Contact: Abigail Shilling (202) 225-7761

Reichert Statement on the Anniversary of the 9/11 Attacks

Dave among other members at the commemoration of 9/11

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Washington, D.C., Sep 11 -

Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) issued the following statement today on the seventh anniversary of the September 11 attacks:


“For all Americans, the memory of September 11, 2001, will always be etched in our memory. We remember where we were, what we were doing, and the sense of shock, sadness and uncertainty about our country’s safety. We also felt a sense of pride and community. We remember the quick response of the brave law enforcement, firefighters, first responders and citizen heroes who responded to the scenes that day without hesitation. Many of them running into buildings to save others, giving their own lives. We think of their loved ones and their sacrifices; their memory and their bravery will never be forgotten.


“And in that same spirit, we thank our first responders and our military serving here in the U.S. and across the globe, protecting this nation from threats that still exist today. Because of their service and sacrifice, we are free. They are unwavering in their commitment to our safety and independence and we remain committed to them, and must never take our freedom for granted.

Photo: Dave attends the ceremony at the U.S. Capitol commemorating 9/11. More photos of the ceremony are available at High resolution photos are available upon request.


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