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9 result(s) for the search term: Jobs

07.14.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Wilmington Families and DHL »
07.10.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about DHL and Wilmington »
06.25.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks to Wilmington area families »
06.25.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Minimum Wage »
06.17.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about unemployment insurance »
05.20.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Unemployment Insurance »
05.13.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about the Public Safety Officers Collective Bargaining Act »
04.28.08 video_upload Senator Brown speaks on the Senate floor about Jobs and Unemployment »
03.17.08 video_upload Senate Democrats Talk Middle Class, Featuring Senator Brown »
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