Government 
    Reform July 27, 2007. Reported amended from Foreign Affairs 
    Sept. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-877, Pt. I. Oversight and Government 
    Reform discharged. Sept. 24, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 571
H.R. 3206.--To provide for an additional temporary extension of 
    programs under the Small Business Act and the Small Business 
    Investment Act of 1958 through December 15, 2007, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Small Business July 27, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 30, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and passed July 31, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Aug. 6, 2007. Approved Aug. 8, 2007. Public Law 110-57.
H.R. 3218.--To designate a portion of Interstate Route 395 located 
    in Baltimore, Maryland, as ``Cal Ripken Way''. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure July 27, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 5, 2007. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 6, 2007. Passed Senate Sept. 12, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 19, 2007. Approved Sept. 28, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3221 (H. Res. 615) (H.R. 2776) (H. Res. 1175) (H. Res. 
    1363).--Moving the United States toward greater energy 
    independence and security, developing innovative new 
    technologies, reducing carbon emissions, creating green jobs, 
    protecting consumers, increasing clean renewable energy 
    production, and modernizing our energy infrastructure. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Education 
    and Labor, Foreign Affairs, Small Business, Science and 
    Technology, Agriculture, Oversight and Government Reform, 
    Natural Resources, Transportation and Infrastructure, and 
    Armed Services July 30, 2007. Passed House amended Aug. 4, 
    2007; Roll No. 832: 241-172. Received in Senate Sept. 4, 2007. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 5, 2007. Considered Apr. 
    3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 2008. Passed Senate with amendment Apr. 10, 
    2008; Roll No. 96: 84-12. House agreed to Senate amendments 
    with amendments May 8, 2008. Senate agreed to House amendments 
    to Senate amendments with amendment July 11, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment to House amendments to Senate 
    amendment with amendment July 23, 2008; Roll No. 519: 272-152. 
    Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment to House 
    amendments to Senate amendment July 26, 2008. Roll No. 186: 
    72-13. Presented to the President July 29, 2008. Approved July 
    30, 2008. Public Law 110-289.
H.R. 3222 (H. Res. 596) (H. Res. 806).--Making appropriations for 
    the Department of Defense for the fiscal year ending September 
    30, 2008, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    July 30, 2007; Rept. 110-279. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Aug. 5 (Legislative day of Aug. 4), 2007; Roll No. 
    846: 395-13. Received in Senate and referred to Appropriations 
    Sept. 4, 2007. Reported with amendment Sept. 14 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 12), 2007; Rept. 110-155. Considered Oct. 2, 
    2007. Passed Senate with amendment Oct. 3, 2007. Senate 
    insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference Oct. 3, 
    2007. House disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a 
    conference Nov. 5, 2007. Conference report filed in the House 
    Nov. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-434. House agreed to conference report 
    Nov. 8, 2007; Roll No. 1064: 400-15. Senate agreed to 
    conference report Nov. 8, 2007. Presented to the President 
    Nov. 9, 2007. Approved Nov. 13, 2007. Public Law 110-116.
H.R. 3224.--To amend the National Dam Safety Program Act to 
    establish a program to provide grant assistance to States for 
    the rehabilitation and repair of deficient dams. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure July 30, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-386. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 29, 2007; Roll No. 1010: 
    263-102. Received in Senate and referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Oct. 30, 2007. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-495.
H.R. 3227.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to continue 
    stocking fish in certain lakes in the North Cascades National 
    Park, Ross Lake National Recreation Area, and Lake Chelan 
    National Recreation Area. Referred to Natural Resources July 
    30, 2007. Reported amended July 14, 2008; Rept. 110-756. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 14, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources July 15, 2008.
H.R. 3229.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the legacy of the United States Army 
    Infantry and the establishment of the National Infantry Museum 
    and Soldier Center. Referred to Financial Services July 30, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 10, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs June 11, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3232 (S. 1661).--To establish a non-profit corporation to 
    communicate United States entry policies and otherwise promote 
    tourist, business, and scholarly travel to the United States. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to the 
    Judiciary, and Homeland Security July 31, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 3233 (S. 2131).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at Highway 49 South in Piney 
    Woods, Mississippi, as the ``Laurence C. and Grace M. Jones 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform July 31, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 1, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 2, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Oct. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Oct. 
    24, 2007. Approved Oct. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-107.
H.R. 3236.--To promote greater energy efficiency. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure, and Oversight and Government Reform July 31, 
    2007. Reported from Energy and Commerce Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 
    110-304, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure and 
    Oversight and Government Reform discharged Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 191
H.R. 3237.--To facilitate the transition to a smart electricity 
    grid. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    Science and Technology July 31, 2007. Reported from Energy and 
    Commerce Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-305, Pt. I. Science and 
    Technology discharged. Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 192
H.R. 3238 (S. 1419).--To promote the development of renewable 
    fuels infrastructure, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Science and Technology, 
    Transportation and Infrastructure, and Oversight and 
    Government Reform July 31, 2007. Reported from Energy and 
    Commerce Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-306, Pt. I. Science and 
    Technology, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Oversight 
    and Government Reform discharged Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 193
H.R. 3239.--To promote advanced plug-in hybrid vehicles and 
    vehicle components. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to Oversight and Government Reform, and Science and 
    Technology July 31, 2007. Reported from Energy and Commerce 
    Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-307, Pt. I. Oversight and Government 
    Reform and Science and Technology discharged Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 194
H.R. 3240.--To enhance availability of critical energy 
    information. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 31, 2007. 
    Reported Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-308.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 195
H.R. 3241.--To clarify the amount of loans to be guaranteed under 
    title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    Science and Technology July 31, 2007. Reported from Energy and 
    Commerce Aug. 3, 2007; Rept. 110-309, Pt. I. Science and 
    Technology discharged. Aug. 3, 2007.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 196
H.R. 3246 (H. Res. 704).--To amend title 40, United States Code, 
    to provide a comprehensive regional approach to economic and 
    infrastructure development in the most severely economically 
    distressed regions in the Nation. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure and in addition to Financial Services July 
    31, 2007. Reported amended from Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Sept. 7, 2007; Rept. 110-321, Pt. I. Financial 
    Services discharged. Sept. 7, 2007. Union Calendar. Failed of 
    passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    Sept. 17, 2007; Roll No. 867: 225-152. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 4, 2007; Roll No. 946: 264-154. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Environment and Public Works Oct. 4, 2007.
H.R. 3247.--To improve the provision of disaster assistance for 
    Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure July 31, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 18, 2007; Rept. 110-387. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 29, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 30, 2007. Reported with amendment Sept. 18 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-471.
H.R. 3248.--To amend the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient 
    Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users to make 
    technical corrections, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure July 31, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Aug. 1, 2007; Roll No. 789: 422-1. 
    Received in Senate Aug. 2, 2007. Referred to Environment and 
    Public Works Aug. 3, 2007. Reported with amendment July 16, 
    2008; no written report.
H.R. 3297.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 950 West Trenton Avenue in Morrisville, 
    Pennsylvania, as the ``Nate DeTample Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 1, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 15, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 16, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3299.--To provide for a boundary adjustment and land 
    conveyances involving Roosevelt National Forest, Colorado, to 
    correct the effects of an erroneous land survey that resulted 
    in approximately 7 acres of the Crystal Lakes Subdivision, 
    Ninth Filing, encroaching on National Forest System land. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Aug. 1, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-793. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 
    23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3307 (S. 2107).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 570 Broadway in Bayonne, New 
    Jersey, as the ``Dennis P. Collins Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 1, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 30, 2007; Roll No. 1018: 
    414-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs Nov. 1, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-124.
H.R. 3308.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 216 East Main Street in Atwood, Indiana, as 
    the ``Lance Corporal David K. Fribley Post Office''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 1, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Oct. 9, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 
    15, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the President Nov. 26, 
    2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 110-125.
H.R. 3311.--To authorize additional funds for emergency repairs 
    and reconstruction of the Interstate I-35 bridge located in 
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, that collapsed on August 1, 2007, to 
    waive the $100,000,000 limitation on emergency relief funds 
    for those emergency repairs and reconstruction, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Aug. 
    2, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Aug. 3, 2007; 
    Roll No. 819: 421-0. Received in Senate and passed with 
    amendment Aug. 3, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment Aug. 
    4, 2007. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2007. Approved 
    Aug. 6, 2007. Public Law 110-56.
H.R. 3315 (S. 1679).--To provide that the great hall of the 
    Capitol Visitor Center shall be known as Emancipation Hall. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Aug. 2, 2007. 
    Reported Nov. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-436. House Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007; Roll No. 1082: 398-6. 
    Received in Senate Nov. 14, 2007. Passed Senate Dec. 6, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Dec. 11, 2007. Approved Dec. 18, 
    2007. Public Law 110-139.
H.R. 3320.--To provide assistance for the Museum of the History of 
    Polish Jews in Warsaw, Poland. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Aug. 2, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Nov. 13, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 
    1088: 407-13. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign 
    Relations Nov. 15, 2007. Reported with amendment May 19, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-336.
H.R. 3323.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey a 
    water distribution system to the Goleta Water District, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Aug. 2, 
    2007. Reported amended May 13, 2008; Rept. 110-631. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources May 22, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 3325.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 235 Mountain Road in Suffield, Connecticut, 
    as the ``Corporal Stephen R. Bixler Post Office''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 2, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Oct. 1, 2007; Roll No. 926: 379-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 2, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3329.--To provide housing assistance for very low-income 
    veterans. Referred to Financial Services Aug. 2, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 9, 2008; Roll No. 478: 
    412-9. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008.
H.R. 3332.--To provide for the establishment of a memorial within 
    Kalaupapa National Historical Park located on the island of 
    Molokai, in the State of Hawaii, to honor and perpetuate the 
    memory of those individuals who were forcibly relocated to the 
    Kalaupapa Peninsula from 1866 to 1969, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Feb. 12, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Feb. 13, 2008. 
    Reported June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-389.
H.R. 3336.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to carry out a 
    study to determine the suitability and feasibility of 
    establishing a historic district to the Camp Hale on parcels 
    of land in the State of Colorado. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 
    110-798. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3352.--To reauthorize and amend the Hydrographic Services 
    Improvement Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Aug. 2, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 
    110-556. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Mar. 31, 2008; Roll No. 147: 308-60. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 1 (Legislative 
    day of Mar. 13), 2008. Committee discharged. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Apr. 14, 2008.
H.R. 3355 (H. Res. 802).--To ensure the availability and 
    affordability of homeowners' insurance coverage for 
    catastrophic events. Referred to Financial Services Aug. 3, 
    2007. Reported amended Oct. 31, 2007; Rept. 110-419. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Nov. 8, 2007; Roll No. 1074: 
    258-155. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs Nov. 13, 2007.
H.R. 3356 (S. 1927) (S. 2011).--To amend the Foreign Intelligence 
    Surveillance Act of 1978 to establish a procedure for 
    authorizing certain electronic surveillance. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Intelligence Aug. 3, 2007. Failed 
    of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    Aug. 3, 2007; Roll No. 821: 218-207.
H.R. 3361 (S. 1974).--To make technical corrections related to the 
    Pension Protection Act of 2006. Referred to Ways and Means and 
    in addition to Education and Labor Aug. 3, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 12, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Mar. 31 (Legislative 
    day of Mar. 13), 2008.
H.R. 3375.--To extend the trade adjustment assistance program 
    under the Trade Act of 1974 for 3 months. Referred to Ways and 
    Means Aug. 3, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 24, 2007; Rept. 
    110-345. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 25, 2007. Received in Senate and passed Sept. 25, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2007. Approved Sept. 28, 
    2007. Public Law 110-89.
H.R. 3382.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 200 North William Street in Goldsboro, 
    North Carolina, as the ``Philip A. Baddour, Sr. Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 1, 2007. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    Oct. 3, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written report. 
    Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the President Nov. 
    26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 110-127.
H.R. 3387.--To update and improve the codification of title 46, 
    United States Code. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Reported amended Nov. 8, 2007; Rept. 110-437.
 House Calendar................................................House 151
H.R. 3399.--To prohibit the use, production, sale, importation, or 
    exportation of any pesticide containing atrazine. Referred to 
    Agriculture Aug. 3, 2007. Rereferred to Energy and Commerce 
    Sept. 29, 2008.
H.R. 3402.--To require accurate and reasonable disclosure of the 
    terms and conditions of prepaid telephone calling cards and 
    services. Referred to Energy and Commerce Aug. 3, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Commerce, Science and Transportation Oct. 2 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3403.--To promote and enhance public safety by facilitating 
    the rapid deployment of IP-enabled 911 and E-911 services, 
    encouraging the nation's transition to a national IP-enabled 
    emergency network and improve 911 and E-911 access to those 
    with disabilities. Referred to Energy and Commerce Aug. 3, 
    2007. Reported amended Nov. 13, 2007; Rept. 110-442. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 13, 2007; 
    Roll No. 1084: 406-1. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation Nov. 14, 2007. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate with amendment June 16, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment June 23, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 15, 2008. Approved July 23, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3432.--To establish the 200th Anniversary Commemoration 
    Commission of the Abolition of the Transatlantic Slave Trade, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs Aug. 3, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 2, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Oct. 3, 2007. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Oct. 4, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Dec. 19, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules Jan. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Jan. 24, 2008. Approved Feb. 5, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3437.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to carry 
    out the Jackson Gulch rehabilitation project in the State of 
    Colorado. Referred to Natural Resources Aug. 3, 2007. Reported 
    amended July 31, 2008; Rept. 110-813. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 3446.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 202 East Michigan Avenue in Marshall, 
    Michigan, as the ``Michael W. Schragg Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 3, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 30, 2007; Roll No. 1019: 
    415-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security 
    and Governmental Affairs Nov. 1, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-128.
H.R. 3454.--To provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of 
    National Forest System land in the George Washington National 
    Forest in Alleghany County, Virginia, that contains the 
    cemetery of the Central Advent Christian Church and an 
    adjoining tract of land located between the cemetery and road 
    boundaries. Referred to Agriculture Aug. 4, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Received in Senate Dec. 
    18, 2007. Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry 
    Feb. 28, 2008.
H.R. 3461.--To establish a public awareness campaign regarding 
    Internet safety. Referred to Energy and Commerce Aug. 4, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 13, 2007; Roll No. 
    1085: 398-6. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, 
    Science and Transportation Nov. 14, 2007.
H.R. 3468.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1704 Weeksville Road in Elizabeth City, 
    North Carolina, as the ``Dr. Clifford Bell Jones, Sr. Post 
    Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 4, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Feb. 13, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3470.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 744 West Oglethorpe Highway in Hinesville, 
    Georgia, as the ``John Sidney 'Sid' Flowers Post Office 
    Building'. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    4, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Nov. 14, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 20, 2007. 
    Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-162.
H.R. 3473.--To provide for a land exchange with the City of 
    Bountiful, Utah, involving National Forest System land in the 
    Wasatch-Cache National Forest and to further land ownership 
    consolidation in that national forest, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Sept. 5, 2007. Reported amended 
    Feb. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-534. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Mar. 4, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 5, 2008. 
    Reported with amendment Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 3480.--To direct the United States Sentencing Commission to 
    assure appropriate enhancements of those involved in receiving 
    stolen property where that property consists of grave markers 
    of veterans, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Sept. 6, 2007. Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-647. 
    Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 2, 2008. 
    Reported June 12, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Oct. 
    2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 10, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3490.--To transfer administrative jurisdiction of certain 
    Federal lands from the Bureau of Land Management to the Bureau 
    of Indian Affairs, to take such lands into trust for Tuolumne 
    Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Sept. 6, 2007. 
    Reported amended Apr. 29, 2008; Rept. 110-609. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 29, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 
    30, 2008. Reported with amendments Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
H.R. 3495 (S. 1970).--To establish a National Commission on 
    Children and Disasters, a National Resource Center on Children 
    and Disasters, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 7, 2007. Reported 
    amended Nov. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-425. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 6, 2007; Roll No. 1043: 
    402-8. Received in Senate Nov. 8, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Nov. 13, 2007.
H.R. 3505.--To make various technical and clerical amendments to 
    the Federal securities laws. Referred to Financial Services 
    Sept. 7, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Dec. 5, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 6, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1135: 404-0. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 7, 2007.
H.R. 3511.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 2150 East Hardtner Drive in Urania, 
    Louisiana, a the ``Murphy A. Tannehill Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 24 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 23), 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 10, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public Law 110-439.
H.R. 3513 (S. 2034).--To amend the Oregon Wilderness Act of 1984 
    to designate the Copper Salmon Wilderness and to amend the 
    Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate segments of the North 
    and South Forks of the Elk River in the State of Oregon as 
    wild or scenic rivers, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Sept. 10, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 17, 
    2008; Rept. 110-591. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Apr. 22, 2008. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar Apr. 23, 2008.
H.R. 3518.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1430 South Highway 29 in Cantonment, 
    Florida, as the ``Charles H. Hendix Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 9, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 15, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3521 (H. Res. 974) (H.R. 6216).--To improve the Operating 
    Fund for public housing of the Department of Housing and Urban 
    Development. Referred to Financial Services Sept. 10, 2007. 
    Reported amended Jan. 29, 2008; Rept. 110-521.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 318

 Considered Feb. 26, 2008.

H.R. 3522.--To ratify a conveyance of a portion of the Jicarilla 
    Apache Reservation to Rio Arriba County, State of New Mexico, 
    pursuant to the settlement of litigation between the Jicarilla 
    Apache Nation and Rio Arriba County, State of New Mexico, to 
    authorize issuance of a patent for said lands, and to change 
    the exterior boundary of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation 
    accordingly, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Sept. 10, 2007. Reported Apr. 29, 2008; Rept. 110-
    610. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 29, 
    2008. Received in Senate Apr. 30, 2008. Passed Senate May 1, 
    2008. Presented to the President May 19, 2008. Approved May 
    27, 2008. Public Law 110-236.
H.R. 3524 (H. Res. 922).--To reauthorize the HOPE VI program for 
    revitalization of severely distressed public housing, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Sept. 11, 2007. 
    Reported amended Jan. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-507. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Jan. 17, 2008; Roll No. 18: 271-130. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 3526.--To include all banking agencies within the existing 
    regulatory authority under the Federal Trade Commission Act 
    with respect to depository institutions, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services and in addition to 
    Energy and Commerce Sept. 14, 2007. Reported from Financial 
    Services Dec. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-472, Pt. I. Reported amended 
    from Energy and Commerce Dec. 5, 2007; Pt. II. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 5, 2007. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Dec. 6, 2007.
H.R. 3527.--To extend for two months the authorities of the 
    Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs Sept. 14, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    17, 2007; Roll No. 869: 347-30. Received in Senate Sept. 18, 
    2007. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 4, 2007.
H.R. 3528.--To provide authority to the Peace Corps to provide 
    separation pay for host country resident personal services 
    contractors of the Peace Corps. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Sept. 14, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 18, 2007. Passed Senate Sept. 19, 
    2007. Presented to the President Sept. 24, 2007. Approved 
    Sept. 27, 2007. Public Law 110-86.
H.R. 3530.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1400 Highway 41 North in Inverness, 
    Florida, as the ``Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Weaver Post 
    Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Sept. 14, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 9, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 15, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3532.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 5815 McLeod Street in Lula, Georgia, as the 
    ``Private Johnathon Millican Lula Post Office''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 14, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 
    13, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. 
    Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-212.
H.R. 3539 (S. 2345).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 
    to extend financing for the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 17, 2007. Reported 
    amended from Ways and Means Sept. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-334, Pt. 
    I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. Sept. 19, 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 207
H.R. 3540.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    the funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and 
    Airway Trust Fund. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition 
    to Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 17, 2007. Reported 
    from Ways and Means Sept. 20, 2007; Rept. 110-337, Pt. I. 
    Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. Sept. 20, 2007. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    24, 2007. Received in Senate Sept. 25, 2007. Referred to 
    Finance Oct. 4, 2007.
