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Remembering Their Sacrifices on Memorial Day
By Senator John Sununu (R-NH)

As our men and women in uniform continue the brave and selfless fight to bring freedom to the Iraqi people, we take time this weekend to honor all American soldiers who died while serving in the armed forces. Across New Hampshire and the nation, in tributes large and small, we will remember the sacrifices of the servicemen and women who gave their lives so that others could be free.

Memorial Day events are an expression of our nation’s eternal gratitude for the soldiers who left the comfort of their hometowns for the perils of faraway battlefields. Paying homage to them keeps an ongoing promise to never forget the magnitude of their sacrifice. Simultaneously, these observances serve to bring comfort to those who mourn a friend or loved one who died in uniform.

This Memorial Day, I look forward to visiting with World War II veterans who will be in our nation’s capital for the dedication of the National World War II Memorial on Saturday, May 29. This memorial, located on the National Mall, honors those who served in the armed services during the war as well as civilians who supported the soldiers from the home front. We all are beneficiaries of the heroism of the “Greatest Generation,” and this memorial is a fitting and lasting tribute to their wartime fortitude.

Demand for tickets to the dedication ceremony was overwhelming, and I was honored that Deerfield residents Claude Daley and Dave Mitchell accepted my tickets and will be present for this special event. Daley, who served in the U.S. Navy’s amphibious forces during World War II, is currently the Commander of American Legion Post 103 in Deerfield, and Mitchell is the oldest enlisted soldier in the U.S. Army, and is on active duty at Fort Belvoir, Va.

Additionally, Laconia resident Ellis Howard helped to organize a Capitol Hill reception for the Plankowners of the USS Bashaw, a submarine that was in service in the Pacific during World War II. Howard, a veteran of World War II who served on the submarine, is to be commended for helping to organize this reunion.

The World War II Memorial’s dedication will be among thousands of Memorial Day services throughout the country. In city downtown areas and town squares across New Hampshire, many will gather to remember the courageous soldiers who died fighting tyranny so that others might live in freedom. These men and women were prepared to embody our state’s “live free or die” spirit to protect liberty in America, and to bring about peace in the world.

We mark their sacrifices with parades and in reverent ceremonies. The graves of thousands of war dead will be appropriately adorned with flowers and American flags. Family, friends, and comrades will reminisce fondly about those who died in uniform – and will find solace in the fact that their deaths were for a noble purpose greater than themselves. Our ability to gather in peace is the result of the bravery of those who died in service.

We, again, remain mindful of the soldiers currently serving our nation in uniform. Like millions before them, they are fighting to keep America safe and to promote freedom in the world. Like generations before us, we will keep our promise to support our country’s troops – and will remember their bravery.

To learn about ways to show your support for our troops in Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan and in other places, visit, Also, to learn more about the World War II Memorial, visit



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Berlin, NH 03570
(603) 752-6074
FAX (603) 752-6423

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Claremont, NH 03743
(603) 542-4872
FAX (603) 542-6582
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(603) 647-7500
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(603) 577-8960
FAX (603) 577-8965
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(603) 430-9560
FAX (603) 430-0058
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(202) 224-2841
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