

As a former serviceman, Congressman Knollenberg has long understood and respected the important contributions made to our country by our veterans. Honoring our commitment as a nation to the men and women who have volunteered to defend our freedom remains one of his top legislative priorities.

Each year Congress votes on many pieces of legislation that benefit our veterans. From improving their health benefits to educating veterans on available programs, there are many ways we can improve the quality of life for our veterans. Veterans from all walks of life count on the federal government for support and Congressman Knollenberg has led the fight to ensure our government is meeting its obligation to those who have served.

Our most vulnerable veterans are those that were disabled during their tenure in the military. The government will always have a duty to care for these men and women. Recently, Congressman Knollenberg has strongly advocated for an annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for the benefits of disabled veterans. Currently disabled veterans do not automatically receive a COLA for their benefits. Congressman Knollenberg supports an annual automatic increase for disabled veterans in order to keep their benefits relevant and their purchasing power equal to the cost-of-living.

Congressman Knollenberg has been honored to sit with veterans who have most recently seen the rigors of the War on Terrorism. Their commitment to our country has further inspired his commitment to our veterans. There are approximately 47,000 veterans in Michigan’s Ninth Congressional District. Each of these individuals has a story and a past that makes our military what it is today. That is why Congressman Knollenberg supports the Library of Congress’ “Veterans History Project.” This program allows veterans to tell their story and have it placed on record in the Library of Congress. There is no better way to remember each and every veteran than to have their story live on through U.S. archives.

Related Documents:

Article - Knollenberg Statement on Memorial Day 5.23.2008

Press Release - Knollenberg Passes Resolution Establishing National Support the Troops Day on March 26 3.13.2008

Article - Knollenberg wants Iraqi government to step up to the plate 3.18.2007

Press Release - Support our Troops Rally 3.16.2007

Press Release - Knollenberg Talks Autos, Iraq and Health Care during District Work Period 2.25.2007

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