Friday, May 25, 2007 [[Page D753]] Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Routine Proceedings, pages S6927-S6970 Measures Introduced: Eight bills and two resolutions were introduced, as follows: S. 1530-1537, S.J. Res. 15, and S. Con. Res. 34. Pages S6953-54 Measures Passed: Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act: Senate passed S. 398, to amend the Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act to identify and remove barriers to reducing child abuse, to provide for examinations of certain children, after agreeing to the following amendment proposed thereto: Pages S6965-67 Reid (for Dorgan) Amendment No. 1256, to modify the conforming amendments section. Pages S6965-67 Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act: Senate passed S. 1532, to extend tax relief to the residents and businesses of an area with respect to which a major disaster has been declared by the President under section 410 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (FEMA-1699-DR) by reason of severe storms and tornados beginning on May 4, 2007, and determined by the President to warrant individual or individual and public assistance from the Federal Government under such Act. Pages S6967-68 Senate Gift Shop Revolving Fund: Senate passed S. 1537, to authorize the transfer of certain funds from the Senate Gift Shop Revolving Fund to the Senate Employee Child Care Center. Pages S6968-69 Measures Considered: Comprehensive Immigration Reform: Senate continued consideration of S. 1348, to provide for comprehensive immigration reform, and taking action on the following amendments proposed thereto: Pages S6928-49 Pending: Reid (for Kennedy/Specter) Amendment No. 1150, in the nature of a substitute. Page S6928 Grassley/DeMint Amendment No. 1166 (to Amendment No. 1150), to clarify that the revocation of an alien's visa or other documentation is not subject to judicial review. Page S6928 Cornyn Modified Amendment No. 1184 (to Amendment No. 1150), to establish a permanent bar for gang members, terrorists, and other criminals. Page S6928 Dodd/Menendez Amendment No. 1199 (to Amendment No. 1150), to increase the number of green cards for parents of United States citizens, to extend the duration of the new parent visitor visa, and to make penalties imposed on individuals who overstay such visas applicable only to such individuals. Page S6928 Menendez Amendment No. 1194 (to Amendment No. 1150), to modify the deadline for the family backlog reduction. Page S6928 McConnell Amendment No. 1170 (to Amendment No. 1150), to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require individuals voting in person to present photo identification. Page S6928 Feingold Amendment No. 1176 (to Amendment No. 1150), to establish commissions to review the facts and circumstances surrounding injustices suffered by European Americans, European Latin Americans, and Jewish refugees during World War II. Page S6928 Durbin/Grassley Amendment No. 1231 (to Amendment No. 1150), to ensure that employers make efforts to recruit American workers. Page S6928 Sessions Amendment No. 1234 (to Amendment No. 1150), to save American taxpayers up to $24 billion in the 10 years after passage of this Act, by preventing the earned income tax credit, which is, according to the Congressional Research Service, the largest anti-poverty entitlement program of the Federal Government, from being claimed by Y temporary workers or illegal aliens given status by this Act until they adjust to legal permanent resident status. Page S6928 Sessions Amendment No. 1235 (to Amendment No. 1150), to save American taxpayers up to $24 billion in the 10 years after passage of this Act, by preventing the earned income tax credit, which is, according to the Congressional Research Service, the [[Page D754]] largest anti-poverty entitlement program of the Federal Government, from being claimed by Y temporary workers or illegal aliens given status by this Act until they adjust to legal permanent resident status. Page S6928 Lieberman Amendment No. 1191 (to Amendment No. 1150), to provide safeguards against faulty asylum procedures and to improve conditions of detention. Page S6928 Cornyn (for Allard) Amendment No. 1189 (to Amendment No. 1150), to eliminate the preference given to people who entered the United States illegally over people seeking to enter the country legally in the merit-based evaluation system for visas. Page S6928 Cornyn Amendment No. 1250 (to Amendment No. 1150), to address documentation of employment and to make an amendment with respect to mandatory disclosure of information. Pages S6928-33 Salazar (for Clinton) Modified Amendment No. 1183 (to Amendment No. 1150), to reclassify the spouses