H.R. 3541 (S. 2096).--To amend the ``Do-not-call'' Implementation 
    Act to eliminate the automatic removal of telephone numbers 
    registered on the Federal ``do-not-call'' registry. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Sept. 17, 2007. Reported amended Dec. 
    11, 2007; Rept. 110-486. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Dec. 12, 
    2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Feb. 6, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Feb. 12, 2008. Approved Feb. 15, 
    2008. Public Law 110-187.
H.R. 3546.--To authorize the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice 
    Assistance Grant Program at fiscal year 2006 levels through 
    2012. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 17, 2007. Reported June 
    23, 2008; Rept. 110-729. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 25, 2008; Roll No. 456: 406-11. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar June 26, 2008.
H.R. 3548 (S. 2291).--To enhance citizen access to Government 
    information and services by establishing plain language as the 
    standard style for Government documents issued to the public, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Sept. 17, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 
    110-580. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 14, 2008; Roll No. 185: 376-1. Received in Senate Apr. 
    15, 2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 3564.--To amend title 5, United States Code, to authorize 
    appropriations for the Administrative Conference of the United 
    States through fiscal year 2011, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 18, 2007. Reported Oct. 18, 
    2007; Rept. 110-390. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate Oct. 23, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 25, 2007. Passed Senate with 
    amendment June 27, 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules July 14, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 22, 2008. Approved July 30, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3567 (H. Res. 682).--To amend the Small Business Investment 
    Act of 1958 to expand opportunities for investments in small 
    businesses, and for other purposes. Referred to Small Business 
    Sept. 18, 2007. Reported Sept. 25, 2007; Rept. 110-347. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2007; Roll No. 923: 
    325-72. Received in Senate and referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship Sept. 28, 2007.
H.R. 3569 (S. 2290).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 16731 Santa Ana Avenue in 
    Fontana, California, as the ``Beatrice E. Watson Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    18, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Nov. 14, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 
    20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-163.
H.R. 3571.--To amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 
    to permit individuals who have served as employees of the 
    Office of Compliance to serve as Executive Director, Deputy 
    Executive Director, or General Counsel of the Office, and to 
    permit individuals appointed to such positions to serve one 
    additional term. Referred to House Administration Sept. 18, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 2, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Oct. 3, 2007. Reported Dec. 18, 2007; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3572 (S. 2150).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 4320 Blue Parkway in Kansas 
    City, Missouri, as the ``Wallace S. Hartsfield Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    18, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Oct. 15, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Oct. 16, 2007. Reported Nov. 14, 2007; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Nov. 16, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Nov. 26, 2007. Approved Nov. 30, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3580 (H.R. 2900) (H. Con. Res. 217).--To amend the Federal 
    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to revise and extend the user-fee 
    programs for prescription drugs and for medical devices, to 
    enhance the postmarket authorities of the Food and Drug 
    Administration with respect to the safety of drugs, and for 
    other purposes.. Referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 19, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 19, 2007; Roll No. 
    885: 405-7. Received in Senate Sept. 19, 2007. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 20, 2007. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2007. 
    Approved Sept. 27, 2007. Public Law 110-85.
H.R. 3625.--To make permanent the waiver authority of the 
    Secretary of Education with respect to student financial 
    assistance during a war or other military operation or 
    national emergency. Referred to Education and Labor Sept. 20, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2007. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 26, 2007. Passed Senate Sept. 27, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2007. Approved Sept. 30, 
    2007. Public Law 110-93.
H.R. 3648 (H. Res. 703).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to exclude discharges of indebtedness on principal 
    residences from gross income, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Ways and Means Sept. 25, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 1, 
    2007; Rept. 110-356. Union Calendar. Passed House amended Oct. 
    4, 2007; Roll No. 948: 386-27. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Finance Oct. 4, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Dec. 14, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules Dec. 18, 2007. Presented to the 
    President Dec. 19, 2007. Approved Dec. 20, 2007. Public Law 
H.R. 3651.--To require the conveyance of certain public land 
    within the boundaries of Camp Williams, Utah, to support the 
    training and readiness of the Utah National Guard. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Sept. 25, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 31, 
    2008; Rept. 110-554. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Mar. 13), 2008.
H.R. 3658.--To amend the Foreign Service Act of 1980 to permit 
    rest and recuperation travel to United States territories for 
    members of the Foreign Service. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    Sept. 25, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules May 5, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 6, 2008; Roll No. 249: 
    416-0. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations 
    May 7, 2008.
H.R. 3667 (H. Res. 1419) (S. 2093).--To amend the Wild and Scenic 
    Rivers Act to designate a segment of the Missisquoi and Trout 
    Rivers in the State of Vermont for study for potential 
    addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Sept. 25, 2007. Reported amended 
    May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-668. Union Calendar. Supplemental 
    report filed Sept. 8, 2008; Pt. II. Passed House amended Sept. 
    10, 2008; Roll No. 583: 299-118. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Sept. 11, 2008.
H.R. 3668.--To provide for the extension of transitional medical 
    assistance (TMA), the abstinence education program, and the 
    qualifying individuals (QI) program, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and 
    Means Sept. 26, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 26, 
    2007. Received in Senate Sept. 26, 2007. Passed Senate Sept. 
    27, 2007. Presented to the President Sept. 28, 2007. Approved 
    Sept. 29, 2007. Public Law 110-90.
H.R. 3678 (S. 2128).--To amend the Internet Tax Freedom Act to 
    extend the moratorium on certain taxes relating to the 
    Internet and to electronic commerce. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Sept. 27, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-372. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 16, 
    2007; Roll No. 968: 405-2. Received in Senate Oct. 17, 2007. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 18, 2007. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Oct. 25, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules Oct. 30, 2007; Roll No. 1014: 
    402-0. Presented to the President Oct. 30, 2007. Approved Oct. 
    31, 2007. Public Law 110-108.
H.R. 3681.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize 
    the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to advertise in the national 
    media to promote awareness of benefits under laws administered 
    by the Secretary. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Sept. 27, 
    2007. Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-644. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 
H.R. 3682.--To designate certain Federal lands in Riverside 
    County, California, as wilderness, to designate certain river 
    segments in Riverside County as a wild, scenic, or 
    recreational river, to adjust the boundary of the Santa Rosa 
    and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Sept. 27, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-693. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 9, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 
    10, 2008. Reported with amendments Sept. 16, 2008; no written 
H.R. 3685 (H. Res. 793).--To prohibit employment discrimination on 
    the basis of sexual orientation. Referred to Education and 
    Labor and in addition to House Administration, Oversight and 
    Government Reform, and the Judiciary Sept. 27, 2007. Reported 
    from Education and Labor Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-406, Pt. I. 
    House Administration, Oversight and Government Reform, and the 
    Judiciary discharged Oct. 22, 2007. Union Calendar. Passed 
    House amended Nov. 7, 2007; Roll No. 1057: 235-184. Received 
    in Senate Nov. 8, 2007. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 
    13, 2007.
H.R. 3688 (H. Res. 801) (S. 2113).--To implement the United 
    States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement. Referred to Ways and 
    Means Sept. 27, 2007. Reported Nov. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-421. 
    Union Calendar. Considered Nov. 7, 2007. Passed House Nov. 8, 
    2007; Roll No. 1060: 285-132. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar Nov. 13, 2007. Considered Dec. 3, 2007. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 4, 2007; Roll No. 413: 77-18. Presented to 
    the President Dec. 11, 2007. Approved Dec. 14, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-138.
H.R. 3690.--To provide for the transfer of the Library of Congress 
    police to the United States Capitol Police, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to House Administration and in addition to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 27, 2007. Reported 
    amended from House Administration Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-470, 
    Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. Dec. 4, 
    2007. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Dec. 5, 2007. Received in Senate Dec. 6, 2007. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Dec. 17, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules Dec. 18, 2007; Roll No. 1182: 
    413-0. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2007. Approved Jan. 
    7, 2008. Public Law 110-178.
H.R. 3701 (S. 845).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to intensify 
    programs with respect to research and related activities 
    concerning falls among older adults. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Sept. 27, 2007. Reported amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 351
H.R. 3702 (S. 2124).--To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to 
    convey certain land in the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National 
    Forest, Montana, to Jefferson County, Montana, for use as a 
    cemetery. Referred to Natural Resources Sept. 27, 2007. 
    Reported June 17, 2008; Rept. 110-713. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 17, 2008; Roll No. 415: 
    396-0. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    June 19, 2008.
H.R. 3703.--To amend section 5112(p)(1)(A) of title 31, United 
    States Code, to allow an exception from the $1 coin dispensing 
    capability requirement for certain vending machines. Referred 
    to Financial Services Sept. 27, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Nov. 13, 2007. Received in Senate Nov. 14, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Dec. 3, 2007. Passed Senate Dec. 17, 
    2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007. Approved Dec. 
    21, 2007. Public Law 110-147.
H.R. 3712.--To designate the Federal building and United States 
    courthouse located at 1716 Spielbusch Avenue in Toledo, Ohio, 
    as the ``James M. & Thomas W.L. Ashley Customs Building and 
    United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Oct. 1, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 15, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-455. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended June 4, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Environment and Public Works June 5, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate June 24 (Legislative day of June 
    23), 2008. Presented to the President July 15, 2008. Approved 
    July 23, 2008. Public Law 110-284.
H.R. 3720.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 424 Clay Avenue in Waco, Texas, as the 
    ``Army PFC Juan Alonso Covarrubias Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 2, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 22, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Jan. 23, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3721.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1190 Lorena Road in Lorena, Texas, as the 
    ``Marine Gunnery Sgt. John D. Fry Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 2, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 10, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3734 (S. 262).--To rename the Snake River Birds of Prey 
    National Conservation Area in the State of Idaho as the Morley 
    Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in 
    honor of the late Morley Nelson, an international authority on 
    birds of prey, who was instrumental in the establishment of 
    this National Conservation Area, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 2, 2007. Reported Apr. 17, 
    2008; Rept. 110-593. House Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Apr. 22, 2008. Received in Senate and ordered placed on 
    the calendar Apr. 23, 2008.
H.R. 3739.--To amend the Arizona Water Settlements Act to modify 
    the requirements for the statement of findings. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Oct. 3, 2007. Reported Dec. 11, 2007; Rept. 
    110-484. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 
    11, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Indian Affairs 
    Dec. 12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 14, 
    2007. Presented to the President Dec. 19, 2007. Approved Dec. 
    21, 2007. Public Law 110-148.
H.R. 3754 (S. 2146).--To authorize the Administrator of the 
    Environmental Protection Agency to accept, as part of a 
    settlement, diesel emission reduction Supplemental 
    Environmental Projects, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce Oct. 4, 2007. Reported June 10, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-705.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 447
H.R. 3773 (H. Res. 746) (H. Res. 824) (H. Res. 1041) (S. 2248).--
    To amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 to 
    establish a procedure for authorizing certain acquisitions of 
    foreign intelligence, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Intelligence Oct. 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended from the Judiciary Oct. 12, 2007; Rept. 110-
    373, Pt. I. Reported amended from Intelligence Oct. 12, 2007; 
    Pt. II. Union Calendar. Considered Oct. 17, 2007. Passed House 
    amended Nov. 15, 2007; Roll No. 1120: 227-189. Received in 
    Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Dec. 3, 2007. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Feb. 12, 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment with amendment Mar. 14, 2008; Roll No. 145: 213-197.
H.R. 3774 (S. 2148).--To provide for greater diversity within, and 
    to improve policy direction and oversight of, the Senior 
    Executive Service. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Oct. 9, 2007. Reported amended May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-672. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 3, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs June 4, 2008.
H.R. 3775.--To support research and development of new industrial 
    processes and technologies that optimize energy efficiency and 
    environmental performance, utilize diverse sources of energy, 
    and increase economic competitiveness. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Oct. 9, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 
    110-401. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 22, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007.
H.R. 3776.--To provide for a research, development, and 
    demonstration program by the Secretary of Energy to support 
    the ability of the United States to remain globally 
    competitive in energy storage systems for vehicles, stationary 
    applications, and electricity transmission and distribution. 
    Referred to Science and Technology Oct. 9, 2007. Reported 
    amended Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-402. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 22, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 23, 
H.R. 3791.--To modernize and expand the reporting requirements 
    relating to child pornography, to expand cooperation in 
    combating child pornography, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Oct. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Dec. 5, 2007; Roll No. 1131: 409-2. Received in Senate 
    and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 6, 2007.
H.R. 3793 (S. 2400).--To amend title 37, United States Code, to 
    require the Secretary of Defense to continue to pay to a 
    member of the Armed Forces who is retired or separated from 
    the Armed Forces due to a combat-related injury certain 
    bonuses that the member was entitled to before the retirement 
    or separation and would continue to be entitled to if the 
    member was not retired or separated. Referred to Armed 
    Services Oct. 10, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Dec. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 18, 
    2007; Roll No. 1176: 405-0. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar Dec. 19, 2007.
H.R. 3796.--To amend the Worker Adjustment and Retraining 
    Notification Act to minimize the adverse effects of employment 
    dislocation, and for other purposes. Referred to Education and 
    Labor Oct. 10, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 25, 2007; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 258
H.R. 3803.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3100 Cashwell Drive in Goldsboro, North 
    Carolina, as the ``John Henry Wooten, Sr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 
    10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 28, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 28, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3815.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require 
    the Secretary of Homeland Security to make full and efficient 
    use of open source information to develop and disseminate open 
    source homeland security information products, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Oct. 10, 2007. 
    Reported amended July 21, 2008; Rept. 110-763. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 31, 2008. Reported with amendment Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
H.R. 3819 (S. 2142).--To amend title 38, United States Code, to 
    require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to reimburse 
    veterans receiving emergency treatment in non-Department of 
    Veterans Affairs facilities for such treatment until such 
    veterans are transferred to Department facilities, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 10, 2007. 
    Reported May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-638. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules May 20, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008; Roll No. 347: 
    412-0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    May 22, 2008.
H.R. 3825 (S. 1858).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    establish grant programs to provide for education and outreach 
    on newborn screening and coordinated followup care once 
    newborn screening has been conducted, to reauthorize programs 
    under part A of title XI of such Act, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Energy and Commerce Oct. 15, 2007. Reported 
    amended Apr. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-570.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 352
H.R. 3845 (S. 1738).--To establish a Special Counsel for Child 
    Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction within the Office of 
    the Deputy Attorney General, to improve the Internet Crimes 
    Against Children Task Force, to increase resources for 
    regional computer forensic labs, and to make other 
    improvements to increase the ability of law enforcement 
    agencies to investigate and prosecute child predators. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 16, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Nov. 13, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 1091: 415-2. Received in 
    Senate and referred to the Judiciary Nov. 15, 2007.
H.R. 3849.--To provide for the conveyance of parcels of land to 
    Mantua, Box Elder County, Utah. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Oct. 16, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-790. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources Oct. 
    2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 3866.--To reauthorize certain programs under the Small 
    Business Act for each of fiscal years 2008 and 2009. Referred 
    to Small Business Oct. 17, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Nov. 6, 2007. Received in Senate Nov. 8, 2007. 
    Referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship Jan. 22 
    (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 3867 (H. Res. 773).--To update and expand the procurement 
    programs of the Small Business Administration, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Small Business Oct. 17, 2007. Reported 
    Oct. 22, 2007; Rept. 110-400. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 30, 2007; Roll No. 1017: 334-80. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Small Business and Entrepreneurship 
    Nov. 1, 2007.
H.R. 3873.--To expedite the transfer of ownership of rural 
    multifamily housing projects with loans made or insured under 
    section 515 of the Housing Act of 1949 so that such projects 
    are rehabilitated and preserved for use for affordable 
    housing. Referred to Financial Services Oct. 17, 2007. 
    Reported Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-464. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Jan. 23, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. 24, 2008.
H.R. 3877.--To require the Director of the National Institute of 
    Standards and Technology to establish an initiative to promote 
    the research, development, and demonstration of miner tracking 
    and communications systems and to promote the establishment of 
    standards regarding underground communications to protect 
    miners in the United States. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Oct. 17, 2007. Reported amended Oct. 29, 2007; 
    Rept. 110-411. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Oct. 29, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 30, 2007.
H.R. 3887 (S. 3061).--To authorize appropriations for fiscal years 
    2008 through 2011 for the Trafficking Victims Protection Act 
    of 2000, to enhance measures to combat forced labor, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to 
    the Judiciary, and Energy and Commerce Oct. 18, 2007. Reported 
    amended from Foreign Affairs Nov. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-430, Pt. 
    I. Energy and Commerce discharged. Nov. 6, 2007. Referral to 
    the Judiciary extended Nov. 6, 2007 for a period ending not 
    later than Nov. 9, 2007. Referral to the Judiciary extended 
    Nov. 9, 2007 for a period ending not later than Nov. 20, 2007. 
    The Judiciary discharged. Nov. 20, 2007. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 4, 2007; Roll No. 1124: 
    405-2. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 
    5, 2007.
H.R. 3889.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to require the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to conduct a longitudinal study 
    of the vocational rehabilitation programs administered by the 
    Secretary. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 18, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-640. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 2008.
H.R. 3890.--To amend the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003 
    to waive the requirement for annual renewal resolutions 
    relating to import sanctions, impose import sanctions on 
    Burmese gemstones, expand the number of individuals against 
    whom the visa ban is applicable, expand the blocking of assets 
    and other prohibited activities, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Ways and Means, 
    and the Judiciary Oct. 18, 2007. Reported amended from Foreign 
    Affairs Oct. 31, 2007; Rept. 110-418, Pt. I. The Judiciary 
    discharged. Oct. 31, 2007. Referral to Ways and Means extended 
    Oct. 31, 2007 for a period ending not later than Nov. 16, 
    2007. Referral to Ways and Means extended Nov. 15, 2007 for a 
    period ending not later than Dec. 7, 2007. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended Dec. 7, 2007 for a period ending not later 
    than Dec. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 
    11, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations 
    Dec. 12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendments Dec. 19, 2007. House agreed to Senate amendments 
    with amendments pursuant to H.Res. 1341 July 15, 2008. Senate 
    agreed to House amendments to Senate amendments July 22, 2008. 
    Presented to the President July 25, 2008. Approved July 29, 
    2008. Public Law 110-286.
H.R. 3891.--To amend the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation 
    Establishment Act to increase the number of Directors on the 
    Board of Directors of the National Fish and Wildlife 
    Foundation. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 18, 2007. 
    Reported Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-552. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works Apr. 1 
    (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008. Reported June 27, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-405. Passed Senate July 7, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 10, 2008. Approved July 21, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3911.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 95 Church Street in Jessup, Pennsylvania, 
    as the ``Lance Corporal Dennis James Veater Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 22, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
H.R. 3913.--To amend the International Center Act to authorize the 
    lease or sublease of certain property described in such Act to 
    an entity other than a foreign government or international 
    organization if certain conditions are met. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 22, 2007. Reported Jan. 
    28, 2008; Rept. 110-518. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Jan. 28, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Foreign Relations Jan. 29, 2008. Reported June 2, 2008; Rept. 
    110-343. Passed Senate June 5, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 18, 2008. Approved June 26, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 3915 (H. Res. 825).--To amend the Truth in Lending Act to 
    reform consumer mortgage practices and provide accountability 
    for such practices, to establish licensing and registration 
    requirements for residential mortgage originators, to provide 
    certain minimum standards for consumer mortgage loans, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Oct. 22, 2007. 
    Reported amended Nov. 9, 2007; Rept. 110-441. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Nov. 15, 2007; Roll No. 1118: 291-127. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Dec. 3, 2007.
H.R. 3916.--To provide for the next generation of border and 
    maritime security technologies. Referred to Homeland Security 
    and in addition to Science and Technology Oct. 22, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Science and Technology June 4, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-684, Pt. I.
H.R. 3919.--To provide for a comprehensive nationwide inventory of 
    existing broadband service, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce Oct. 22, 2007. Reported amended Nov. 
