House Passes Energy Bill, Reichert Says “A Step Forward, but More Must be Done”
September 16, 2008  - Congressman Dave Reichert (WA-08) voted today to move much-needed energy legislation forward. The House passed H.R. 6899, the Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act. Reichert made the following statement:   “For Congress to listen to the American people and pass e... More

FEMA Legislation Has Made a Difference
September 16, 2008  - Two years ago, the House passed comprehensive legislation reforming the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), approximately one year past the one-name tragedy known as Katrina. Following heart-breaking images during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and then Hurricane Rita, Americans were un... More

Wilderness bill gains momentum
September 15, 2008  - Great news on my wilderness bill! We’ve gained another Washington State cosponsor, Adam Smith, who agreed Friday morning to sign onto the Alpine Lakes Wilderness Additions and Wild Pratt River Act. Rep. Smith joins with Reps. Jay Inslee, Norm Dicks, and Jim McDermott to support this important bill. ... More

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