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U.S. Senator Jim DeMint
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Responsible Immigration Reform
05/14/2007 - 10:43:11 AM
Enacting responsible immigration reform starts by putting politics aside and legislating on principle. Anything short of this is unacceptable.

Senator DeMint makes this point today in his Real Clear Politics column. DeMint applies a four-pronged test to immigration reform legislation. Responsible immigration reform legislation will address the following four principles:
First, national security must be our number one priority. This requires improvements in border security and workplace enforcement.

Second, immigration must be a net gain for our country, not a net loss. This requires attracting those with the skills and enterprise, creating a responsible temporary guest worker program, and putting responsible limits on the burdens immigrants place on American taxpayers.

Third, we must not grant amnesty. Illegal immigrants cannot be given legal permanent residency or citizenship without first returning to their home country and getting right with the law.

Fourth, we must strengthen assimilation, which has always been the strength of America. The traditional American melting pot immigration process is not what it once was. We must again teach immigrants what it truly means to be an American citizen, and that includes speaking our common language.
Read the whole column here.
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