Free and Fair Trade

"In this time of economic uncertainty, it is more important than ever to enact measures that grow our economy and create jobs for American workers...I'm an ardent supporter of free and fair trade, first and foremost because I have witnessed the economic benefits that trade delivers to Washington state. Washington is one of the most trade-dependent states in the nation, with one out of three jobs tied to trade." - Dave Reichert, in The Seattle Times, 4/10/2008


Congressman Reichert is committed to advancing the trade measures needed to grow our economy, create jobs, and improve our relations with global partners.


Washington State is the most trade-dependent state in the nation, with trade accounting for 1 out of every 3 jobs in our state.  The Eighth District integrates many of our nation’s leading technology innovators with a vibrant and highly productive small business community, and opening new global markets gives our companies incentives to improve their products, produce more goods, and employ more American workers.


§         Advocate for the passage of free trade agreements with Panama, Colombia, and Korea, which have the potential to bring billions of dollars and thousands of new jobs into our state’s economy.

§         Supported free trade agreements with Central America, Oman, Bahrain, and Peru.

§         Supported additional funding for Trade Adjustment Assistance, which helps workers whose jobs were displaced by trade.

§         Met with Treasury Secretary Paulson and Korean Ambassador Lee Tae-Sik to promote trade agreements that benefit Washington State

What is a Free Trade Agreement?

An agreement reached between trading partners to allow the exchange of goods and services without the burden of duties or tariffs. Without a free trade agreement, a country is effectively taxed for their exported goods and services.


Washington is one of the highest exporters in the country, with companies like Boeing, Microsoft and Starbucks sending their products and providing their services all over the world.


What are the benefits of free trade?

§         Grows our economy by opening new markets for U.S. businesses and farms to export their products.

§         Creates jobs.  Increased exports demands increased production and the workforce necessary to achieve it.

§         Strengthens diplomatic relations with foreign allies.

§         Keeps America competitive in the global economy.


What are the benefits of free trade in Washington State?

§         Washington is the most trade-dependent state in the country.

§         One in three jobs in our state is connected to trade.

§         We export more than $66 billion in goods and services annually to over 200 foreign destinations.

§         More information and specific statistics:

Trade Caucus Membership

U.S. Trade Working Group

Read More:

Colombia Free-Trade Pact Should be Approved
(Op-ed in The Seattle Times 04/10/08)

Related Documents:

Reichert: New Local Trade Data Shows Surging Exports; Imperative for Congress to Act on Trade Agreements Now (Press Releases - 7.14.2008)

Reichert Letter to the Editor: Talk Trade (Letter to the Editor - 7.10.2008)

Indianapolis Star: How to mend Latin American relations (Articles - 6.26.2008)

Still hoping for trade agreements (Blog - 5.22.2008)

Editorial, Washington Post: Mr. Uribe's Send-Off (Articles - 5.15.2008)

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Related Files:

Reichert: Promoting Free Trade (July 2008)

Trade: Letter to Governor Gregoire on Colombia Free Trade Agreement (4-09-2008)

Trade: Delegation letter to Pelosi on the Colombia Free Trade Agreement (4-09-2008)

Trade: Delegation letter to Pelosi on the Korea Free Trade Agreement (5-14-2008)

Franked Mail: Economy and Taxes 2008

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