    13, 2007; Rept. 110-443. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Nov. 13, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Nov. 14, 
H.R. 3920 (H. Res. 781).--To amend the Trade Act of 1974 to 
    reauthorize trade adjustment assistance, to extend trade 
    adjustment assistance to service workers and firms, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means and in addition to 
    Education and Labor, and Energy and Commerce Oct. 22, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Ways and Means Oct. 29, 2007; Rept. 110-
    414, Pt. I. Education and Labor and Energy and Commerce 
    discharged Oct. 29, 2007. Union Calendar. Passed House amended 
    Oct. 31, 2007; Roll No. 1025: 264-157. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Finance Nov. 5, 2007.
H.R. 3921.--To provide nationwide subpoena authority for actions 
    brought under the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 
    2001. Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 22, 2007. Reported Oct. 
    29, 2007; Rept. 110-413.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 261
H.R. 3927 (S. 2258).--To temporarily extend the programs under the 
    Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Education and Labor Oct. 23, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Oct. 23, 2007. Received in Senate Oct. 24, 2007. 
    Referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Oct. 30, 
H.R. 3928.--To require certain large government contractors that 
    receive more than 80 percent of their annual gross revenue 
    from Federal contracts to disclose the names and salaries of 
    their most highly compensated officers, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 23, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 17, 2008; Rept. 110-594. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 23, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 24, 2008.
H.R. 3930.--To provide for a land exchange involving State land 
    and Bureau of Land Management land in Chavez and Dona Ana 
    Counties, New Mexico, and to establish the Lesser Prairie 
    Chicken National Habitat Preservation Area, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 23, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 13, 2008; Rept. 110-632.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 394
H.R. 3936.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 116 Helen Highway in Cleveland, Georgia, as 
    the ``Sgt. Jason Harkins Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 23, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Feb. 28, 2008; Roll No. 86: 400-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 28, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3957.--To increase research, development, education, and 
    technology transfer activities related to water use efficiency 
    and conservation technologies and practices at the 
    Environmental Protection Agency. Referred to Science and 
    Technology Oct. 24, 2007. Reported amended July 30, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-802. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Environment and Public Works July 31, 2008.
H.R. 3959.--To amend the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 to 
    provide for the phase-in of actuarial rates for certain pre-
    FIRM properties. Referred to Financial Services Oct. 24, 2007. 
    Reported amended Jan. 16, 2008; Rept. 110-510. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 23, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Jan. 24, 2008.
H.R. 3963 (H. Res. 774).--To amend title XXI of the Social 
    Security Act to extend and improve the Children's Health 
    Insurance Program, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy 
    and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means, Oversight and 
    Government Reform, House Administration, and Education and 
    Labor Oct. 24, 2007. Passed House Oct. 25, 2007; Roll No. 
    1009: 265-142. Received in Senate Oct. 25, 2007. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Oct. 26, 2007. Passed Senate Nov. 1, 
    2007; Roll No. 403: 64-30. Presented to the President Nov. 30, 
    2007. Vetoed Dec. 12, 2007. House sustained Presidential veto 
    Jan. 23, 2008; Roll No. 22: 260-152. In House, veto referred 
    to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Ways and Means 
    Jan. 23, 2008.
H.R. 3965.--To extend the Mark-to-Market program of the Department 
    of Housing and Urban Development, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services Oct. 25, 2007. Reported amended 
    Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-579.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 357
H.R. 3971.--To encourage States to report to the Attorney General 
    certain information regarding the deaths of individuals in the 
    custody of law enforcement agencies. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Oct. 25, 2007. Reported amended Jan. 18, 2008; Rept. 110-512. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Jan. 23, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Jan. 
    24, 2008. Reported with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; no written report.
H.R. 3974.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 797 Sam Bass Road in Round Rock, Texas, as 
    the ``Marine Corps Corporal Steven P. Gill Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 
    25, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Nov. 14, 2007. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate Dec. 19, 2007. Presented to the President Dec. 
    20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-165.
H.R. 3981 (S. 2262).--To authorize the Preserve America Program 
    and Save America's Treasures Program, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 29, 2007. Reported amended 
    July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-738. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 8, 2008; Roll No. 471: 360-23. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 9, 
H.R. 3985.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to direct the 
    Secretary of Transportation to register a person providing 
    transportation by an over-the-road bus as a motor carrier of 
    passengers only if the person is willing and able to comply 
    with certain accessibility requirements in addition to other 
    existing requirements, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 29, 2007. Reported Nov. 
    15, 2007; Rept. 110-456. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Dec. 11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Dec. 12, 2007; Roll No. 1155: 374-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Dec. 13, 
    2007. Reported June 23, 2008; Rept. 110-395. Passed Senate 
    July 14, 2008. Presented to the President July 22, 2008. 
    Approved July 30, 2008. Public Law 110-291.
H.R. 3986.--To amend the John F. Kennedy Center Act to authorize 
    appropriations for the John F. Kennedy Center for the 
    Performing Arts, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Oct. 29, 2007. Reported Dec. 
    10, 2007; Rept. 110-480. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Environment and Public Works Dec. 12, 2007. 
    Reported with amendment June 4, 2008; Rept. 110-406. Passed 
    Senate with amendment June 26, 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 18, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 3, 
    2008. Public Law 110-338.
H.R. 3988.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3701 Altamesa Boulevard in Fort Worth, 
    Texas, as the ``Master Sergeant Kenneth N. Mack Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 
    29, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 22, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 23, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 3992 (S. 2304).--To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime 
    Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide grants for the 
    improved mental health treatment and services provided to 
    offenders with mental illnesses, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 30, 2007. Reported Jan. 22, 
    2008; Rept. 110-514. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Jan. 23, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to the Judiciary Jan. 24, 2008.
H.R. 3996 (H. Res. 809) (H. Res. 894).--To amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Oct. 30, 
    2007. Reported amended Nov. 6, 2007; Rept. 110-431. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Nov. 9, 2007; Roll No. 1081: 
    216-193. Received in Senate Nov. 13, 2007. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Nov. 14, 2007. Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 
    6, 2007; Roll No. 415: 88-5. House agreed to Senate amendment 
    under suspension of the rules Dec. 19, 2007; Roll No. 1183: 
    352-64. Presented to the President Dec. 20, 2007. Approved 
    Dec. 26, 2007. Public Law 110-166.
H.R. 3997 (H. Res. 884) (H. Res. 1517).--To amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to provide earnings assistance and tax 
    relief to members of the uniformed services, volunteer 
    firefighters, and Peace Corps volunteers, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Oct. 30, 2007. Reported 
    amended Nov. 5, 2007; Rept. 110-426. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 6, 2007; Roll No. 1042: 
    410-0. Received in Senate Nov. 8, 2007. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Dec. 3, 2007. Passed Senate with amendments Dec. 12, 
    2007. House agreed to Senate amendment to the title. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment to the text with an amendment 
    pursuant to H. Res. 884 Dec. 18, 2007. Senate agreed to House 
    amendment to Senate amendment with amendment Dec. 19, 2007. 
    House failed to agree to Senate amendment Sept. 29, 2008; Roll 
    No. 674: 205-228.
H.R. 3998.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to conduct 
    special resources studies of certain lands and structures to 
    determine the appropriate means for preservation, use, and 
    management of the resources associated with such lands and 
    structures. Referred to Natural Resources Oct. 30, 2007. 
    Reported amended Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-462. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 4, 2007; Roll No. 
    1123: 326-79. Received in Senate and referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Dec. 5, 2007. Reported with amendment June 
    16, 2008; Rept. 110-390.
H.R. 3999 (H. Res. 1344).--To amend title 23, United States Code, 
    to improve the safety of Federal-aid highway bridges, to 
    strengthen bridge inspection standards and processes, to 
    increase investment in the reconstruction of structurally 
    deficient bridges on the National Highway System, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Oct. 30, 2007. Reported July 10, 2008; Rept. 110-750. Union 
    Calendar. Considered July 23, 2008. Passed House amended July 
    24, 2008; Roll No. 530: 367-55. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Environment and Public Works July 25, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 
H.R. 4008.--To amend the Fair Credit Reporting Act to make 
    technical corrections to the definition of willful 
    noncompliance with respect to violations involving the 
    printing of an expiration date on certain credit and debit 
    card receipts before the date of the enactment of this Act. 
    Referred to Financial Services and in addition to the 
    Judiciary Oct. 30, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House May 13, 
    2008; Roll No. 308: 407-0. Received in Senate May 14, 2008. 
    Passed Senate May 20, 2008. Presented to the President May 23, 
    2008. Approved June 3, 2008. Public Law 110-241.
H.R. 4009.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 567 West Nepessing Street in Lapeer, 
    Michigan, as the ``Turrill Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 30, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 
    12, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Dec. 20, 2007. Approved Dec. 26, 
    2007. Public Law 110-167.
H.R. 4010.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 100 West Percy Street in Indianola, 
    Mississippi, as the ``Minnie Cox Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Oct. 30, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 15, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 4040 (S. 2045) (S. 2663).--To establish consumer product 
    safety standards and other safety requirements for children's 
    products and to reauthorize and modernize the Consumer Product 
    Safety Commission. Referred to Energy and Commerce Nov. 1, 
    2007. Reported amended Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 110-501. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 19, 2007; 
    Roll No. 1185: 407-0. Received in Senate Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Jan. 23, 2008. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Mar. 6, 2008; Roll No. 41: 79-13. Senate 
    insisted on its amendment and asked for a conference Apr. 29, 
    2008. House disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a 
    conference May 14, 2008. Conference report filed in the House 
    July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-787. House agreed to conference 
    report under suspension of the rules July 30, 2008; Roll No. 
    543: 424-1. Senate agreed to conference report July 31, 2008; 
    Roll No. 193: 89-3. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-314.
H.R. 4043.--To amend the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, 
    and Enforcement Act of 1989 to preserve and expand minority 
    depository institutions, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services Nov. 1, 2007. Reported Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 
    110-465. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Dec. 5, 2007. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Dec. 6, 2007.
H.R. 4044 (S. 3197).--To amend the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and 
    Consumer Protection Act of 2005 to exempt from the means test 
    in bankruptcy cases, for a limited period, qualifying reserve-
    component members who, after September 11, 2001, are called to 
    active duty or to perform a homeland defense activity for not 
    less than 60 days. Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 1, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 20, 2008; Rept. 110-726. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 23, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 24 (Legislative 
    day of June 23), 2008.
H.R. 4049.--To amend section 5318 of title 31, United States Code, 
    to eliminate regulatory burdens imposed on insured depository 
    institutions and money services businesses and enhance the 
    availability of transaction accounts at depository 
    institutions for such business, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services Nov. 1, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 22, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 23, 2008.
H.R. 4050.--To require the Administrator of the Federal Emergency 
    Management Agency to issue guidance providing a process for 
    consideration of the flood protections afforded by certain 
    structures for purposes of the national flood insurance 
    program. Referred to Financial Services Nov. 1, 2007. Reported 
    Dec. 4, 2007; Rept. 110-466.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 290
H.R. 4056 (S. 2565).--To establish an awards mechanism to honor 
    Federal law enforcement officers injured in the line of duty. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 1, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to the Judiciary Apr. 16, 2008. Reported with 
    amendments July 28, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 4074 (S. 27).--To authorize the implementation of the San 
    Joaquin River Restoration Settlement, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Nov. 5, 2007. Reported May 13, 
    2008; Rept. 110-633.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 395
H.R. 4080.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    establish a separate nonimmigrant classification for fashion 
    models. Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 5, 2007. Reported 
    amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-699.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 442
H.R. 4081.--To prevent tobacco smuggling, to ensure the collection 
    of all tobacco taxes, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Nov. 5, 2007. Reported amended Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 
    110-836. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 9, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 10, 
    2008; Roll No. 584: 379-12. Received in Senate Sept. 11, 2008. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Oct. 2 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 4088.--To provide immigration reform by securing America's 
    borders, clarifying and enforcing existing laws, and enabling 
    a practical employer verification program. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and in addition to the Judiciary, Ways and 
    Means, Education and Labor, Oversight and Government Reform, 
    Armed Services, Agriculture, and Natural Resources Nov. 6, 
    2007. Discharge petition filed Mar. 11, 2008; Pet. 110-5.
H.R. 4106.--To improve teleworking in executive agencies by 
    developing a telework program that allows employees to 
    telework at least 20 percent of the hours worked in every 2 
    administrative workweeks, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 7, 2007. Reported amended 
    May 21, 2008; Rept. 110-663. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 3, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 4, 
H.R. 4108.--To amend section 3328 of title 5, United States Code, 
    relating to Selective Service registration. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 7, 2007. Reported Dec. 
    10, 2007; Rept. 110-479. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Dec. 11, 2007. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Dec. 
    12, 2007.
H.R. 4115 (H.R. 2120) (H. Res. 1298).--To provide for and approve 
    the settlement of certain land claims of the Sault Ste. Marie 
    Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Referred to Natural Resources Nov. 
    8, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 6, 2008; Rept. 110-542, Pt. I. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 6, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Apr. 4, 2008. Reported adversely Apr. 4, 2008; Pt. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 346
H.R. 4118.--To exclude from gross income payments from the Hokie 
    Spirit Memorial Fund to the victims of the tragic event, loss 
    of life and limb, at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State 
    University. Referred to Ways and Means Nov. 8, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 4, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Dec. 5, 2007. Passed Senate Dec. 6, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Dec. 11, 2007. Approved Dec. 19, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-141.
H.R. 4120.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide for 
    more effective prosecution of cases involving child 
    pornography, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Nov. 8, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Nov. 13, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 
    1105: 409-0. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary 
    Nov. 15, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    26, 2008; Roll No. 656: 418-0. Presented to the President 
    Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-358.
H.R. 4131.--To designate a portion of California State Route 91 
    located in Los Angeles County, California, as the ``Juanita 
    Millender-McDonald Highway''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Nov. 9, 2007. Reported Sept. 27, 2008; Rept. 
    110-895. House Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Passed Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    21, 2008. Public Law 110-441.
H.R. 4134.--To direct the Attorney General to provide grants for 
    Internet crime prevention education programs. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Nov. 9, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 
    2007. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Nov. 
    14, 2007.
H.R. 4136.--To amend title 18 of the United States Code to clarify 
    the scope of the child pornography laws, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary Nov. 9, 2007. Considered 
    under suspension of rules Nov. 13, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Nov. 15, 2007; Roll No. 1121: 416-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary Dec. 3, 2007.
H.R. 4137 (H. Res. 956) (H. Res. 1389).--To amend and extend the 
    Higher Education Act of 1965, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Education and Labor and in addition to the Judiciary, 
    Science and Technology, and Financial Services Nov. 9, 2007. 
    Reported amended from Education and Labor Dec. 19, 2007; Rept. 
    110-500, Pt. I. The Judiciary, Science and Technology, and 
    Financial Services discharged Dec. 19, 2007. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Feb. 7, 2008; Roll No. 40: 354-58. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions Feb. 25, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate with amendment July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 
    2008. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008. Passed 
    Senate with amendment July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 
    2008. Senate insisted on its amendment and asked for a 
    conference July 29 (Legislative day of July 28), 2008. House 
    disagreed to Senate amendment and agreed to a conference July 
    29, 2008. Conference report filed in the House July 30, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-803. House agreed to conference report July 31, 
    2008; Roll No. 544: 380-49. Senate agreed to conference report 
    July 31, 2008; Roll No. 194: 83-8. Presented to the President 
    Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-315.
H.R. 4140.--To designate the Port Angeles Federal Building in Port 
    Angeles, Washington, as the ``Richard B. Anderson Federal 
    Building''. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Nov. 
    9, 2007. Reported Jan. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-515. House 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 28, 2008; Roll 
    No. 24: 388-0. Received in Senate Jan. 29, 2008. Referred to 
    Environment and Public Works Feb. 28, 2008. Reported June 4, 
    2008; no written report. Passed Senate June 24 (Legislative 
    day of June 23), 2008. Presented to the President July 7, 
    2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 110-266.
H.R. 4153.--To make certain technical corrections and transition 
    amendments to the College Cost Reduction and Access Act. 
    Referred to Education and Labor Nov. 13, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Nov. 13, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Nov. 14, 2007.
H.R. 4154.--To increase the insurance limitations on Federal 
    insurance for bonds issued by the designated bonding authority 
    for Historically Black Colleges and Universities capital 
    financing. Referred to Education and Labor Nov. 13, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Nov. 13, 2007. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions 
    Nov. 14, 2007.
H.R. 4156 (H. Res. 818) (S. 2340).--Making emergency supplemental 
    appropriations for the Department of Defense for the fiscal 
    year ending September 30, 2008, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Appropriations and in addition to the Budget Nov. 
    13, 2007. Passed House Nov. 14, 2007; Roll No. 1108: 218-203. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 15, 
H.R. 4166.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 701 East Copeland Drive in Lebanon, 
    Missouri, as the ``Steve W. Allee Carrier Annex''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 13, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 10, 2008; Roll No. 110: 382-0. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Mar. 11, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 4169.--To authorize the placement in Arlington National 
    Cemetery of an American Braille tactile flag in Arlington 
    National Cemetery honoring blind members of the Armed Forces, 
    veterans, and other Americans. Referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    Nov. 13, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Feb. 13, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 14, 2008; Roll No. 
    65: 396-0. Received in Senate Feb. 25, 2008. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Apr. 29, 2008.
H.R. 4174 (S. 1581).--To establish an interagency committee to 
    develop an ocean acidification research and monitoring plan 
    and to establish an ocean acidification program within the 
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Referred to 
    Science and Technology Nov. 14, 2007. Reported amended July 9, 
    2008; Rept. 110-749. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 9, 2008. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 
H.R. 4179.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to 
    establish an appeal and redress process for individuals 
    wrongly delayed or prohibited from boarding a flight, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security Nov. 14, 2007. 
    Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-686. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 18, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    June 19, 2008.
H.R. 4185.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 11151 Valley Boulevard in El Monte, 
    California, as the ``Marisol Heredia Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 14, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 10, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 4191.--To redesignate Dayton Aviation Heritage National 
    Historic Park in the State of Ohio as ``Wright Brothers-Dunbar 
    National Historic Park'', and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Nov. 15, 2007. Considered under suspension 
    of rules Mar. 4, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Mar. 5, 2008; Roll No. 91: 407-4. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 6, 2008.
H.R. 4199.--To amend the Dayton Aviation Heritage Preservation Act 
    of 1992 to add sites to the Dayton Aviation Heritage National 
    Historical Park, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Nov. 15, 2007. Reported amended July 8, 2008; Rept. 
    110-739. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 8, 2008; Roll No. 473: 368-18. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Energy and Natural Resources July 9, 2008.
H.R. 4203.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3035 Stone Mountain Street in Lithonia, 
    Georgia, as the ``Jamaal RaShard Addison Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 
    15, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 12, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 13, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 4210.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 401 Washington Avenue in Weldon, North 
    Carolina, as the ``Dock M. Brown Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 15, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 
    2008. Reported July 30, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 110-303.
H.R. 4211.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 725 Roanoke Avenue in Roanoke Rapids, North 
    Carolina, as the ``Judge Richard B. Allsbrook Post Office''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 15, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 22, 2008; Roll No. 19: 391-
    0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 23, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 4220 (S. 2420).--To encourage the donation of excess food to 
    nonprofit organizations that provide assistance to food-
    insecure people in the United States in contracts entered into 
    by executive agencies for the provision, service, or sale of 
    food. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 15, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Dec. 17, 2007. 
    Received in Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of 
    Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 4240 (S. 2673).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 10799 West Alameda Avenue in 
    Lakewood, Colorado, as the ``Felix Sparks Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Nov. 
    15, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 28, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Jan. 29, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 4252 (S. 3029).--To provide for an additional temporary 
    extension of programs under the Small Business Act and the 
    Small Business Investment Act of 1958 through May 23, 2008, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Small Business Dec. 4, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 5, 2007. Received in 
    Senate Dec. 6, 2007. Passed Senate Dec. 7, 2007. Presented to 
    the President Dec. 13, 2007. Approved Dec. 14, 2007. Public 
    Law 110-136.
