Committee on Science, Democratic Caucus
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Committee on Science, Democratic Caucus

Hearing :: 5/12/2008 :: STEM Education Before High School: Shaping our Future Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Leaders of Tomorrow by Inspiring our Children Today

Opening Statement By Rep. Mike Ross

I would like to first thank Chairman Gordon and Ranking Member Hall for holding today’s hearing and all of the witnesses who have come today to discuss Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education, also known as STEM education.   I would also like to thank all of you for attending today and for your service and dedication to our children’s education.  It is an honor to be here to discuss this important topic and I am hopeful that today’s hearing can provide a forum to discuss ways that we can work together to encourage our youth to pursue these fields of study. 

As the son of two public school educators and the father of two children attending public schools and universities, I have seen first hand how important our education system is and I strongly believe that providing America’s children with a world class public education is critical to our nation’s future.   Decades ago when President Kennedy worked to put a man on the moon, our nation’s investment in research, technology, and education was unprecedented.  This resulted in raising a new generation of innovators.  I believe that we can do that again by supporting and encouraging major investments in STEM education.  Today’s students will be tomorrow’s innovators, which will help strengthen our economy, create new jobs here at home, and help America compete in this new global economy.

STEM education is responsible for our nation’s technologically proficient workers, as well as our scientists and engineers, who will keep our nation on the cutting edge.  As a member of the House Science and Technology Committee and the House STEM Education Caucus, I am personally involved with these issues on a daily basis.   However, I am proud to help host this hearing today to foster more discussion on the local level about STEM Education and the possibilities that it can bring.

As many of you know, our nation’s future competitiveness in the global economy depends upon the ability of our schools to prepare students in mathematics and the sciences and I am hopeful that today’s hearing can help us determine the best ways to shape and inspire those leaders of tomorrow.  Again, thank you all for coming today and for participating in this important discussion.



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