Max Baucus - United States Senator from Montana


Senator Says Removing Dam Will Protect Blackfoot River

July 24, 2007

(Washington, D.C.) – Montana’s senior U.S. Senator Max Baucus today hailed a decision by the U.S. Forest Service to fully remove the Mike Horse Dam on the Blackfoot River.
 “It’s the right decision,” Baucus said of the announcement. “This is a big win for the Blackfoot River and for all those who work and recreate in the area.”
Baucus was the first statewide elected official in July 2006 to endorse full removal of the dam.
The Forest Service looked at five options for cleaning up the aging dam and dealing with the impounded mine tailings, which are laced with heavy metals and other toxic materials.
Baucus said the dam itself is constructed of toxic mine wastes and the amount of tailings backed up behind the dam structure only increase the urgency of the cleanup.
In a news release, the Forest Service today announced it will proceed with the full removal option. The agency said it will also seek funding for the cleanup from the responsible party – Asarco.
“That’s good because Montana taxpayers shouldn’t be left holding the bag for cleanup,” Baucus said. “I’m pleased to see the Forest Service is going to hold Asarco accountable in footing the bill for this.”
Baucus said the dam already failed once, nearly 30 years ago, and noted “the Blackfoot River is too important to Montanans to risk again on half-measures.”
“Full removal of Mike Horse Dam seems to be the best option to protect the Upper Blackfoot River,” Baucus wrote in a July 20, 2006 letter to Abigail Kimbell, then-head of the U.S. Forest Service Region 1 area.  “Countless Montanans count on the Blackfoot for irrigation water and recreation. We hunt on its shores.  We fish its deep pools.  We take our kids floating down its rapids.  It’s a part of our recreational heritage as Montanans.  Unfortunately, the Mike Horse Dam on the Blackfoot River threatens this gem of the Treasure State.”
Baucus is chairman of the powerful Senate Finance Committee and a senior member of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee.
