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Highlights Progress on Valley’s First VA Hospital, Outpatient Clinic, Long Term Care Facility

(Las Vegas—August 12, 2008) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and VA Secretary James Peake today toured the site of the Valley’s new VA medical complex.  Berkley, who invited the Secretary to visit the facility, used the tour as an opportunity to highlight the progress that is being made on the new VA hospital, outpatient clinic and long term care facility which will serve the needs of Nevada veterans, including those returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.  As a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Berkley worked to successfully secure the funding needed for construction of the VA medical complex and the land to house the facility.   

 “I am proud of the progress that has been made on our new VA medical complex and I am honored that the Secretary accepted my invitation and took the time to visit the site.   It was important for Secretary Peake to see for himself what’s already been accomplished and to hear from those involved in planning and construction, as well as from local veterans who will utilize the services provided at the VA medical complex.  More than 250,000 veterans already call southern Nevada home and these brave men and women -- who served our nation in the armed forces -- deserve the very best care and that is exactly what this trio of facilities will enable the VA to provide,” said Berkley.         

Berkley has been meeting regularly with VA officials in Washington, DC and with the project’s architects and engineers in Las Vegas to ensure all resources are in place for completion of the medical complex, which is set to open its doors in early 2011.

“Southern Nevada’s veteran population continues to expand at such a rapid pace that a full service medical complex is the only way to meet their growing healthcare needs, “ Berkley said. “Our current VA healthcare system relies on multiple clinics that make it difficult for veterans to get the services they are seeking without having to travel from location to location.  Not to mention those veterans who are sent by the VA to California and other states to receive the care they need to stay healthy.  That is why these facilities cannot open soon enough and I know our local veterans are looking forward to being able to get their healthcare in one convenient location.”

As a Member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Berkley has been instrumental in securing resources to serve the nearly 250,000 vets who live in the Silver State, including $600 million in funding for the new VA medical center.  Berkley also authored and passed the legislation that transferred nearly 150 acres of federal BLM land in southern Nevada for the new VA medical complex.

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