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September 12, 2008: Troy Anthony Davis Denied Clemency, Rep. John Lewis Responds
“I was profoundly saddened to hear that the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Paroles did not extend clemency to Troy Anthony Davis.  There are so many unanswered questions in this case, so many witnesses who have recanted their testimony, so much that would lead any reasonable person to doubt the case against this man.

“I do not know Troy Anthony Davis.  I cannot say whether he is guilty or innocent.  What I can say is that as a society we must ask ourselves whether any human being should be put to death based on the weakened evidence available in this case. 

“In Georgia, the punishment for some crimes is death.  But what price does a society pay for the death of an innocent man?   Officer Mark Allen McPhail gave his life for the cause of justice.  I question whether even he would see this execution in the face of so much doubt as a fitting punishment for his homicide.

“Anytime we destroy another human being, a part of our humanity dies a little. It is my hope and my prayer that the state of Georgia is not making a mistake, the final mistake, the ultimate mistake. Once someone is put to death, there is no chance to undo any damage that was done.“

This whole story is a tragedy.  My prayers are with the family of Officer McPhail and also with Troy Anthony Davis, his legal team, and family.   This is a case that should disturb the conscience of us all.”

Rep. Lewis appeared before the Georgia State Board of Pardons and Parole on behalf of Mr. Davis when his execution was stayed in July 2007, and he submitted a letter to the board today in support of clemency for Troy Anthony Davis.


Brenda Jones
(202) 226 - 4673

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