Dave’s Blog

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FEMA Legislation Has Made a Difference
Sep 16, 2008  - Two years ago, the House passed comprehensive legislation reforming the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), approximately one year past the one-name tragedy known as Katrina. Following heart-breaking images during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and then Hurricane Rita, Americans were un... More

Wilderness bill gains momentum
Sep 15, 2008  - Great news on my wilderness bill! We’ve gained another Washington State cosponsor, Adam Smith, who agreed Friday morning to sign onto the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Additions and Wild Pratt River Act. Rep. Smith joins with Reps. Jay Inslee, Norm Dicks, and Jim McDermott to support this important bill. ... More

Today: Economy Op-Ed in Puget Sound Business Journal
Aug 8, 2008  - Today, my opinion piece submitted “In defense of free markets” appeared in the Puget Sound Business Journal. After reading an earlier editorial piece published earlier in July suggesting more government regulation and rule-making in times of economic uncertainty, I responded:   The econo... More

Reichert legislation on the House floor today
Jul 29, 2008  - Congressman Reichert’s bill, H.R. 6098, the PRICE (Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence Cooperation and Enhancement) of Homeland Security Act, will be debated on the House Floor around 10:45 a.m. pacific time. For more information, I’ve provided links below to the most recent press release on ... More

Quit the Impeachment Game
Jul 18, 2008  - On a list of issues that Congress should be spending tax-payer funded time on, Mr. Kucinich’s resolution to impeach the President is not one of them.   As one of the nine Republicans crossing party lines yesterday on the vote moving Rep. Dennis Kucinich’s impeachment resolution to the Judicia... More

Wrap up from district work period
Jul 17, 2008  - Now that we’ve had a chance to settle in from the Fourth of July district work period, I wanted to share some of my experience with you. It was a pleasure to be able to attend the 24th annual Naturalization Ceremony at the Seattle Center. Click here to see the coverage from KIRO TV. To be able to se... More

Improving the DNA backlog
Jul 17, 2008  - As a former law enforcement officer, I continue to remain committed to ensuring that our police forces have all the tools necessary to do their job. On Monday, Congress passed legislation that provides funding for the Debbie Smith DNA Backlog Grant program.   This program will increase the c... More

My Independence Day Message to Our Veterans
Jul 3, 2008  - This weekend, we'll be celebrating our nation's Independence Day. Please take a moment to thank our veterans and our troops - they are the reason that we are free. You can view my Independence Day message here: Have a Happy and Safe Independence Day! More

An answer for the victims of the Exxon Valdez
Jun 25, 2008  - (cross-posted from the Hill's Congress Blog) My message to ExxonMobil today:  the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken. I am sad to hear that the amount of money owed to the victims of the Exxon Valdez spill has been reduced. These innocent Americans have suffered two tragedies; first being the vi... More

GAO Upholds Boeing's Protest!
Jun 19, 2008  - Yesterday we received the news that the GAO upheld Boeing's protest! The delegation came together for a press conference:       and I put out a statement on the news: “Today’s GAO decision confirms what Boeing and other supporters have been saying all along, that the Air For... More

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