From the Office of Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger
Maryland's 2nd District

DECEMBER 15, 2003

Contact Information
Heather Moeder Molino

Statement by Congressman Ruppersberger About the Capture of Saddam Hussein

Washington, DC - Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) released the following statement about the capture of the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein.

"The capture of Saddam Hussein is great news for the United States of America and for our troops fighting for our country in Iraq. The heroic discovery of this brutal dictator is a huge morale boost for our men and women in uniform. It shows the perseverance of the United States but our mission in Iraq is far from over. We should still expect additional violence in the near future. We need to continue our work to secure the country, create a democratic government, and give the country back to the people of Iraq," said Congressman Ruppersberger.

"The Iraqi people can rejoice in the fact that they will never have to fear the vicious wrath of Saddam Hussein ever again," said Congressman Ruppersberger.

"I am confident that Saddam Hussein's capture will help us gather additional human intelligence so we can find out who is attacking and killing our troops. I believe we need to stop the search for weapons of mass destruction and redeploy our resources and focus our efforts on gathering more of this intelligence to protect our men and women in uniform. I believe we should put together an Iraqi commission that can search for weapons of mass destruction in their country," said Congressman Ruppersberger.

"I am also hopeful that Saddam Hussein's capture will help us bring together a broad coalition of countries to rebuild Iraq. I believe that is incredibly important for the success of our mission," said Congressman Ruppersberger.

Congressman Ruppersberger is a member of the House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence. This statement reflects his personal views and does not represent the views of the committee.