H.R. 4253 (H. Res. 921) (S. 1784).--To improve and expand small 
    business assistance programs for veterans of the armed forces 
    and military reservists, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Small Business Dec. 4, 2007. Considered under suspension of 
    rules Dec. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 6, 
    2007; Roll No. 1138: 407-2. Received in Senate Dec. 7, 2007. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Dec. 19, 2007. House agreed to 
    Senate amendment with amendment pursuant to H. Res. 921 Jan. 
    16, 2008. Senate agreed to House amendment to Senate amendment 
    Jan. 31, 2008. Presented to the President Feb. 7, 2008. 
    Approved Feb. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-186.
H.R. 4255.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize 
    the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide assistance to the 
    Paralympic Program of the United States Olympic Committee, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Dec. 4, 
    2007. Reported amended July 24, 2008; Rept. 110-774. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 31, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 4264.--To name the Department of Veterans Affairs spinal cord 
    injury center in Tampa, Florida, as the ``Michael Bilirakis 
    Department of Veterans Affairs Spinal Cord Injury Center''. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Dec. 4, 2007. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 24, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 26, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 27, 2008.
H.R. 4279.--To enhance remedies for violations of intellectual 
    property laws, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Dec. 5, 2007. Reported amended May 5, 2008; Rept. 
    110-617. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 6, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 8, 
    2008; Roll No. 300: 410-11. Received in Senate and referred to 
    the Judiciary May 12, 2008.
H.R. 4286.--To award a congressional gold medal to Daw Aung San 
    Suu Kyi in recognition of her courageous and unwavering 
    commitment to peace, nonviolence, human rights, and democracy 
    in Burma. Referred to Financial Services Dec. 5, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007; Roll No. 1170: 400-0. 
    Received in Senate Dec. 18, 2007. Referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 
    3), 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Apr. 24, 2008. 
    Presented to the President May 1, 2008. Approved May 6, 2008. 
    Public Law 110-209.
H.R. 4289.--To name the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient 
    clinic in Ponce, Puerto Rico, as the ``Euripides Rubio 
    Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic''. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Dec. 5, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 24, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs June 25, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed 
    Senate July 11, 2008. Presented to the President July 22, 
    2008. Approved July 30, 2008. Public Law 110-292.
H.R. 4299 (H. Res. 862).--To extend the Terrorism Insurance 
    Program of the Department of the Treasury, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services Dec. 6, 2007. Passed 
    House Dec. 12, 2007; Roll No. 1150: 303-116. Received in 
    Senate Dec. 12, 2007. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Dec. 13, 2007.
H.R. 4332.--To amend the Federal Financial Institutions 
    Examination Council Act to require the Council to establish a 
    single telephone number that consumers with complaints or 
    inquiries could call and be routed to the appropriate Federal 
    banking agency or State bank supervisor, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services Dec. 6, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Apr. 29, 2008; Roll No. 225: 408-1. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Apr. 30, 2008.
H.R. 4341.--To extend the trade adjustment assistance program 
    under the Trade Act of 1974 for 3 months. Referred to Ways and 
    Means Dec. 10, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 11, 
    2007. Received in Senate Dec. 11, 2007. Referred to Finance 
    Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 4342.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 824 Manatee Avenue West in Bradenton, 
    Florida, as the ``Dan Miller Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 10, 2007. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Dec. 17, 2007. Received in Senate Dec. 
    18, 2007. Referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 4343.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to modify age 
    standards for pilots engaged in commercial aviation 
    operations. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Dec. 
    11, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Dec. 11, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1144: 390-0. Received in Senate and passed Dec. 12, 2007. 
    Presented to the President Dec. 13, 2007. Approved Dec. 13, 
    2007. Public Law 110-135.
H.R. 4351 (H. Res. 861).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to provide individuals temporary relief from the 
    alternative minimum tax, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means Dec. 11, 2007. Passed House Dec. 12, 2007; Roll 
    No. 1153: 226-193. Received in Senate Dec. 12, 2007. Referred 
    to Finance Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008.
H.R. 4454.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3050 Hunsinger Lane in Louisville, 
    Kentucky, as the ``Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Military Heroes 
    of Louisville Memorial Post Office Building'', in honor of the 
    servicemen and women from Louisville, Kentucky, who died in 
    service during Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi 
    Freedom. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 11, 
    2007. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 28, 2008; Roll No. 
    87: 404-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Feb. 28, 2008. Reported Apr. 
    10, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. 
    Presented to the President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. 
    Public Law 110-221.
H.R. 4461.--To promote and enhance the operation of local building 
    code enforcement administration across the country by 
    establishing a competitive Federal matching grant program. 
    Referred to Financial Services Dec. 12, 2007. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 9, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 10 
    (Legislative day of July 9), 2008.
H.R. 4544.--To require the issuance of medals to recognize the 
    dedication and valor of Native American code talkers. Referred 
    to Financial Services and in addition to House Administration 
    Dec. 13, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 23, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    15, 2008. Public Law 110-420.
H.R. 4749 (S. 2292).--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 
    to establish the Office for Bombing Prevention, to address 
    terrorist explosive threats, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Homeland Security Dec. 17, 2007. Reported amended June 5, 
    2008; Rept. 110-689. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 18, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 19, 2008.
H.R. 4774.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 10250 John Saunders Road in San Antonio, 
    Texas, as the ``Cyndi Taylor Krier Post Office Building''.. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 18, 2007. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 5, 2008; Roll No. 
    97: 404-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 6, 2008.
H.R. 4791.--To amend title 44, United States Code, to strengthen 
    requirements for ensuring the effectiveness of information 
    security controls over information resources that support 
    Federal operations and assets, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 18, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 21, 2008; Rept. 110-664. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 3, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 4, 2008.
H.R. 4806.--To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    develop a strategy to prevent the over-classification of 
    homeland security and other information and to promote the 
    sharing of unclassified homeland security and other 
    information, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security Dec. 18, 2007. Reported amended July 24, 2008; Rept. 
    110-776. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 4828.--To amend the Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic 
    Site Act of 1991 to expand the boundaries of the historic 
    site, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    Dec. 18, 2007. Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-791. 
    Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 22, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 24, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 4839.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make 
    technical corrections, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means Dec. 19, 2007. Committee discharged. Passed 
    House Dec. 19, 2007. Received in Senate and passed Dec. 19, 
    2007. Presented to the President Dec. 27, 2007. Approved Dec. 
    29, 2007. Public Law 110-172.
H.R. 4841.--To approve, ratify, and confirm the settlement 
    agreement entered into to resolve claims by the Soboba Band of 
    Luiseno Indians relating to alleged interferences with the 
    water resources of the Tribe, to authorize and direct the 
    Secretary of the Interior to execute and perform the 
    Settlement Agreement and related waivers, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-649. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008. Received 
    in Senate May 22, 2008. Passed Senate July 23, 2008. Presented 
    to the President July 25, 2008. Approved July 31, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-297.
H.R. 4847 (H. Res. 1071) (S. 2606).--To reauthorize the United 
    States Fire Administration, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Science and Technology Dec. 19, 2007. Reported amended Mar. 
    31, 2008; Rept. 110-559. Union Calendar. Passed House amended 
    Apr. 3, 2008; Roll No. 160: 412-0. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 4, 
H.R. 4848.--To extend for one year parity in the application of 
    certain limits to mental health benefits, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    Ways and Means, and Education and Labor Dec. 19, 2007. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Feb. 6, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 7, 2008; Roll No. 35: 
    384-23. Received in Senate and referred to Finance Feb. 8 
    (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2008.
H.R. 4881.--To prohibit the awarding of a contract or grant in 
    excess of the simplified acquisition threshold unless the 
    prospective contractor or grantee certifies in writing to the 
    agency awarding the contract or grant that the contractor or 
    grantee has no seriously delinquent tax debts, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Dec. 19, 
    2007. Reported amended Apr. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-578. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 14, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 15, 2008.
H.R. 4918.--To name the Department of Veterans Affairs medical 
    center in Miami, Florida, as the ``Bruce W. Carter Department 
    of Veterans Affairs Medical Center''. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs Dec. 19, 2007. Considered under suspension of rules 
    June 24, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House June 26, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs June 27, 
    2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 
    2008. Public Law 110-304.
H.R. 4926.--To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 
    1965 to establish a grant program for automated external 
    defibrillators in schools. Referred to Education and Labor 
    Dec. 19, 2007. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 9, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions June 10, 2008.
H.R. 4933 (S. 1498).--To amend the Lacey Act Amendments of 1981 to 
    protect captive wildlife and to make technical corrections, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 15, 
    2008. Reported Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-551. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Mar. 31, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works Apr. 1 
    (Legislative day of Mar. 13), 2008.
H.R. 4986.--To provide for the enactment of the National Defense 
    Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008, as previously 
    enrolled, with certain modifications to address the foreign 
    sovereign immunities provisions of title 28, United States 
    Code, with respect to the attachment of property in certain 
    judgements against Iraq, the lapse of statutory authorities 
    for the payment of bonuses, special pays, and similar benefits 
    for members of the uniformed services, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Armed Services Jan. 16, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Jan. 16, 2008; Roll No. 11: 369-46. Received in 
    Senate and passed Jan. 22 (Legislative day of Jan. 3), 2008; 
    Roll No. 1: 91-3. Presented to the President Jan. 24, 2008. 
    Approved Jan. 28, 2008. Public Law 110-181.
H.R. 5001.--To authorize the Administrator of General Services to 
    provide for the redevelopment of the Old Post Office Building 
    located in the District of Columbia. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Jan. 16, 2008. Reported 
    amended June 19, 2008; Rept. 110-724. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Environment and Public Works June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Reported Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-501. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-359.
H.R. 5030.--For the relief of Corina de Chalup Turcinovic. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 16, 2008. Reported July 8, 
    2008; Rept. 110-743. Private Calendar. Passed House Sept. 16, 
    2008. Received in Senate Sept. 17, 2008. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5036.--To direct the Administrator of General Services to 
    reimburse certain jurisdictions for the costs of obtaining 
    paper ballot voting systems for the general elections for 
    Federal office to be held in November 2008, to reimburse 
    jurisdictions for the costs incurred in conducting audits or 
    hand counting of the results of the general elections for 
    Federal office to be held in November 2008, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to House Administration and in addition to 
    Science and Technology Jan. 17, 2008. Reported amended from 
    House Administration Apr. 14, 2008; Rept. 110-582, Pt. I. 
    Science and Technology discharged. Apr. 14, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 360

 Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) Apr. 
15, 2008; Roll No. 188: 239-178.

H.R. 5057.--To reauthorize the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant 
    Program. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 17, 2008. Reported 
    amended July 14, 2008; Rept. 110-757. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 14, 2008. Received in 
    Senate July 15, 2008. Referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions Aug. 1, 2008. Committee discharged Sept. 8, 2008. 
    Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 8, 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under 
    suspension of the rules Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5060.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to allow 
    athletes admitted as nonimmigrants described in section 
    101(a)(15)(P) of such Act to renew their period of authorized 
    admission in 5-year increments. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 
    17, 2008. Reported June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-697.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 440
H.R. 5104 (S. 2556).--To extend the Protect America Act of 2007 
    for 30 days. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to 
    Intelligence Jan. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Jan. 29, 2008. Received in Senate and passed Jan. 29, 
    2008. Presented to the President Jan. 30, 2008. Approved Jan. 
    31, 2008. Public Law 110-182.
H.R. 5135 (S. 2675).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 201 West Greenway Street in 
    Derby, Kansas, as the ``Sergeant Jamie O. Maugans Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 
    23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Feb. 13, 2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the 
    President May 1, 2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 5137.--To ensure that hunting remains a purpose of the New 
    River Gorge National River. Referred to Natural Resources Jan. 
    28, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 4, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources Mar. 5, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 16, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 5140.--To provide economic stimulus through recovery rebates 
    to individuals, incentives for business investment, and an 
    increase in conforming and FHA loan limits. Referred to Ways 
    and Means and in addition to Financial Services Jan. 28, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Jan. 29, 2008; Roll No. 25: 385-
    35. Received in Senate Jan. 29, 2008. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar Jan. 30, 2008. Considered Feb. 5, 6, (Legislative day 
    of Feb. 6), 2008. Passed Senate with amendment Feb. 7 
    (Legislative day of Feb. 6), 2008; Roll No. 10: 81-16. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment Feb. 7, 2008; Roll No. 42: 380-34. 
    Presented to the President Feb. 8, 2008. Approved Feb. 13, 
    2008. Public Law 110-185.
H.R. 5151.--To designate as wilderness additional National Forest 
    System lands in the Monongahela National Forest in the State 
    of West Virginia, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Agriculture Jan. 29, 2008. 
    Reported amended from Natural Resources Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 
    110-598, Pt. I. Agriculture discharged. Apr. 22, 2008. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 22, 2008; 
    Roll No. 206: 368-17. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Energy and Natural Resources Apr. 23, 2008. Reported with 
    amendments June 16, 2008; Rept. 110-391.
H.R. 5159.--To establish the Office of the Capitol Visitor Center 
    within the Office of the Architect of the Capitol, headed by 
    the Chief Executive Officer for Visitor Services, to provide 
    for the effective management and administration of the Capitol 
    Visitor Center, and for other purposes. Referred to House 
    Administration Jan. 29, 2008. Reported amended Mar. 3, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-535. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Mar. 5, 2008. Received in Senate Mar. 6, 2008. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar Mar. 7, 2008. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 2, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 9, 2008. Approved Oct. 20, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5161.--To provide for the establishment of Green 
    Transportation Infrastructure Research and Technology Transfer 
    Centers, and for other purpose. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and in addition to Science and Technology Jan. 
    29, 2008. Reported amended from Science and Technology Apr. 
    10, 2008; Rept. 110-576, Pt. I.
H.R. 5167.--To amend the National Defense Authorization Act for 
    Fiscal Year 2008 to remove the authority of the President to 
    waive certain provisions. Referred to the Judiciary Jan. 29, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-844. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 15, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Armed Services Sept. 
    16, 2008.
H.R. 5168.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 19101 Cortez Boulevard in Brooksville, 
    Florida, as the ``Cody Grater Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Apr. 1, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 2, 
    2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate 
    June 27, 2008. Presented to the President July 10, 2008. 
    Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 110-268.
H.R. 5170.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to provide 
    for a privacy official within each component of the Department 
    of Homeland Security, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security Jan. 29, 2008. Reported amended July 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-755. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 5220.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 3800 SW. 185th Avenue in Beaverton, Oregon, 
    as the ``Major Arthur Chin Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Jan. 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 6, 
    2008. Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. 
    Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-223.
H.R. 5235.--To establish the Ronald Reagan Centennial Commission. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 6, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 22, 2008. Received 
    in Senate July 23, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary July 24 
    (Legislative day of July 23), 2008. Reported with amendment 
    Sept. 15, 2008; no written report.
H.R. 5243.--For the relief of Kumi Iizuka-Barcena. Referred to the 
    Judiciary Feb. 6, 2008. Reported Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-826. 
    Private Calendar. Passed House Sept. 16, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 17, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5244 (H. Res. 1476).--To amend the Truth in Lending Act to 
    establish fair and transparent practices relating to the 
    extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 7, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; Rept. 110-857. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008; Roll No. 623: 
    312-112. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5264.--To extend certain trade preference programs, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Feb. 7, 2008. 
    Reported amended Feb. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-529. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Feb. 27, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Feb. 27, 2008. Passed Senate Feb. 28, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Feb. 28, 2008. Approved Feb. 29, 
    2008. Public Law 110-191.
H.R. 5265.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for 
    research with respect to various forms of muscular dystrophy, 
    including Becker, congenital, distal, Duchenne, Emery-Dreifuss 
    facioscapulohumeral, limb-girdle, myotonic, and 
    oculopharyngeal, muscular dystrophies. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Feb. 7, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    24, 2008; Roll No. 633: 418-2. Received in Senate Sept. 25 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5270.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    the funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and 
    Airway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways 
    and Means and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Feb. 7, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 12, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and passed Feb. 13, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Feb. 25, 2008. Approved Feb. 28, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5293 (S. 462).--To approve the settlement of the water rights 
    claims of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley 
    Reservation in Nevada, to require the Secretary of the 
    Interior to carry out the settlement, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 7, 2008. Reported amended 
    July 31, 2008; Rept. 110-815. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5335.--To amend the National Trails System Act to provide for 
    the inclusion of new trail segments, land components, and 
    campgrounds associated with the Trail of Tears National 
    Historic Trail, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Feb. 8, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 11, 2008; Rept. 
    110-840. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5349 (H. Res. 976).--To extend the Protect America Act of 
    2007 for 21 days. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to 
    Intelligence Feb. 12, 2008. Failed of passage Feb. 13, 2008; 
    Roll No. 54: 191-229.
H.R. 5350.--To authorize the Secretary of Commerce to sell or 
    exchange certain National Oceanic and Atmospheric 
    Administration property located in Norfolk, Virginia, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 12, 2008. Reported 
    amended from Natural Resources Aug. 1, 2008; Rept. 110-822, 
    Pt. I. Referral to Oversight and Government Reform extended 
    Aug. 1, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 12, 
    2008. Oversight and Government Reform discharged. Sept. 12, 
    2008. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    17, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 110-393.
H.R. 5351 (H. Res. 1001) (H.R. 2776).--To amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax incentives for the 
    production of renewable energy and energy conservation. 
    Referred to Ways and Means Feb. 12, 2008. Passed House Feb. 
    27, 2008; Roll No. 84: 236-182. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Finance Feb. 28, 2008.
H.R. 5352.--To protect seniors in the United States from elder 
    abuse by establishing specialized elder abuse prosecution and 
    research programs and activities to aid victims of elder 
    abuse, to provide training to prosecutors and other law 
    enforcement related to elder abuse prevention and protection, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in 
    addition to Ways and Means Feb. 12, 2008. Reported amended 
    from the Judiciary Sept. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-864, Pt. I. Ways 
    and Means discharged. Sept. 22, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 22, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008; Roll No. 626: 
    387-28. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Referred to the Judiciary Oct. 2 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5395 (S. 2622).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 11001 Dunklin Drive in St. 
    Louis, Missouri, as the ``William 'Bill'' Clay Post Office 
    Building'. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 
    12, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 9, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 10, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 10, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5400 (S. 2626).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 160 East Washington Street in 
    Chagrin Falls, Ohio, as the ``Sgt. Michael M. Kashkoush Post 
    Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Feb. 12, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 5, 2008; 
    Roll No. 102: 402-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Mar. 6, 2008. 
    Reported Apr. 10, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Apr. 
    22, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. Approved May 
    7, 2008. Public Law 110-224.
H.R. 5440.--To amend the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 
    1978 to establish a procedure for authorizing certain 
    acquisitions of foreign intelligence, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Intelligence Feb. 
    14, 2008. Discharge petition filed Apr. 23, 2008; Pet. 110-7.
H.R. 5443.--To improve defense cooperation between the Republic of 
    Korea and the United States. Referred to Foreign Affairs Feb. 
    14, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Referred to Foreign Relations Oct. 2 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5464.--To direct the Attorney General to make an annual grant 
    to the A Child Is Missing Alert and Recovery Center to assist 
    law enforcement agencies in the rapid recovery of missing 
    children, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Feb. 14, 2008. Reported July 10, 2008; Rept. 110-753. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, 2008. 
    Received in Senate July 15, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 5472 (S. 2534).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 2650 Dr. Martin Luther King 
    Jr. Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, as the ``Julia M. Carson 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Feb. 14, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 9, 
    2008; Roll No. 177: 401-0. Received in Senate Apr. 10, 2008. 
    Passed Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 
    2008. Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-225.
H.R. 5477.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 120 South Del Mar Avenue in San Gabriel, 
    California, as the ``Chi Mui Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 21, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 3, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 4, 
    2008. Reported July 30, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate 
    Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 110-305.
H.R. 5478.--To provide for the continued minting and issuance of 
    certain $1 coins in 2008. Referred to Financial Services Feb. 
    25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Feb. 25, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs Feb. 25, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate 
    Feb. 28, 2008. Presented to the President Feb. 28, 2008. 