and minor children of lawful permanent residents as immediate relatives. Pages S6933, S6945 Salazar (for Obama/Menendez) Amendment No. 1202 (to Amendment No. 1150), to provide a date on which the authority of the section relating to the increasing of American competitiveness through a merit-based evaluation system for immigrants shall be terminated. Pages S6933-36 A unanimous-consent agreement was reached proving that Senate resume consideration of the bill at approximately 3:30 p.m., on Monday, June 4, 2007. Page S6969 Authorizing Leadership To Make Appointments--Agreement: A unanimous- consent agreement was reached providing that, notwithstanding the recess or adjournment of the Senate, the President of the Senate, the President of the Senate Pro Tempore, and the Majority and Minority Leaders be authorized to make appointments to commissions, committees, boards, conferences, or interparliamentary conferences authorized by law, by concurrent action of the two Houses, or by order of the Senate. Page S6965 Authority for Committees--Agreement: A unanimous-consent agreement was reached providing that, notwithstanding a recess/adjournment of the Senate, all committees be authorized to file legislative and executive reports on Thursday, May 31, 2007, from 10 a.m. until 12 noon. Page S6965 Nominations Confirmed: Senate confirmed the following nominations: Katherine Almquist, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Gregory B. Cade, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the United States Fire Administration, Department of Homeland Security. Thomas E. Harvey, of New York, to be an Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs (Congressional Affairs). Douglas Menarchik, of Texas, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Mario Mancuso, of New York, to be Under Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration. Paul J. Bonicelli, of Virginia, to be an Assistant Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development. Steven Jeffrey Isakowitz, of Virginia, to be Chief Financial Officer, Department of Energy. Janis Herschkowitz, of Pennsylvania, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Consumer Cooperative Bank for a term of three years. Nguyen Van Hanh, of California, to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the National Consumer Cooperative Bank for a term of three years. Cynthia Allen Wainscott, of Georgia, to be a Member of the National Council on Disability for a term expiring September 17, 2008. Douglas G. Myers, of California, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board for a term expiring December 6, 2011. Jeffrey Patchen, of Indiana, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board for a term expiring December 6, 2011. Lotsee Patterson, of Oklahoma, to be a Member of the National Museum and Library Services Board for a term expiring December 6, 2011. Mark P. Lagon, of Virginia, to be Director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking, with the rank of Ambassador at Large. Phillip Carter, III, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Guinea. Hans G. Klemm, of Michigan, to be Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Timor Leste. Stephen W. Porter, of the District of Columbia, to be a Member of the National Council on the Arts for a term expiring September 3, 2012. Janet E. Garvey, of Massachusetts, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Cameroon. R. Niels Marquardt, of California, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Madagascar, and to serve concurrently and without additional compensation as Ambassador to the Union of Comoros. Miriam K. Hughes, of Florida, to be Ambassador to the Federated States of Micronesia. Michael K. Kussman, of Massachusetts, to be Under Secretary for Health of the Department of Veterans Affairs. [[Page D755]] James R. Keith, of Virginia, to be Ambassador to Malaysia. Cameron R. Hume, of New York, to be Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia. Ravic Rolf Huso, of Hawaii, to be Ambassador to the Lao People's Democratic Republic. 2 Air Force nominations in the rank of general. 8 Army nominations in the rank of general. 3 Marine Corps nominations in the rank of general. 