    Approved Feb. 29, 2008. Public Law 110-192.
H.R. 5479.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 117 North Kidd Street in Ionia, Michigan, 
    as the ``Alonzo Woodruff Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 25, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 
    24, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written report. Ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 25, 2008. Passed Senate June 27, 
    2008. Presented to the President July 10, 2008. Approved July 
    15, 2008. Public Law 110-270.
H.R. 5483.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 10449 White Granite Drive in Oakton, 
    Virginia, as the ``Private First Class David H. Sharrett II 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Feb. 25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 24, 2008. Reported July 30, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5489 (S. 2725).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 6892 Main Street in 
    Gloucester, Virginia, as the ``Congresswoman Jo Ann S. Davis 
    Post Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Feb. 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 9, 2008; 
    Roll No. 176: 397-0. Received in Senate Apr. 10, 2008. Passed 
    Senate Apr. 22, 2008. Presented to the President May 1, 2008. 
    Approved May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-226.
H.R. 5492.--To authorize the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian 
    Institution to construct a greenhouse facility at its museum 
    support facility in Suitland, Maryland, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Feb. 
    26, 2008. Reported Mar. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-545. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Mar. 11, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Mar. 12, 2008. Referred to Rules and 
    Administration Apr. 29, 2008.
H.R. 5493.--To provide that the usual day for paying salaries in 
    or under the House of Representatives may be established by 
    regulations of the Committee on House Administration. Referred 
    to House Administration Feb. 26, 2008. Reported Apr. 14, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-588. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Apr. 15, 2008. Received in Senate Apr. 16, 2008. Referred to 
    Rules and Administration Apr. 29, 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendment May 6, 2008.
H.R. 5501 (H. Res. 1065) (H. Res. 1362) (S. 2731).--To authorize 
    appropriations for fiscal years 2009 through 2013 to provide 
    assistance to foreign countries to combat HIV/AIDS, 
    tuberculosis, and malaria, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs and in addition to Financial Services Feb. 27, 
    2008. Reported from Foreign Affairs Mar. 10, 2008; Rept. 110-
    546, Pt. I. Financial Services discharged. Mar. 10, 2008. 
    Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed from Foreign Affairs 
    Mar. 11, 2008; Pt. II. Passed House amended Apr. 2, 2008; Roll 
    No. 158: 308-116. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign 
    Relations Apr. 3, 2008. Committee discharged. Committee 
    discharged. July 16, 2008. Passed Senate with amendment July 
    16, 2008; Roll No. 182: 80-16. House agreed to Senate 
    amendment July 24, 2008; Roll No. 531: 303-115. Presented to 
    the President July 25, 2008. Approved July 30, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-293.
H.R. 5506.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 369 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive in Jersey 
    City, New Jersey, as the ``Bishop Ralph E. Brower Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Feb. 
    27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 14, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 15, 2008.
H.R. 5511.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior, acting 
    through the Bureau of Reclamation, to remedy problems caused 
    by a collapsed drainage tunnel in Leadville, Colorado, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Feb. 28, 2008. 
    Reported June 17, 2008; Rept. 110-715. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules June 17, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 19, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Energy and Natural Resources June 20 
    (Legislative day of June 19), 2008.
H.R. 5512.--To authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to 
    prescribe the weights and the compositions of circulating 
    coins, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services 
    Feb. 28, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules May 6, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 8, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs May 12, 2008.
H.R. 5517.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 7231 FM 1960 in Humble, Texas, as the 
    ``Texas Military Veterans Post Office''. Referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform Feb. 28, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Apr. 14, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Apr. 15, 2008; Roll No. 191: 413-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    Apr. 16, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written report. 
    Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Presented to the President July 
    10, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 110-271.
H.R. 5522 (H. Res. 1157).--To require the Secretary of Labor to 
    issue interim and final occupational safety and health 
    standards regarding worker exposure to combustible dust, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor Mar. 4, 
    2008. Reported amended Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-601. Union 
    Calendar. Passed House amended Apr. 30, 2008; Roll No. 233: 
    247-165. Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, 
    Labor, and Pensions May 1, 2008.
H.R. 5524 (S. 2982).--To amend the Runaway and Homeless Youth Act 
    to authorize appropriations, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Education and Labor Mar. 4, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar June 10, 2008.
H.R. 5528.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 120 Commercial Street in Brockton, 
    Massachusetts, as the ``Rocky Marciano Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 4, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Apr. 24, 2008. Reported June 25, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate June 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 10, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5531.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to clarify 
    criteria for certification relating to advanced spectroscopic 
    portal monitors, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security Mar. 5, 2008. Reported amended July 22, 2008; Rept. 
    110-764. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 5540 (H. Res. 1233) (S. 2707).--To amend the Chesapeake Bay 
    Initiative Act of 1998 to provide for the continuing 
    authorization of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails 
    Network. Referred to Natural Resources Mar. 5, 2008. Reported 
    May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-667. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended June 5, 2008; Roll No. 386: 321-86. Received in Senate 
    June 6, 2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 5541.--To provide a supplemental funding source for 
    catastrophic emergency wildland fire suppression activities on 
    Department of the Interior and National Forest System lands, 
    to require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of 
    Agriculture to develop a cohesive wildland fire management 
    strategy, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Agriculture, and the Budget Mar. 
    6, 2008. Reported amended from Natural Resources June 10, 
    2008; Rept. 110-704, Pt. I. Referral to Agriculture and the 
    Budget extended June 10, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than June 27, 2008. Referral to Agriculture and the Budget 
    extended June 27, 2008 for a period ending not later than July 
    11, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 9, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008.
H.R. 5546.--To amend the antitrust laws to ensure competitive 
    market-based rates and terms for merchants' access to 
    electronic payment systems. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 6, 
    2008. Reported amended Oct. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-913.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 588
H.R. 5551.--To amend title 11, District of Columbia Official Code, 
    to implement the increase provided under the District of 
    Columbia Appropriations Act, 2008, in the amount of funds made 
    available for the compensation of attorneys representing 
    indigent defendants in the District of Columbia courts, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Mar. 6, 2008. Reported Mar. 31, 2008; Rept. 110-560. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 1, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 2, 2008. Reported July 25, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-432. Passed Senate Sept. 16, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 23, 2008. Approved Oct. 2, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5554.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to expand and 
    improve health care services available to veterans from the 
    Department of Veterans Affairs for substance use disorders, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Mar. 6, 
    2008. Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-639. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 
H.R. 5563 (H.R. 2857).--To reauthorize and reform the national 
    service laws. Referred to Education and Labor Mar. 10, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Mar. 11, 2008. Failed of 
    passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    Mar. 12, 2008; Roll No. 131: 277-140.
H.R. 5569.--To extend for 5 years the EB-5 regional center pilot 
    program. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 10, 2008. Reported 
    June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-698. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate June 10, 
    2008. Referred to the Judiciary Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 5570.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    eliminate the sunset in the special immigrant nonminister 
    religious worker visa program. Referred to the Judiciary Mar. 
    10, 2008. Reported amended Apr. 14, 2008; Rept. 110-589. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 15, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Apr. 16, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 5571.--To extend for 5 years the program relating to waiver 
    of the foreign country residence requirement with respect to 
    international medical graduates. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Mar. 10, 2008. Reported May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-646. Union 
    Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules May 19, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 21, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 2, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    27, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-362.
H.R. 5577.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to extend, 
    modify, and recodify the authority of the Secretary of 
    Homeland Security to enhance security and protect against acts 
    of terrorism against chemical facilities, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security and in addition to 
    Energy and Commerce Mar. 11, 2008. Reported from Homeland 
    Security Mar. 14, 2008; Rept. 110-550, Pt. I. Referral to 
    Energy and Commerce extended Mar. 14, 2008 for a period ending 
    not later than Apr. 11, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce 
    extended Apr. 11, 2008 for a period ending not later than May 
    30, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended May 30, 
    2008 for a period ending not later than July 11, 2008. 
    Referral to Energy and Commerce extended July 11, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Sept. 12, 2008. Referral to 
    Energy and Commerce extended Sept. 12, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Sept. 26, 2008. Referral to Energy and 
    Commerce extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended 
    Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 29, 
    2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce extended Sept. 29, 2008 
    for a period ending not later than Oct. 2, 2008. Referral to 
    Energy and Commerce extended Oct. 2, 2008 for a period ending 
    not later than Oct. 3, 2008. Referral to Energy and Commerce 
    extended Oct. 3, 2008 for a period ending not later than Jan. 
    3, 2009.
H.R. 5579.--To remove an impediment to troubled debt restructuring 
    on the part of holders of residential mortgage loans, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 11, 2008. 
    Reported amended May 1, 2008; Rept. 110-615.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 382
H.R. 5593.--To amend title 5, United States Code, to make 
    technical amendments to certain provisions of title 5, United 
    States Code, enacted by the Congressional Review Act. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Mar. 11, 2008. Reported June 5, 2008; Rept. 
    110-700. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs June 10, 2008.
H.R. 5599.--To designate the Federal building located at 4600 
    Silver Hill Road in Suitland, Maryland, as the ``Thomas 
    Jefferson Census Bureau Headquarters Building''. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Mar. 12, 2008. Reported June 
    3, 2008; Rept. 110-674. House Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 4, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Environment and Public Works June 5, 2008.
H.R. 5611.--To reform the National Association of Registered 
    Agents and Brokers, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services Mar. 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008.
H.R. 5613.--To extend certain moratoria and impose additional 
    moratoria on certain Medicaid regulations through April 1, 
    2009. Referred to Energy and Commerce Mar. 13, 2008. Reported 
    amended Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-600. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Apr. 22, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 23, 2008; Roll No. 209: 
    349-62. Received in Senate Apr. 24, 2008. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Apr. 28, 2008.
H.R. 5614.--To authorize the production of Saint-Gaudens Double 
    Eagle ultra-high relief bullion coins in palladium to provide 
    affordable opportunities for investments in precious metals, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Mar. 
    13, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules May 13, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 2008; Roll No. 
    325: 415-0. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, 
    Housing, and Urban Affairs May 19, 2008.
H.R. 5618 (S. 3160).--To reauthorize and amend the National Sea 
    Grant College Program Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Mar. 13, 2008. Reported amended June 9, 
    2008; Rept. 110-701, Pt. I. Referred to Science and Technology 
    June 9, 2008 for a period ending not later than July 11, 2008. 
    Reported amended July 11, 2008; Pt. II. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 14, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    July 15, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with 
    amendment Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment Sept. 29, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5631.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1155 Seminole Trail in Charlottesville, 
    Virginia, as the ``Corporal Bradley T. Arms Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 
    13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 29, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Apr. 30, 2008. Reported July 30, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5656.--To repeal a requirement with respect to the 
    procurement and acquisition of alternative fuels. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Mar. 31, 2008. Discharge 
    petition filed June 24, 2008; Pet. 110-10.
H.R. 5658 (H. Res. 1213) (H. Res. 1218) (S. 3001) (S. 3002).--To 
    authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2009 for military 
    activities of the Department of Defense, to prescribe military 
    personnel strengths for fiscal year 2009, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Armed Services Mar. 31, 2008. Reported 
    amended May 16, 2008; Rept. 110-652. Union Calendar. 
    Supplemental report filed May 20, 2008; Pt. II. Considered May 
    21, 2008. Passed House amended May 22, 2008; Roll No. 365: 
    384-23. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar 
    June 3, 2008.
H.R. 5664.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to update at least once every 
    six years the plans and specifications for specially adapted 
    housing furnished to veterans by the Secretary. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Mar. 31, 2008. Reported amended May 15, 
    2008; Rept. 110-641. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended May 20, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs May 21, 2008.
H.R. 5669 (S. 2932).--To amend the Public Health Service Act to 
    reauthorize the poison center national toll-free number, 
    national media campaign, and grant program to provide 
    assistance for poison prevention, sustain the funding of 
    poison centers, and enhance the public health of people of the 
    United States. Referred to Energy and Commerce Apr. 1, 2008. 
    Reported June 4, 2008; Rept. 110-681. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 4, 2008; Roll No. 373: 405-10. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Health, Education, Labor, 
    and Pensions June 5, 2008.
H.R. 5680.--To amend certain laws relating to Native Americans, 
    and for others purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 2, 
    2008. Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-692. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 18, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Indian Affairs June 19, 
    2008. Reported with amendments Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; Rept. 110-504.
H.R. 5683.--To make certain reforms with respect to the Government 
    Accountability Office, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 2, 2008. Reported amended 
    May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-671. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 
    10, 2008. Reported with amendments July 26, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate with amendment Aug. 1, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    9, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 11, 2008. Approved 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Public Law 110-323.
H.R. 5687.--To amend the Federal Advisory Committee Act to 
    increase the transparency and accountability of Federal 
    advisory committees, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 3, 2008. Reported amended 
    May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-650. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 24, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 
    25, 2008.
H.R. 5690 (S. 2979).--To exempt the African National Congress from 
    treatment as a terrorist organization for certain acts or 
    events, provide relief for certain members of the African 
    National Congress regarding admissibility, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition to Foreign 
    Affairs Apr. 3, 2008. Reported amended from the Judiciary May 
    5, 2008; Rept. 110-620, Pt. I. Foreign Affairs discharged. May 
    5, 2008. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 6, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 8, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary May 12, 
    2008. Reported with amendment June 26, 2008; no written 
    report. Passed Senate with amendment June 26, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment June 26, 2008. Presented to the 
    President June 27, 2008. Approved July 1, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5710 (S. 2814).--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior 
    to provide financial assistance to the Eastern New Mexico 
    Rural Water Authority for the planning, design, and 
    construction of the Eastern New Mexico Rural Water System, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 3, 
    2008. Reported June 17, 2008; Rept. 110-714. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules June 17, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 19, 2008; Roll No. 425: 301-124. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar June 20 
    (Legislative day of June 19), 2008.
H.R. 5712.--To require disclosure by Federal contractors of 
    certain violations relating to the award or performance of 
    Federal contracts. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Apr. 3, 2008. Reported amended Apr. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-599. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Apr. 23, 
    2008. Received in Senate Apr. 24, 2008. Referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Apr. 30, 2008.
H.R. 5714 (S. 2579).--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to 
    mint coins in recognition and celebration of the establishment 
    of the United States Army in 1775, to honor the American 
    soldier of both today and yesterday, in wartime and in peace, 
    and to commemorate the traditions, history, and heritage of 
    the United States Army and its role in American society, from 
    the Colonial period to today. Referred to Financial Services 
    Apr. 8, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House amended Oct. 
    3, 2008. Received in Senate and passed Nov. 17 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5715 (H. Res. 1107).--To ensure continued availability of 
    access to the Federal student loan program for students and 
    families. Referred to Education and Labor Apr. 8, 2008. 
    Reported Apr. 14, 2008; Rept. 110-583. Union Calendar. 
    Considered Apr. 16, 2008. Passed House amended Apr. 17, 2008; 
    Roll No. 204: 383-27. Received in Senate Apr. 28, 2008. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar Apr. 29, 2008. Passed Senate 
    with amendments Apr. 30, 2008. House agreed to Senate 
    amendments under suspension of the rules May 1, 2008; Roll No. 
    239: 388-21. Presented to the President May 6, 2008. Approved 
    May 7, 2008. Public Law 110-227.
H.R. 5719 (H. Res. 1102).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to conform return preparer penalty standards, delay 
    implementation of withholding taxes on government contractors, 
    enhance taxpayer protections, assist low-income taxpayers, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 8, 2008. 
    Reported amended Apr. 14, 2008; Rept. 110-584. Union Calendar. 
    Supplemental report filed Apr. 14, 2008; Pt. II. Passed House 
    amended Apr. 15, 2008; Roll No. 190: 238-179. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Finance Apr. 16, 2008.
H.R. 5720.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    assistance for housing. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 8, 
    2008. Reported amended Apr. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-606.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 377
H.R. 5724 (H. Res. 1092).--To implement the United States-Colombia 
    Trade Promotion Agreement. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 8, 
H.R. 5729.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide comprehensive health 
    care to children of Vietnam veterans born with Spina Bifida, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 8, 
    2008. Reported amended May 15, 2008; Rept. 110-645. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 20, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 21, 
H.R. 5736.--To designate the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    outpatient clinic in Gadsden, Alabama, as the Colonel Ola Lee 
    Mize Veterans Clinic. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 9, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 5741.--To amend the High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium 
    Protection Act and the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation 
    and Management Act to improve the conservation of sharks. 
    Referred to Natural Resources Apr. 9, 2008. Reported amended 
    July 8, 2008; Rept. 110-740. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended July 8, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation July 9, 2008.
H.R. 5743.--To provide the Secretary of Homeland Security with the 
    authority to procure real property and accept in-kind 
    donations. Referred to Homeland Security Apr. 9, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-828.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 532
H.R. 5749 (H. Res. 1265).--To provide for a program of emergency 
    unemployment compensation. Referred to Ways and Means Apr. 9, 
    2008. Reported amended Apr. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-607. Union 
    Calendar. Failed of passage under suspension of the rules 
    (two-thirds required) June 11, 2008; Roll No. 403: 279-144. 
    Passed House amended June 12, 2008; Roll No. 412: 274-137. 
    Received in Senate June 12, 2008. Ordered placed on the 
    calendar June 13, 2008.
H.R. 5751 (S. 722).--To direct the Secretary of the Interior and 
    the Secretary of Agriculture to jointly conduct a study of 
    certain land adjacent to the Walnut Canyon National Monument 
    in the State of Arizona, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Apr. 9, 2008. Reported July 29, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 517
H.R. 5770.--To provide for a study by the National Academy of 
    Sciences of potential impacts of climate change on water 
    resources and water quality. Referred to Science and 
    Technology and in addition to Natural Resources, and 
    Transportation and Infrastructure Apr. 10, 2008. Reported from 
    Transportation and Infrastructure June 4, 2008; Rept. 110-685, 
    Pt. I.
H.R. 5772.--To amend section 811 of the Cranston-Gonzalez National 
    Affordable Housing Act to improve the program under such 
    section for supportive housing for persons with disabilities. 
    Referred to Financial Services Apr. 10, 2008. Reported amended 
    Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-845. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5778.--To preserve the independence of the District of 
    Columbia Water and Sewer Authority. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform Apr. 10, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended June 9, 2008. Received in Senate June 10, 2008. Passed 
    Senate June 16, 2008. Presented to the President July 7, 2008. 
    Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 110-273.
H.R. 5781 (H. Res. 1277).--To provide that 8 of the 12 weeks of 
    parental leave made available to a Federal employee shall be 
    paid leave, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform and in addition to House Administration Apr. 
    14, 2008. Reported amended from Oversight and Government 
    Reform May 8, 2008; Rept. 110-624, Pt. I. House Administration 
    discharged. May 8, 2008. Union Calendar. Supplemental report 
    filed from Oversight and Government Reform June 17, 2008; Pt. 
    II. Passed House amended June 19, 2008; Roll No. 428: 278-146. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs June 20 (Legislative day of June 19), 
H.R. 5787.--To amend title 40, United States Code, to enhance 
    authorities with regard to real property that has yet to be 
    reported excess, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform Apr. 14, 2008. Reported amended May 15, 
    2008; Rept. 110-651. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules May 19, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended May 21, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs May 22, 2008.
H.R. 5788.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to establish 
    prohibitions against voice communications using a mobile 
    communications device on commercial airline flights, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    Apr. 15, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-900.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 580
H.R. 5803.--To direct the Election Assistance Commission to 
    establish a program to make grants to participating States and 
    units of local government which will administer the regularly 
    scheduled general election for Federal office held in November 
    2008 for carrying out a program to make backup paper ballots 
    available in the case of the failure of a voting system or 
    voting equipment in the election or some other emergency 
    situation, and for other purposes. Referred to House 
    Administration Apr. 15, 2008. Reported May 15, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 398

 Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) July 
15, 2008; Roll No. 493: 248-170.

H.R. 5811 (H. Res. 1318).--To amend title 44, United States Code, 
    to require preservation of certain electronic records by 
    Federal agencies, to require a certification and reports 
    relating to Presidential records, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 15, 2008. 
    Reported amended June 11, 2008; Rept. 110-709. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended July 9, 2008; Roll No. 477: 286-137. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 
H.R. 5813 (H.R. 6051).--To amend Public Law 110-196 to provide for 
    a temporary extension of programs authorized by the Farm 
    Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 beyond April 18, 
    2008. Referred to Agriculture and in addition to Foreign 
    Affairs Apr. 16, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 16, 
    2008. Received in Senate Apr. 16, 2008. Passed Senate Apr. 17, 
    2008. Presented to the President Apr. 17, 2008. Approved Apr. 
    18, 2008. Public Law 110-200.
H.R. 5818 (H. Res. 1174).--To authorize the Secretary of Housing 
    and Urban Development to make loans to States to acquire 
    foreclosed housing and to make grants to States for related 
    costs. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 16, 2008. Reported 
    amended May 1, 2008; Rept. 110-616. Union Calendar. Considered 
    May 7, 2008. Passed House amended May 8, 2008; Roll No. 299: 
    239-188. Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, 
    and Urban Affairs May 12, 2008.
H.R. 5819 (H. Res. 1125).--To amend the Small Business Act to 
    improve the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program 
    and the Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) program, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Small Business and in addition 
    to Science and Technology Apr. 16, 2008. Reported amended from 
    Small Business Apr. 18, 2008; Rept. 110-595, Pt. I. Science 
    and Technology discharged. Apr. 18, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Passed House amended Apr. 23, 2008; Roll No. 217: 368-43. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Small Business and 
    Entrepreneurship Apr. 24, 2008.
H.R. 5826 (S. 2617).--To increase, effective as of December 1, 
    2008, the rates of disability compensation for veterans with 
    service-connected disabilities and the rates of dependency and 
    indemnity compensation for survivors of certain service-
    connected disabled veterans, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 16, 2008. Reported May 15, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-643. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of 
    rules May 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 21, 
    2008; Roll No. 348: 417-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs May 22, 2008.
H.R. 5830.--To create a voluntary FHA program that provides 
    mortgage refinancing assistance to allow families to stay in 
    their homes, protect neighborhoods, and help stabilize the 
    housing market. Referred to Financial Services Apr. 17, 2008. 
    Reported amended May 5, 2008; Rept. 110-619.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 386
H.R. 5834.--To amend the North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004 to 
    promote respect for the fundamental human rights of the people 
    of North Korea, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs Apr. 17, 2008. Reported amended May 13, 2008; Rept. 
    110-628. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations May 
    19, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed Senate with amendments 
    Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to 
    Senate amendments under suspension of the rules Sept. 23, 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    7, 2008. Public Law 110-346.
H.R. 5853 (S. 2513).--To expand the boundary of the Minute Man 
    National Historical Park in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts 
    to include Barrett's Farm, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources Apr. 17, 2008. Reported Sept. 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-839. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural Resources 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5856.--To authorize major medical facility projects and major 
    medical facility leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    for fiscal year 2009, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Veterans' Affairs Apr. 22, 2008. Reported May 15, 2008; Rept. 
    110-648. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 21, 2008; Roll 
    No. 349: 416-0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs May 22, 2008.
H.R. 5868.--To amend title 10, United States Code, to provide for 
    the retention of members of the Armed Forces on active service 
    or in an active status who would otherwise be retired or 
    separated for a combat-related disability, but who are still 
    medically able to perform noncombat-related military 
    occupational specialties or duties. Referred to Armed Services 
    Apr. 22, 2008. Discharge petition filed Sept. 11, 2008; Pet. 
H.R. 5872.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the centennial of the Boy Scouts of 
    America, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services Apr. 22, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 
    2008; Roll No. 327: 403-8. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs May 19, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-363.
H.R. 5876 (H. Res. 1276) (H.R. 6358).--To require certain 
    standards and enforcement provisions to prevent child abuse 
    and neglect in residential programs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Education and Labor Apr. 23, 2008. Reported 
    amended May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-669.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 421

 Considered June 24, 2008.

H.R. 5892.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to modernize the disability 
    benefits claims processing system of the Department of 
    Veterans Affairs to ensure the accurate and timely delivery of 
    compensation to veterans and their families and survivors, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Apr. 24, 
    2008. Reported July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-789. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008; Roll No. 538: 
    429-0. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    July 31, 2008.
H.R. 5893.--To reauthorize the sound recording and film 
    preservation programs of the Library of Congress, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to House Administration and in 
    addition to the Judiciary Apr. 24, 2008. Reported amended from 
    House Administration June 4, 2008; Rept. 110-683, Pt. I. The 
    Judiciary discharged. June 4, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 4, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Rules and Administration June 5, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 16, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Sept. 23, 2008. Approved Oct. 2, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-336.
H.R. 5909.--To amend the Aviation and Transportation Security Act 
    to prohibit advance notice to certain individuals, including 
    security screeners, of covert testing of security screening 
    procedures for the purpose of enhancing transportation 
    security at airports, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Homeland Security Apr. 24, 2008. Reported amended June 5, 
    2008; Rept. 110-687. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 18, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Commerce, Science and Transportation June 19, 2008.
H.R. 5912.--To amend title 39, United States Code, to make 
    cigarettes and certain other tobacco products nonmailable, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Apr. 29, 2008. Reported amended June 12, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 452
H.R. 5916.--To reform the administration of the Arms Export 
    Control Act, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign 
    Affairs Apr. 29, 2008. Reported amended May 12, 2008; Rept. 
    110-626. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    May 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended May 15, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations May 
    19, 2008.
H.R. 5919.--To make technical corrections regarding the Newborn 
    Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Apr. 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Apr. 30, 
    2008. Received in Senate May 1, 2008. Passed Senate May 2, 
    2008. Presented to the President May 19, 2008. Approved May 
    27, 2008. Public Law 110-237.
H.R. 5932.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 2801 Manhattan Boulevard in Harvey, 
    Louisiana, as the ``Harry Lee Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Apr. 30, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 5937.--To facilitate the preservation of certain affordable 
    housing dwelling units. Referred to Financial Services May 1, 
    2008. Considered under suspension of rules May 6, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House May 7, 2008; Roll No. 277: 345-73. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs May 8, 2008.
H.R. 5938.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide 
    secret service protection to former Vice Presidents, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May 1, 2008. 
    Reported June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-696. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House June 9, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to the Judiciary June 10, 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendments July 30, 2008. House agreed to 
    Senate amendments under suspension of the rules Sept. 15, 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 17, 2008. Approved 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Public Law 110-326.
H.R. 5940.--To authorize activities for support of nanotechnology 
    research and development, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Science and Technology May 1, 2008. Reported amended June 4, 
    2008; Rept. 110-682. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 4, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended June 5, 2008; Roll No. 383: 407-6. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation 
    June 6, 2008.
H.R. 5949.--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to 
    address certain discharges incidental to the normal operation 
    of a recreational vessel. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure May 1, 2008. Reported July 22, 2008; Rept. 110-
 Union Calendar................................................Union 488
H.R. 5959 (H. Res. 1343) (S. 2996).--To authorize appropriations 
    for fiscal year 2009 for intelligence and intelligence-related 
    activities of the United States Government, the Community 
    Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency 
    Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Intelligence May 5, 2008. Reported amended May 21, 
    2008; Rept. 110-665. Union Calendar. Supplemental report filed 
    July 10, 2008; Pt. II. Passed House amended July 16, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar July 17, 
H.R. 5972.--To make technical corrections to the laws affecting 
    certain administrative authorities of the United States 
    Capitol Police, and for other purposes. Referred to House 
    Administration May 6, 2008. Reported June 4, 2008; Rept. 110-
    679. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    June 4, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Rules and 
    Administration June 5, 2008.
H.R. 5975 (S. 3317).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 101 West Main Street in 
    Waterville, New York, as the ``Cpl. John P. Sigsbee Post 
    Office''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 6, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 8, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 9, 2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 5982.--To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security, for 
    purposes of transportation security, to conduct a study on how 
    airports can transition to uniform, standards-based, and 
    interoperable biometric identifier systems for airport workers 
    with unescorted access to secure or sterile areas of an 
    airport, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland Security 
    May 7, 2008. Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-688. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 18, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation June 19, 2008.
H.R. 5983.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to enhance 
    the information security of the Department of Homeland 
    Security, and for other purposes. Referred to Homeland 
    Security May 7, 2008. Reported amended July 24, 2008; Rept. 
    110-777. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules 
    July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 6003 (H. Res. 1253) (S. 294).--To reauthorize Amtrak, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    May 8, 2008. Reported amended June 5, 2008; Rept. 110-690. 
    Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 11, 2008; Roll No. 
    400: 311-104. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar June 12, 2008.
H.R. 6020.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    protect the well-being of soldiers and their families, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary May 8, 2008. 
    Reported Oct. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-912.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 587
H.R. 6022.--To suspend the acquisition of petroleum for the 
    Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Energy and Commerce and in addition to Natural Resources 
    May 12, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 13, 2008; Roll 
    No. 307: 385-25. Received in Senate and passed May 14, 2008. 
    Presented to the President May 19, 2008. Approved May 19, 
    2008. Public Law 110-232.
H.R. 6028.--To authorize law enforcement and security assistance, 
    and assistance to enhance the rule of law and strengthen 
    civilian institutions, for Mexico and the countries of Central 
    America, and for other purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs 
    and in addition to the Judiciary May 13, 2008. Reported 
    amended from Foreign Affairs May 22, 2008; Rept. 110-673, Pt. 
    I. Referral to the Judiciary extended May 22, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than June 6, 2008. The Judiciary 
    discharged. June 6, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended June 10, 2008; Roll No. 393: 311-106. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Foreign Relations June 11, 
H.R. 6034.--To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to 
    provide for relief to surviving spouses and children. Referred 
    to the Judiciary May 13, 2008. Reported amended Oct. 3, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-911.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 586
H.R. 6040.--To amend the Water Resources Development Act of 2007 
    to clarify the authority of the Secretary of the Army to 
    provide reimbursement for travel expenses incurred by members 
    of the Committee on Levee Safety. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure May 13, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    June 23, 2008. Received in Senate June 24 (Legislative day of 
    June 23), 2008. Passed Senate June 25, 2008. Presented to the 
    President July 7, 2008. Approved July 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6041.--To redesignate the Rio Grande American Canal in El 
    Paso, Texas, as the ``Travis C. Johnson Canal''. Referred to 
    Natural Resources May 13, 2008. Reported July 31, 2008; Rept. 
 Union Calendar................................................Union 528
H.R. 6045.--To amend title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe 
    Streets Act of 1968 to extend the authorization of the 
    Bulletproof Vest Partnership Grant Program through fiscal year 
    2012. Referred to the Judiciary May 13, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules Sept. 25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 647: 404-2. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate 
    Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6048.--To amend the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act to 
    provide for the protection of child custody arrangements for 
    parents who are members of the Armed Forces deployed in 
    support of a contingency operation. Referred to Veterans' 
    Affairs May 14, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 20, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs May 
    21, 2008.
H.R. 6049 (H. Res. 1212).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to provide incentives for energy production and 
    conservation, to extend certain expiring provisions, to 
    provide individual income tax relief, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Ways and Means May 14, 2008. Reported amended May 
    20, 2008; Rept. 110-658. Union Calendar. Passed House May 21, 
    2008; Roll No. 344: 263-160. Received in Senate June 4, 2008. 
    Ordered placed on the calendar June 5, 2008. Passed Senate 
    with amendment Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    Roll No. 205: 93-2.
H.R. 6051 (H.R. 5813).--To amend Public Law 110-196 to provide for 
    a temporary extension of programs authorized by the Farm 
    Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 beyond May 16, 2008. 
    Referred to Agriculture and in addition to Foreign Affairs May 
    14, 2008. Passed House May 14, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    passed May 14, 2008. Presented to the President May 15, 2008. 
    Approved May 18, 2008. Public Law 110-231.
H.R. 6052 (H. Res. 1304).--To promote increased public 
    transportation use, to promote increased use of alternative 
    fuels in providing public transportation, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure and in 
    addition to Oversight and Government Reform May 14, 2008. 
    Reported from Transportation and Infrastructure June 20, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-727, Pt. I. Oversight and Government Reform 
    discharged. June 20, 2008. Union Calendar. Passed House 
    amended June 26, 2008; Roll No. 467: 322-98. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    June 27, 2008.
H.R. 6061.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 219 East Main Street in West Frankfort, 
    Illinois, as the ``Kenneth James Gray Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 14, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House July 9, 2008. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs 
    July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008. Reported July 30, 
    2008; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-308.
H.R. 6063 (H. Res. 1257) (S. 3270).--To authorize the programs of 
    the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Science and Technology May 15, 
    2008. Reported amended June 9, 2008; Rept. 110-702. Union 
    Calendar. Considered June 12, 2008. Passed House amended June 
    18, 2008; Roll No. 421: 409-15. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation June 20 
    (Legislative day of June 19), 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under 
    suspension of the rules Sept. 27, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6064.--To encourage, enhance, and integrate Silver Alert 
    plans throughout the United States. Referred to the Judiciary 
    May 15, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-825. 
    Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 17, 2008. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6073.--To provide that Federal employees receiving their pay 
    by electronic funds transfer shall be given the option of 
    receiving their pay stubs electronically. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform May 15, 2008. Reported July 
    28, 2008; Rept. 110-780. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 7, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-423.
H.R. 6074.--To amend the Sherman Act to make oil-producing and 
    exporting cartels illegal and for other purposes. Referred to 
    the Judiciary May 15, 2008. Considered under suspension of 
    rules May 19, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 20, 
    2008; Roll No. 332: 324-84. Received in Senate and ordered 
    placed on the calendar May 21, 2008.
H.R. 6081.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    benefits for military personnel, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Ways and Means May 16, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended May 20, 2008; Roll No. 331: 403-0. 
    Received in Senate May 21, 2008. Passed Senate May 22, 2008. 
    Presented to the President June 6, 2008. Approved June 17, 
    2008. Public Law 110-245.
H.R. 6083 (S. 2942).--To authorize funding for the National 
    Advocacy Center. Referred to the Judiciary May 19, 2008. 
    Reported amended July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-784. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 31, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to the Judiciary Aug. 1, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-424.
H.R. 6085.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 42222 Rancho Las Palmas Drive in Rancho 
    Mirage, California, as the ``Gerald R. Ford Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform May 
    20, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules June 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 18, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 20 (Legislative day of June 19), 2008. Reported 
    July 30, 2008; no written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 
    2008. Public Law 110-309.
H.R. 6092.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 101 Tallapoosa Street in Bremen, Georgia, 
    as the ``Sergeant Paul Saylor Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform May 20, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 8, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 9, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; 
    no written report. Passed Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 110-348.
H.R. 6098.--To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to improve 
    the financial assistance provided to State, local, and tribal 
    governments for information sharing activities, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security May 20, 2008. Reported 
    amended July 10, 2008; Rept. 110-752. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 29, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 30, 2008. Reported with amendment Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no written report. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. House agreed to Senate amendment Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 14, 
    2008. Public Law 110-412.
H.R. 6107.--To direct the Secretary of the Interior to establish 
    and implement a competitive oil and gas leasing program that 
    will result in an environmentally sound program for the 
    exploration, development, and production of the oil and gas 
    resources of the Coastal Plain of Alaska, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to 
    Energy and Commerce, and Science and Technology May 21, 2008. 
    Discharge petition filed July 30, 2008; Pet. 110-15.
H.R. 6108.--To provide for exploration, development, and 
    production activities for mineral resources on the outer 
    Continental Shelf, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural 
    Resources and in addition to Science and Technology, and the 
    Judiciary May 21, 2008. Discharge petition filed July 30, 
    2008; Pet. 110-16.
H.R. 6109 (S. 3175).--To amend the Robert T. Stafford Disaster 
    Relief and Emergency Assistance Act to reauthorize the pre-
    disaster hazard mitigation program, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure May 21, 2008. 
    Reported June 19, 2008; Rept. 110-725. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended June 23, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs June 24 (Legislative day of June 23), 2008.
H.R. 6113.--To amend title 44, United States Code, to require each 
    agency to include a contact telephone number in its collection 
    of information. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    May 21, 2008. Reported amended July 28, 2008; Rept. 110-781. 
    Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 29, 
    2008; Roll No. 535: 394-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 30, 2008.
H.R. 6124 (H.R. 2419).--To provide for the continuation of 
    agricultural and other programs of the Department of 
    Agriculture through fiscal year 2012, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Agriculture and in addition to Foreign Affairs May 
    22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House May 22, 2008; Roll No. 
    353: 306-110. Received in Senate and ordered placed on the 
    calendar May 22, 2008. Passed Senate June 5, 2008; Roll No. 
    144: 77-15. Presented to the President June 16, 2008. Vetoed 
    June 18, 2008. In House, passed over Presidential veto June 
    18, 2008; Roll No. 417: 317-109. In Senate, passed over 
    Presidential veto June 18, 2008; Roll No. 151: 80-14. Became 
    Public Law 110-246 without approval June 18, 2008.
H.R. 6126 (S. 2838).--To amend chapter 1 of title 9 of United 
    States Code with respect to arbitration. Referred to the 
    Judiciary May 22, 2008. Reported Sept. 26, 2008; Rept. 110-
 Union Calendar................................................Union 577
H.R. 6146.--To amend title 28, United States Code, to prohibit 
    recognition and enforcement of foreign defamation judgments. 
    Referred to the Judiciary May 22, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 
    29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6150.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 14500 Lorain Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio, as 
    the ``John P. Gallagher Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform May 22, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules June 17, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 18, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs June 20 
    (Legislative day of June 19), 2008. Reported July 30, 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6159.--To provide for a land exchange involving certain 
    National Forest System lands in the Mendocino National Forest 
    in the State of California, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Natural Resources May 22, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 18, 
    2008; Rept. 110-861. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and 
    Natural Resources Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6168.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 112 South 5th Street in Saint Charles, 
    Missouri, as the ``Lance Corporal Drew W. Weaver Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    3, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 9, 2008; Roll No. 
    574: 403-0. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 10, 2008.
H.R. 6169.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 15455 Manchester Road in Ballwin, Missouri, 
    as the ``Specialist Peter J. Navarro Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 3, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 11, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs Sept. 12, 2008.
H.R. 6176.--To authorize the expansion of the Fort Davis National 
    Historic Site in Fort Davis, Texas, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Natural Resources June 4, 2008. Reported July 29, 
    2008; Rept. 110-797. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Energy and Natural 
    Resources Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6177.--To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to modify the 
    boundary of the Rio Grande Wild and Scenic River. Referred to 
    Natural Resources June 4, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 11, 
    2008; Rept. 110-838.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 538
H.R. 6184.--To provide for a program for circulating quarter 
    dollar coins that are emblematic of a national park or other 
    national site in each State, the District of Columbia, and 
    each territory of the United States, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services June 4, 2008. Reported July 8, 
    2008; Rept. 110-748. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 9, 2008; Roll No. 479: 419-0. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs July 10 
    (Legislative day of July 9), 2008.
H.R. 6193.--To require the Secretary of Homeland Security to 
    develop and administer policies, procedures, and programs to 
    promote the implementation of the Controlled Unclassified 
    Information Framework applicable to unclassified information 
    that is homeland security information, terrorism information, 
    weapons of mass destruction information and other information 
    within the scope of the information sharing environment 
    established under section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and 
    Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (6 U.S.C. 485), and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Homeland Security June 5, 2008. Reported 
    amended July 28, 2008; Rept. 110-779. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 6197.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 7095 Highway 57 in Counce, Tennessee, as 
    the ``Pickwick Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform June 5, 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 29 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 22, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6198 (S. 3082).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 1700 Cleveland Avenue in 
    Kansas City, Missouri, as the ``Reverend Earl Abel Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    5, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 23), 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 
    25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6199 (S. 3625).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 245 North Main Street in New 
    City, New York, as the ``Kenneth Peter Zebrowski Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    5, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 24 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 23), 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 
    26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6208.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1100 Town and Country Commons in 
    Chesterfield, Missouri, as the ``Lance Corporal Matthew P. 