41 Navy nominations in the rank of admiral. Routine lists in the Air Force, Army, Foreign Service, Navy. Pages S6964, S6969-70 Nomination Received: Senate received the following nomination: 1 Air Force nomination in the rank of general. Page S6969 Messages from the House: Page S6953 Measures Placed on the Calendar: Pages S6927, S6953 Measures Held at the Desk: Page S6953 Measures Read the First Time: Page S6953 Additional Cosponsors: Page S6954 Statements on Introduced Bills/Resolutions: Page S6955 Additional Statements: Pages S6952-53 Amendments Submitted: Page S6963 Adjournment: Senate convened at 9:30 a.m, on Friday, May 25, 2007, and adjourned pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. Res. 158, at 1:28 p.m., until 2:30 p.m., on Monday, June 4, 2007. (For Senate's program, see the remarks of the Majority Leader in today's Record on page S6969.) Committee Meetings No committee meetings were held. House of Representatives Chamber Action The House was not in session today. The House will meet at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, 2007, pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. Res. 158. Committee Meetings No committee meetings were held. NEW PUBLIC LAWS (For last listing of Public Laws, see Daily Digest, p. D666) H.R. 988, to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 5757 Tilton Avenue in Riverside, California, as the ``Lieutenant Todd Jason Bryant Post Office''. Signed on May 25, 2007 (Public Law 110-27). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD (USPS 087ÿ09390). The Periodicals postage is paid at Washington, D.C. The public proceedings of each House of Congress, as reported by the Official Reporters thereof, are printed pursuant to directions of the Joint Committee on Printing as authorized by appropriate provisions of Title 44, United States Code, and published for each day that one or both Houses are in session, excepting very infrequent instances when two or more unusually small consecutive issues are printed one time. 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Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 p.m., Tuesday, June 5 House Chamber Program for Tuesday: To be announced. _______________________________________________________________________ Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue HOUSE Altmire, Jason, Pa., E1163 Baird, Brian, Wash., E1158 Bilbray, Brian P., Calif., E1151 Blackburn, Marsha, Tenn., E1169 Blumenauer, Earl, Ore., E1147, E1166 Blunt, Roy, Mo., E1152 Bonner, Jo, Ala., E1145, E1150, E1153, E1157, E1160, E1174, E1178, E1179 Bordallo, Madeleine Z., Guam, E1171, E1175 Brady, Robert A., Pa., E1153, E1170, E1174 Burgess, Michael C., Tex., E1148 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E1154 Conyers, John, Jr., Mich., E1162, E1180 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1155 Costello, Jerry F., Ill., E1149 Crowley, Joseph, N.Y., E1151 Davis, Jo Ann, Va., E1169 Davis, Lincoln, Tenn., E1148 Davis, Susan A., Calif., E1162 Davis, Tom, Va., E1156 Ehlers, Vernon J., Mich., E1164 Ellison, Kieth, Minn., E1163 English, Phil, Pa., E1155 Etheridge, Bob, N.C., E1167 Faleomavaega, Eni F.H., American Samoa, E1148 Filner, Bob, Calif., E1174, E1177 Frelinghuysen, Rodney P., N.J., E1159 Garrett, Scott, N.J., E1154 Gonzalez, Charles A., Tex., E1168 Gordon, Bart, Tenn., E1164 Granger, Kay, Tex., E1145, E1153, E1173, E1177, E1179 Green, Al, Tex., E1167 Green, Gene, Tex., E1164 Hastings, Alcee L., Fla., E1173, E1177, E1178 Holt, Rush D., N.J., E1155 Hoyer, Steny H., Md., E1162 Issa, Darrell E., Calif., E1156 Johnson, Eddie Bernice, Tex., E1151 Kanjorski, Paul E., Pa., E1170, E1174 Kildee, Dale E., Mich., E1171, E1175 King, Peter T., N.Y., E1160 LaHood, Ray, Ill., E1156 Lamborn, Doug, Colo., E1159 Lampson, Nick, Tex., E1157 Lantos, Tom, Calif., E1172, E1176, E1179, E1180 Larson, John B., Conn., E1150 Lee, Barbara, Calif., E1172, E1176, E1180 Lewis, John, Ga., E1171, E1175 Lipinski, Daniel, Ill., E1156, E1162 LoBiondo, Frank A., N.J., E1146 McCollum, Betty, Minn., E1170 Maloney, Carolyn B., N.Y., E1148, E1161 Meek, Kendrick B., Fla., E1158 Miller, Jeff, Fla., E1146 Mitchell, Harry E., Ariz., E1149, E1163 Moore, Dennis, Kans., E1173, E1177, E1179 Moran, James P., Va., E1164, E1168 Moran, Jerry, Kans., E1159, E1172, E1176 Musgrave, Marilyn N., Colo., E1154 Norton, Eleanor Holmes, D.C., E1166 Pitts, Joseph R., Pa., E1146 Porter, Jon C., Nev., E1145, E1150, E1153, E1157, E1160, E1174, E1178, E1180 Pryce, Deborah, Ohio, E1160 Rangel, Charles B., N.Y., E1155 Ross, Mike, Ark., E1147 Rush, Bobby L., Ill., E1152 Sali, Bill, Idaho, E1146, E1153 Sanchez, Loretta, Calif., E1154 Scott, David, Ga., E1148 Sestak, Joe, Pa., E1163 Shuster, Bill, Pa., E1169 Smith, Adrian, Nebr., E1151 Solis, Hilda L., Calif., E1161 Stupak, Bart, Mich., E1149 Tancredo, Thomas G., Colo., E1161 Taylor, Gene, Miss., E1145 Thompson, Bennie G., Miss., E1169 Tiahrt, Todd, Kans., E1172, E1175 Tiberi, Patrick J., Ohio, E1156 Turner, Michael R., Ohio, E1159 Udall, Tom, N.M., E1152 Van Hollen, Chris, Md., E1157 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1167 Wexler, Robert, Fla., E1166 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1151