    Pathenos Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform June 9, 2008. Considered under suspension of 
    rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 31, 
    2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland Security and 
    Governmental Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6211.--To allow Americans the opportunity to see their vast 
    oil shale and tar sands resources on Federal lands developed 
    by providing the President with the ability to determine the 
    quickest and most responsible way to access oil shale 
    resources. Referred to Natural Resources and in addition to 
    Science and Technology June 9, 2008. Discharge petition filed 
    Sept. 11, 2008; Pet. 110-17.
H.R. 6216 (H.R. 3521).--To improve the Operating Fund for public 
    housing of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Financial Services June 9, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 9, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban 
    Affairs July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008.
H.R. 6221.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to require the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs to include in each contract the 
    Secretary enters for the acquisition of goods and services a 
    provision that requires the contractee to comply with the 
    contracting goals and preferences for small business concerns 
    owned or controlled by veterans, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs June 10, 2008. Reported amended 
    July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-785. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6225.--To amend title 38, United States Code, relating to 
    equitable relief with respect to a State or private employer. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs June 10, 2008. Reported amended 
    July 28, 2008; Rept. 110-778. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6226.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 300 East 3rd Street in Jamestown, New York, 
    as the ``Stan Lundine Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform June 10, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House July 22, 2008. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 
    23, 2008.
H.R. 6229.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 2523 7th Avenue East in North Saint Paul, 
    Minnesota, as the ``Mayor William 'Bill' Sandberg Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    10, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 18, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-396.
H.R. 6251.--To prohibit the Secretary of the Interior from issuing 
    new Federal oil and gas leases to holders of existing leases 
    who do not diligently develop the lands subject to such 
    existing leases or relinquish such leases, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Natural Resources June 12, 2008. Failed 
    of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
    June 26, 2008; Roll No. 469: 223-195.
H.R. 6270.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to 
    create a new conditional approval system for drugs, biological 
    products, and devices that is responsive to the needs of 
    seriously ill patients, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means June 12, 
H.R. 6275 (H. Res. 1297).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to provide individuals temporary relief from the 
    alternative minimum tax, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means June 17, 2008. Reported amended June 20, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-728. Union Calendar. Passed House amended June 25, 
    2008; Roll No. 455: 233-189. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Finance June 26, 2008.
H.R. 6276.--To repeal section 9(k) of the United States Housing 
    Act of 1937. Referred to Financial Services June 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House June 18, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    June 19, 2008.
H.R. 6295 (S. 3598).--To amend title 18, United States Code, to 
    prohibit operation by any means or embarking in any 
    submersible or semi-submersible vessel that is without 
    nationality and that is navigating or has navigated into, 
    through or from waters beyond the outer limit of the 
    territorial sea of a single country or a lateral limit of that 
    country's territorial sea with an adjacent country, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary June 18, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 29, 2008. Received in 
    Senate July 30, 2008. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6296.--To extend through 2013 the authority of the Federal 
    Election Commission to impose civil money penalties on the 
    basis of a schedule of penalties established and published by 
    the Commission. Referred to House Administration June 18, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 15, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Rules and Administration July 16, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 16, 2008. Public Law 110-433.
H.R. 6304 (H. Res. 1285).--To amend the Foreign Intelligence 
    Surveillance Act of 1978 to establish a procedure for 
    authorizing certain acquisitions of foreign intelligence, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary and in addition 
    to Intelligence June 19, 2008. Passed House June 20, 2008; 
    Roll No. 437: 293-129. Received in Senate and ordered placed 
    on the calendar June 20 (Legislative day of June 19), 2008. 
    Considered July 8, 2008. Passed Senate July 9, 2008; Roll No. 
    168: 69-28. Presented to the President July 9, 2008. Approved 
    July 10, 2008. Public Law 110-261.
H.R. 6307.--To amend parts B and E of title IV of the Social 
    Security Act to assist children in foster care in developing 
    or maintaining connections to family, community, support, 
    health care, and school, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means June 19, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended June 24, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Finance June 25, 2008.
H.R. 6308.--To ensure uniform and accurate credit rating of 
    municipal bonds and provide for a review of the municipal bond 
    insurance industry. Referred to Financial Services June 19, 
    2008. Reported amended Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 110-835.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 536
H.R. 6309.--To amend the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard 
    Reduction Act of 1992 to define environmental intervention 
    blood lead level and establish additional requirements for 
    certain lead hazard screens, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Financial Services June 19, 2008. Reported amended July 29, 
    2008; Rept. 110-788. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6312.--To advance credit union efforts to promote economic 
    growth, modify credit union regulatory standards and reduce 
    burdens, to provide regulatory relief and improve productivity 
    for insured depository institutions, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Financial Services June 19, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House June 24, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs June 25, 2008.
H.R. 6322.--To amend the District of Columbia School Reform Act of 
    1995 to permit the District of Columbia government to exercise 
    authority over the Public Charter School Board in the same 
    manner as the District government may exercise authority over 
    other entities of the District government. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform June 19, 2008. Reported July 
    28, 2008; Rept. 110-782.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 501

Supplemental report filed Sept. 9, 2008; Pt. II.

H.R. 6323.--To establish a research, development, demonstration, 
    and commercial application program to promote research of 
    appropriate technologies for heavy duty plug-in hybrid 
    vehicles, and for other purposes. Referred to Science and 
    Technology June 19, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 16, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-855. Union Calendar. Considered under suspension of 
    rules Sept. 22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 24, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Commerce, Science and 
    Transportation Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6327.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend 
    the funding and expenditure authority of the Airport and 
    Airway Trust Fund, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways 
    and Means and in addition to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    June 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 24, 
    2008; Roll No. 447: 422-0. Received in Senate June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008. Passed Senate June 26, 
    2008. Presented to the President June 26, 2008. Approved June 
    30, 2008. Public Law 110-253.
H.R. 6331.--To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security 
    Act to extend expiring provisions under the Medicare Program, 
    to improve beneficiary access to preventive and mental health 
    services, to enhance low-income benefit programs, and to 
    maintain access to care in rural areas, including pharmacy 
    access, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce and in addition to Ways and Means June 20, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended June 24, 2008; Roll No. 
    443: 355-59. Received in Senate June 24 (Legislative day of 
    June 23), 2008. Ordered placed on the calendar June 25, 2008. 
    Passed Senate July 9, 2008. Presented to the President July 
    10, 2008. Vetoed July 15, 2008. In House, passed over 
    Presidential veto July 15, 2008; Roll No. 491: 383-41. In 
    Senate, passed over Presidential veto July 15, 2008; Roll No. 
    177: 70-26. In Senate, passed over Presidential veto July 15, 
    2008; Roll No. 177: 70-26. Became Public Law 110-275 without 
    approval July 15, 2008.
H.R. 6338.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 4233 West Hillsboro Boulevard in Coconut 
    Creek, Florida, as the ``Army SPC Daniel Agami Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 
    20, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 18, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-397.
H.R. 6339.--To amend title 5, United States Code, to provide 
    additional leave for Federal employees to serve as poll 
    workers, and to direct the Election Assistance Commission to 
    make grants to States for poll worker recruitment and 
    training. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform and in 
    addition to House Administration June 20, 2008. Reported 
    amended from House Administration Sept. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-
    886, Pt. I.
H.R. 6340.--To designate the Federal building and United States 
    Courthouse located at 300 Quarropas Street in White Plains, 
    New York, as the ``Charles L. Brieant, Jr. Federal Building 
    and United States Courthouse''. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure June 20, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 29, 2008. Received in Senate July 29 (Legislative 
    day of July 28), 2008. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 12, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-311.
H.R. 6344.--To provide emergency authority to delay or toll 
    judicial proceedings in United States district and circuit 
    courts, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary June 
    23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House June 23, 2008. 
    Received in Senate and referred to the Judiciary June 24 
    (Legislative day of June 23), 2008.
H.R. 6346 (H.R. 1252).--To protect consumers from price-gouging of 
    gasoline and other fuels, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Energy and Commerce and in addition to Education and Labor 
    June 23, 2008. Failed of passage under suspension of the rules 
    (two-thirds required) June 24, 2008; Roll No. 448: 276-146.
H.R. 6353 (S. 980).--To amend the Controlled Substances Act to 
    address online pharmacies. Referred to Energy and Commerce and 
    in addition to the Judiciary June 24, 2008. Reported amended 
    from Energy and Commerce Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 110-869, Pt. I. 
    The Judiciary discharged. Sept. 23, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-425.
H.R. 6357.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to promote the 
    adoption of health information technology, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    Science and Technology, and Ways and Means June 24, 2008. 
    Reported amended from Energy and Commerce Sept. 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-837, Pt. I. Referral to Ways and Means extended 
    Sept. 11, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 19, 
    2008. Science and Technology discharged. Sept. 11, 2008. 
    Referral to Ways and Means extended Sept. 19, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Sept. 26, 2008. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended Sept. 26, 2008 for a period ending not 
    later than Sept. 28, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended 
    Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not later than Sept. 29, 
    2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended Sept. 29, 2008 for a 
    period ending not later than Oct. 2, 2008. Referral to Ways 
    and Means extended Oct. 2, 2008 for a period ending not later 
    than Oct. 3, 2008. Referral to Ways and Means extended Oct. 3, 
    2008 for a period ending not later than Jan. 3, 2009.
H.R. 6358 (H.R. 5876).--To require certain standards and 
    enforcement provisions to prevent child abuse and neglect in 
    residential programs, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Education and Labor June 24, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House June 25, 2008; Roll No. 459: 318-103. Received in Senate 
    and referred to Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions June 
    26, 2008.
H.R. 6370.--To transfer excess Federal property administered by 
    the Coast Guard to the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower 
    Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure June 25, 2008. Reported Sept. 22, 2008; Rept. 
    110-865. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-364.
H.R. 6377.--To direct the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to 
    utilize all its authority, including its emergency powers, to 
    curb immediately the role of excessive speculation in any 
    contract market within the jurisdiction and control of the 
    Commodity Futures Trading Commission, on or through which 
    energy futures or swaps are traded, and to eliminate excessive 
    speculation, price distortion, sudden or unreasonable 
    fluctuations or unwarranted changes in prices, or other 
    unlawful activity that is causing major market disturbances 
    that prevent the market from accurately reflecting the forces 
    of supply and demand for energy commodities. Referred to 
    Agriculture June 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House June 
    26, 2008; Roll No. 468: 402-19. Received in Senate June 26, 
    2008. Ordered placed on the calendar July 8, 2008.
H.R. 6382.--To make technical corrections related to the Pension 
    Protection Act of 2006, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Ways and Means and in addition to Education and Labor June 26, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 9, 2008. Received in 
    Senate July 10 (Legislative day of July 9), 2008. Referred to 
    Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6388.--To provide additional authorities to the Comptroller 
    General of the United States, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform June 26, 2008. Reported 
    amended July 24, 2008; Rept. 110-771. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended July 29, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Homeland Security and Governmental 
    Affairs July 30, 2008.
H.R. 6406.--To elevate the Inspector General of the Commodity 
    Futures Trading Commission to an Inspector General appointed 
    pursuant to section 3 of the Inspector General Act of 1978. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform June 26, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 24, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. 
    Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6432.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to 
    revise and extend the animal drug user fee program, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 8, 2008. 
    Reported amended July 30, 2008; Rept. 110-804. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 30, 2008. Received 
    in Senate July 31, 2008. Passed Senate Aug. 1, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Aug. 6, 2008. Approved Aug. 14, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-316.
H.R. 6433.--To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to 
    establish a program of fees relating to generic new animal 
    drugs. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 8, 2008. Reported 
    amended July 30, 2008; Rept. 110-805.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 521
H.R. 6437.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 200 North Texas Avenue in Odessa, Texas, as 
    the ``Corporal Alfred Mac Wilson Post Office''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 8, 2008. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 31, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Aug. 1, 2008. 
    Reported Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008; no 
    written report. Passed Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 110-349.
H.R. 6445.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs from collecting certain 
    copayments from veterans who are catastrophically disabled. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs July 9, 2008. Reported amended 
    July 29, 2008; Rept. 110-786. Union Calendar. Considered under 
    suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 30, 2008; Roll No. 541: 421-0. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 6455.--To require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins 
    in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment 
    of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Referred 
    to Financial Services July 10, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House July 15, 2008. Received in Senate and ordered placed on 
    the calendar July 16, 2008.
H.R. 6456.--To provide for extensions of certain authorities of 
    the Department of State, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs July 10, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended July 30, 2008. Received in Senate July 31, 2008. 
    Referred to Foreign Relations Aug. 1, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate Sept. 8, 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 11, 2008. Approved Sept. 19, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6460.--To amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to 
    provide for the remediation of sediment contamination in areas 
    of concern, and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure and in addition to Science and Technology 
    July 10, 2008. Reported amended from Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-849, Pt. I. Science 
    and Technology discharged. Sept. 15, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 18, 2008; Roll No. 615: 
    371-20. Received in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment under 
    suspension of the rules Sept. 28, 2008; Roll No. 665: 411-9. 
    Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 
    2008. Public Law 110-365.
H.R. 6469.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to authorize 
    increased Federal funding for the Organ Procurement and 
    Transplantation Network. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 
    10, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 25, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. House agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 3, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 9, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-426.
H.R. 6474.--To authorize the Chief Administrative Officer of the 
    House of Representatives to carry out a series of 
    demonstration projects to promote the use of innovative 
    technologies in reducing energy consumption and promoting 
    energy efficiency and cost savings in the House of 
    Representatives. Referred to House Administration July 10, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 25, 2008; Rept. 110-890.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 575
H.R. 6475.--To establish the Daniel Webster Congressional 
    Clerkship Program. Referred to House Administration July 10, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 8, 2008; Rept. 110-831. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 11, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Rules and Administration Sept. 12, 
H.R. 6489.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 501 4th Street in Lake Oswego, Oregon, as 
    the ``Judie Hammerstad Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 14, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6493.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to enhance 
    aviation safety. Referred to Transportation and Infrastructure 
    July 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended July 22, 
    2008; Roll No. 512: 392-0. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Commerce, Science and Transportation July 23, 2008.
H.R. 6503.--To amend the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement 
    Act of 1994 to reauthorize the Missing Alzheimer's Disease 
    Patient Alert Program. Referred to the Judiciary July 15, 
    2008. Reported Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-846. Union Calendar. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6513.--To amend the Federal securities laws to enhance the 
    effectiveness of the Securities and Exchange Commission's 
    enforcement, corporation finance, trading and markets, 
    investment management, and examination programs, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Financial Services July 16, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 11, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 
    Sept. 12, 2008.
H.R. 6515.--To amend the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act 
    of 1976 to require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct an 
    expeditious environmentally responsible program of competitive 
    leasing of oil and gas in the National Petroleum Reserve in 
    Alaska, and for other purposes. Referred to Natural Resources 
    and in addition to Foreign Affairs, and Transportation and 
    Infrastructure July 16, 2008. Failed of passage under 
    suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) July 17, 2008; 
    Roll No. 511: 244-173.
H.R. 6524.--To authorize the Administrator of General Services to 
    take certain actions with respect to parcels of real property 
    located in Eastlake, Ohio, and Koochiching County, Minnesota, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and in addition to Armed Services July 16, 
    2008. Reported from Transportation and Infrastructure Sept. 
    22, 2008; Rept. 110-866, Pt. I. Armed Services discharged. 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-427.
H.R. 6531.--To amend chapter 13 of title 17, United States Code 
    (relating to the vessel hull design protection), to clarify 
    the definitions of a hull and a deck. Referred to the 
    Judiciary July 17, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 
    22, 2008. Received in Senate July 23, 2008. Ordered placed on 
    the calendar Aug. 1, 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 7, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 16, 2008. Public Law 110-434.
H.R. 6532.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to restore 
    the Highway Trust Fund balance. Referred to Ways and Means 
    July 17, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 23, 2008; 
    Roll No. 518: 387-37. Received in Senate and referred to 
    Finance July 24 (Legislative day of July 23), 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 10, 2008. House 
    agreed to Senate amendment under suspension of the rules Sept. 
    11, 2008; Roll No. 587: 376-29. Presented to the President 
    Sept. 11, 2008. Approved Sept. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-318.
H.R. 6545.--To require the Director of National Intelligence to 
    conduct a national intelligence assessment on national 
    security and energy security issues. Referred to Intelligence 
    July 17, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules July 22, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 23, 2008; Roll No. 
    520: 414-0. Received in Senate and referred to Intelligence 
    July 24 (Legislative day of July 23), 2008.
H.R. 6558.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1750 Lundy Avenue in San Jose, California, 
    as the ``Gordon N. Chan Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 21, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6560.--To establish an earned import allowance program under 
    Public Law 109-53, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways 
    and Means July 22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    July 29, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Finance July 
    30, 2008.
H.R. 6568.--To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services 
    to encourage research and carry out an educational campaign 
    with respect to pulmonary hypertension, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in addition to 
    Ways and Means July 22, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Sept. 25, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 26 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6575.--To require the Archivist of the United States to 
    promulgate regulations to prevent the over-classification of 
    information, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight and 
    Government Reform July 23, 2008. Reported July 30, 2008; Rept. 
    110-809. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 9, 2008. Received in Senate and referred to Homeland 
    Security and Governmental Affairs Sept. 10, 2008.
H.R. 6576.--To require the Archivist of the United States to 
    promulgate regulations regarding the use of information 
    control designations, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 23, 2008. Considered 
    under suspension of rules July 29, 2008. Reported July 30, 
    2008; Rept. 110-810. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended July 30, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs July 31, 2008.
H.R. 6577 (S.J. Res. 45).--To express the consent and approval of 
    Congress to an interstate compact regarding water resources in 
    the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin. Referred to the 
    Judiciary July 23, 2008. Reported Sept. 22, 2008; Rept. 110-
 Union Calendar................................................Union 560
H.R. 6578.--To provide for the sale of light grade petroleum from 
    the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and its replacement with heavy 
    grade petroleum. Referred to Energy and Commerce July 23, 
    2008. Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two-
    thirds required) July 24, 2008; Roll No. 527: 268-157.
H.R. 6580.--To ensure the fair treatment of a member of the Armed 
    Forces who is discharged from the Armed Forces, at the request 
    of the member, pursuant to the Department of Defense policy 
    permitting the early discharge of a member who is the only 
    surviving child in a family in which the father or mother, or 
    one or more siblings, served in the Armed Forces and, because 
    of hazards incident to such service, was killed, died as a 
    result of wounds, accident, or disease, is in a captured or 
    missing in action status, or is permanently disabled, to amend 
    the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the dollar 
    limitation on contributions to funeral trusts, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Armed Services and in addition to 
    Veterans' Affairs, Ways and Means, and Oversight and 
    Government Reform July 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    July 29, 2008. Received in Senate July 30, 2008. Passed Senate 
    Aug. 1, 2008. Presented to the President Aug. 25, 2008. 
    Approved Aug. 29, 2008. Public Law 110-317.
H.R. 6585.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 311 Southwest 2nd Street in Corvallis, 
    Oregon, as the ``Helen Berg Post Office Building''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform July 23, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to 
    Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Oct. 2 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6589.--To provide financial support for the operation of the 
    law library of the Library of Congress, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to House Administration and in addition to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure July 23, 2008. Reported 
    amended from House Administration Sept. 27, 2008; Rept. 110-
    896, Pt. I. Transportation and Infrastructure discharged. 
    Sept. 27, 2008.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 578
H.R. 6598.--To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit 
    certain conduct relating to the use of horses for human 
    consumption. Referred to the Judiciary July 24, 2008. Reported 
    amended Sept. 28, 2008; Rept. 110-901, Pt. I. Referred to 
    Agriculture Sept. 28, 2008 for a period ending not later than 
    Sept. 29, 2008. Referral extended Sept. 29, 2008 for a period 
    ending not later than Oct. 2, 2008. Referral extended Oct. 2, 
    2008 for a period ending not later than Oct. 3, 2008. Referral 
    extended Oct. 3, 2008 for a period ending not later than Jan. 
    3, 2009.
H.R. 6599 (H. Res. 1384).--Making appropriations for military 
    construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related 
    agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2009, and 
    for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations July 24, 
    2008; Rept. 110-775. Union Calendar. Considered July 31, 2008. 
    Passed House amended Aug. 1, 2008; Roll No. 563: 409-4. 
    Received in Senate and ordered placed on the calendar Sept. 8, 
H.R. 6600.--To amend title II of the Social Security Act to 
    prohibit the inclusion of Social Security account numbers on 
    Medicare cards. Referred to Ways and Means July 24, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 29, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 30, 2008.
H.R. 6604 (H. Res. 1449).--To amend the Commodity Exchange Act to 
    bring greater transparency and accountability to commodity 
    markets, and for other purposes. Referred to Agriculture July 
    24, 2008. Failed of passage under suspension of the rules 
    (two-thirds required) July 30, 2008; Roll No. 540: 276-151. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 18, 2008; Roll No. 608: 283-133. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Referred to Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6608.--To provide for the replacement of lost income for 
    employees of the House of Representatives who are members of a 
    reserve component of the armed forces who are on active duty 
    for a period of more than 30 days, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to House Administration and in addition to Standards 
    of Official Conduct July 24, 2008. Reported from House 
    Administration Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 110-832, Pt. I. Standards 
    of Official Conduct discharged. Sept. 9, 2008. Union Calendar. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 11, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 12, 2008.
H.R. 6625.--To require the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to permit 
    facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs to be 
    designated as voter registration agencies, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to House Administration and in addition to 
    Veterans' Affairs July 29, 2008. Reported amended from House 
    Administration Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-851, Pt. I. Veterans' 
    Affairs discharged. Sept. 15, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 17, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Referred 
    to Rules and Administration Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008.
H.R. 6627.--To authorize the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian 
    Institution to carry out certain construction projects, and 
    for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and in addition to House Administration July 
    29, 2008. Reported from House Administration Sept. 11, 2008; 
    Rept. 110-842, Pt. I. Reported from Transportation and 
    Infrastructure Sept. 15, 2008; Pt. II. Union Calendar. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6630.--To prohibit the Secretary of Transportation from 
    granting authority to a motor carrier domiciled in Mexico to 
    operate beyond United States municipalities and commercial 
    zones on the United States-Mexico border unless expressly 
    authorized by Congress. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure July 29, 2008. Reported Sept. 9, 2008; Rept. 
    110-833. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 9, 2008; Roll No. 575: 395-18. Received in Senate and 
    referred to Commerce, Science and Transportation Sept. 10, 
H.R. 6633.--To evaluate and extend the basic pilot program for 
    employment eligibility confirmation and to ensure the 
    protection of Social Security beneficiaries. Referred to the 
    Judiciary and in addition to Education and Labor, and Ways and 
    Means July 29, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules July 
    30, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House July 31, 2008; Roll 
    No. 557: 407-2. Received in Senate and referred to the 
    Judiciary Aug. 1, 2008.
H.R. 6646.--To require the Secretary of State, in consultation 
    with the Secretary of Defense, to provide detailed briefings 
    to Congress on any recent discussions conducted between United 
    States Government and the Government of Taiwan and any 
    potential transfer of defense articles or defense services to 
    the Government of Taiwan. Referred to Foreign Affairs July 29, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Referred to Foreign Relations Sept. 26 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6669.--To provide that claims of the United States to certain 
    documents relating to Franklin Delano Roosevelt shall be 
    treated as waived and relinquished in certain circumstances. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform July 30, 2008. 
    Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 30, 2008.
H.R. 6681.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 300 Vine Street in New Lenox, Illinois, as 
    the ``Jacob M. Lowell Post Office Building''. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform July 30, 2008. Considered 
    under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Sept. 18, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6685.--To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide 
    an annual grant to facilitate an iron working training program 
    for Native Americans. Referred to Natural Resources July 31, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 22, 2008; Roll No. 
    616: 302-72. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Referred to Indian Affairs Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6694.--To revise the requirements for seller-financed 
    downpayments for mortgages for single-family housing insured 
    by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under title 
    II of the National Housing Act and to authorize risk-based 
    insurance premiums for certain mortgagors under such 
    mortgages. Referred to Financial Services July 31, 2008. 
    Reported amended Oct. 2, 2008; Rept. 110-905.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 582
H.R. 6707.--To require Surface Transportation Board consideration 
    of the impacts of certain railroad transactions on local 
    communities, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Transportation and Infrastructure July 31, 2008. Reported 
    amended Sept. 26, 2008; Rept. 110-893.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 576

 Failed of passage under suspension of the rules (two-thirds required) 
Sept. 27, 2008; Roll No. 663: 243-175.

H.R. 6772 (S. 3241).--To designate the facility of the United 
    States Postal Service located at 1717 Orange Avenue in Fort 
    Pierce, Florida, as the ``CeeCee Ross Lyles Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Aug. 
    1, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 18, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6832.--To authorize major medical facility projects and major 
    medical facility leases for the Department of Veterans Affairs 
    for fiscal year 2009, to extend certain authorities of the 
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs, and for other purposes. 
    Referred to Veterans' Affairs Sept. 8, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Sept. 11, 2008. Received in Senate and referred 
    to Veterans' Affairs Sept. 12, 2008.
H.R. 6834.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 4 South Main Street in Wallingford, 
    Connecticut, as the ``CWO Richard R. Lee Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    8, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Passed Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    21, 2008. Public Law 110-444.
H.R. 6837.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 7925 West Russell Road in Las Vegas, 
    Nevada, as the ``Private First Class Irving Joseph Schwartz 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Sept. 8, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 
    27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6838.--To establish and operate a National Center for Campus 
    Public Safety. Referred to the Judiciary Sept. 8, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6842 (H. Res. 1434).--To require the District of Columbia to 
    revise its laws regarding the use and possession of firearms 
    as necessary to comply with the requirements of the decision 
    of the Supreme Court in the case of District of Columbia v. 
    Heller, in a manner that protects the security interests of 
    the Federal government and the people who work in, reside in, 
    or visit the District of Columbia and does not undermine the 
    efforts of law enforcement, homeland security, and military 
    officials to protect the Nation's capital from crime and 
    terrorism. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    9, 2008. Reported amended Sept. 15, 2008; Rept. 110-843. Union 
    Calendar. Considered Sept. 16, 2008. Passed House amended 
    Sept. 17, 2008; Roll No. 601: 266-152. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Ordered placed 
    on the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
H.R. 6847.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 801 Industrial Boulevard in Ellijay, 
    Georgia, as the ``First Lieutenant Noah Harris Ellijay Post 
    Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform 
    Sept. 9, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 24, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-445.
H.R. 6849.--To amend the commodity provisions of the Food, 
    Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 to permit producers to 
    aggregate base acres and reconstitute farms to avoid the 
    prohibition on receiving direct payments, counter-cyclical 
    payments, or average crop revenue election payments when the 
    sum of the base acres of a farm is 10 acres or less, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Agriculture Sept. 9, 2008. 
    Reported amended Sept. 24, 2008; Rept. 110-881. Union 
    Calendar. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 24, 
    2008. Received in Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Passed Senate with amendment Sept. 29 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008. House agreed to Senate amendment Sept. 
    29, 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved 
    Oct. 13, 2008. Public Law 110-398.
H.R. 6853.--To establish in the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
    the Nationwide Mortgage Fraud Task Force to address mortgage 
    fraud in the United States, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to the Judiciary Sept. 9, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    amended Sept. 22, 2008; Roll No. 618: 350-23. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6855.--To extend the authority for the United States Supreme 
    Court Police to protect court officials off the Supreme Court 
    grounds, and for other purposes. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Sept. 10, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 15, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6859.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 1501 South Slappey Boulevard in Albany, 
    Georgia, as the ``Dr. Walter Carl Gordon, Jr. Post Office 
    Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 
    10, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 6867.--To provide for additional emergency unemployment 
    compensation. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 10, 2008. Rules 
    suspended. Passed House amended Oct. 3, 2008; Roll No. 683: 
    368-28. Received in Senate Nov. 17 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
H.R. 6870.--To ensure that implementation of proposed regulations 
    under subchapter IV of chapter 53 of title 31, United States 
    Code, does not cause harm to the payments system, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Financial Services Sept. 11, 2008. 
    Reported amended Oct. 3, 2008; Rept. 110-910.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 585
H.R. 6874.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 156 Taunton Avenue in Seekonk, 
    Massachusetts, as the ``Lance Corporal Eric Paul Valdepenas 
    Post Office Building''. Referred to Oversight and Government 
    Reform Sept. 11, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House 
    Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 23), 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 13, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-399.
H.R. 6889.--To extend the authority of the Secretary of Education 
    to purchase guaranteed student loans for an additional year, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Education and Labor Sept. 
    15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 15, 2008; Roll 
    No. 591: 368-4. Received in Senate Sept. 16, 2008. Passed 
    Senate Sept. 17, 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 
    2008. Approved Oct. 7, 2008. Public Law 110-350.
H.R. 6890.--To extend the waiver authority for the Secretary of 
    Education under section 105 of subtitle A of title IV of 
    division B of Public Law 109-148, relating to elementary and 
    secondary education hurricane recovery relief. Referred to 
    Education and Labor Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 22, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 22 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 25 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Sept. 29, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6893.--To amend parts B and E of title IV of the Social 
    Security Act to connect and support relative caregivers, 
    improve outcomes for children in foster care, provide for 
    tribal foster care and adoption access, improve incentives for 
    adoption, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means 
    Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 17, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Passed Senate Sept. 22 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    7, 2008. Public Law 110-351.
H.R. 6894.--To extend and reauthorize the Defense Production Act 
    of 1950, and for other purposes. Referred to Financial 
    Services Sept. 15, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 
    23, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 25 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-367.
H.R. 6897.--To authorize the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make 
    certain payments to eligible persons who served in the 
    Philippines during World War II. Referred to Veterans' Affairs 
    Sept. 15, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 22, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008; 
    Roll No. 624: 392-23. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6899 (H. Res. 1433).--To advance the national security 
    interests of the United States by reducing its dependency on 
    oil through renewable and clean, alternative fuel technologies 
    while building a bridge to the future through expanded access 
    to Federal oil and natural gas resources, revising the 
    relationship between the oil and gas industry and the 
    consumers who own those resources and deserve a fair return 
    from the development of publicly owned oil and gas, ending tax 
    subsidies for large oil and gas companies, and facilitating 
    energy efficiencies in the building, housing, and 
    transportation sectors, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Natural Resources and in addition to Energy and Commerce, Ways 
    and Means, Oversight and Government Reform, the Judiciary, 
    Financial Services, Transportation and Infrastructure, the 
    Budget, Rules, Science and Technology, and Foreign Affairs 
    Sept. 15, 2008. Passed House Sept. 16, 2008; Roll No. 599: 
    236-189. Received in Senate Sept. 18 (Legislative day of Sept. 
    17), 2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
H.R. 6901.--To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for 
    the establishment of a drug-free workplace information 
    clearinghouse, to support residential methamphetamine 
    treatment programs for pregnant and parenting women, to 
    improve the prevention and treatment of methamphetamine 
    addiction, and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and 
    Commerce Sept. 15, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    25, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6902.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 513 6th Avenue in Dayton, Kentucky, as the 
    ``Staff Sergeant Nicholas Ray Carnes Post Office''. Referred 
    to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 15, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate 
    Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 6908.--To require that limitations and restrictions on 
    coverage under group health plans be timely disclosed to group 
    health plan sponsors and timely communicated to participants 
    and beneficiaries under such plans in a form that is easily 
    understandable. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to Education and Labor, and Ways and Means Sept. 16, 
    2008. Reported from Energy and Commerce Sept. 23, 2008; Rept. 
    110-870, Pt. I. Education and Labor and Ways and Means 
    discharged Sept. 23, 2008. Union Calendar. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 
    25 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6946.--To make a technical correction in the NET 911 
    Improvement Act of 2008. Referred to Energy and Commerce Sept. 
    18, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 25, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Passed Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 30, 2008. Approved Oct. 
    8, 2008. Public Law 110-368.
H.R. 6947 (S. 3181).--Making appropriations for the Department of 
    Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 
    2009, and for other purposes. Reported from Appropriations 
    Sept. 18, 2008; Rept. 110-862.
 Union Calendar................................................Union 558
H.R. 6950.--To establish the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gift of Life 
    Medal for organ donors and the family of organ donors. 
    Referred to Financial Services and in addition to Energy and 
    Commerce Sept. 18, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules 
    Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 25, 2008; 
    Roll No. 643: 420-1. Received in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6965.--To extend the authorization of the national flood 
    insurance program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services Sept. 18, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House Sept. 23, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6980.--To amend title 38, United States Code, to authorize 
    the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to increase the amount of 
    the Medal of Honor special pension provided under that title 
    by up to $1,000. Referred to Veterans' Affairs Sept. 22, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2008. Received in 
    Senate and referred to Veterans' Affairs Sept. 25 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6982.--To designate the facility of the United States Postal 
    Service located at 210 South Ellsworth Avenue in San Mateo, 
    California, as the ``Leo J. Ryan Post Office Building''. 
    Referred to Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 22, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 10, 2008. Approved Oct. 21, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-447.
H.R. 6983.--To amend section 712 of the Employee Retirement Income 
    Security Act of 1974, section 2705 of the Public Health 
    Service Act, and section 9812 of the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to require equity in the provision of mental health and 
    substance-related disorder benefits under group health plans, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Energy and Commerce and in 
    addition to Education and Labor, and Ways and Means Sept. 22, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 23, 2008; 
    Roll No. 625: 376-47. Received in Senate Sept. 23 (Legislative 
    day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 6984.--To amend title 49, United States Code, to extend 
    authorizations for the airport improvement program, to amend 
    the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend the funding and 
    expenditure authority of the Airport and Airway Trust Fund, 
    and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation and 
    Infrastructure and in addition to Ways and Means Sept. 22, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 23, 2008. Received 
    in Senate and passed Sept. 23 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Presented to the President Sept. 26, 2008. Approved 
    Sept. 30, 2008. Public Law 110-330.
H.R. 6999.--To restructure the Coast Guard Integrated Deepwater 
    Program, and for other purposes. Referred to Transportation 
    and Infrastructure Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 27 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7005.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    alternative minimum tax relief for individuals for 2008. 
    Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 23, 2008. Rules suspended. 
    Passed House Sept. 24, 2008; Roll No. 634: 393-30. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7006.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide 
    disaster assistance relief. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 
    23, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 24, 2008; Roll 
    No. 635: 419-4. Received in Senate Sept. 24 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7017.--To amend Public Law 100-573 to extend the 
    authorization of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreation 
    Area Citizen Advisory Commission. Referred to Natural 
    Resources Sept. 23, 2008. Committee discharged. Passed House 
    amended Sept. 29, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 30 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7060 (H. Res. 1501) (H. Res. 1502).--To amend the Internal 
    Revenue Code of 1986 to provide incentives for energy 
    production and conservation, to extend certain expiring 
    provisions, to provide individual income tax relief, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 25, 2008. 
    Passed House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 649: 257-166. Received 
    in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7081.--To approve the United States-India Agreement for 
    Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, and for other 
    purposes. Referred to Foreign Affairs and in addition to Rules 
    Sept. 25, 2008. Considered under suspension of rules Sept. 26, 
    2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008; Roll No. 
    662: 298-117. Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008; Roll No. 211: 86-13. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 3, 2008. Approved Oct. 8, 2008. Public Law 110-
H.R. 7082.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit 
    the Secretary of the Treasury to disclose certain prisoner 
    return information to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Referred 
    to Ways and Means Sept. 25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 29 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 2 
    (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the 
    President Oct. 6, 2008. Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 
H.R. 7083.--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to enhance 
    charitable giving and improve disclosure and tax 
    administration. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 25, 2008. 
    Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 27, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7084.--To amend section 114 of title 17, United States Code, 
    to provide for agreements for the reproduction and performance 
    of sound recordings by webcasters. Referred to the Judiciary 
    Sept. 25, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House amended Sept. 
    27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 7, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 16, 2008. Public Law 110-435.
H.R. 7110 (H. Res. 1507).--Making supplemental appropriations for 
    job creation and preservation, infrastructure investment, and 
    economic and energy assistance for the fiscal year ending 
    September 30, 2009, and for other purposes. Referred to the 
    Budget Sept. 26, 2008. Referred to Appropriations Sept. 26, 
    2008. Passed House Sept. 26, 2008; Roll No. 660: 264-158. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 26 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. Ordered placed on the calendar Nov. 18, 2008.
H.R. 7112.--To impose sanctions with respect to Iran, to provide 
    for the divestment of assets in Iran by State and local 
    governments and other entities, and to identify locations of 
    concern with respect to transshipment, reexportation, or 
    diversion of certain sensitive items to Iran. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs and in addition to Ways and Means, Financial 
    Services, Oversight and Government Reform, and Intelligence 
    Sept. 26, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 26, 2008. 
    Received in Senate Sept. 27 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
H.R. 7175.--To amend the Small Business Act to improve the section 
    7(a) lending program, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Small Business Sept. 27, 2008. Considered under suspension of 
    rules Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House Sept. 29, 
    2008; Roll No. 675: 374-6. Received in Senate Sept. 30, 2008.
H.R. 7177.--To authorize the transfer of naval vessels to certain 
    foreign recipients, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Foreign Affairs Sept. 27, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed House 
    Sept. 27, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 29 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 15, 2008. Public Law 110-429.
H.R. 7198.--To establish the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Gift of Life 
    Medal for organ donors and the family of organ donors. 
    Referred to Financial Services and in addition to Energy and 
    Commerce Sept. 28, 2008. Committees discharged. Passed House 
    Sept. 29, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day 
    of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed Senate Oct. 1 (Legislative day of 
    Sept. 17), 2008. Presented to the President Oct. 6, 2008. 
    Approved Oct. 14, 2008. Public Law 110-413.
H.R. 7201 (H. Res. 1516).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to provide incentives for energy production and 
    conservation, and for other purposes. Referred to Ways and 
    Means Sept. 28, 2008.
H.R. 7202 (H. Res. 1516).--To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 
    1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, to provide 
    individual income tax relief, and for other purposes. Referred 
    to Ways and Means and in addition to Agriculture, Natural 
    Resources, Energy and Commerce, and Education and Labor Sept. 
    28, 2008.
H.R. 7216.--To amend section 3328 of title 5, United States Code, 
    relating to Selective Service registration. Referred to 
    Oversight and Government Reform Sept. 29, 2008. Committee 
    discharged. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Received in Senate 
    Sept. 30, 2008.
H.R. 7217.--To amend title 40, United States Code, to enhance 
    authorities with regard to real property that has yet to be 
    reported excess, and for other purposes. Referred to Oversight 
    and Government Reform Sept. 29, 2008. Committee discharged. 
    Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Received in Senate Sept. 30, 
H.R. 7221.--To amend the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act to 
    reauthorize the Act, and for other purposes. Referred to 
    Financial Services Sept. 29, 2008. Rules suspended. Passed 
    House amended Oct. 2, 2008; Roll No. 678: 355-61. Received in 
    Senate Nov. 17 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008.
H.R. 7222.--To extend the Andean Trade Preference Act, and for 
    other purposes. Referred to Ways and Means Sept. 29, 2008. 
    Committee discharged. Passed House Sept. 29, 2008. Received in 
    Senate Sept. 30 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 2008. Passed 
    Senate with amendment Oct. 2 (Legislative day of Sept. 17), 
    2008. House agreed to Senate amendment Oct. 3, 2008. Presented 
    to the President Oct. 7, 2008. Approved Oct. 16, 2008. Public 
    Law 110-436.